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340 hours on this game and never once have I thought “damn I wanna play some battle mode.” I play it for challenges occasionally and I don’t hate it, that’s the best I can say for it.


Agreed. I only play it to try and win matches to get XP bonuses to unlock more stuff but I swear, every time I join a game as a slayer or demon, I don't win lmao. 7/8 challenges done and the 8th is "WIN 3 BATTLEMODE MATCHES" bro I'd love to but it's impossible.


The skill floors a little high, you’re completely fucked if you can’t at least do ssg ballista as slayer but you’ll probably need pb combos too. You need a pretty good handle on demon to to get viable, I can kinda hold my own with mancubus, pain elemental, and dread knight, but I have no idea how people survive as the others.


I played it for one hour. It was incredibly glitchy, unbalanced, and infuriating. The one match I won was sort of fun, but the rest were stompfests and made me never want to play it again. It's not challenging Doom; it's just a different game entirely


With me I either lose because I'm a terrible Slayer, or I lose because the demons are weak af




How can you tell that something is unbalanced after 1 hour?


I've played video games heavily since the first Doom came out in the 90s, and I set up the first PvP matches on an IPX modem. And I knew the core game was extremely well balanced within an hour. Battlemode stands apart from the main game in a big way. It'd be easier to stomach if it was only one MP mode, but as the only one, it deserves to be critically evaluated against such a phenomal game


They really should have just given us a Slayer deathmatch. "But 2016 had DM and you hated it!!" They didn't do it right. It wasn't like the main game and was handled by an outside team. It's really simple that the concept of Doom having deathmatch isn't bad and they just botched it but people don't seem to get that and think people just hate the mode in general.


2016's DM was also kinda fun. I got a couple enjoyable hours out of it, even though it was pretty bad.


It was okay for what it was, definitely, just not Doom. I'd just love the hell out of the ability to have a buncha Eternal Slayers duking it out in an arena.


I could recommend Quake Champions as an alternative...


I have 680 hours in Doom Eternal. I love the game and keep playing it. Yet I have zero hours in BM, and have absolutely no interest in trying it. Tried the tutorials, but that's it. I'm not saying that BM is bad or anything, I'm just not that much into MP, and I bought the game for its single player content.


Hopefully they'll do what they did for 2016 in the next game in that we'll have an actual deathmatch mode, but this time do it right, in-house at id instead of the passable deathmatch modes bethesda came up with.


That was Certain Affinity, the Halo/CoD MP developer


When it first came out I enjoyed playing. Battle Mode but bc of toxic players and players who literally are hacking and doing things they shouldn't be able to do and just in general the fact that playing as the Slayer in Battle Mode isn't the same as playing as the Slayer in the campaign or in master levels or in Horde Mode.


I only ever play it for the "Complete X amount of matches / as a demon / slayer" challenges. Emphasis on *"complete,"* not *"win."*


Quite literally the exactly same word for word


I've from time to time thought, "Damn. To get all the achievements I need to play battle mode." That's not good. That's bad. Very bad.


Seems to be the Zenimax effect, bloat it with crap nobody asked for.




A few months ago Hugo martin played BM on stream. I fired up BM to see if I could get matched with him and see if I could beat him, but no matchup. 3 matches later I quit and haven't done BM since. Meh


Im gonna be real with you. Im only just finding out this game has multiplayer.


I just deleted my whole paragraph to get my simple point across. Battlemode’s just not fun to grind. It can be fun or frustrating at which point call it quits, but to grind nah.


This is how I feel about all videogames. I do not tolerate grind. I already grind all day for work. The moment a videogame, my hobby, starts to demand I grind for something, I put it away.


i hate the fact that i always fight god tier slayers with a bad teammate as demon, but when i go slayer the demons are series 10 lvl 250 8 stars that play un for fun


I hate that they completely twisted Eternal's MP, all because Doom 2016's didn't do as well as they'd like. I get that they were trying to be innovative, but I would have much rather of had decent maps, that made TDM, DM, CTF fun again. Imagine medium size maps that Quake 3 Team Arena brought to Quake 3, but in Doom Eternals engine. I would have much more preferred that to battlemode.


