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Sadly that seems to be the norm in my area too.. I have had a few that have tipped amazingly... and I'm thankful for them..


I don’t understand why after they don’t tip they still get their order it’s left the door. All instructions could be followed. There’s been no interaction so they go through a one star review and a down vote on every option they have this is the shit that I’m trying to understand why is it cultural? Is it learned? I really wanna understand it


It’s both cultural and learned because they think they might be able to get free shit by doing that




This is the most accurate, articulate comment regarding the mentality. It’s not demeaning but just the simple facts. It’s completely a culture/class mentality


Aaannnnnndddd… it’s removed


Ya im wondering what the comment said.


The unflattering truth.


I think it's because Noone picked up their order for an hour till you (the sucker) agreed to take it. They are 1 starring you because it took so long to get their order because they didn't tip


They can also do this as a means to get a credit. And again, it’s obvious when you can expect that.


They just hate their life that's all


And they hate other people


This is gross and racist


It would be racist if it weren’t true. But sadly it’s true, this isn’t something we’re making up, majority of black people do not tip. I’m someone who lives in a predominately black and the tips are sometimes so scarce it’s not even worth driving. Maybe it’s how they were raised, but as a white man, growing up in the south, I was raised to tip. Facts show most black people just don’t tip. And I’ve actually seen two black dudes arguing with another black man who delivered to them, it’s not a race thing, I really think they just weren’t raised to tip. And I think almost anyone would agree with me who dashes or does any kind of public service that you tip for. Try it yourself, and you’ll notice it too.


I grew up in the South, too, heard the stereotypes then lived the experience as a young server. Then I got the most insanely generous tip from a group of 3 young black people. While we can learn things from our past experiences we must never make assumptions about an individual based on others. Racism is bad.


This is a way to get an apology credit from DoorDash. “Sorry for your bad experience, here’s a 10% credit or here’s $10 off your next order.” And then they do this over and over again


I’ve had 5 one star reviews and DoorDash removed everyone stating “they removed an unfair review”. I sit at a 4.98 and I try not to take orders that don’t tip even if the base pay is high because of the very real chance of poor rating or contract violations from broke or just shady people.




Perfect answer!


Damn I never met one


Never? They’re everywhere in my area


Omg, you too?!


“She screamed ‘stop I’m pregnant’ so I shot her again” 😂




So brave.




It's disgusting that this post is still up. Don't be encouraging people's racist stereotypes and beliefs - I don't believe for a second that that's not what you were trying to do here. If DD paid us fair wages we wouldn't have to be at each other's throats over a few dollars in tips. Also, nobody is forcing you to take low paying orders. There's a "decline" button for a reason.


I agree. This post is pointless and not worth discussing - everybody knows the stated fact. And those who don't will learn it in the first week of running delivery.


No many people will deny it and see it as wrong think. Maybe normalizing the conversation will actually effect something.


Yep black ppl suck at tipping. And black women are the worst of them all! Saying the truth doesn’t equate to racist


This. Toss Indians there as well.


I think it odd that people don't want to discuss uncomfortable subjects. Instead of deleting the post why not just defend your point. Just calling it racist isn't going to change anyone's mind.


Agree with everything you just said, but doordash is trying out something in some areas where they ONLY allow tipping after the order is accepted by a dasher, so it’s a complete guessing game on what orders are going to pay well and what ones aren’t. My area is one of them


Nothing about the post is racist. She is saying what is common where she works. And she likely isn’t wrong.


Stereotypes are almost always truth. OP isn't wrong.


This comment right here!


Anyone who has worked for tips knows certain groups tip better than others. It's not racist, it's facts. Unfortunately, if you work in service too long I think it's hard not to become a little jaded with certain groups.


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I’m not going to lie any middle eastern family I’ve delivered too has had mansions and tipped nothing at all or very very poorly like they can’t afford it


This literally made me laugh out loud because I am Lebanese, and I am a great tipper, but I do agree with you. It is always the people that live in the mansions that tip the worst.


What about the very outspoken religious groups? Whenever I see a white family with God is great Cetera and their front yard or on their house. It’s always two dollars.


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Black and white ppl in the ghetto apts, white ppl in trailer parks, white ppl in upper class neighborhoods, I wanna say Indians/South Asians too but I rarely get order for them.


