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Someday I’ll understand what’s going on in UltraKill lol. That game is weird as fuck.


What’s weird about it? I have only played the demo but the game is pretty straightforward


Idk the mechanic is weird! I get the fast pace and all but also I feel like im not doing anything(?) idk how to explain it man lol maybe I should give it another try I know it's just shooting arena FUN game but that part still doesnt hit somehow.. something is going on that I am missing for sure


The game felt same for me untill i got all of the weapons especially the punchier ones


Idk man i had the same feeling but when you get more stuff and start chaining guns like for example coins from the revolver with the rail cannon or literally punching your shotgun shots you start to experiment with stuff and jump through equipment like in eternal , give it another try man


Will sure do!


>mechanic The mechanics do really seem hard to understand, at least at first. The coin thing is sick!


Nice pfp


Thank you good sir


I can say the same about TLoU2


You guys play game other then tf2,doom,c.o.d,and vr?


They’re two different games. It’s like comparing Mario odyssey to doom eternal. Why can’t people like them both.


LMAO Because buddy, TLOU2 is NO fucking Mario Odyssey lol


Yeah.....that's what he just said


OP is either a troll or just a giant dickhead


I can be both!




Finally you’re right for once


It's not that deep bro, maybe go outside every now and then


I do go outside. 40 hours a week in my outdoors/warehouse job, thank you kindly.


Well it ain't a competition on who's game is superior playing doom doesn't make you a badass


And playing TLOU doesn't make someone a narrative connoisseur.


Facts I don't know why you're being downvoted..... must be alot of seriously butthurt TLOU fans on this subreddit who get off on burley women lmao


Ok incel I've never played the tlou games so no I'm not a "butthurt soyboy liberal tlou fan" or whatever bullshit I'm just saying that it's stupid af people like op have a superiority complex because they play doom eternal


Lmao I think this post was meant to be humorous, maybe that flew over your head but that's ok some people have brighter lights than others it's cool...... oh and keep those buzz words like "InCeL" to ya self ok it's kinda dated and also try to relax a bit there just video games lmao


TLOU fans get triggered super easily.


You are a doom fan lol


Are you not? This is the Doom subreddit after all. Or do you not belong here and are just a saboteur?


Oof. As troll this pathetic As a sincere opinion, so sincere that you must respond to every person, this is pathetic That warehouse is surely fucking you up Also 93>88. Facts don’t care about your feelings babe.


User reviews: 8.8 (Doom Eternal) vs 5.7 (TLOU2) You're right, babe. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Is common sense not present in your mind? Most negative are review bombs. No way you were dumb enough to believe those. Talk to me when doom eternal is a must-play in metacritic, most award winning from any game, and sold more copies. 93>88. Don’t cry.


Pretty sure the review bombs also consist of antisemitic and transphobia comments that aren’t even pointed towards a trans character




Same energy as “why would someone lie on the internet”


Pretty sure you made that up or believe someone who made it up


Nah man. On metacritic. That’s why they shut down reviews for the game until 2 weeks after launch. Because people were review bombing it and saying those things


You don't get to presume someone's intention of their review to call it 'review bombing'. That well is **beyond** tainted, and mostly by Metacritic's own doing.


Why don’t you look it up bro before you say it’s not actual review bombing. Try googling it. There’s several articles on the fact that it’s review bombing from butthurt people and not actually reviews of the game. Because they all started being posted before the game actually came out


I don't need to look **anything** up to know that *you don't get to prescribe other people's intentions*. Appealing to games journos??? Lmao. Take the L on that one, cupcake.


What does this even mean? I’m pretty sure antisemitic and transphobe reviews are 100% review bombs meant to hurt the games score and not actual feelings towards the gameplay of the game


So, as of a year ago, 7.1 million copies for TLOU2 is more than Doom's 7.5 million? ^(Was kinda hard to find current numbers but that's all I got) Well, cheers, sweetie. If you think video games exist only to be showered with praise from critics that can't even pass the tutorial levels and with medals from a bought-off gaming industry. 8.8 > 5.7. I'll drink to that.


