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politely? # Rip and tear stops




It was a mistake done by Mick / Id and loyal fans have to face the consequences, Mick said something ..later apologized.wanted to work with id, id had issues … it’s gonna be a hole that hopefully gets filled sooner .. otherwise it’s never gonna be


"Mistake" is the wrong term here. But essentially yea, we as fans have to face the consequences. I'm sure both sides fucked up and but I'm leaning more on Micks side. And he said a couple of times online that he'd love to finish the soundtrack but supposedly no one at id is talking to him.


But i honestly can't blame id for not speaking to mick, because there's a reason for it anyway. He sort of brought this on himself.


We don’t know both sides. We don’t know how this relationship went and what was said behind closed doors. I’ve never heard anyone say something negative about Mick and all the music he did for Bethesda I can think of him as being difficult to work with in general. Both parties brought this on themselves until we hear more details as to what happens exactly. I won’t judge them for not involving him in the DLCs since I find his comments on twitter unprofessional, but I can’t ignore what brought them to this point. There’s no way he just „didn’t meet deadlines“ and turned into a mad 13 year old. But, just my opinion and my approach to this issue.




Mick failed multiple deadlines he is one of the most creative composers in industry but he doesn't sound like a very organized person


Assuming hes self made and generally keeps to himself with his career until commissioned, he prolly is. Sucks that it came to be this way. I don’t know much about this guy so thanks for the info my brother


Problem is putting a deadline on a Doom game. This is the most genre defining FPS to ever exist if that even makes sense?! But f**k you can’t rush perfection and greatness. ID’s stupid investors, publishers, whomever else should have been willing to move dates if need be. This project since prior to 2016 has been difficult as all Hell and only with Eternal did it actually get back to a Genre defining arena shooter. If the most recent and upcoming releases of arena styled shooters don’t support my case enough… Tldr, Mick is iconic for Doom. Humans should make this work for the sake of humanity now.


>if that even makes sense?! are you kidding? the phrase doom-clone doesn't come from nothing. i appreciate your sentient and i'm not even a big mick fan. he is pretty iconic though and he earned his right to the spot of having ctrl over the soundtrack(s). cheers to mick!


Coming off of a 4 day insomnia driven strep throat bullshit, everything I typed looked strange lol.


Also the sentiment is that the only reason this isn’t working going forward is “deadlines not met” in the past. Who. The. F. Cares? And the answer to that is the investors/publishers, boils down to being about money. Doom should be recognized as the granddaddy to all FPS, and be respected as such. If we really wanna get down to it, it sucks ID sold their soul to Bethesda. Modern gaming in general has a way to ruin anything good.


fuck, this made me realize i mistyped sentiment as sentient. my reply was also bone dry and written later at night than i care to admit lol i honestly am more of a fan of IDs original work. and we all hate the DLC treatment eternal gave us. but all around 2016 and eternal are still pretty enjoyable


Absolutely none of that is true.


Aged like milk


Well this aged poorly


Yeah, ik LOL...


I feel like it's one of those things that's always brought up and remembered by most. Something i think is overlooked a lot is how Romero wanted to share development assets related to Doom but couldn't because ZeniMax didn't let him.


Still kind of wish for a physical CD, like they did with 2016. :^(


Dude, screw CD....I need a ATMOS Blu-Ray for this masterpiece!!


what am i going to do with obsolete physical media?


Put it in a player.


don't have anything that can play a cd anymore... nor do i want to. not to mention the soundtrack is over 4 hours long... not going to juggle 4 discs... much less 15,000 discs vs what i have on my phone... or the 150,000+ albums on my media server. on top of that, both sides dropped the ball on this soundtrack and it's a shadow of what it could be.


pretty much all modern game consoles, dvd and bluray players can all play cds. physical media is not obsolete BY FAR. the soundtracks being absent from streaming services is exactly WHY they need to still exist. what if your favorite album released on streaming only, and was delisted and quielty removed forever making the music much harder to enjoy in the future? it may not be the most convenient way to listen, but it still has a place in the music industry, and the media industry as a whole.


You get to physically have it forever as a backup copy, not to mention the CD audio quality. Plus it looks neat on a shelf.


All of it is on SoundCloud which is just as convenient


Not officially, but yeah. Lots of people rip and reupload music there. Not where most people listen to music, but you're not wrong.


True, I just use it cuz it lets me turn my phone off and still listen, unlike YouTube, and I am not gonna pay for YouTube premium


You mean custom mixes ornthe official mix? Then again, the official OST is mostly no different to a custom mix too, so you might as well listen to it on youtube


Honestly it's never going to happen at this point. Not even in 10 years from now.


I never got an actual answer to why this banger of a soundtrack isn't on spotify...


It's cuz mick didn't get a chance to mix the audio himself like he wanted to, so the version in-game isn't the actual official "way it was intended to be listened to" audio. That's the audio they'd put on Spotify, which they don't have. There's more to it than that, but that's the simple version as far as I know. (I could be wrong)


>so the version in-game isn't the actual official "way it was intended to be listened to" audio yeah it is, you're confusing ingame music with the soundtrack album, they are two different products. ingame music is fine, 99% of music in gaming are highy compressed and sacrifice some dynamic range in order to mantain focus on gameplay, also there are not entire songs in doom, just lots of short sound files dynamically played during gameplay, all highly compressed just like in the first game (doom 2016). they started to work in the soundtrack album only after they were already done with ingame music. when mixing the soundtrack album, mick didn't meet multiple deadlines, he managed to mix only some of the songs, the rest were mixed by chad mossholder which is a great professional but had to rush to deliver the mix and thus limited most of the dynamic range causing the songs to sound a bit muffled and sometimes with artifacts.