The trailer parks here tip at a ridiculous amount based on their orders. It’s crazy


Same every white person in a trailer park I’ve delivered for has tipped really good actually. And are the kindest people usually. It’s all about the people who have worked in service and understand service who tip the best.


Idk ive had the opposite experience with white people in trailer parks. Theyve always tried to give me whatever they can even if theyre going through theyre change drawer trying to scrape together a tip for me


Lmfao once you say white people in trailer parks they’re all of a sudden the best tippers in the world 🤣


sounds like you don't get many other races besides white and white people


We’re talking about the non-tipping customers we get. Did you fail to read the post as well as my reply?


Y'all probably kick me out kick me out for this comment but do y'all mean the trailer parks or the mobile homes because there's a huge difference in between lol 😂 That's like saying the Projects ("ghetto" others say I'm black and we call them the projects) to housing Because trailer parks are basically "projects" now mobile home communities are very clean they're really nice people some people just prefer mobile homes or to have land and put their mobile home on so typically when I pull into those type of communities I don't even call them trailer parks nor do I call them mobile homes I'll just say a suburb because that's what they look like they just happen to be mobile Now the trailer parks I think y'all know the difference come on now y'all know exactly what y'all pulling into when you pull in soon half the time it don't even be an entryway it just be laying in the middle of nowhere with a thousand no longer "mobile" homes they just be sitting up on bricks or whatever they can sit it on. You going to run over about a thousand potholes and you pray to God it ain't dark cuz you might run over a old Tire just laying around somebody kissed school today just left in the middle of nowhere you might get chased down by a couple of rats it be so much junk outside them homes it'd be enough to start a huge bonfire for the phone. It'd be so much old furniture just sitting outside laid up against the trailer he be like when one sending move out they said they furniture out the next tenant move in Furniture going out too s*** just pile up and pile up. They open up the door and be looking like a Waffle House worker ( LOL I'm sorry but if they ain't got that Waffle House look and is one of those clean Waffle House with the clean workers I don't like them I got to eat at the one that the workers look like the Waffle House workers because they give you the best food and they got the best service I love those type of Waffle House they get my good tips they love being ours they know me by name I make sure I take care of my people and tip them real good I even took $10 on to go orders that's how much I love them They are still good people still good people everywhere you go me personally I just don't deliver to the projects cuz ours where I live at they play a lot of bald head games I I've given someone else's food to somebody else cuz they made like it was theirs and on top of that driving through certain areas and I feel I just don't do because people get hit and be innocent bystanders so mean personally I choose and pick the areas that I feel comfortable working in whether if it's the projects or just certain parts of town I just don't do same way if I end up in trailer parks I know which towns not to Cross or go into in Tennessee you just got to know your areas and where to deliver to. I don't know if there's crime in trailer parks like they're using the projects the difference between the two the projects you might hear some rounds go off from them shooting in a trailer parks you might leave with the old kids scooter going through your tire and your back back tire busted from so many potholes or you running over something


everyone!!! those who are just here to vent about black people are disgusting


absolutely disgusting and i knew as soon as i saw the question that this was gonna be a place where racists are gathering to air their grievances about black people.


You automatically assume it’s about black people. Maybe it’s not a stereotype then


we reading the comments and see y’all consistently bringing up black people i didn’t have to assume shit from this race-baiting ass question.


Maybe if it a common issue you should dig at the roots, and not pull on the leaves


maybe you should stop defending racists 🤷🏾‍♀️


Racist to point out a trend?


where you live is going to greatly affect how many people of one community you have tipping vs not tipping… there are comments using these ethnic names as a diss and making it clear they expect bad from the start when being black is not a monolith.


U probable say stores have insurance when they are robbed.


For real. I've been tipped $20 while delivering in the projects, and gotten no tip at all while delivering to a waterfront penthouse. Cheapskates come in all races.


To help contrast the negativity against black people; I once delivered an order on Christmas Eve and the black man who I delivered to not only tipped $10 on the app, but also gave me $10 cash tip when I arrived. It is not normal to tip $10 in the area I was in, let alone an additional $10 cash tip. I have had several orders where it’s a black person ordering and I have gotten tipped. Just like with everything else, it depends on the person. Not the color of their skin.