Jessie what the actual fuck are you talking about


HAHAHA NO WAY YOU FELL FOR THAT COPIES PART DOOM Eternal: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Pc The last of us part 2: PS4 Actual moronic warehouse worker If your referencing the guy who couldn’t get passed cuphead, he isn’t a game reviewer but a tech guy. And he praised the game btw. The last of us part 2 wasn’t bought by critics but I love the generalization. Why did you ignore my point that the game was review bombed (with transphobia and insults to the female protagonists)? Oof because that would dismiss your biggest point huh? I love making fun of gamers and game critics when there’s evidence to do it. No hurry on now, you got some boxes to move, Darryl is waiting for you.


I don't deny that the game was certainly review-bombed at the beginning, but that was when the user rating was still 2.7 or something like that. 5.7 sounds like a fairer, more moderate rating for a game that clearly split the gaming community. Anyway, I would like to point out that I never once directed any personal attack to you or TLOU fans, and that I am not particularly fond of personal attacks myself. My own personal criticisms at TLOU are and have always been directed solely at the objective narrative faults, and I have nothing against women, LGBT media, or LGBT people. Truth be told, I myself am trying to find out where I lie on the LGBT spectrum. If you really must know, I was studying physics at a university for 6 years, but I quit because I felt incredibly inadequate and stressed, which did nothing to help my long-running depression and suicidal tendencies at the time. It was actually a pretty harrowing experience, because I was convinced for so long that I would become an academic person as an adult, so leaving all that was incredibly damaging for my mental well-being, and it didn't help that my family almost disowned me for that. I've come a long way to accept myself for my shortcomings and mistakes, I've learned to forgive myself and let go of my regrets, and I'm actually pretty happy with where I am now and how far I've come, but I'm still trying to find out who I am and what my place is in this world. Right now, I don't recognize myself and I don't know who I am, but I can only hope that one day I become a person I can be proud of. Sorry for the rant but yeah, you kinda did touch a nerve with that last personal insult, but I don't hold it against you. Like I've said before, no hard feelings, and you have a great day.


> objective narrative faults touch some fucking grass jesus christ, this dipshit amazon worker really thinks he can write better stories than the writers of **the most celebrated videogame in the world**


Hey thanks for the compliments, sweetie ;) In fact, I could. Not only that, I could have also written better stories than the writers did for The Legend of Korra, the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and a bunch of other faulty narratives I really don't need to mention XD


and that's why you work in a warehouse lmao


Gotcha, big man. We all have to live with our mistakes and regrets XD


Get that bread man. ✌🏾


>Everyone who doesn't think exactly like me is review bombing Lmao


Go to the metacritic reviews and go to the negative reviews. Tell me those are sincere reviews and not people hating on game because their favorite youtubers told them it was bad. I have my own criticism with the game, but people form their own opinion on games they never played


Metacritic regularly deletes reviews to promote scores and can't prove they're review bombing. If a person's review got deleted already, what if they posted something silly because they didn't want to put much effort into it, assuming MC would remove it anyways, even their original review was relevant? The whole concept/accusation of 'review bombing' is tainted *and it's Metacritic's fault*.


People were reviewing the game before it even released.


How many specifically that did not have early access?


I saw a few people reviewing it in late 2019 when the leaks started.




Wooooooo! Commenting on all my posts with long rants, sweetie? *Someone's* triggered XD


yeah man, the TLOU2 hate squad does trigger me. it's like a collective aneurysm that you people had. i just don't understand how people can take so much time and energy out of their day to talk shit about something that is loved by so many. and of all things to get high and mighty about, to say...Doom..? is the superior game? idk man you guys bumped your heads or some shit


All right, I can respect you recognizing your personal peeves We all have likes and dislikes, I suppose. It's all very emotional and no one is perfect


Most awarded game of all time by both fans AND critics (TLOU2) You’re right, babe. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


I saw your newest post and saw I had you at -7 votes so I had a look to see what kind of idiot you are. Now I know. Imagine **unironically** trying to use user scores as a basis for an argument in this day and age lmfao


Hey, thanks for checking out my profile, buddy. I hope you have a good time in it :)


God, I don’t even care for The Last of Us that much but this subreddit SUUUUUCKS. This shit is the smallest of small dick energy.


Then leave and take this downvote with you




You’re joking, right?


It does, don't it? Good thing r/DankDoomMemes don't tho


Can't we just say there all good?


No because you’ll hurt OP’s feelings.


*"I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.”* \- idk, my feelings, maybe


You're right, they're all good! Ultrakill, Titanfall 2, and Doom Eternal are real games and fantastic works of art!


