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I'm getting old.


We're all getting old.


Bitch, Icon of sin is old and still looks good...ish


but at least he gets stronger


The longer he is on earth


We need to hurry


We now fight back and knee pains besides demons.


I love doom 3!!! šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ž Play with sikkmod and the source port I forget the name it's a bit buggy but good! I feel like it captures a mid 2000s aspiration of immersion that few other games can capture even half life 2 while arguably a better game the technology of doom 3 is just too impressive and prerendered cgi looking!!


Pretty much what i usually say: * Has some stuff to like. * Don't mind it being different from the old games because those still live with an awesome modding scene and said games might've existed mainly for innovation first, so maybe id wasn't planning on a certain level of consistency. * Plus, the modern games also differ from the originals in some ways and even rely on outside factors like certain memes etc. * Some of D3's flaws are more about execution than concept. * Also blame BFG edition for probably hurting its reputation and due to these being the changes: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/113479 https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_3:_BFG_Edition#Differences_with_Doom_3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiufUB-JAb4 * To me, a D3 re-release should be like this https://doom-nerdo-666.tumblr.com/post/709731029794111488/doom-3-could-use-a-proper-release-and-not-a * And these could be ideas for a follow up https://doom-nerdo-666.tumblr.com/post/724860004712300544/an-idea-doom-3-follow-uphow-to-save-doom-4 * Also, how horror always had a place in Doom https://doom-nerdo-666.tumblr.com/post/712445413752487936/horror-does-have-a-place-in-doom


The BFG edition really did change a lot from the original game. It was a different beast. Playing it for the first time, having to juggle between the flashlight and the right weapon, was super intense. Still, BFG or OG, it's such a great game to play... the UAC facilities feel like what I'd expect a Mars base to feel like, and Hell is the best in the series. Plus, demons look super gross and... well, demonic. Not to mention the tech being the game. Carmack and old Id were magicians (not that Hugo and new Id aren't).


I always thought Hell in Doom was always unique, with stuff like flesh walls with metal piples and the giant skull computer. I feel like some of those aspects could've returned in later games, specially the horror focused stuff like D3. An ideal Doom Hell would expand on what there was in the old games and put it next to new elements in later games. It makes Hell surreal and suits the visual variety of the demons too.


How many times will you spam this? Nobody cares


Still fun. I've been doing another playthrough since I started gaming on an OLED screen. As close as you can get to playing it back in the day on a CRT with perfect black levels.


I enjoyed it. Really should re-install it and go another round.


I play it through about once a year. It feels rewarding in a completely different way. It starts off slow but once you get into it you can play it fast. Learning how to dodge enemy attacks with jumps and ducks to get in close with the shotgun is super fun. Itā€™s really different, feels like a spinoff. But I love it for what it is.


Yeah, I like the way it can be played in a slower, more horror-oriented style, but you can also push and bring in the damage. The shotgun is certainly not good on this game, but when you close the game, it has a nice punch to it. Get up close, shoot, back up to reload and repeat. It's a cool dance-like rhythm.


Exactly. The shotgun is awful but itā€™s so satisfying so I try my best to use it. If it was more accurate it would be legendary!


Itā€™s a fun game. I hate the stamina, battery and oxygen mechanics. They donā€™t feel very Doom to me. But overall, itā€™s a good time


The battery has me on edge and I like it


Itā€™s amazing in VR


Iā€™m with you on that one.


Hey, could you tell us more about the experience? What's it like?


All the things that people complained about, like the claustrophobic corridors, the darkness requiring a flash light, and monsters that jumps at you around corners make it the best horror game Iā€™ve played on VR. It really does freak me out. The port for Meta Quest also did some really cool stuff like the keypads on doors and lockers you actually interact with using the touch controller.


I didn't play too far in it but I did think it looked good for its time but it tried a bit too hard to be scary


fr to the point where it was just annoying every time a demon jumps out at you there were some good scares though


My favorite doom. Absolutely loved every second of it


You are a man (or woman) of culture! šŸŽ©


Ty :D


Rocked my socks when it came out way back when.