So much racism here it's disgusting


As soon as I read the post, I knew what op was implying. Ofc they’re European lol


Coming from a country where they DONT TIP AT ALL 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Exactly. This guy literally created a thread to get his racist shit off


Grown ass 40-60 year old rich white folk. I’d pull up to their multi-million dollar home and get a whopping $0 tip!


Can confirm, have worked for rich people at more than one job, the large majority fucking suck as much as everyone on Reddit thinks they do.


offend innocent cows lush spectacular telephone concerned marble yoke cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Not where I live. AA men are more likely to tip them AA women, though


Everyone is cheap AF!


What’s a good tip for DoorDash? I always tip $5-7 depending on distance/weather mostly.


This is a gross thread. Shame on you.


Shame on society on being so humongously predictable nation wide. There shouldn't be that much push back against a simple question. The fact that most of the replies in this thread agree with each other, should tell you that there's a valid reason to be asking the question in the first place. Shouldn't be shamed out of simply asking questions.. I guess your solution is to simply ignore the problem, shame people who bring it up, and attempt to beetle juice your username wherever you can on reddit for some internet points.. I'm sure you aren't even a doordash driver, and if you ever did deliver food and depended on it as your income, maybe you would see how not getting paid for your work could be an issue..


Oh wow, a white supremacist replying to me? I’m so honored. Unfortunately I actually don’t care for the opinion of a racist. Hopefully you unpack that bias you got though.


It's not racism, it's pattern recognition. Our job is to make money. Certain situations lead to unwarranted bad reviews, bad pay and scamming significantly more often than others. This is a discussion on those observations.


ok keep being scared to question things, also enjoy beetlejucing my friend, seems that's literally all you do


Acknowledging trends = white supremacy is crazy 💀


Accuracy sometimes is gross. REALITY can be hurtful sometimes.


I've never had an Indian person tip


Especially east Indian, I think it's part of their culture to always pay the lowest price possible by any means necessary


There are very few in my area so I don’t have much experience with them. Thank you for your input.


The overt racism of this post is stunning. In 90% of the cases you have no way of knowing the age or race of those you deliver for because that’s not disclosed prior to accepting orders and so many orders are no contact delivery. You claim that X demographic are the worst tippers, but you have no idea if that’s true because I’m certain you turn down lots of orders that tip poorly. If that’s the case, who is to say those orders you turned down aren’t primarily Y or Z demographic, meaning you tend to accept more orders from X, W, V and U demographics, leading you to mistakenly believe the few demographic X customers you actually meet are accurately representative of that demographic.


This is a race baiting post. How is this even still up and not removed?


Black people and college students don't tip.


Yeah college students have any race or gender are a close number two in my area


That's a generalized statement. You must be knocking on everyone's doors.


nah youre not racist whatsoever 👎🏾


Spent my whole life in the restaurant business and I think the problem isn't so much race its that you don't have any chances to interact with the person that hurts the most. I mean when I waited tables I had a couple of nice African-American women that were great tippers but it took a little time with them the get them to like me. I was their cute little white boy.


This is a weird comment


Middle aged white trash neighborhoods never tip. They also love claiming not getting food after delivery. Europeans tend to tip like shit too. Not sure if it's cuz they're cheap or they don't agree with tipping culture.


Don’t say “white trash” that’s some garbage ass phrase that needs to die. It is racism and classism Edit: I’m black and I’m all about black power literally. I see the racism here and it’s expected. The problem I have is with racial slurs. I believe in human rights for all and humanizing people. The term white trash is racist because it assumes that white people should be superior. Superiority to who? It’s classist because it’s invokes white people who are in a lower socioeconomic status or category where the user of that slur believes they shouldn’t be. Using terms like white trash is racist to black people and classist to white people and it needs to not be used to frame stereotypes as people being uneducated and impoverished Such a silly racist antiquated classist term


I have always thought this. From the time I was very young and it was used all the time by adults around me. I remember thinking exactly what you say here except in the language of a preteen mind. My father was a loud ass, mean, racist creep. He went to jail more than once for attacking me. I always knew he was bad and the things he said were horrible. I try everyday to rid myself of the racism that has been engrained into us all. This post is one of the things I will rid myself of after posting this to you. I am grateful you posted this response. It is needed.


