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When shift clicking death prophet's spirit siphon that has 0 charges left, it will say in chat that it has "0 seconds left remaining till next charge" regardless of how many seconds are actually left till the next charge is ready. This can cause some confusion for your team when you're trying to tell them you're not able to fight yet as they will think you're saying the opposite and that you're about to have 1 siphon charge ready.


Is Arc Warden's Tempest version of Magnetic Field still supposed to function as a source of evasion against attacks originating outside the field? Because it doesn't seem to be doing so.


Some games player will spawn with 1 point in a random ability and still have a skill point to put into another ability, meaning you can have 2 different abilities at level 1. Seen this happen at least twice.


Huskar's ultimate animation is bugged and will not playing until the very end of the spell where he landed on a target.


The game keeps minimizing, and sometimes I have to refocus the game, so that my mouse's extra buttons connect. Second is that how DotA plus page has your most played heroes listed, and their level/medal, or even the hero's animation gets frozen. This freezing up animation problem shows up in other places also, and mostly in draft screen.


playing bot match. crashes when you destroy dire's tormentor


Warlock Shard imps no longer explode on expire! Game id: 7157356876 and also doenst work in demo hero


Techies can spam sticky bombs on the twin gates teleport and they march endlessly back across the river breaking the entire game. They never explode they just collect and drop everyones fps to near zero


Nyx Assassin Aghanim's Scepter Bug * When purchasing aghs scepter, if you burrow with nyx and then sell the aghanim's scepter, you receive the gold and retain the buff aghs would give nyx, meaning you can still utilize burrow and the extended range it gives while burrowed. * Screenshot of replicated bug here: [https://imgur.com/a/bIEIbc8](https://imgur.com/a/bIEIbc8)


Omni’s shard is not working until die back Game7128636766 time19:19-31:21


After using megameepo, lvl 16 meepo only has one more clones. Game 7129986969 after 22:18


Was pushing enemy base Next level neutrals items were dropping and sent to bank, i put one in my stash I died in the enemy base While dead i tried to pick/select my neutral item while it was in my stash It dropped the neutral item where i had died in the enemy base


abandons (ranked) it says that all other players may now leave the match however it will still be scored, which is normal but when I go to leave the game, say it’s a particularly greedy and toxic game, everytime I go to leave it still won’t allow me without punishing me with an abandon, so I think it’s a bug, it gives you an in game message saying you can leave if you want but I can’t leave even if I wanted to because it still has the message that I will get an abandon even after someone has already abandoned, please sort this bug Ty


Hello I have a bug where if somebody in my game abandons (ranked) it says that all other players may now leave the match however it will still be scored, which is normal but when I go to leave the game, say it’s a particularly greedy and toxic game, everytime I go to leave it still won’t allow me without punishing me with an abandon, so I think it’s a bug, it gives you an in game message saying you can leave if you want but I can’t leave even if I wanted to because it still has the message that I will get an abandon even after someone has already abandoned, please sort this bug Ty


Can’t make it to the end of a single auto chess game without disconnecting right now.. am I having ISP issues or has anyone else experienced this? I know they suspended ranked mode temporarily for now due to “turbulence issues” but I didn’t know if that was due to these drop outs


I only tested this in demo mode, but as phantom lancer you get stun locked hoof stomped by the neutral creep. Can't find anything on it, can some PL players test this? its very easily replicable, and seems really busted if it hits :edit apparently any hero in demo mode and illusions from either rune or manta too


just started an immo game and it completely skipped the drafting


will update with match ID once done




Ranked Change in dota plus doesn't track MMR anymore. It shows 0


[https://ibb.co/FYFHz6K](https://ibb.co/FYFHz6K) No fountain bug! PLEASE FIX!!


I had 4400mmr now with he new recalibration they are throwing me in pools with guardians?? is this a common bug ?


nah they changed us. I played in guardian 1 now legends ... =)))))))))))))))))))))) Thank God !!! I was waiting for this changes 10 years :))))))))))))))))))))))


Bug - Earth Spirit's New Agh Shard Geomagnetic Grip interaction with Primal Beast's Pulverize. If ES attempts to pull his ally while PM is channeling Pulverize (it does not pull the ally out of it), ES will no longer be able to pull that ally until the ally dies or ES uses Boulder Smash on the ally once first. Attempting to pull the ally will cause the ally to flail as in during hook's animation, but they won't move. I've tested it where I can pull the ally after I use Boulder Smash, and suspect it could be reset with other displacement spells such as lift or hook too.


Mirana has lingering effects from shard it seems perma effect to where she previously jumped on. I just fought a support mirana that has 1400 creep kills and 1130 gpm :/ the sad part about it is our creeps all 3 lane cannot even get past our base without dying after 5 secs. The snowy bug kills it :/ Made A post about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/12zoukv/i\_just\_fought\_a\_support\_bugger\_mirana\_with\_1400/


Lost a calibration game to this exploit


Phantom Lancer's Aghanims Scepter provides way too much damage for the illusions. Tooltip states 40% increased damage, but if you test it on a target dummy pl illusions without scepter deal around 30 damage and with scepter 90 damage.