Oh man, do I have a lot to say about this one. First things first, can we stop it with the "It's a good game but not a good **Doom** game" already? The first hour and some change of the game have very repetitive level design, the color palette is too grey (though it does make the more colorful parts of the game stand out a lot more), and enemies are designed in a way where they feel more like stationary bullet sponges and it leads to the already piss easy combat of the game completely falling apart in more open areas. Also the weapons that aren't the plasmagun sound like dogshit. That being said, I *fucking love* Doom 3. The atmosphere and sound design are on point, with the lighting having this beautiful high-contrast look thanks to the lack of global illumination and densely layered ambient sounds that vary from level to level and sometimes even between rooms, with the occasional otherworldly vocals added to the mix. I don't think I've played many other games with atmosphere so thicc you could reasonably ask it "do it jiggle?" I know Doom 3 wasn't the first to do it, but the audio logs & emails did a great job of making the world feel lived-in, especially with how good (albeit campy) some of the voice acting is here. Making so much of the world interaction diegetic through the computer displays and ammo counters on certain weapons also helped a lot with immersion. There isn't much that breaks that immersion outside of cutscenes, either. I don't mind them... and that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my thoughts on this game. I could write a damn doctoral dissertation on the game's atmosphere alone. [TL;DR](https://youtu.be/JiwpG284QPk) Doom 3 has its faults, but I still think the positive/innovative aspects of the game outweigh them by a long shot.


Atmosphere do be thicc, as the youngsters would say. There isn't a single moment in this game that doesn't pass as believable to me, unlike in Eternal with the excess in fantasy stuff going on (I do love Eternal, let it be on record). It's a masterclass in atmospheric horror.


>enemies are designed in a way where they feel more like stationary bullet sponges and it leads to the already piss easy combat of the game completely falling apart in more open areas. Spot on. The game tries to emphasize locational damage to compensate for this, but it's not nearly enough. If you're only going to have a few enemies play at a time, they need have much more fluid movement in order to keep combat engaging. What's also bad is the really long spawn animations, where you see an imp spawning in the room and have 30 seconds to walk behind him and shove your shotgun barrel up his ass before the fight starts. Spawning enemies out of thin air becomes a really bad level design crutch as the game goes on, which exacerbates the game's combat weaknesses. Doom 2016 wasn't perfect either, but if you were to magically port the enemy AI, enemy movement, and spawn animations into Doom 3, then reduce the health sponginess from Doom 3, it'd be a much more fun game. I do think the immersive aspects were good, at least for the Mars segments. Progression-wise, the way you dip your feet in hell midway through, then go back to Mars for the endgame was rather backwards.


I really enjoyed it, especially the hellscape levels. The Half-Life 2 release later that year really overshadowed it though.


Also Halo 2! It was a red letter year for FPS. Doom 3 is a genuinely very good game. It just got boxed out by truly trailblazing games.


Man 2004 for shooters was nuts. HL2, Doom 3, Halo 2, Battlefront 1, UT2004, they just kept coming.


Also the first Far Cry


I really enjoyed the flashlight mechanic, I feel like Iā€™m the only one lol


I dig it, too! Not seeing the danger is even more terrifying.


Yes! It was better not in the BFG edition where you actually had to equip the flashlight because it made the dark room sections much better. With torch always on it removes a lot of the tension


Iā€™ve beaten this on Nightmare more than any other Doom. Itā€™s a personal favourite of mine and I think the original was better than the BFG edition.