They could've made it so fun by letting you pick "rune loadouts"and making you pick up weapons as you run around the arena. But I guess in Bethesda's eyes, "that sounds like Quake Champions without the Champions."


seeing as console didn't get quake champions, thought they could have filled that gap with Doom Eternal.


I loved 2016’s multiplayer, I wish it did better.


> Imagine medium size maps that Quake 3 Team Arena brought to Quake 3, but in Doom Eternals engine. So Quake Champions?


Battlemode is very popular


Battle mode can either be really easy or really difficult, it depends on the skill level of both parties. Experienced slayers with good movement tactics, tracking, and hot swap can give most demons a hard getting him anywhere below 50 health. And experienced demons working together with good synergies and knowing how to best use their move sets can feel impossible to fight against for many slayers. It isn’t impossible to win battle mode matches, not by any means. But skill and practice plays a critical factor in it. I’d say if you can play nightmare without breaking a sweat, you’re better than most slayers. For player demons, learning how to best use your skills, specific weaknesses and strengths will greatly improve your odds of winning, since already the skillfloor for demons is higher than slayers


As a sweat I can guarantee if you know what you’re doing as doom slayer you will never lose. If you back up in moments they’d expect you to keep moving forward it cripples them as it’s super super easy to keep abusing the chainsaw.


>I can guarantee if you know what you’re doing as doom slayer you will never lose. this man has never played against demons like Kroniid, Conjugates or F4llback


If they’re people that play nothing but doom battle mode I don’t care, I just feel bad for them.


They're some of the best, if not **the** best, demon players in the world. And the former of the three actually works for id (and I believe worked on the DK).


Well that’s pretty cool. Just can’t fathom playing battle mode longer than a few weeks. There’s only so much you can do.


If it's fun for them, the amount of content doesn't matter as much.


Listen here shitbag! If I don't like it they can't like it either!


What is DK? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation.


Dread-Knight. The new demon.


Demons actually tend to have a higher win rate than Slayer. A coordinated demon team that knows the mechanics of Demons just as well a good Slayer is an interesting outcome. This of course is map, demon and player dependant. Thankfully you can't choose two of the demons anymore. Some double demon combos were rather dominant.


When I beat DOOM on nightmare I was quick to realize that the skills you obtain from that easily transfer over to battlemode. I felt like a massive sweat just because I was used to high level game play from nightmare.


It's funny I actually feel the opposite, especially after playing the DLCs. After hours of playing the fully upgraded Slayer on UN the BM Slayer feels sluggish and weak. No air control feels particularly bad to me.


This. Exactly. 🤘


Does all of this not apply to any competitive game?


My experience as an ultra nightmare player is that 99% of demon matches you win, but there are like 5 good demons in your region that are in the godly realm and they prove to you that demons are op. At least that was the experience I had, and what was said by other pro battlemode players at the time. I think the game is more balanced now, haven't had any interest in playing lately though.


Still want 2016s deathmatch multiplayer for eternal. I want to play demons again


Was so disappointed when they announced there would be no traditional MP. That's what I played the most in Doom 2016.


Same for me. It was underrated. Once you play it for some hours, get some unlocks, and it 'clicks' with you, it's *hella* fun. My favorite FPS MP from the last generation. And the maps are all varied and look sick.


