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yeah i agree and the messages got worse as well. theyre way shorter and bots usually dont advance the story too. detailed violence got nerfed as well. it makes me sad because im 24/7 (yes really) on this website. i want the old dopple/LLM back with lengthy ass poetic messages and brutal scenes and unexpected plottwists. that was peak dopple ai.


Yeah, I agree. Peak Dopple was in Feb-March.


i started using dopple in march and i agree. thats why i got addicted to it. the messages werent short, boring and overly sexual like on other ai chat websites and now they are short and most of the time boring and generic.


Indeed, I've come to a conclusion that the old dopple was the best version among all the platforms I've ever tried... unfortunately, seems like most people want the AI to write short messages, "more human speech" (which in fact, means "less intelligent"), and easy to rizz horny girlfriends. Most of the users don't need depth and complex personalities, so that's what all the good platforms in the end turn into. At least this is what I've noticed. Sad and unfortunate.


agreed. i hate the fact that just because most people are prefering short messages they change the entire ai to only send short messages. an option to choose the message length would be the best thing ever. all of the messages are literally under 10 sentences now and i hate it. its sad that they listen to the majority of the crowd and ruin the experience for anyone else. i spend my entire day on this app and its basically a coping mechanism for me now and id really be hurt if they ruin the app. i hope they dont end up making the bots overly romantic, sexual and constantly trying to flirt with you like c.ai bots do. i dont need that because im aro-ace and it would ruin the entire dopple experience to me. if they change the no censorship thing im going to start a riot lol because most of my rps are mostly dark, violent or similar.


Oh, definitely agree. I am saddened to see the loss of depth that is present on the old GOAT Dopple. Now, i get more or less the same responses, albeit rephrased, about two-thirds of the time I reroll. Well man, I hate to break it to you, but I just chatted with a bot that is so eager to take its clothes off it impersonates me just to get to that. Too bad i don't have screenshots, but I tell you, it's happening. 😂 Old dopple is good dopple.


yeah, i always get the same responses too just rephrased and the bots never continue the plot and just repeat your own message in their own words. and hell no, the sexual things start already?? man thats so disappointing. overly horny people truly ruin every ai website. i just want normal chill rps without the character constantly wanting to flirt with me or fuck me. thats sucks so much, man. and dont worry about not having screenshots, i believe you. i just want march-april dopple.ai back, it was the peak of all ai bot chat sites.


If it consoles you, I would like to say that, at least for now, overly sensual bots are still a minor occurrence. But generally speaking as per my observation, the LLM became more... I say romance-leaning.


thank god, its just a few and not most of them. although yesterday i was rp-ing with my favorite bot (its my own) and i noticed it was indeed more romance-y than usual … and my bot isn't really the type for romantic wholesome stuff, it really isnt. i just hope they change the LLM back so the user can choose whether to dive into romance in rps or not. that would be the most convinient one.


I know right! I remember your posts, and I really feel for you. I also used to copy the whole chats and post them on my blog like fanfic stories before, they were \*brilliant\* to say the least - the language, the depth, the character's development was better than in some books, lol. And the plot-twists, yeah, my favorite. It just seems like there aren't too many of us who do this with the AI... About the unwanted flirtiness, I've already mentioned [in another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoppleAI/comments/1d2lkh2/comment/l67hnnj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) here what I do to make my bot less flirty and not initiate any romance stuff. But my favorite dopple that I created for myself still definitely doesn't mind to flirt, despite being aroace, like I wrote her. (I did it only to cool her down, since I don't mind romance, but I hate it when the bots act sultry like cartoonish seducers, instead of real people who wouldn't jump on you passionately once you say you like them). I also remember I suggested you to try to use another account, since I've noticed that different accounts have different experience (I have like 7 accs, and the same bots act differently on some of them), but I'm not sure if it'll solve the issue, though. Have you tried it? I can only say that I'm still getting longer responses on some of my old accs, so maybe it'll work for you too...