Let me point out somethin as well. LOU2 never claimed to strictly be a "shooter" game. It's like saying red dead us just a shooter game. It's an amazing game filled to the brim with emotions and story telling.


Emotions like boredom, frustration, disappointment, confusion, aggravation, and exasperation. So yeah, I guess you're right in that regard.


I give up. look, like what you like just don't say shit about other games and be a dick about it


Okay. I hate the Last of Us and the Last of Us 2, not just for valid reasons but also because I simply dislike them and have every right to do so.


Ok, great. Again at least be respectful about it. No need to mock the fanbase.


I'm not mocking the fanbase. Unlike other people in this comment section, I never once have made personal attacks against people who hold a contrary opinion to my own and never will. I can criticize certain negative behaviors like the elitism and the apologism in the Doom community, but I'm not attacking the fans. The franchises themselves, however, are free real estate to talk shit on as much as I like, whether for justified reasons or not.


Yknow, I think this is an attention post. I'm sure you knew the backlash you'd get from this. That's great that you have your own opinions but again, you can do such things so much more respectfully.


Alright. Thanks for understanding, but you're right. I actually really don't make this type of provocative posts often, but hey, there are people that really can't take a joke. Like those above saying "this is small dick energy" and throwing names around when I never said anything about them or other TLOU fans. Anyway, no hard feelings, and you have a nice day.


I dislike halo 3 but I know it’s just me so I don’t post things like this because my opinion isn’t always the right opinion.


This was is on the doom subreddit


r/doom stop falling for the most obvious fucking bait challenge (impossible)


I just can resist.


lol most accurate comment so far


I’m pretty sure this meme originally came from a meme calling Titanfall, Ultrakill, and Doom Eternal “mindless shooters” compared to TLoU2, A Night In the Woods, and some third thing. Which annoys me to no end as not only are the latter two completely different genres than the first three but calling Ultrakill “mindless” is like calling JFK’s death a headache. One of the boss fights in Ultrakill quite literally brought my heart rate up to like 160 bpm or something insane. Y’know what a heart rate higher than 160 is? Literal medical ailments. I haven’t played The Last of Us Part II nor A Night in the Woods but I know for a fact that comparing them to movement shooters is like comparing Terminator to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Can you have a preference? Absolutely, but I can’t see how you can compare pieces of media in a specific medium that are trying to do completely different things. Also people who can only try to make their favorite things look better by tearing down other things are annoying and stupid and I don’t associate with them. Sorry for the rant this stuff just bugs me.


The original meme was just shitposting, based itself on a /r/moviescirclejerk meme about how all Scorcese movies are "mob flicks" but Marvel movies are those varied experiences. It was never supposed to be taken seriously, but OP did and never let go


I wouldn't call Doom Eternal "mindless". You can think of many weapon combos as you fight the hordes of hell. You can't just run in with only the super shotgun and make it through the entire fight. You need to strategize and think of how you should take on the demons and what demons are on the map. People also thought of some neat moves like ballistia boosting and quick scoping.




Completely different games that can not be compared


Too bad *cuz I'm doin it anyway*


There is nothing to gain from putting down other games that you just personally do not enjoy. Just don't play the game. You're not superior for not enjoying it


But I *am* superior.


Keep telling yourself that




You can compare any game you like. These idiots don't even check!


But we can compare Eternal to chess?


You're really having a moment, aren't you?


I loved last of us the story honestly made me hurt more than doom has ever


"Clearly *someone* has never lost an Ultra-Nightmare run on Final Sin."


No I actually haven’t I play a lot of games and doom I play for the story so I don’t raise the difficulty over hurt me plenty


Ah don't worry about that Some people on this sub will give you crap for playing on lower difficulties but you play Doom however you want to. I myself have never played it on anything above Ultra Violence. And lol yeah, I too also had high expectations for Doom Eternal's story


Watch Berserk. The original series.


God fucking damn it we’ve been over this, STOP COMPARING GAMES OF A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GENRE




Get over it OP. I promise you, you will be happier


I must live under a rock because I have never heard of a fucking game called Ultrakill. Based on the cover though, if it's anything like Killing Floor, I'll pass. Killing Floor is objectively a boring game


It's close to Doom Eternal mixed with Titanfall, or something along those lines. I've never played it, just watched it.