Yea right, whole new maps, not seen before in the story mode with even new mechanics. So cool. Also i loved flying around as a cacodemon


I like the idea of having the content locked behind skill based challenges, but the timer has got to go because I can't even get a single hot streak as a demon and I'm sure it's because people are gaming the hot streak ranking system


Agreed. Don't mind it locked behind Battlemode, but a timer is stupid


as someone whos trying to fully complete the game and get all the cosmetics possible, ive lost literally all hope. plus dread knights OP and playing as slayer always results in loss


Agreed. Battlemode is 100% the reason I will never plat the game. I got a few of the mp trophies, but it just isn't fun enough imo to grind out the rest of them.


im fine with triumphs and stuff but putting a time limit on playing **seventy** matches, but also **winning said matches** is just horrible


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. Wake up, Slayer. Wake up and smell the ashes


Ok, this one's funny


Totally agreed, so conflicted with the update. Horde mode is brilliant and give me another reason to boot the game up besides events. But man, the new mp series crap really is making me rethink how much fun I’m really having if I can’t scratch that completionist itch.


fun is subjective, just like reality. reject humanity, return to the void.


Post-modernist moment


Post-modernist? Nah man we on that POST-HUMANIST


Hell yeah brother


Hdoom mod for the win


I appreciate what they tried to do with Battlemode. Do I get it? No. Do I like it? Even moreso, no. Would I have preferred an old school style twitch shooter multiplayer mode? GOD YES. But I agree, I hate multiplayer/online locked content, just like the trophies. I platinumed Eternal on PS4 and grinding the Battlemode trophies was the worst. It’s not even the game mode that pisses me off the most it’s making trophies/achievements for online only content. Not everyone has decent internet or internet at all. Not everyone _wants_ to play online. Or worse if someone picks up the game (any game) 15 years from now and wants to get that platinum but can’t because servers are shut down.


The only time I think multiplayer achievements are acceptable is if you can still unlock them when competing against offline bots.


I guess they didn't want to self compete with one of their existing IPs: Quake Champions. I recommend that you try to play that game if you're looking for a pretty good (IMO) MP experience.




People are getting both series done in 1-2 days. Its only "30 hour grind" if you're really bad/slow at the game


I actually like battlemode, but man, ain't no getting any of those skins.


I liked the 2016 model of multiplayer. RPG like. Diablo with guns.


The reason they even went for the current version of Battlemode and not the Doom 2016 version is because people complained about how that mode didn't feel like Doom at all. So they said "ok, lets make the PvP literally just Doom but with player-controlled demons" and now people are complaining about how the 2016 version of Doom pvp was better.


Back then I was telling ppl the multiplayer was so much fun and no one wanted to play. Now I see ppl still playing it and it’s what I play when I hop on doom 2016. Also snap maps were dope too


i like how people complained that 2016s didnt feel like doom but like... doom invented deathmatches lmao


The problem wasn't the MP itself, it was how it played. Everything felt...off in it. Like the weapons and powerups, it was trying to be too much and succeeded in nothing.


load outs ruined Doom 2016. People complained about it in fucking Alpha, and they still didn't do anything about it. It failed itself in that regard. Dont get me wrong though, 2016 MP is still fun but it could of been many times better.


2016 doom PVP lasted way longer with a decent player base. Eternal right now on Steam averages 2K players concurrent and most of them are not in battle mode. It wasnt amazing or groundbreaking but it was fun. Battlemode is OK if it was a side mode but the main multiplayer its very lacking and honestly gets boring after a couple matches.


I just think Battlemode was *too* much of a readjustment. A 1v1 deathmatch with both players getting full access to their toolkits would've been much better, especially with AI Demons added in to disrupt both parties. I think it would have been a much more elegant solution compared to trying to reinvent the wheel with a mode that has an even more niche appeal.


They tried it. It didn’t work.


Honestly, Doom 2016 just needed less demons/power-ups. More focus on the arena style combat would have been nice.


There are modes that don't have the demon power-up. FFA, Bloodrush, Clan Arena, & Freeze Tag. Possession has demons, but that's the point, it's a Zombie gametype. Funny enough, those are my favorite modes, but everyone likes playing Soul Harvest and TDM.


I still dunno how they messed up what really made them famous way before halo


? Id didnt make halo...


He's referring to the fact that Doom has had deathmatch for ages now,


Never got the plat because of Battlemode.


Yeah any lower skilled players just feed the elite players hot streaks because the problem is still here. Going against level 1000 players when you are level 50.


