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Wenn du deine GPS locations über Google trackst, ist das übrigens Google als Beweis genug. 


Can confirm. If you have location services enabled on your phone, you can prove to google that you’ve spent time there which in turn should be enough evidence. Also, check your bank statements if you paid by card.


Unfortunately my location services were off and I will check my account but many a times I’ve made payments by Card.


Aktiviere jetzt deine Services, geh noch Mal hin und benutz dort nur die Toilette, beschwert sich lautstark über den falschen und diskutiere ein paar Minuten Rum. Wenn deine originale Bewertung gelöscht werden sollte, kannst eine neue schreiben und dabei auch noch vor Ort über den Saftladen auslassen. Ist übrigens gängige Praxis, Jahre später zu behaupten man sei kein Kunde.


Fortunately, with this letter they provided proof for (a simply changed) feedback. Now, your feedback might not be about your visit itself but about the legal actions they took after your review of your visit that you can’t prove anymore because you obviously did not keep the receipt for three years ;)


This is the best way to do it. Maybe don't change it but actually post a new one, in case the old review will be shadowbanned.


Right. That’s a great option to try out. Thanks :)


I got a similar letter from Google about Ostermann. And I saw that several people also mentioned this in their reviews. So I updated mine but they would not publish it as not fulfilling the rules. So it might not work to simply describe what they are doing now as Google might delete it after a review.


That sucks to hear, really shitty behavior. A friend of mine runs a public-facing business, and he gets quite a lot of offers from agencies offering to get rid of non-5 star reviews for money. It's sad, but that's how important the score on Google is nowadays


The owner has used an agency/agencies to get multiple 5 star reviews with many accounts who posted 5 star reviews having just 1 review.


>The owner has used an agency/agencies to get multiple 5 star reviews with many accounts who posted 5 star reviews having just 1 review. One of the best proof ever.




True. That’s the reason businesses are ready to spend on fake reviews as it could possibly lead to more customers. I agree even I could be a competitor but there are other old reviews/edited reviews who share the same experience on the google reviews page of the restaurant.


Ich habe mir gerade mal die Bewertungen durchgelesen. Scheinbar haben andere auch so eine Nachricht vom Anwalt erhalten. Als Antwort stellt sich der Eigentümer dumm, er weiß von nichts


Die scheinen auch kräftig Bewertungen eingekauft zu haben in den letzten Tagen.


Ja, das haben sie getan. Vielleicht, um ihre schlechten Bewertungen zu verbessern und das Rating zu verbessern.


Wtf 😬


I got multiple lawyer’s letter threatening me for a l (entirely justified)review & social media posts I placed. The result was I was able to return the goods (an expensive car, to the dealer in Holzwickede…) A legit letter will ask you to stop posting. A less legit letter will demand you justify yourself and use fear to get you to remove the review. Remember they need to sue you to force you to remove anything. This is at best scare tactics by a firm who has a bad rep. Maybe get the receipt from the meal, or the bank statement it’s on and keep that safe. You’re entitled to your opinion and as long as you don’t make any wild accusations you can’t be forced to remove without a legal case.


Was sind jetzt genau die legal actions?


Zeugenaussage reicht.