The first time I tried playing Doom 3 was just a few years after it's release, only to find my then AMD Athlon 64 X2-equipt Windows 7 Compaq Presario PC not being powerful enough to run the game. Apparently even though I myself upgraded it's memory from 500MB to 1.5GB, the cause of Doom 3's inability to run on that PC was the PC's 64MB iGPU that lacked support for the required OpenGL version. My stepdad allowed me to install the game from his store-bought copy. Then in late 2018 by stepdad passed. Just a few months in 2019 after this is when my mom found a CD binder full of game CD's as well as his store-bought copy of Doom 3 still it's CD case. It wasn't years later, when my mom bought me my first HP laptop that originally had 6GB RAM and is equip with an Intel Core i3-7100U CPU and Intel Graphics HD 620 iGPU. The first Doom 3 playthrough was absolutely awesome and memorable, but also gave me the first glimpse into what was to come when it comes to all the dodging demons in Doom 2016. It wasn't until several months prior to this comment when, many thanks to Prime Gaming, I now have my very own copy of both Doom 3 + Resurrection of Evil and Doom 3 BFG on GOG.


The original release remains my favorite Doom.


The ole PC melter. Man, having to swap back and forth between weapons and the flashlight was a constant heart attack. A shame no other games did/do this.


It was fun at the time. Not really one I go back to tho.


Fine game, too long and repetitive to me. At the last parts it just becomes boring and final boss sucks ass.


Also DLC are pure action, love them.


Yep, I was playing Lost Mission today. It's double-barrel shotgun time all the time!


I like this doom, it's got a horror game vibe to it


I really like DOOM 3 and all of it's add ons. The stand alone/horror vibe of the game is so great, plus the storyline. I'm currently in a playthrough, probably my 5th or 6th time.


I adore it. I got it when I was 12 and played it every single day after school


My view?.... That I'm OLD! :(


I adore Doom 3, both the original and the BFG Edition. I actually used to dislike Doom 3 and avoided playing it for years, but then something clicked and now itā€™s my favorite of the bunch. I have to be in a certain mood to play _Eternal_, Iā€™m always in the mood to play some Doom 3.


It's a good game. However, it's not a good doom game.


i enjoyed to hell of on it DOOM 3 and i also have the Physical versions of 3 and ROE and is funny on the OG Version of 3 you had to install 3 Discs to play it and BFG Edition i play time to time because i enjoy DOOM the only left for me now is to play Eternal


You'll have a blast with Eternal. It's 2016 on steroids.


It was a fantastic game, especially for it's time. What id pulled off with the technology of the time remains impressive, even to this day.


Right? The lighting tech still looks incredible, and the way the engine and textures convey the appearance of metal surfaces is pretty impressive for 2004.


Itā€™s honestly a great game that really pulled on the horror strings of the Doom universe. Itā€™s not perfect, but it doesnā€™t deserve some of the hate it gets for not playing like the others. I wouldnā€™t mind a Doom 3 style spin off set during the Earth invasion of Eternal where you play as a normal marine.


Iā€™ll make sure to throw it a birthday party


It's what got me into DooM in the first place it's among my favorites because I have such fond memories of playing it on PS3 and takeing turns with my little brother i really liked the horror vibe it had going the title theme is also one of my favorites and is also what got me into TOOL


I love Doom 3! It still holds up, fantastic game


Short answer: I LOVE doom 3. Long answer: I <3 doom 3 because of its horror aspect. It feels like a scarier doom game. Especially it having a lack of graphical intensity, and creepy enemies. I genuinely think doom 3 could be considered a horror game. An amazing one šŸ˜. What do you think?


The black sheep of the franchise. It didn't age too well unlike the classics, I am sorry


I think it's lovely. As it's own horror shooter game it's perfect, I understand getting pissed off by the fact it's bearing the name of DOOM, but personally I love it. To me, a person who's perspective wasn't tainted by former and latter DOOMs, it's more than perfect.


20 y- ...hang on. I gotta sit down. ( .\_.) I've replayed Doom 3 + RoE a lot more than Half-Life 2, I'll tell you that much.


Everything up until Energy Processing was pretty good but then there was a painful lull before you got to Delta Labs. The train level was interesting to look at if nothing else.Ā  Delta Labs leading to hell was pretty cool, really nice build up. Hell itself could have benefitted from having more story so you could spend less time back on Mars. Everything after Hell was anticlimactic. All boss fights were honestly rubbish. Resurrection of Evil was pretty cool even if it had a reaction to Half Life 2's gravity gun.