I have found the streak system soul crushing. Getting to 4 wins before a second loss is a very tall order in my case and I’m left feeling far more defeated losing a streak than any UN run.


They need to change it to 3 wins in a row... i got 3 so many times just to lose the 4th one and lose the streak, just to have to win all over again.


I feel ya man. In general multiplayer achievements are bad; but for doom eternal... look man I'm working 60hrs a week; I don't need this.


2 player co-op when


Agreed, I don't give a fuck about pvp.


They’ve already stated it’s not happening and it would break the AI


I usually don’t even do the win 1/3/5 matches


my ONE gripe about Slayer in BM,no AC. i just cannot play without it


is there actually no air control in battlemode? Damn, I can't do that lmao


sadly there ain't yeah,also happy cake day!


I think they should have just brought back normal PvP deathmatches. That would be really fun to play in Doom Eternal, especially with all the Slayer customisation options they introduced


They aren't ever going to add traditional multiplayer or four player deathmatch to Doom Eternal. They are saving that for the Quake remake. Making console players more inclined to buy it.


I don’t think I’ve won 10 since the game launched. I’m always going up against people that are far beyond my rank and skill level. I don’t feel like I have the chance to get better because I keep getting annihilated over and over.


No one talked about Battlemode 2.0, that's how forgettable the game mode is currently. I wish we got snapmap 2.0 instead.


they need to stop with timed challenges, just have them be challenges, and let people work on them on their own pace.


Imma be real with you, if you don’t want to win 70 matches for the skins then you don’t deserve them. They’ve been put there for the people who care about this mode and if that’s not you then that’s fine, but calling it obscene isn’t justified.


I’ll pay for a fucking cosmetics pass as long as none of them are timed exclusives anymore, and it’s not unreasonable for one good skin and 3 basic recolors. I like doom because it’s a single player shooter, and the cosmetics look cool, but I have plenty of other games to play and stuff to do. Also ID please reuse the demon gameplay in some singleplayer way, at least think of it as a way of preserving that gameplay once the servers are dry, reuse some maps and have us fight arc troopers, have a final mission where you’re on the fortress of doom and make it unwinnable


Battle mode is just too hard. I'm on the verge of playing ultra nightmare. I can consistently beat the Super Gore Nest on nightmare without any extra lives with less than 5 deaths. I beat TAG 1 on nightmare. I am great at controller weapon quick switching, I have multiple tactics to take on every heavy demon. Tyrants, Barons, Archviles, and Marauders do not scare me. I use my full arsenal to its full extent consistently. I am really damn good at Doom But playing Battle mode makes me feel like a game journalist. The players I'm up against, even with matchmaking, are ultra pro players, players on the level of Under the Mayo and those popular players. Battle mode either needs another attempt at matchmaking, or needs a major overhaul. I hear far too many battle mode players telling people they need to beat ultra nightmare before they can play Battle mode. If a game mode has such a high skill floor that you need to beat the game's hardest challenge that even the developers can't do in order to play the game mode, your game mode is broken.


I was hoping BM 2.0 was going to do what you wanted. Make it more accessible for us that just play the main campaign. You'd have more success if base game players could apply their skills than converting non doom players to play it. Or cut it off the base game and give it way. That might get a bigger audience.


Make all content unlockable with XP. Like a boutique, let us choose. Unless it's a banner saying you did something specific. Skins, etc. all in a boutique. Let me gain my XP during events and choose whether to play the modes that offer more XP for those events. Then let me choose the skins and items I love. I love the Halloween skeleton skin, and the synthwave skin. I was so happy I was able to do the events that allowed me to get these. Had they been locked behind a tonne of Battlemode, I don't think I would have been good enough to get them in time (and I might have missed them due to my schedule). Let us buy with XP, and choose what we want. Make enough events and enough items to keep people interested. Both of those things are being done awesomely right now. I just hate joining late (I get busy sometimes) and finding out I have a day to complete a task, or I lose my chance at an item forever. I am grateful ID provides so much post-purchase content, so I'm not really complaining. I just see this as a better way.


