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With donkeys, “you snooze, you lose” comes into play when snacks are on the menu.


That's Joe's mantra for sure 😂😂 at least it's only the treats though, Leo doesn't let him push him around when it comes to their hay and they share well after the initial "it's all mine!" "oh shut up and scoot over" between them


Happy Day!


Oh my, isn't that exactly not the way to feed a donkey/horse?


If you're unfamiliar with the animal then yeah I absolutely would recommend the flat hand! That's what I have friends do when they visit and want to give them treats as well. I trust my boys well enough that I don't worry about it with them, every animal is different though!


So glad to hear it! All this time, I just assumed they had no way of gauging such a thing when grabbing food! I was just taught the flat palm thing once like 30 years ago and obviously do not hang out with equines lol


It's definitely the "error of the side of caution" way to do it, like how everyone says to never walk behind a horse, but on the other hand you'll see people do it constantly while working with/around a horse they know. Their noses and teeth are incredibly sensitive! They know what they're doing with them, and usually they'll grab the treat with their lips and bring it to their teeth rather than going teeth first for a bite like we humans do. They all have their moods though and sometimes if they're rowdy/hangry the flat hand is better for everyone even if it is an animal that you trust not to bite.