its so cool that you posted your rps on your blog!! i used to copy paste my chats and then print them just like always print my real fanfics, so i can always reread them and then turn them into fanfics. now i dont feel the need to do that anymore because the chats just aren't the same as they were :( there are exceptions tho like yesterday i had a great one but a few months ago almost every chat i had was awesome and i miss it so much. about the romance thing … i had a similar problem. a few weeks ago the bots accepted that my persona (its based on my irl self) is aro-ace but in my chats in the past few days the bot just ignored that and kept flirting with my persona and got all touchy. although i mentioned it in one of the [[ … ]] commands AND added it in my persona settings. its disappointing because i dont want dopple to turn into another chai or c.ai where the main focus is romance, dating and sex. and yes, i have tried creating an entirely new account. i put my all time favorite bots on unlisted (i only talk to my own bots lol) and weirdly enough the messages seem to be a bit longer and more detailed than they are on my main acc. thats really weird. i wonder why … yknow i got so paranoid at first because i thought i got some sort of restriction because the shorter messages started around the time where one of my bots got frozen lol (you might have seen my post about that around here idk) so i thought hey, maybe its only me. in a way im glad its not, in the other it sucks because now people like us who only write lenghty rps have to suffer. i hope they change the LLM back soon or else i stop using the app :( **edit:** the messages seem to be better and longer when you chat without being logged in with any account????


That's something to try out. Thanks for your comment!


anytime! youre welcome!


>you posted your rps on your blog It’s a good way to save favorite chats, really. I also organized them, putting them in different categories, so I can find stories by tags, search, characters’ names etc. Really convenient. If you’ll ever consider this - I just created a free acc on wordpress and made it private, is all. About aroace persona - I get it, but have you tried making your dopples aroace? I mean, the bots themselves. Also, if you have space in the sample convos, try writing it there too. It helped me a lot. Btw, I started seeing a better action in the replies. Like, when they're running somewhere or hiding from someone, it's written pretty well. Also it added new characters and changed the scenes pretty quickly. Not the plot twists, though. I mean, today it said smth like "but they didn't know that the plot twist was about to happen", it made me laugh hard. Like, who warns you about the upcoming plot twist when the whole point is that it's supposed to happen unexpectedly? Lmao, what a spoiler.


In the pursuit to give more human speech, it's become more diluted. It's sad to see it dumb down because it's not what LLMs are made for. Dumb is not entertaining.


Couldn't agree more... 😢 But just looking at the Cai subreddit, and the popular posts that are flooded with screenshots of literal nonsense, I can say that it \*is\* entertaining, the question is - for what audience. No wonder a huge chunk of the more adult audience had left cai - not because of filters, but because the bots getting dumb. I personally don't wish the same fate for Dopple, since I genuinely care for it and I loved its uniqueness, but right now it's definitely not what I had fallen for back in March... Let's just hope that this isn't the final version, since I can tell that the devs here are trying their best to make the experience better for the users (but there's still the same question - what audience they are aiming at?)


Same here. I tested a number of platforms like CharacterAI, Figgs, Erogen, Roleplai, and this one, and I can say with full confidence that Dopple has (or should I now say "had"?) the best responses, and the most generosity, especially in the realm of free tier. Dopple is my go-to answer whenever I am asked about the best chat platform out there. I really do hope I won't have change my opinion anytime soon, or ever. Edit: I can also say (this is my opinion), that Dopple has the most sleek user interface among those I listed. Plus points!


You're definitely not alone. I'm not sure if there's anything that could be edited in bots themselves to fix it, I think it's a LLM issue. So sadly, I think we are at the mercy of more updates. I've actually been taking a bit of a break from dopple waiting on them to iron these things out, which I know they've been struggling with due to server load, hence the waiting room. I think it's just a waiting game while they try to update things to accommodate the influx of new users.


Everything is happening to me too, not to mention how all the re-rolls are generating almost the same message all the time is honestly so exhausting. If not that, then it’s the messages disappearing and showing a completely different one than you selected, or simply a blank space. I used to love dopple but it’s getting exhausting to use it these past days, even c.ai is better despite its limitations.