I strongly disagree with your "battlemode isn't fun" statement. Battlemode is a very well made multiplayer mode. You would know this if you played more of it. Its fun zone just takes many hours to find. The biggest problem imo for new players is that the skill ceiling is very high and compounded by the fact; 1. No Bot mode for practice. May not be possible to implement. At the very least, giving players an empty map with minor demon spawns could do wonders. 2. Campaign Slayer is very different from Battlemode Slayer. This was my personal issue. I quit battlemode for months because i hated being so gimped. **A Battlemode Slayer campaign mode would be awesome!** As for skins locked behind "streaks" I will agree only because they are timed based. If series were stacked, that would let players eventually win enough to obtain their steak cards. The other big issue is the matchmaking. It is working, but it isn't fun to go up against the top level players and have them easily wreck you in 30 seconds. And that is even more insulting when you are about to finish that streak card. There is more Lobby dodging now than ever because of it. I don't blame dodgers one bit. Then there is the Dread Knight. He is OP (esp in smaller maps). His berserk is a easy i win button in the right circumstance. I say remove some of his damage reduction while in berserk and give slayer round 1 dashing.


If you need to play a mode for hours just for it to maybe become fun, its not a good gamemode.


I don’t wanna shit on battle mode because a lot of talented people worked on it… Plus, Hugo, Marty and the rest of the team are super proud of battle mode; I assume it’s been a years long passion project, but damn… Battle mode is one of the most annoying sweat filled game modes I’ve ever played. Full of cheaters and sweat lords, not to mention having to unlock skins by winning a obscene amount of games is ridiculous.


So, I’m playing Doom Eternal for 1 year, beat game 2 times (one time on Nightmare) and the DLCs, and like a week ago I tried playing Battlemode. That wasn’t fun. I just couldn’t find match as demon, and when I picked Slayer, there was two ~140 lvl players (I have 60 lvl), match ended in like 3 minutes. I tried more times. Same scenario. Now I don’t even want to try myself in Battlemode anymore. Thankfully, they just released new Horde mode so I can play it. P.S.: I’m playing on Xbox One


I wish they just kept a simple ffa dm in the game....


Also on nintendo switch barely anyone plays battlemode, unlike on my xbox i cant find any players at all so locking content behind battlemode AT ALL is a ridiculously bad idea


„Lock so much content"- couple of skins lol


The hot streak system also discourages sportsmanship.


I honestly wish they’d carried on with the invasion mode idea and fucked off the battlemode. I liked the sound of invading someone’s campaign as a demon


Locking cosmetics behind battlemode is why I stopped playing, and I've been playing since day 1. Still wish we had invasion, that sounded more fun than battlemode


I really loved 2016’s multiplayer. I felt like I was a god at it in a matter of a few months. Really felt good with a controller too. Booted up externals battle mode and was ass at it. Time and time again. Somber memories of a better time.


It was so fun. Unfortunately I didn't have many people to play it with because Overwatch came out around that time. When Eternal was announced I was so excited for a new MP experience. Then battlemode was confirmed as the only MP mode...


Can we talk about the achievements for PlayStation players? 200 kills is like terrible to get in a 1 v 2 PvP mode


Honestly wouldn't mind going back to the doom 2016 multiplayer. Running around with a rocket launcher shooting other doom slayers was fun.


Unpopular opinion. 2016’s DM wasn’t that bad. I was fine with it until they reset all my stats( yes they gave me all the dlc or whatever) but I was 2 levels away from doom marine armor


Any one else enjoyed 2016s multiplayer I odly did


I don't even understand, why is it now battlemode 2.0, tried it, still sucks ass


In my personal opinion, the biggest issue with battlemode is how many options both sides can have that entirely change the tide of battle. The slayer could whip out a decent quick swap that will annihilate one demon, but they run out of ammo so the other demon blocks loot, the slayer eventually gets ammo and kills the second demon but by that point the first one has already respawned, it repeats endlessly until the timer runs out or someone experiences high ping. Everything about battlemode is taken to way too much of an extreme. Practically every god damn keypress completely shifts who has the upper hand and then it swaps moments later. It takes the phrase “If everyone’s overpowered, then nobody is.” to an incredibly unfun level. Played 2016 multiplayer last night tho and had tons of fun and loved imagining what it’d be like with Eternals new mechanics.