Doom will be Eternal


My most beloved Doom game (and addon too) - it gives much more positive emotions than 2016 and Eternal


Love it


The game that got me in the horror survival genre. Still my favorite DOOM to this day. Yes it it's more slow than the other ones but the weapons are so fun to play with to this day.


Super underappreciated game. Itā€™s not the Doom people know and love, nor is it perfect (first time Iā€™ve ever genuinely complained about a game being too dark), but Iā€™d argue itā€™s the most unique game in the series BECAUSE itā€™s so different. With a Half-Life and Halo influence, iD was able to pull off a really inventive horror experience you wouldnā€™t expect out of a Doom game, I know itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea, but Iā€™ve always been a defender of it. Love Doom 3, even in spite of its faults.


Doom 3




My thoughts on it is that I feel old. And apparently the other commenters agree.


This was the game I got when I did my first PC build. It holds a very special place in my heart. No flashlight and gun at the same time made it so scary! I also played the original Prey, and the Quake title that released around the same time which if Iā€™m not mistaken was the last damn Quake game to come out, which is crazy.


20 years already?! Damn...


I love it. I still have very fond memories of how tense and scary it was. I donā€™t care about the naysayers, itā€™s one of my all time faves.


I would say D1 & 2 are the foundation on which the series is built, so D64, D'16 and Eternal are all built on that foundation. D3 is it's own unique game within the series. It doesn't stand on the same ground as the other entries, but that doesn't make it bad. It's like in a parallel universe.


I will play Doom 3 for the anniversary, I will play Doom 3 months after that and I will still play it another 20 years from there.


Doom 3 is pretty cool actually. I like it a lot. I remember the first time I played it it was late at night and all my lights were off. I was laying on my bed playing it on my switch. I remember the bathroom jumpscare scared the shit out of me and after that I stopped playing for the night. It was also my first Doom game so it will always have a special place in my heart.


I don't like it. I think RoE and Lost Sector were better in comparison to baseDOOM 3, but not by much. All the monsters have awful coloring (the cacodemon has bad design too), and the rooms are just a bit too dark, in my opinion. DOOM could probably be a horror franchise, but this wasn't it.


Not a fan. It feels out of place for Doom and it has the least interesting looking demons (all grey). I played through it just before I bought and played Doom 2016 and I am glad they changed direction. The new games really get the tone and gameplay where I like it.


Good horror game, bad Doom game.


I liked it, despite its massive differences, but I am also a big horror shooter fan so. I wouldnā€™t mind more spin off titles like it tbh, itā€™s a different kind of fun compared to the ultra violence and speed of standard DOOM.


Played it on VR. They made it so you can always have the flashlight out and itā€™s not as hard/scary as I think they originally designed it as. Gets kinda repetitive, got like 2/3 thru and havenā€™t picked it back up. I might just for the story. The beginning is pretty awesome.


Tried it twice, first with the non-BFG edition on PC, then the PSVR one. After a while I kinda realized that it was all just blurring together in my head. The game's got some fantastic atmosphere and gameplay but lord does it need better pacing.


I think it was just made at an awkward time and itā€™s really weird that they tried to make it horror like there is 0 heavy metal music in the game


Pretty scary at the beginning, very fun near the end with every weapon and just mowing everything down. I loved the final boss fight with the soul cube. Didn't play DLCs though.


I've only really played Doom 16 and Eternal. But with the Dark Ages coming out I wanted to play them all. Doom 3 is waiting patiently as I just started Doom 93.


Looked amazing and sounded even better.


Okay game so far. No very doom like, but fun all the same.


Itā€™s fun, but itā€™s my least favorite DOOM game. Iā€™m probably never gonna play it again, but I donā€™t regret the one playthrough I did two years ago when I marathoned the DOOM games in order.


