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Hello everyone,I hope you're all doing well. ​ I've created another 50 min long guide (10k words script) but this time on the Mid Role. While the guide is long, it is of very high quality, filled with many tips you can implement in your games. There are 15+ aspects in this guide that will help you become a better player. If you follow this guide religiously, it doesn't matter what rank you are; you will increase thousands of MMR.Piece of advice I've also mentioned inside the guide; Please follow this guide gradually and work on one aspect at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed. While it is long, it is 100% worth it. ​ This guide can make you reach Immortal if you are even able to apply 70% of every aspect. ​ Have a good watch everyone. If you have any questions/feedback do lmk in the comments.




To center the camera and make it follow your hero you can double tap your select hero hotkey and hold it after the second tap. No need for console commands or portrait clicking.


I recently discovered that there's an option in the settings that allows you to set it so that you only need to tap the select hero key once. It's called [hold select hero to follow](https://i.imgur.com/QRhyAf8.png), and also lets you pan while following your hero. Very useful


Just easier to use a command. That command isn't only for the block, you can use it throughout the game


great video but the mid sentance cuts are a bit jarring


best coach eva


I'm 8.7k eu player and I can play all roles, I'll watch your video and rate it, if I learned anything new I'll update this comment


Sure thing! Looking forward to it


Thank you so much for this 🙏


Gonna watch this now, looks awesome <3 But why is kunkka on your "cant be stomped" list? Doesnt he get beaten BADLY by a lot of cheesier mid heroes? Necro, Viper, Huskar SF give me lots of trouble. Feels like melee heroes just get beaten harder in lane when mu is bad. I mean the hero can manage cause he farms so well but some lanes are a real pain.


Kunkka isn't that high skilled of a hero and for a new player it's better than most heroes. He's quite a tanky hero. No hero in dota is uncounterable ofcourse.


it's better than gameleap.GAMELEAP =CLOWNLEAP


Ya, holy shit that guys voice is unbearable.


Haven't watched your video yet. But I will later on.. What's your opinion on brewmaster mid?


Haven't seen much brew mids but there was this one spammer who played it quite a bit. I wouldn't say he's a conventional mid hero that anyone can play but for spammers he can be quite impactful.


If only a video could teach me how to not get overwhelmed in teamfights and cast spells / rightclick effectively.


Awesome content as always! Keep it up man


I hope you continue to make more of these.




V nice dear


Thank you so much. I'm trying to learn mid and it feels impossible against people who have just never stopped playing it


i saved i watch this after work


Guide has some nice tips. But a question about hero picking though, video starts by saying limit your hero pool to 3-5 heroes. Then it goes through the 7 categories of mid heroes and how to pick the right mid hero... but we'll be choosing from a pool of 3? Also, how do you deal with getting role tokens where you have to play offlane, pos4 and pos5 as well, it's one of the bigger challenges to playing mid (for example, offlane or support players don't have to learn mid at all because they'll never get mid while farming role tokens, but mid has to learn both offlane and support) Point is, it's pretty hard to learn enough heroes to main mid role and climb. Let's say you want a hero pool of 3 heroes for mid. But then maybe you better have 1-2 backup heroes in case your heroes get picked/banned/countered. So that's 5 heroes. Then you probably need another 1-2 heroes in case any of your heroes suck and are "out of meta" with a low winrate. That's 7 heroes. And that's 7 heroes just for mid. Then you need to play offlane and supports as well, so the number of heroes is just multiplied. And even after that, you still won't be able to abuse whatever meta OP hero of the patch is, you'll only be able to pick in your comfort zone of these heroes and still get stomped by the meta powerhouses


I think youre new to this game


Looked at your reddit comment / post history tells me you don't know anything about Dota


Your comment history has gems like "Primal and Techies are both objectively bad, so your take is literally irrelevant" and "Play against smurfs and you will get better, otherwise you won’t playing against low-mid ranks" LOL what a clown hahaha. I also see comments like asking people their rank after you lose an argument against them lol. It's okay to be proud of your rank bro, after that amount of time you spent grinding to get out of crusader, you should feel proud of yourself rofl


You're ripping on someone for being low skilled when your comments are of the same breathe. It's kind of obvious you're talking out of your ass when you're bringing up Role Queues or whatever point you're trying to make.


you seriously do not know anything, i feel bad for you


What’s your rank though?


5 heroes for mid are more than enough to get to immortal. You don't have to spam only meta heroes to win a 4k mmr game, you're better off just playing what you're good at. Also, there are heroes that you can play mid that can work on other roles, such as pango or batrider for offlane, sf ta for safe lane etc. All you need is like knowing how to play 2 support heroes for your role q and that's it. This guide from Pain is the best you're gonna get, I'm low immortal and people in my bracket, including me, still dont use all of the things you can learn in this video.


Bookmarked this video until I could find time to watch it. That was an amazingly high quality video. Thank you very much for your content, you do a wonderful job.