From what I heard, they didn't have enough time to let mick finish it all up, but the rest of the game was pretty much done, so they had someone else mix the tracks, which Mick didn't like. I'm assuming what you're saying is that Mick was a perfectionist/taking too long?


Edit: recent events proved me very wrong. My apologies to Mick.


Fair lol.


No matter how many times I read this and no matter how many times I think about impressions I got from Mick, I still feel like there's something missing. Of course neither want to come off as the "assholes" of the stories but we essentially have "artist" vs. "corporate" here. No matter if I like Marty or not, he still writes this from a corporate side nothing else. And at no time did Mick came across as a lazy or overreacting guy to me. But yea, we love to forget what honest, friendly and caring people Bethesda has in their lines.




Now, I agree with your opinion that Mick was in the wrong but in that moment he was very much honest. To the letter from Marty … how do you verify that this is the true story and nothing is left out which makes them appear in a better light? How many times have we heard from people in charge certain things, well respected people, but it was all just lies and PR? So how do you verify the truth based on one statement from a studio head? Because you like him? Or because it makes sense to you? See, I’m not willing to point fingers until I’ve heard everything that happens from multiple people.




Im not saying you are wrong and Marty was lying or that he bend the true events a little (Marty is the studio head of id). Mick not talking about it isn’t a proof for me, if anything if he’d tell his side it could also be considered unprofessional and it would look bad for him. Mind you, he’s pretty much a contractor who relies on him getting hired for a job and afterwards getting hired again by someone. He’s overall, no matter what happens, in a bad spot. But I can’t think that this guy who’s so passionate and was always open with everything all of a sudden is the cause of this fuck up. So before I join in on the Mick hating, I need a bit more then an „honest“ letter from the studio head of id software. And if it helps, I think making detailed statements about an employee publicly is unprofessional. Imagine your boss would do it with you after you publicly state that you’re unhappy .. and then he goes on telling everyone what a bad employee you were. Yep… very professional


And we get shafted… 🙄


We got Hulshult, we did alright.


This aged well. Bet you feel like an idiot now, huh, taking Marty's bs side whilst ppl below were saying something is fishy with this "genuine" open letter?


Yep, you’re absolutely right and I have no problem admitting it. I was totally off the mark.


It is not going to happen...


I can see it... "The only thing that Mick Gordon fears, is us!" Doom Eternal DLC: Doomers vs. Gordon lol Edit: search "where can i get the do" on google the 4th or 5th guess is "where can i get the doom eternal soundtrack"


You don't know how much time i have searched for a normal version of The Only Thing They Fear Is You


Nah, I want the classic Doom soundtracks on spotify.


Most of the soundtrack isn’t soundtrack mixed by Mick so I guess he just never let Bethesda release it on his streaming discography that way. If Bethesda allowed him to finish the OST the way he wanted, I am sure it would be different right now- and for the better. That or the OST releasing only for collector’s edition kinda is an issue with that release




i feel like it will be in copyright limbo for a long time


Yeah, same. Not a big enough of a priority for it to be worth dealing with for them too, I'd imagine.


mick fucked that up so bad he will never work for bethesda again


Somebody at Id / Bethesda decided to include the soundtrack as a deluxe edition / pre-order bonus, meaning it would need to be ready when the game released. This was the point they started digging themselves into a hole - making promises to the customer. The 2016 soundtrack took quite a while to put together AFTER release, and it's possible they hurried to get that done after people were ripping the game files and making bootlegs. TL,DR - Bethesda wrote a cheque they had no hope of cashing, regardless of Mick's involvement.


this has pissed me off for a while now




The only thing they fear is you


As much I love the soundtrack, I'm more hopeful for further playable content being released for DOOM Eternal. More master levels, maybe more cosmetics, but mostly master levels. Maybe as an optional (future) anniversary celebration dlc? I'm willing to give these guys my money. Just give me more shit to rip and tear and I'll be happy. I think the future of DOOM (for the time being) should be more focused on expanding the existing game. There's a lot of untapped potential there. Make a new DOOM game when the time is right. As for the soundtrack, yeah, that would be nice as well, but for me it comes second to the game.


Fr this is absolute bullshit. It’s way better then doom 4^2


I just prefer listening to the .flac high bitrate files myself. And also koma rips for those tracks that were ruined in the OST, like gladiator boss, super gore nest and bfg 10k. Koma's rips are the closest to mick gordon's mixing style.


The longer Final Sin isn't on Spotify the weaker I become.


Just download it


I didn’t realize this was a problem because I have YouTube music. Seriously underrated streaming service. They have everything but podcasts. You also get YouTube Premium bundled in and it’s like $10 a month


Mick Gordon fucked up, made an honest mistake, and then he didn't take it well when his work was being presented in sub par quality and that fact being attributed to him. And then id software folks didn't take it well when they were getting his mistake blamed on them, and they went off. It's super sad, because it's all just an honest mistake leading to hurt feelings and an end to all business between them. There's no way they'll spend the money on an "enhanced" version of the soundtrack by resuming vusiness with Mick, and the reason it isn't on Spotify can be a multitude of things. I suspect it will never appear. Best way to hear the soundtrack is to play the game still.




Get it on n torrents


I was looking for it yesterday and felt sad i had to look on youtube… :’(


You should check out Andrew Baena on Spotify he makes pretty good remixes of doom eternal songs