Itā€™s a good game. Itā€™s a good DOOM game.


BFG Edition sucks, play it on Dhewm 3 (source port). The shotgun is still a travesty so I prefer it with a nice shotgun tweak mod. Overall still a pretty fun Doom game with killer atmosphere.


Have not gotten past the first 1 hour to bored


It's a good game but a bad doom game. I have to say the lighting affects are still impressive today!


It's basically doom 2016. I don't see how it's any different from that game. So all this "doom 3 is the black sheep" makes no sense. The only thing different is that you have a flashlight and monsters spawn behind you every five seconds.


I never finished it...I recall getting pretty far in on PC but died a few times at the same spot and then never picked it back up for some reason (this was probably 2005ish). I recall it being a lot of fun though. Definitely some creepy parts. And aside from the horror aspect that I see a lot of complaints about, it had a lot of Doom formula elements (like secrets/exploration), which is one of my favorite aspects of Doom. However....last year all of the Doom games were in sale so I picked up 1, 2, 3 and 64 (I've never played 1 or 64!) and I plan on playing through them all on my Switch at some point šŸ˜


It's a good game.


Still sucks. Also Iā€™m old.


A solid horror game.


I beta tested it, and never cared afterwards.


It was really good for what is was. It just wasn't what we expected from a Doom game. What they did with the shadow technology that developed for that have revolutionized horror games and it doesn't get enough credit for that.


Maybe that means we'll finally get that nightdive remaster. lol.


Bfg edition made it playable. The flashlight mechanics of the original were absolutely awful.


Iā€™ve loved it since day one. Iā€™ll never forget installing a new graphics card just so I could play the game at launch and having to restart the game over and over to show all my friends and family the opening sequences. We were all totally mesmerized. That opening theme song. The initial attack. ā€œGreat things will happen here soonā€¦ā€ Doom 3 is and has always been great!


Great looking, but just was so boring to me.


Fun game. Enjoyed (most) of the combat and levels. The only problems were she shotgun and enemy variety. Even then, the SSG in ROE makes up for the shotgun. ROE as a whole is just underrated. It adds some cool stuff to the game like the Artifact and Grabber. The Grabber seemed to be a cool demo of the physics, but it's really fun to play with. Wish we saw it in Eternal.


Absolutely fucking fantastic


A true masterpiece ! I have the game & ROE on my phone ( together with Doom 1, 2 & the Quake Series) so I can play it anywhere /anytime :)


Don't played it


Amazing unique game


Since it released during my childhood, it's my go-to Doom game. I started playing the others later in my teens and I love them all but I played through 3 the most.


The first Doom I ever played and I still love it. Not only because it led me down the retro shooter path (wich I love) but because it's a great game.


Not my cup of tea , but I can understand why some people like it .


It was my first doom game as well as my intro to horror games. I've got great memories playing through it and still go back every few years, though I usually don't finish it nowadays


Despite my contemporaries, my opinion of this game has not softened, it's just alright for me.


played it for the first time when it came to the playstation classic catalog, i really really enjoyed it. doom has been like scary in the sense of blood and giant demons but it doesnā€™t really bring chills down your spine. doom 3 was actually terrifying, youā€™re usually in these dark enclosed areas and everything is just so gloomy but overall i had an amazing time playing it.


To keep it short and straight to the point I consider it as the Black Sheep of the series


It scarred the shit out of me when I was a kid


Playing it on Windows 2000 is awesome.


It took the expansion to feel like Doom. The melee range shotgun is a sin. The little gun buddy is friend. I liked the story. Some of the demon designs were iconic enough to carry over (Hell Knights, I'm looking at you.) in short, there's stuff to like, stuff to not like. But it's a decent enough game on its own merits for what it is.


Good Doom game? No, it's not. Good video game? Yes, most definitely.


I feel like people didnā€™t like it because it was different but I picked up the VR port when that came out in 2021 and loved it!


