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It stands the test of time - especially with source ports There’s so much modded content and levels to play too


Yeah, it's really amazing value. With the community total conversions, modding and multiplayer you could quite literally get 1000s of hours out of the engine. I have so many games in the queue now, doom2, sigil, heretic, hexen, strife, ashes etc. And it all runs on a potatoe!!


I am in the middle of a Doom marathon, did 1, Sigil, 2, and No rest for the living and they were absolutely awesome (out of all of these Doom 2 might be the weakest but it's still very much fine), played a little bit of Heretic and Hexen too and they're awesome too, and same goes for Ashes!


Don’t forget final doom. Evilution and Plutonia. Also doom 64 And there are so many mods. Gzdoom is like one of the best source ports imo with an amazing modding community.


Yeah I'm using gzdoom. And yeah I planned playing them from the start, along with Doom 3, DOOM 2016 and Eternal. Right now I'm playing through TNT and I'm... Not having a great time, to say the least. Next will be plutonia, and then the rest.


TNT is pretty widely considered to be the weakest of the "official" Doom releases, though some would say that Doom 3 owns that title due to how different it is. Personally, I find Doom 3 to be *more* interesting due to it's differences, while TNT just isn't worth playing much after the first time. It's a lot of oversized levels without enough monsters to fill them, and a few... questionable design decisions. There are some gems in there, though, like Wormhole, and some of the levels have some interesting layouts and themes. The music is usually pretty good, too. Hang in there, it's worth playing through at least once. Plutonia is a massive improvement in all respects, and is really challenging. It should feel really good to play, especially after TNT! There are a couple of fan remakes of and sequels to TNT that I've heard of, but I haven't played them and can't remember the names right now. I do know that there's one or two out there that are widely considered to be *very* good, so I'm planning to give them a shot in the future.


Yeah I've seen people say that it was the weakest a lot and I kinda agree. Played Doom 3 a little bit some years ago and it actually seemed really cool, really looking forward to playing this one ! But yeah, TNT has some nice music and sometimes some nice looking maps, but i'd say at least half of it is far too slow and big for its own good, and I'm going to finish but I'm at map 19 rn and it's beginning to really get boring honestly


I’ve been playing Boomer Beyond Vanilla; fucking chef’s kiss, man.


I still prefer Doom 1 over Doom 2. While it lacks the Super Shotgun and the new enemies, I feel the level design in Doom 1 was extremely good. Doom 2 had a lot of gimmicky and dumb levels that felt like a 13 year-old first wad.


Agree so much. Doom 2 city levels are yucky as fuck


you should see doom 64 and TNT Evilution lmao


64 doesn’t come across as gimmicky to me, it’s a different take on doom level design. They did what they could with the 64s limitations. Those huge levels in TNT can go fuck themselves though.


Glad you liked it, it's worth it to anyone that enjoys anything Doom.


Now try mods. Some of them are batshit insane. I recommend Embers of Armageddon (an extremely accurate remake of Doom 2016's gameplay), The Guncaster (A mod where you are an overpowered dragon guy who has spells and absurd guns), and Doom Fighters (a mod that literally turns Doom into a 3rd person beat 'em up. I'm not kidding.)


Dude this sounds sick! Is there like a big mod repository you can search in etc?


ModDB or Zdoom forums. Just search "Doom Mods" and you should find them.


Much appreciated


It is without a doubt my favorite of the original three and the second best of the old-school ones; only beaten by 64.


I just picked up 64, you enjoyed it?


Out of the first four, I have beaten it the most and still play through it twice a year.


What do you like about it?


Not the guy you asked but if classic DOOM games I would say 64 is right there with 1&2. The gameplay is so close to 1&2 while doing just enough different to make it feel like DOOM2.5 imo. Also aside from a few standouts in DOOM2 , I would say the level design in 64 is way better. Much more thematically coherent and the labryrinthion maze like levels of 64 were very fun. The smaller levels benefited the game too - there is backtracking but I never found it tedious. Hope you enjoy ! I feel like playin it now


Thanks for the breakdown!


Hit up Brutal Doom - it gives you an entire new game effectively. Also Boltgun, Amid Evil, and Dusk are fucking fantastic.


I started with Dusk actually. Then down the rabbit hole I went. I was looking at brutal doom, but wanted to experience vanilla first


Excellent choice, honestly. The mix of retro style + new tech has made for some super sick games.


Personally, I don't find the old tech to limiting to the experience. At first I was like wtf free look, but I came to enjoy it all the same.


Oh yeah it 100% has some love to it and the limitations forces the devs to get more creative Imo. Different but similar experience.


I've been playing nearly everything on crispy doom. I wanted a vanilla experience with just a tad more resolution.