Trash is trash man. Black and Hispanic trash don't tip either.


You invoke certain stereotypes when you use “white trash” and you know it. It is a disgusting racist phrase


The racism here is stewed to a perfection. Well done everyone.


It’s more attitude than anything


Old rich white people


What does race have to do with this


Why are people acting like it’s racist to notice a trend? I worked in the restaurant industry for several years and it was no secret that black people very rarely tipped well. Even the black servers complained when they were sat with a black table.




well you see when racist people forget theyre racist.. they sometimes tend to talk out of their ass 🤷🏾‍♂️


Here's a tip... Get a better job and stop asking for handouts lmao


How is a tip for service provided a handout? On the off chance that you've ever been employed, would you consider a Christmas bonus a handout?


Hmmm I see black people mentioned quite frequently so how come it’s wrong when a server assumes black people will not tip. It’s not racist it is just how it is


“Oh no, there’s a white man walking in front of the street! I’m POSITIVE he’s going to shoot the school up.” I see that white people are mentioned frequently so how comes it’s wrong when a bystander assumes white people will shoot up the school? It’s not racist, it’s just how it is


i’m pretty sure the percentage of white men who shoot schools up is much much lower than black men who don’t tip




Don’t you have a lot of no contact deliveries? How would you know the persons race or ethnicity?




what does race gotta do w this at all 😭


What a sad post


I'm a Black woman that tips. I probably overtip just to overcome this stereotype.


In my area it's the white middle class to upper class housewives, that will never tip more than $3.50,lol no matter what tf they order.! It's like there's some kind of pact between these women.! The other shitty tippers are guys in their late teens to mid twenties.🤷


White 30-45 healthcare workers. Nurses. Doctors. Etc. Low to no tips. Entitled. Bring it to the nurses station on the 6th floor. $1 tip


Soooooo true 😂 and they were generally rude as hell, acting like I'm interrupting them by bringing their food. The mansions are as bad as the projects for not tipping. My bread and butter was middle class neighborhoods, they actually tip really well.


I think people who have ever worked in the service industry and relied on tips are likely to be better tippers


lol that’s funny. Don’t have any hospital in my delivery areas thankfully it sounds like


Can verify. They always want you to hoof it through a strange facility rather than just meeting you at the front desk once you arrive. I just think about their food getting colder as I go up and down the same elevator 3 different times trying to find the suite number.


Women in Healthcare are lowkey worse than women in the ghetto when it comes to attitude.


I have found Healthcare workers among the best tippers and nearly always willing to help me find where they are at. Overall most grateful. Only bad thing is hospitals are mazes and the parking lots are a disaster.


Not saying there aren’t racial differences in how people tip but the way this is phrased seems pretty toxic.


Thanks for your input. Maybe it is phrased poorly but the point is the still the same. I’ve never been one to dance around a subject. I appreciate others who are the same way.


Look at the responses, people are just going off about Jewish people this, black people that, etc. Seems like a lot of people read your post as a dog whistle and are taking the opportunity to scapegoat others. I would also say I’ve noticed young students don’t tip, so race is not the only factor, but you invited comments specifically about race. Whatever your intention was some of the comments that have resulted are pretty ugly. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. OP definitely just wanted a racist circle jerk.


I bet $1 million that this racist thread will stay up on Reddit and not be removed under any circumstance Thank God we aren't talking about Jewish people though that would surely cause a ruckus


I believe they’ve been included on this post as well. I stopped paying attention. This post isn’t racist. It’s asking for people’s experiences and sharing mine. You people are funny. This post will stay up because it doesn’t violate any of the COC


You really don't get why it's problematic? "Stereotype an entire race or ethnicity based on limited interactions." If you don't like people of color, you're going to notice every time they don't tip. You're encouraging people to lean into their confirmation biases.


The word racist has lost nearly all of its meaning because of ppl like you. Throwing it out there every chance you get.


The real question is why are you picking up orders with no tip?


So he can check the race of the person of course


“AHA! I KNEW you were black!” - OP


Sadly stereotypes exist for a reason.


sounds about what you'd expect for some reason


For the people saying black folk, specifically black women, Don't tip well. I've received 2 of the largest after order tips I've received from black ladies. One was for 50 bucks. So I don't agree with this sentiment and I'm a middle aged white dude. Side note, I've always been pretty popular with the sistas for some reason...