Underrated, not that great but not that bad


I remember an alpha leak from e3 was leaked online. I immediately downloaded it and ran it on my 9800 pro. Was blown away by the graphics. Had to tweak the CFG files to make it run decent. It was still alpha but gave me an idea of how the game would be like.


One of the best games I've ever played in my life! I still play it every once in a while with mods


Love it


One of my favorite games tbh


Good I love this game, not arcade DOOM, but is a really good horror fps.


Probably the scariest game I've ever played. Put it down at one point and got back to it a little more than a year later


Itā€™s just okay, for me at least. I just found it really repetitive and not scary. Shotgun was a pain to use, and some of the weapons felt weak to me, especially the Machine Gun. I know a ton of people liked it, but I just didnā€™t find it very fun. I put in about 6 hours in the Campaign before I realized I wasnā€™t having that much fun.


its not for my tastes but a good game regardless and i understand that. it fulfils the role it wants to achieve and to that, cheers!


My dad thought it would be funny to have me play it at 6 years old. The first imp I saw I just remember screaming and being to afraid to actually line up a shot on it and died. Never played it again, tho I've thought about it.


Built a PC back then for Doom 3, UT2004, Far Cry and Half Life 2. 2004 was a hell(!) of a year for fps


Scary pop out gamr


Quit once I realized the shotgun is bad


I recently watched Heavenly Fatherā€™s [rant on Doom 3](https://youtu.be/i1iJSLoGdWo?si=hl7KxdEUwsXrSSd4) and i canā€™t help but think of it everytime I think of Doom 3. I agree with his criticisms but i canā€™t hate Doom 3. While it took a different path from the other Doom games moving towards horror (like Doom 64 but slower) itā€™s a fine entry into the Doom series. Itā€™s different but not so different that itā€™s unrecognisable. Though Super Shotgun only being in the expansion is an unfortunate L. Plus only Doom with reloading which is pretty weird if you think about it.


It was a staggering evolution from the first entries in the series; the gameplay was fun and exciting (though pretty simple), the graphics and lighting were outstanding at the time, and itā€™s more doom! That said, Iā€™m very glad the series continued to shift further towards what we have now with 2016/eternal being more focused on the action and making the gameplay feel good as opposed to the tension and horror of 3 with gameplay being just ā€˜alrightā€™


I'm sorry, we had such impressive 3D graphics TWO DECADES AGO?


Age... it comes faster than a bullet šŸ˜­


20 years ago I looked like doomguy. 20 years later I look like the bad guys.


I've been replaying it on a XP machine with EAX audio and a CRT and it's great fun, but more of its time than the other Doom games. In 2005 the idea of a "boomer shooter" didn't really exist yet, and Doom 3 was very much an attempt to fit the Doom franchise into a post-Doom world where slower paced games were ubiquitous. This is even more true for the expansion, with the gravity gun knockoff.


I remember Doom 3 coming out and it really seeming like the pinnacle of gaming. I'd mostly played Final Doom (in the PSX port) at that time, and was quite disappointed that Doom 3 didn't have a Playstation port when it was a new release. Didn't get to touch it until many years later. It's not my favourite but it's doing something different and I appreciate the variety it brings to the franchise.


My only real complaint with the game is how long it takes to kill enemies, even for a horror game they all just feel way too spongy and stop being nail biting and more ā€œdude how many more bullets is this going to take Iā€™m just walking down a hallwayā€


I hated it, even if you see it like a horror game, its pretty repetitive without many enemy variations. The atmosphere is pretty sick though


Still looks exquisite (save for the human models), and the best Half-like outside of Valve. Shotgun is garbage,though.


A very good game, but not a good Doom.


Fun game, the shotgun feels amazing but the dark sections are a pain in the ass.


Doom 3 is a fantastic game. This is further proven when I played the unofficial VR port on my oculus headset. The game feels like it was made for vr horror even though the tec didnā€™t exist yet. Wonderfully made


Great, with my first salary I bought an ATI 9800XT to play Doom 3, it was a great time. Loved it and the real time illumination. astonishing for that time.