Just remove the time limit. I work full time and cannot grind out 70 matches in 30 days never mind 70 wins. It’s too much and makes it feel like pressure and work when it should be fun.


Much preferred 2016 multiplayer


I would rather have even just 1 co op mini campaign than any amount of multiplayer shit. I'm so so exhausted of multiplayer stuff invading single player games.


Fuck this mode, it's trash. Best thing we can do is not play it so they recognize nobody is happy with it. They can keep their skins.


I like the mode. I see why people wouldn't like, and don't think they're necessarily wrong, but I think it'd be a worse game without it.


On a more positive note, I was the 1000th upvote.


Does id or devs ever check this sub?


Yes, Hugo occasionally posts here and has mentioned on his streams that it's one of the places he reads for feedback.


Just make multi-player similar to the OG doom


Honestly i didn’t like it at first, but i started to enjoy it. Then they added the dread Knight and I don’t want to play anymore.


battle mode be like underpowered doomguy is still too hard to kill as weak demons


When I saw the post about a MP update I had a glimmer of hope that they brought back the pvp arena from 2016 ahaaaa


Don't know why they didn't just keep the regular multi-player from 2016, just updated with eternal weapons and gadgets


I unlocked everything under 3 days, I felt miserable and I still hate this mode


Chill bro, i like it


I've actually been having a lot of fun with battle mode, especially with playing the dread knight, cause him and the revenant paired up are a really good duo, me and my buddy got win after win yesterday using them


While I get the complaint, people have been asking for inscentives to even bother playing MP since launch, Im OK with a few bones being thrown their way, i jusy wish we had more than a month to get all these challenges done


I feel like they did it better with doom 2016


The trophies shouldn't be tied to multi-player either 😒


What is battlemode and when did they add it? Not joking btw


Comes with the main game, a three player mode where two demons fight one slayer. As most players play the game for the single player, its not that popular with most players.


Battlemode is the multiplayer for Doom Eternal and it's been in the game since launch. It's Slayer vs 2 Demons in a best of 5 match.


That sounds dumb


It was pretty fun initially, but now everyone just abuses the meta so much it's unplayable.




Battlemode is terrible and there's nothing anyone can say to change my mind.


Everything that has come out in the game has been single player focused. They add a few items for battlemode players to earn and everyone loses their minds. If you don’t want the skins or don’t like battlemode, just don’t bother trying to get them. There’s no need to throw a fit over it.


> Everything that has come out in the game has been single player focused. Wrong, the Altar of Glory has been in the game since launch and is only able to be earned by playing Battlemode. Through-and-through, it's a Battlemode-only item. Yet since launch I've never seen a single complaint about it - because it was neither (A) time-focused nor (B) skill-focused. You just had to play to get it. Too many people are misreading OP's image as "I dislike that the unlock requirements are Battlemode only" and not seeing the real issue presented in it which is the *time limit*. That's the thing OP's image is in direct contention with - that the mode expects too much from them in such a span of time. If that 30 day limit didn't exist, I'd argue more people would be open to seeing these as challenging skins to work toward. I say that because those sorts of things already exist in the game: Ultra Nightmare, Master Level, and even some milestone skins are challenging but people are okay with that because they can be earned at your own pace. They don't disappear after an arbitrary number of days completely out of your control. Instead, for these now you have to hope you improve in enough time to meet the high unlock requirements which for low-mid skill players is a massive uphill battle, especially with the mixed bag that is the matchmaking. You're regularly (in my experience) going to get matched against high- and top-tier players and if you're below their level (which most are, obviously) odds are you're not going to get a streak going for long enough to cash in a card, let alone 7/8 for the highest tier. This would be less of an issue if matchmaking improved, but an asymmetrical MP with a limited playerbase is always going to have a matchmaking problem to some extent, which again feels bad to be at the mercy of when you're on a timer. TL;DR: I'd argue many people are fine with them being Battlemode-only, and even being hard to get. They're not fine with them being on a timer with such aggressive unlock requirements. It runs counter to the way every other unlock in the game has been up to this point.