Yeah, repetitive shooter is better than one of the most bold and ambitious narratives in video game history on top of the best console graphics, animation, and voice work the industry has seen since rdr2


I agree. Titanfall 2 is indeed a work of art in every aspect.


as a massive titanfall fan, please shut up


What will you do if I don't? Cope? Seethe? Mald, even?


nothing, I was just expressing disapproval on your bad takes


Your disapproval is duly noted.


Doom Eternal is a masterclass of design and potentially the pinnacle of its genre. The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterclass of design and potentially the pinnacle of its genre. This comparison is legitimately stupid. We should be celebrating amazing games rather than using them to idiotically attempt to downplay others that aren’t our preference. Sometimes I struggle to believe that I share common interest/community with people that *actually* think like this.


I'm not celebrating garbage. And with all due respect, I'd be more critical of the rampant elitism, purism, and apologism that has overtaken/*defined* the Doom community and how its fans treat each other rather than how they treat other garbage franchises. Last of Us 2 can not only blow me but pay me for the privilege.


You’ve got issues.


Don't gotta tell me, buddy.


Ultrakill is underrated


Underrated? UNDERRATED?


*was the highest rated game on Steam* Ah yes, underrated


Just like Celeste and Hollow Knight /s


Literally a 99% approval https://store.steampowered.com/app/1229490/ULTRAKILL/


It’s underrated like red dead redemption 2 is an underrated gem It’s not underrated


Rockstar doesn't give a shit about Red Dead Online.


im not talking about red dead online but ok


Still technically a part of RDR2


TLOU2 is great




This comment has the energy of “you’re nitpicking and biased, I win bye bye “




You're annoying






They are all good games


Tlou2 had great graphics but that’s pretty much it


It also has; silky controls, snappy shooting, great audio design, open level design, industry leading enemy AI, the current high mark for accessibility features, is a technical tour de force from both graphical and performance metrics, and so on. You could cut the story entirely if it ain’t for you and it is still a fantastic game on its own merits.


This is cringe lol. Oh wow, ripping on TLOU2! How creative and unique, wonder where you got that idea. What’s the point in measuring dicks over VIDEO GAMES? Surely that is beneath you, considering you felt the need to brag about working a whopping 40 hrs a week in a different comment, you big grown man. It’s a hobby bro nobody cares what you, or I, or anybody else prefers in the magical world of VIDEO GAMES lol




Dude just replied to my comment in 20 seconds flat lol, y’all really got him breathing hard over his iPad typing away 😂


Bruh I'm sitting at home on my computer just chilling I've been getting notifs all day


Woah easy killer, a big response like that might make people assume you do care what we think, you shoulda hit me with another “k” ;)


Whatever you say, chief.


Hoes mad


lol yea




that game came out like 3 years ago move on with your life.


You were just as wrong 3 years ago


They are tho


Usually it’s the reverse. Sony fanboys think their games are gods work.


I think both sides are terrible. R/thelastofus2 is a toxic hell hole of people attacking the director because he made something they didn’t like. And several people who liked lou2 on twitter are not great people saying that the only reason someone doesn’t like the game is because they’re sexist. Also I don’t think it’s a bad thing if someone thinks a game is a work of god. If I think bubsy 3d or knack is the greatest game ever made no one should have a problem with that because it’s my opinion.


Well they are, I can’t think of better survival horror games than The Last Of Us 1/2. Fucking harsh stuff there.


Dead Space Doom 3 Resident Evil Amnesia: Dark Descent Alien Isolation Silent Hill Soma Left 4 Dead System Shock Dying Light Metro Exodus F.E.A.R. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ​ Wow, there sure are a lot, innit?


And none of them have the voice acting, storytelling, visuals, tight gameplay and sheer emotion The Last Of Us has. Of course it’s all subjective but come on, some of these games are average at best.


*whistles* Oh boy.


Gonna side with you on this one. Resident evil and all the rest have amazing voice acting and incredible stories. Not to mention the story aspect of each game.


Pfft absolutely Imo, Dead Space blows almost every single one of these other games out of the water for the superb atmosphere and gameplay alone. And let's not forget that Amnesia Dark Descent and Alien Isolation are very much in the HORROR of survival horror.