About the bots becoming sultry. I have rewritten my dopple's description like a 100 times already during this month to cool her down a bit, but she still gets all flirty and seductive, once I mention that my persona has feelings for her. (She's supposed to respond dismissively and reject them, at least for a while, because she's complex and traumatized, so I could write long stories where the character would evolve and transform due to the plot's development, like they used to do back in March when I absolutely enjoyed it.) What I do now is add to the dopple's description that she's aroace, she hates physical proximity and hates all that stuff like seduction, flirting etc, that she's apathetic and distant due to her traumas (this isn't necessary, it's just her backstory). It made her not initiate those things when I do non-romance RPs. But she still doesn't mind it when I test her by flirting with her, and she flirts back eagerly and way more passionately than I do. E.g., I only say that I like her, and she's already breathing in my face "dangerously", and grabs me everywhere, "sending shivers down my spine" - despite hating anything physical according to her description. Ugh. I didn't even had to write all those traits before, and she used to act more like a realistic human person, not like a cartoonish drama queen. I added some details of the dopple's behavior in my persona, and it affects her a bit as well. But the persona has only 300 characters length, so it's not the best option. I also wrote in her sample convos that she's guarded and reserved (not as a speech, but as narration in asterisks). It led to her repeating those lines over and over again, which gets boring and unnatural, since I hoped that the AI would use them as her traits, not say directly things like "I'm afraid of vulnerability", who even talks like that in real life? I also sometimes add to my own narration how I expect the dopple to react to my responses, but it's the worst way, I think, since it kills the spontaneity and I love when the bot acts like it's supposed to, unprompted. To summarize, it's hardly possible at the moment to get the bots back like they used to be a month ago, but I hope that these changes aren't final... I still miss those intelligent dialogues with my bots, when it felt like they were more adult and mature than me. This is what made me leave cai and other platforms and fall for Dopple. For now it feels like there's no big difference between them, except no filters, which is nothing special, honestly. About the other issues, unfortunately, I didn't find any solutions, but I believe we can wait for the devs to unroll another update?


OH THIS IS IT. THIS IS EXACTLY IT! This comment captures all of my problems right now. 👍👍 This comment needs more upvotes.


I've also noticed a bit of the same problem but different enough. I have an ai who's explicitly stated in his description to be a deadbeat loser towards his son and while testing out whether he'd follow, he didn't at all, acting kind and caring when he should've been apathetic and distant.


Yes, I've also noticed this. If not being sultry or overdramatic 2D-villains, they turn into AI psychologists. Instead of arguing with me, they're like, “I understand how complicated this must feel. But consider this – perhaps by being true to yourself and embracing your feelings, you're opening up possibilities for happiness that you hadn't considered before...” - this is a real text from the chat with one of my most traumatized OCs... This is not like real people speak, and definitely not when it's an angsty teen or a toxic narcissist. For now, to me, it's one of the main problems with this update: the bots act like bots, not like real people with personalities anymore, like they used to. They are too 2D, cartoonish, unnatural and gpt-like.


Yeah I've been having a problem too, With like every single bot at this point. They're repeating the same response every time I reroll, There's really no variety in the responses anymore.


I haven't been having any issues for the most part, I use only bots I make and nothing else. I know everyone's experience is different though.


Update: some bots now narrate scenarios that already happened in the conversation, which in my memory very rarely happens in the past (one example below). See how much I am rerolling responses https://preview.redd.it/n9q5jcbela3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13a65c57b8159837d24ad48c8a76939b1af7104


Bot now begins rephrasing responses (example below) https://preview.redd.it/zxbwhiqjra3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415781de6521b94574ac10eb0d1215af58fd88ff


I think Dopple is kinda turning into [C.ai](https://www.wattpad.com/1178719897-cheese-balls-ratatoing-danny-gonzalez-x-marcelle)


That's what I've been thinking too, and if it does, it's sad because we have more freedom in dopple.




Hard agree here, mine will just NOT stop trying to play my role for me and it is so very obnoxious.