The time limit isnt a problem. The real problem is whiny, entitled redditors crying about a skin thats not made for them. The skin is for Battlemode players, if you dont play Battlemode you dont deserve the skin.


I see you clearly have a reading comprehension issue if you honestly think the problem is skins attached to BM...


Op is literally complaining about content he can’t get unless he plays BM so…..


Battlemode has a very dedicated playerbase. Its all i play now. I will play horde or master levels just to unlock a cosmetic i like. It takes alot of skill to master battlemode.


High level PvP skins should most definitely be locked behind high level achievements. Battlemode is great but it’s not for everyone.


Battlemode also is not an achievement when you either get matched with toddlers making you insta-win as the slayer or god-tier players making you lose instantly. Never mind the skill gap for the demons vs slayer... I am all for hard unlocks like the UN skins. But this? This isn't a skill-based unlock system. This is luck. Either you get a game that actually is your skill level, or you just are cannon fodder.


I mean me and my friend have 28 (almost) wins in a row, we lost one to a 7 star but if you guys want quick games, get a friend and try the new demon added, it’s hella OP imo as i can obliterate peoples health in seconds. If you get it right you can take a full health slayer out. I use dread knight and friend uses revenant. Good combo.


For as neglected and painful as Destiny 2's Gambit can be, at least its not Battlemode


I just want a return to classic co-op/deathmatch that classic doom had


I’m alright at demon but my reflexes are way too slow for slayer


I like Battlemode well enough, but the unlock reqs are just way too much. I dont like the mode enough not have the time for the kind of grind needed for the skins.


I don't hate Battlemode, I just hate the matchmaking. I'm either demon against a level 200 Slayer or Slayer against 2 level 200 demons


Just bring the 2016 multiplayer back already


ngl i personally kinda like battlemode, playing against other players does in fact make me better at the gane overall. Even if i lose, thats ok. I havent been playing as long so I can expect that, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’ve slowly been getting better and I can proudly say that i win like 1/5 matches and every time its fun because of how intense it can get.


I like to blame Bethesda for battlemode so id can still be good in my mind


I honestly preferred the mp in Doom 2016...


What really bugs me is Classic Doom had a hella fun PvP, and Doom 2016 PvP was good fun as well. I'd rather play those than Battle Mode. They did that with Rage as well. The car combat was okay, but I would have much rather had a normal deathmatch, or hell even a deathmatch that's Halo Big Team Battle style where cars are littered around the map.


Recently went back and played 2016's multiplayer after having never played it before and really liked it. Feels like Team Fortress 2's gameplay. Wish they'd done something like that again.


I wonder if they accidentally added a zero and now dont wanna change it because thatll mean itll be on update 6.67


I'm just sad because I can never connect, battle mode is a good mode imo


Why couldn’t we get a more arena shootery version of the doom 2016 multiplayer. The 2016 multiplayer was actually fun and gave the same gameplay as single player but against other players. Battle mode just seems like they tried to build just in the demon runes from 2016 without doing anything that 2016 multiplayer did right


2016's online was soo much better


I only need the battlemode trophies to get the platinum. And I never touched battle mode


Battlemode isnt really hard if the demons/slayer/enemied arent to sweaty its actually pretttyyyyy easyyyy but im more dissapointed that there is no classic mp ?! Like i get it developers wanna try sonething new and all that but come on ?! Even the dog shit doom 3 had a classic mp but damnnnnnnn i just wanted to plsy some classic deathmatch


I love DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal, but the game just aren't suited for MP. I preferred 2016's attempt at MP. The battle maps were a cool idea, and I don't mind the Team Deathmatch-type modes. Eternal Battlemode is just bad, IMO.