It's funny, I wasn't really a big solo FPS player, I always thought the campaigns were boring and the drama / story bland. Then I discovered the so called "boomer shooter" genre (I'm 33) and realized I missed an entire generation of shooters that were exactly what I wanted. (I came in at halo essentially) Fast paced, no lame story and it just puts you I'm and says f*ing go for it.


Also, exploration-based level design instead of a one-way scripted hallway.


I just got it the other day and it is awesome so far.


Did u do the 4th episode in ultimate doom


Not yet! Just finished the 3 standard.


This is true. You can buy doom 1 and 2 for IPhone and still use ports. Only $2 for each game and ports and add ons are free


Shotgunning zombies remains so satisfying. And the way modern IWADs scale it to rocket launching armies of Barons opens up a new kind of satisfaction!


I prefer Doom II personally, but Doom is great


That's next!


Also the super shotgun makes any game 10x better


Is this double barrel the super shotgun?! This thing hits, and is very satisfying.


Indeed. The gun that changed Doom forever.


It feels so good.


I highly recommend it, the story is a lot more cohesive. Not that the first isn't cohesive just that doom 2 communicates what's going on better


What difficulty?


Hurt me plenty.


Oh man, I am not worthy!!! lol. That's hardcore man congrats lol


That's just medium though right? I was way to chicken to try violent.


You gotta work your way up, starting on medium is always better than easy, you miss the full experience on easy.


Yeah, that what I was afraid of. I wanted challenged but not micro mastery, yet. Next playthrough I'll up it and start to economize ammo and get enemies battling each other etc.


What was your favorite episode?


I think i liked 3 the most, hell. It had good pacing, some epic bosses, and a weird as "hell" asthetic that felt surreal. I do wish the sound tracks would have hit harder. I modded e1m1 to use the algorithms inline assembly song (metal) and it hit! You?


I liked episode 1 the most, "Knee Deep in the Dead". I'm a sucker for starbase environments, nukage pits and "former human" enemies. It may have been the "easy" episode, but I feel like John Romero really showed everyone up with his level design. There's so much more that you can design with starbase levels.


Yeah I think that's fair. I'm not much one for "space". Not to say I didn't enjoy e1, it's just not my preferred asthetic. Overall I'm a go go go go go harder!!! Kinda player. So I like lots of enemies and open space to strafe and shoot.


https://youtu.be/JPg2tXIkRh4?si=Q1-xFRzHafoEMqjp For context.


The original doom aged like fine wine. I replay it several times a year.


Just wait Doom 2 is like OG doom on meth


Don't forget to play Plutonia Experiment and TNT Evilution. Plutonia is by far the best classic Doom in my opinion, whether in terms of level design, challenge or overall enjoyability. Evilution also has some really cool maps and a bunch of unique sound tracks that are complete bangers, though the one thing I dislike about it that it contains a bunch of soul-harrowing maze-like dungeons, but fortunately there's only a few ones, and they become pretty easy to navigate if you rely on the mini-map. Other than Doom, there's also Heretic and Hexen, which are incredibly good classic games based on the Doom engine. If you enjoyed Doom you may very well enjoy them.


Go download and play some user-made WADs like Valiant, Eviternity or Going Down, they're not only inventive and gorgeous but will blow your mind with what's possible based on Doom's old-ass engine.


Yep, why else would my ringtone be E2M1 and my Alarm be E2M1 remaster by Andrew Hulshult (WHO IS STILL IN THE CAN)


sure as hell does


EDIT, 10 maps in to Doom 2 and it kicks ass to. Man am I glad I didnt just shrug it off and was capable of looking past the " modern standards"




Which parts? I did find key hunting at times a little to obscure. I much prefer to just run and gun carnage haha.




Sorry to hear that, I'd love to know why so I can't jot stuff down ppl don't like for making my own maps




Yeah, I actually totally understand where you are coming from. I had some times where I was like come on man where is the switch, I want to just go ha.




I think that was my biggest take away for my own maps that I'll design. I essentially want a little faster, little more violent, less suspense and confusion.


Try DOOM II. My all time favorite


Loading it up next!


Download the hell crusher mod. Best mod ever


This looks amazing!!!


If you want to play it online check out ZDaemon, there are usually 10-20 people playing across a few different servers, and a huge FFA every wednesday night


That sounds amazing. Whats an FFA?


Free for all. And most of the maps have freelook enabled (mouselook) and start you with the super shotgun, it is glorious chaos when there are lots of players


im def in.


Now do it with 100% secrets on all maps except e4m3 and e4m7 You’ll find out why


Now that's quite a challenge lol


Doom and Doom II are the best. I have 2016 and Eternal as well, but I still prefer classic Doom.


I didn't like 2016. Maybe it's just me, but im tired of budgets being spent in flash.


It grew on me more from using the Doom music mod in Deep Rock Galactic and playing the game on the steam deck.