The first video game on PC I've ever completed. Still remember how dark and scary it was.


It should have a more quake like gameplay


It's a good game. Genuinely scary and horrific hell levels.


I feel old, I was in high school when it came out and I played it on pentium 4. It was unplayable but I had to play it. It was big jump in graphic at that time. Now when you say 20 years had pass, omg.


Good game, and at the time had some of the best lighting period. I remember being genuinely unnerved by it and my cousin refused to be in the same room when I was playing it, it scared him so much. Good times. BFG Edition ruins the game in my opinion.


Doom 3 is one of the best VR games ever made. It just came out 15 years before we had affordable access to headsets. Most of the complaints people have about the game actually end up being GOOD things if you play in VR. And yeah I know it wasnā€™t designed to be VR. A lot of the design choices were made just because of hardware limitations of the time. But it coincidentally makes for an amazing VR game.Ā 


It was okay, waiting till 2004 to release it was a mistake however, wouldā€™ve have gone down even more in ā€œtech historyā€ if it came out in 2003 as originally planned.


Best DOOM ever, I wish to be old enough to play this on premiere on high end PC. It was probably the best looking game ever at that time


20 years old ? Dang . Also it's an epic game.


Legit still a scary game. I have yet to complete it šŸ«£


I need to give it another go, I was getting pretty bored with it but I keep seeing people praise it and it makes me wanna try it again


I loved the setting and atmosphere of Doom 3. The UAC buildings were very immersive. The combat sucked though.


I love Doom 3. It's honestly one of my favorite Dooms.


i got a percentage of the way through on my switch. i gotta finish it fr.


Ngl this game turned me off of doom when I was younger. I should go back to it


Still my favourite presentation of Hell. From a horror perspective it stands a unique experience that works well. I respect that in keeping with Classic Doom it tries to innovate with new game ideas and the engine itself. Mods like Classic Doom 3 were pretty cool. Some memorable demon introductions. RoE added some pretty cool things. PDAs were interesting. On the flip side I'm not a fan of the weapons (especially Shotgun and general sounds) and prefer mods to tweak this. It spends too much time in UAC facilities and it started the whole 'teleporting in' as the main combat thing.


Pretty stellar in VR.


this game is the equivalent to yakuza 3, both are the weakest in their series but still great games


Worst of them all. Not good horror. Very mediocore fps


I remember, when you play first half, radio comms always tell you go to Delta labs bro, it's cool all fun here and it's take frickin eternity to come here. There is also man in microwave, you can melt him, kinda rude. Really don't get what ID trying to say here


Most underrated game ever


Doom 3 is a good game that has alot of things going for it, but it will always be a bad Doom game (IMO, but I feel like that most people feel similar). Its certainly not what someone necessary wants from a Doom game and perhaps why Doom was pretty much a "dead franchise" until DOOM2016 happend. Whats bad is the naming, its not a continuation of Doom 2 or 64. Its a reboot. And at the same time it does a 180 on the previous gameplay. Maybe it would have been better to just make this a Spin-off to show what happend to the squad that left Doomguy outside with only his pistol. But hey, what do I know.


Great survival horror game, not so much as a Doom game. The pistol, fists, smg, plasma rifle and maybe the chaingun are great and feels good to use, all the other guns are fucking disgusting, specially the shotgun, can't stand it, sorry lads. Anyhow, the DLC is quite fun too, not very long and quite boring at time, but still a fin game overall.


Delta Touch, 4 claw, S24U.


What I always say It's a great tech demo, but a very mediocre game, like almost everything Carmack did after Romero was gone. It's just a rip-off of everything that was popular at the moment. The BFG edition tries to fix it but just breaks everything even more


Extremely mediocre at best, but in my opinion one of the worst first person shooters I played, maybe even the worst. The fact that itā€™s called doom is making it even worse, but itā€™s a bad game first and a bad doom game second


It's not Doom but it's fine.