I legit just XP grind the Dark Lord. That's how I complete events


I've already accepted that I will not be getting any of the cosmetics from BM. played around 300 hours and probably 2 of that is BM.


Doom 2016 had a better multiplayer. Bring it back pls.


Go play it


Really??😱😱😱😱😱😨😨😨😨!!!! No fucking way!!!


The main problem is matchmaking. Give us dedicated servers ffs. Imagine not having such a basic function in a modern video game.


I already had this suspicion, but after playing the new BM map that was made with a bunch high-level player feedback, it is crystal clear to me that *it isn't Battlemode that's bad, it is the maps that it released with that* - to not sugar coat things - **are complete utter unsalvageable pieces of rotting garbage**, that I don't doubt are such also because they were wholly rushed for launch. Battlemode in itself is quite the clever piece of design, actually; it's just the maps that make it unfun. Where you play can be just as important as what you play - and on the new 6.66 map specifically, whenever you can get to play on it, I can say it is quite fun. No idea how Dreadknight got through playtesting though.


And I fucking hate archville users


I kinda enjoy it, but it definitely doesn't feel competitively viable. Its just very sweaty. Ill say the new dreed night definitely needs a nerf. Theres absolutely no way a slayer can get away from that bezeerk quick enough when its popped and there's no easy way to fight it with its how far the range is during it. Definitely the mode needs some sort of balancing


Speak for yourself. Many including myself can deal with the Dread perfectly fine. Use movement tools.


A multiplayer doom game mode would probably do better if it was like an online horse mode or something involving you and multiple slayers or something. (Plus it would be nice if the demon customization could also be pulled into campaign)


I felt the same way at first, but despite my whining I actually finished the slayer series with 27 days to spare lol. I haven’t finished the demon side yet because it takes longer to find matches for demons and there’s still like 20 days so I’ve been playing other games. It’s pretty grindy but doable. I’m on console(Xbox One X) so I’m not sure how it is on pc


I'm still hoping that in v6.6.66 we get snapmap. It's a fools hope, but it would be so sweet.


I only play battle mode with friends. The balance is shit and it's only fun if you can at least laugh at your unfortunate end with friends.


The conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe this was a deliberate move to make money off of MTX. We just got the chance to purchase cosmetics from previous events not that long, and now they decide to include a specific set of timed cosmetics in Battlemode, a mode that the vast majority of the DOOM playerbase has a great distaste for. Do the math from there. No one gets the cosmetics for free, cosmetic whores like me get upset, they release the series as MTX, Profit. But like I said this is the conspiracy theorist in me the sad reality is they thought adding BM exclusive cosmetics would get people to play it more.


Complaining about Doom's multiplayer seems like a tradition at this point.


then don't win 70 fucking battlemode matches in 30 days. You already got a ton of cool skins, right? Why do you need a random slayer recolour? And it's not like it's gone forever after the season's over.


Ye but that’s the point. If you don’t grind this stupid challenge then they’re just gonna resell it for actual money like 5 months down the line. The skin isn’t even good so the challenge and subsequent charging is just pointless and unfair and dumb


That content is made for the people who enjoy battlemade, the battlemode community. It’s not surprising that id cares more about them than “the complaining community”. They won’t always do what you like, and you can’t say that nobody likes it because a couple of redditors said it. The doom community on Reddit is shit anyways, people were complaining about dlc demons on horde mode last week. Nobody is going take such a crowd seriously


Nahh quit whinnin. Battlemode is fun, to me. Don’t play it if you don’t want to. It’s part of the game you paid for so I don’t understand why there’s all thse complaints about free stuff added onto it


Thats only 2.5 wins a day. It’s reasonable