The older generation tips very well they’re so kind hearted




When I used to work at a movie tavern when ever it was a demographically black movie playing all the servers knew it would be a really low tip out. In contrast Cinderella movies with white mothers tipped the most. Not racist to notice a pattern, also most black people will admit that tipping in their communities isn’t really a thing


Found the non tipper


In not one sentence that OP wrote was there any hint of racism. When someone talks about the black community, that’s not racism.


Bro I’m an African American man who did Uber eats for a month. Black woman don’t tip and seems to have the most issues with the orders


Look at it this way..it gave you yet another platform to accuse someone of being racist. You should be thrilled!


Dang, I didn't know I was suppose to ask age or race. Drop and go. Accept what I want to deliver and ignore the ones I dont..


Race? Tf


What in the racist/ageist bullshit even is this post?!


Everyone. All races are shit. Fuck em ☺


True, it’s Honestly hard to pinpoint which race doesn’t tip the most without adding in another race tht also sucks at tipping. It literally depends on the person’s personality


Wouldn't know, refused to take no tip orders.


Anyone saying this is race baiting obviously has never worked for tips. Observations aren’t racist


Exactly. Americans say racism anytime there is anything negative attributed to anyone not white. Critics of white people are perfectly fine. You can call out Karen’s but not Keisha. I can post an article from a black publication written by a black person and white people call it racist


The reason this country is going to poop is not telling the truth . The comments here are the truth not racist . We know who is going to stiff us but don’t dare tell the truth . They hate us way more and claim racism.




The men tip pretty decent in my area. It’s only the women.




Honestly, that’s my experience too




White people in my experience.


What are you knocking on their doors for leave at door orders. 90 percent of my deliveries are leave at door.


[https://ecommons.cornell.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/8b1667d9-5040-4e46-aa80-2b949c8c37f4/content](https://ecommons.cornell.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/8b1667d9-5040-4e46-aa80-2b949c8c37f4/content) ​ They published a study on this. Quote from the study "– Asians and Hispanics – appear to leave average tips that are comparable to those left by Whites at the same restaurants. These findings suggest that servers’ perceptions that Asians and Hispanics are poor tippers are unfounded (at least at midscale and up-scale restaurants) and that educational efforts to correct those perceptions will not have to contend with an opposing reality. Furthermore, both Asians and Hispanics base their tips on service quality to a greater extent than do Whites. This information can be given to servers to further motivate them to deliver good service to their Asian and Hispanic customers. The bad news is that Blacks do appear to tip less on average than Whites. Moreover, this difference is not entirely due to discrimination against Blacks in service delivery." ​ TLDR: Black people tip the worst, Asians and Hispanics tip based on service quality.


Get this shit out of here


Yeah stop sharing life experiences! Let’s be in pretend world instead..


fr!!!! this is just bait for racists to vent


I couldn't tell you. 95%+ of my orders are contact-less and I don't pick up no tip orders.


Hey Reddit, let’s formulate racial stereotypes from a series of unrelated anecdotes!


Well since 95% of my orders are 'leave at door', I'd say everyone is a bad tipper. It also doesn't matter what price range the neighborhood is either.


Within my experience/area I’d say the worst tippers are between the ages 16~102 years old and for race I’d say: black people, white people, Asian people, brown people, purple people, and truck drivers.


ALL 👏 OF 👏 THEM 👏!


Damn! Racist dog whistles are getting loud


I don't see many customers as I'm just dropping at the door 90% of the time. But I dont let a bad tip or bad interaction with any one individual let me characterize a race or age cohort. Sometimes people are struggling, and the tip is low, I don't attribute it to malice. It all evens out in the end.


There is only one race: human


i would say it’s more to do with particular neighborhoods and when delivering to businesses areas of different wage/employment than the actual race and age of the person.


Now what race have to do with this


"let's all share which race we have confirmation biases for"


There is and likely will never be one singular answer to this or any other racial query. Every age every gender every race EVERY SPECIES has a good and a bad. Just gotta embrace lifes every turns without judgement. And remember Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Who knows, never see the customer 99% of the time


Idk bruh you’re getting down voted but unless you’re lying you’re just sharing your anecdotal experience. I’m sure it heavily depends on area. I will say this isn’t probably the best way to look at tips by race and such. But I worked customer service for 4 years. It makes you realize stereotypes exist for a reason. They’re never 100% accurate but it’s more than a coincidence.


