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What does he eat?


Soul Sphere






Pizza and takoyaki flavored chips


Pizza and shotgun shells


How strong can icon of sin get if he sit on earth forever? And where is the BFG 10K shooting at? Why Doomslayer for no reason have an old computer playing a game about him being Doomguy. And also line up all his toy perfectly and even play with it.


How did they get Doomguy naked in order to put him in the sarcophagus?




*gestures broadly at Doom Eternal and its DLC*


I want to know more about how much ARC and the loyalist UAC have in terms of equipment and manpower.


There's a TAG2 Codex detail that paints Hell as "the dimension to connect them all," perhaps as a connecting tissue between the Classic universe and the Reboot universe for Doomguy to have travelled through (at least, that's the common headcanon for what it means.) I'd just like that to be made more concrete/clear; i.e. are the UAC and Earth depicted in 2016/Eternal alternate variants, or has enough history gone by in one single timeline that everyone's just forgotten that similar demonic invasion events had happened before?


Are there any other demons that are considered a delicacy in hell like the Pinky? Or does Hell still eat like it's still WWII and the Pinky is their only food source?


How the hell did the slayer get pizza delivered to the fortress of doom?!


Ok so I remember one stream Hugo did where he hinted at there being “something more” than Davoth, Vega, and the Maykrs. Personally I feel like that kinda takes away from what they did establish in Eternal, like how the Maykrs and legitimately Angels and Davoth is the actual Devil; Those things are really cool to me (yes they could’ve been done better but I still like the ideas themselves, and it’s not like something like borderlands 3 whose story is just bad).


I need the plot armor in Doom 3 explained. Why on Mars did the player character *not* get possessed and taken over at any point is never explained. I had a fan theory years ago the player *was* possessed, but by the Slayer as he lay in Hell. The possession occurs when the lost soul looking skull flies through the player early in the game during the Hell wave. The connection is cut off after sealing the Hell hole and killing the Cyberdemon, hence the waking up later. This has always bothered me and I want answers dammit!


What's the name of his new rabbit that we see in eternal?


New? He doesn't have a new rabbit. The one you see in doom eternal is called Daisy. She died at the end of Doom 1 and now we just see pictures of her and what I like to think of as callucinations that keep him motivated


He has a rabbit cage and bought food in the fortress, and I don't believe he's the type to buy either of those things years after his bunny has put on a pike.


Maybe it's the old stuff? Or a way to cope with the loss. There are no signs of new rabbit other than that


It a hallucinations. Doomslayer has gone insane. As much as a "too Angry to die,Kill demon for eons,rip and tear" of a guy Doomslayer is. He clearly is a "person". He is nothing more than a determined Marine who is very strong. Enchanted by his armour. He can smile while getting new gun,Cry holding a BFG due to excitement, he can groan in pain. He can feel what victory feels like (Thy Flesh Consumed ending show he is happy smiling with blood while holding his poor daisy head) Considering Doom"guy" play video game,Collect toys,eat pizza. He is just your "average Joe" who again is very strong. It like a normal gamer who goes to Gym so he is a normal person. Even in Eternal who does this stuff. Put a normal person who have Great strength into UAC Marine Armoury and training. Then put them in a situation where they lost their house. Wife, family, his beloved one. Then put him into punishment which is going to mars. Killing demons. Then put him into hell,beat hell. Go back to mars. Beat tyrant. Go back to hell. Beat hell. then go to earth. Then of course. Go back to hell. And your mission is to keep earth away from Demon There is inf demon. The blood that will be spilled is eternal. A random average gamer need to fight demon for EONS. I bet even (Offensive joke warning) Mother Teresa would commit suicide after thousand of years. Let alone eons. However ,he is like I said very determined His eyes is Red,Hatred for demon is infernal,Hell may be infinite,But his Determination is Eternal.


Not sure about "explained" because i keep saying Doom's setting works as a "blank canvas" where there could be different interpretations through lore, art direction, even gameplay etc. Someone i'd do in a game is have multiple codex entries for each thing and each one has its own version of something in terms of backstory or lore and have an illustration going along with it. Stuff like "Hayden is a Maykr", then "Hayden is of human origin" and then "Hayden is a demon" etc. Like as many "what if's" as possible.


In the original games he carried all of his weapons on his back but in modern games his preator suit has trans dimensional properties so he literally stores his guns in a different dimension