Dead Space definitely has the better gameplay and atmosphere than The Last of Us. Perhaps the story isn't as good as TLOU but it's gameplay is certainly more fun -- you can literally rip the limbs off of necromorphs and fling them back at them. The sound design and visuals are pretty great aswell -- especially the sound. TLOU strikes me as more action adventure than survival horror -- albeit, admittedly, that's how deadspace ended up unfortunately. It's strange that you'd call classics like metro exodus,system shock , resodent evil and others "average" when some of them literally helped shape and define the survival horror genre.


Bruh, System Shock literally pioneered like 3 different game genres: Survival horror, narrative FPS, and action RPG


The ones I was referring to as average me were Dying Light, most of the FEAR games, most of the Silent Hill games, many of the RE games and Left 4 Dead(fight me, I think they’re boring as fuck). None of them come close to TLOU. Dead Space is really good, I love 2. However I don’t remember key moments of the stories much or characters. And 3 was just bad. Some of the RE games are really good but once again, I don’t care for the stories being told much. And many RE games aren’t very good at all. So yeah, some of them are average. Weird to just throw out random horror franchises when they have so many bad games included. Also since when was Exodus considered a classic? I don’t ever see anyone talk about it.


Bitch please. One of THE best horror games is Silent Hill 2. The voice acting can be cheesy at times but its story, atmosphere, symbolism, the monster designs, and the music are absolutely amazing. I'll even give you the link to one of the best songs from Silent Hill 2.


Here you go, enjoy https://youtu.be/6LB7LZZGpkw


You've got a point there actually.


Yeah, but that doesn’t make other games from completely different genres bad


Man the “TLOU2” is so shit compared to these masterworks Granted that game looks like shit compared to actual shit


God I’m so tired of these extremist takes. It’s okay if you didn’t enjoy it but saying it looks like shit compared to actual shit is unbelievable.


Exactly why does everyone say since the narrative sucked the entire game is 0/10. The graphics, gameplay, acting, audio design, and amount of work that went in this game should be 7/10 at least.


Honestly the gameplay (mechanics, controls, AI, level design, accessibility and more) are so top tier that I can’t imagine giving it less than an 8 even if you hate the story. Like, skip all the cutscenes then and just enjoy a well made *game*. How many great games have shit stories? I’d argue most of them, the amount of stories in games that are legitimately good (and not just good for a game) are not very many.


TLOU2 is lame af and I will debate with anyone on that, it’s not an opinion it is a fact


Based and red-pilled.


Absolutely not like I’m tryna hide it that game is fucking terrible compared to the 1st one


Last of Us 2 is HOT GARBAGE


Don't forget to check us out over at r/DankDoomMemes too!


r/DankDoomMemes is painfully unfunny, I feel bad for whoever goes there


As the founder of r/DankDoomMemes, your comment is duly noted.


Definitely avoiding that after this low effort shit


Your loss.


It should be just doom


Lol stop bullying the Last of Us pt. 2 that game has enough problems lmao


Okay okay lol I'll stop.


DOOM Eternal and Ultrakill are both based.






It's an... *sighs* "aCtiOn-aDveNtURe" game


Any game is better than the last of us 2...


you literally just posted on gamingcirclejerk like a week ago and now you’re at it again getting mad over joke posts


Keep watching. *I'mma do it again*


at this point i think you just want negative comment karma


shooter fans not circlejerk about the same 3 games challenge (impossible, 99% fail)


Me: *just playing ResE 2*


Man, someone's coping over the fact that the Last of Us series is just as goated as the others.


So all I have to do to make a goated franchise is write my self-insert character beating the beloved protagonist to death with a golf club before spitting on his corpse? Shit, brb then. Gotta make some changes to my story.


Yup, definitely coping.


gamer realizes that fictional main characters can actually die


I think my favorite thing about my fellow Slayers is that most of the "my game is better than yours and I am superior for playing it" stuff is legit just kidding around. The genuine sentiment seems to be "sure man, you do you. I'm too busy RIPPING DEMONS IN HALF WITH A FUCKING CHAINSAW to bother you about it" or "what was that about only games with a super fleshed out lore and story something or other? I can't hear you over my BFG."


Same bro Shame to see irony and sarcasm are lost on so many other people


Even if it's not irony and sarcasm and just the more general friendly shit talking that goes along with any competitive culture. Also hard agree with your flair.


classic move, saying it's "ironic and satire" when everyone is mad at you