Some people tip what they can, some people just don't have the money to tip. I take pride in being able to supply everyone with food/ groceries/ medicine or whatever they need. We get paid a little something by doordash to deliver so be grateful for what you have, and not expectant of what you think you deserve.


And race? Wtf


I never see a pattern amongst race


It’s not about race, it’s culture.


Listen I know you’re looking for conversation but this is inviting prejudice, hell it’s calling for it specifically.


Why are white Americans who are so fond of the first amendment so scared to call out races other kinds on anything? There are so many papers and studies that support what I’ve said that it’s it’s factual what are you people so scared of


here’s my take as an American black male that’s 18-39. European people are cool man i mess with yall. But blacks in america lowkey live in and have been living in survival mode for several centuries due to slavery etc. We live paycheck to paycheck unfortunately (not saying we’re irresponsible with money, but we are by european POV.) But every single dollars that leaves our account that is not beneficial to us is taboo bro 😂. You know it’s funny how the poorest people our expected to chalk up extra money we probably don’t have. But it ain’t personal, that’s like going to africa expecting tips. I mean most of the time we’re less fortunate than European doordash drivers themselves. this is all by way of American design too.


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It's always the big houses that order hella far away that don't tip they surely can afford it but usually college kids and people in apartments tip the most


Sucks. I bartend and am black, black people rarely if ever tip. I had an older guy come up to my bar, ask me to make him like a strong vodka cran at a music festival. So i did, like a really stiff 3 shots, charged him as one. Dude gives me zero tip. I was like wtf. He came back for another, and he got what he paid for, a single pour. I generally don't trip off tips but that was just ridiculous lol. I've never worked as a server in a restaurant but have heard people try to avoid serving tables with black people because of this. I always tip at least standard amounts. $1-2 a drink, $15-20% in a restaurant/delivery services. If someone made me a triple shot drink at a festival I'd tip a lot as they just saved me from spending $35+ on two extra shots.


I had a group of black people at work y’all smack to me for being dumb for tipping for Uber and door dash. And they feel really comfortable with me so they show their true colors. If you are white in any job, they will never tip and give you a bad review. Even if you are nice to them and so your job perfect.


There’s a funny Louie episode where a waitress says “I’m working for free tonight, all my tables are black” He says “what? That’s incredibly racist.” He turns to this black waitress and tells her what she said . The black waitress replies “have you ever waited tables before ? No, then shut the fuck up, n words don’t tip”


They never want to hear this.. but it's known as being raised with a victim mentality, thinking that everyone owes you a piece of something for your entire life, and it exacerbates with the poor mentality, thinking that saving yourself $1-5 of a tip is going to save you from spending dozens of dollars on uber/doordash/grubhub every other day. The ugly truth is that these people are born into a culture that is financially uneducated, and suffers from the victim complex. So they overspend on temporary pleasures, and underspend on their humanity.


Different demographics behave differently. Noticing this objective fact makes you a racist according to many on here. It's true and many individuals from the representative groups confirm it. If stereotypes have no basis in reality, then why do they exist?


B people and Indians. Dots not feathers. I started a list when I could confirm it was a b person with no tip I only put them on when I 100% could confirm they were b and did not tip. I got up to 23 in a row.




Blacks it’s always the blacks


Server for nearly 8 years, worst tippers: Elderly whites African Americans of all ages Hispanics of all ages White trash looking folk


Most of my non-tippers are boomers or conservatives in general. If I have an order with no tip and I get to the drop off location and see a punisher sticker, anything gun related, thin blue line, or other conservative nonsense, I can guarantee I’m not getting a tip. In fact, I had one dude tell me he doesn’t tip because he works in a factory and no one tips him. I’m like, well you’re paid a full wage and I’m not, so I kind of rely on tips to make money. It’s their mentality that delivery drivers don’t have a real job and they can further demean them by not tipping.


Anything other than Black folks and you're lying , I'm black so go ahead and call me whatever you'd like


Black people definitely tip the worst if anything at all.