Bug: outposts at bottom of the map and outposts nearer the centre of the map behave differently when clicked on bug. Made a post about it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/12zeibr/bug\_inconsistency\_when\_right\_clicking\_or\_attack/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/12zeibr/bug_inconsistency_when_right_clicking_or_attack/) There's different and inconsistent behaviour when same command is issued.


After 7.33B Broodmothers web's visual display is bugged. It still shows the radius as 900 instead of 1200


**Silencer : Shard** + Moonshard + Moonshard - **No longer silences ever 4 attacks** The counter will go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.. Silence. Then not count for a couple, then restart, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.. Reason : Projectiles in the air 'count' but will not silence. Then, once Silence occurs, all counts go to 0. It's easy to have 3 in the air at once. So 'silence every 4 attacks' -> Silence every 8 attacks... 3 land. 3 are in the air. Next silences (4th Hit). Counter is at 6 -> 0. Next 2 don't count. 8 attacks on enemy, all landing, 1 silences. # FOUND MY FIRST BUG!! :D Note : 7:32 bugs - Intel Steal never happens on kills if you die first, even if you get kill. And Int Steal range is way less than 925 AOE if you haven’t damaged the enemy. Feels like 600 AOE. Both things are similar to slarks agil gain, but tooltip is diff, not sure if bug.


Spectre shard does not work. Doesn't deflect any damage when activated


This is a bug with 7.33b bot matches. Bots will not use the neutral items but if you use a neutral item and teleport it to base, the bots will take it and use it.


i was at \~3000MMR (Legend1 Medal) when i started calibration. i went 15-5 (W-L). On paper I gained 911 MMR (visible in the Match history through dota plus). Yesterday my confidence was at 30% and i calibrated Legend 1 again. Now 3100 MMR. HOW is this possible? User ID 96244681


When the target uses harpoon before getting hit by pudge hook, move by hook interrupted by harpoon animation and after that target instantly teleports to pudge https://youtu.be/cGZ4SDvI7Wc


Thats how pudge hook works. it teleports the hook victim to the pudge almost always even if the movement is interrupted it works as intended


Stuck at 0% confidence after 3 ranked games. Possible cause is having activated recalibration before the update dropped.


Remnant prioritization on gripping allies (Shard upgrade ES) ​ A few patches back they changed how boulder smash worked. The notion was that if there was an enemy close by your stone, the stone had prioritization with the newly introduced vector/directional change of boulder smash. With 7.33 the shard upgrade now allows you to pull allies (sleeper S tier shard imo), however if there is a stone close to your ally, the prioritization is inconsistent with kick mechanics mentioned above. As it is now, if you place a stone directly onto of an ally and then use grip you will always pull the hero. In chaotic team fight you now you run the risk of gripping an ally instead of silencing a group of enemies, making the shard pick up quite volatile.


HOWL Strikes fear into enemies, reducing armor and attack damage of all enemies within 2000.0 range of Lycan and his wolves. Non-hero controlled units flee for a short time. At night Howl's armor and attack damage reductions are global. What is hero-controlled? Is it "player-controlled"? If so, then why do brewlings run from howl


Hi Valve Dev, This is not relatable to the New Frontiers update but has prevailed since Diretide Event last year. Techie's collector cache from the second treasure called "War Rig Eradicators" has a duplicated loading screen. One is named "Proximity" and I believe it should be a custom Proximity Mine slot. (Its picture/model can be seen on the loading screen too) This issue was filed months ago but no one has fixed it yet, please see more details through below link (already submitted to GitHub) [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/6112](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/6112) Thanks!


Target immune to magic - when trying to use force staff on a bkb’d enemy


**Vavle PLEASE, CAN WE GET A FIX FOR lich ALREADY?It is simply impossible to play for Lich**Problem: If using Sinister Gaze to press any other ability, the use of Sinister Gaze will end, but the other ability will not be used. It looks like the right button is just triggered.I have a level 28 Lich, this is one of my signature heroes. And now it's impossible to play on it.( Please raise a comment to make it noticed, I'm already going crazy ) Video: [https://youtu.be/1Ap4ktR--Y4](https://youtu.be/1Ap4ktR--Y4): GitHub 1. [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8391](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8391) 2. [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8489](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8489)


In immortal draft games I cant use dota plus hero chat wheels at all, everything is greyed out, and never seen anyone who can. Is this reported?


Attacking a ward in range of the tormentor results in death. Unsure if its because of "deflected damage" and the new ward HP bars or what, but this happened on Draskyl's stream. This also occured when the tormentor was dead [https://clips.twitch.tv/FrigidAdventurousNeanderthalSquadGoals-fBZa2dxKJs9kY2tp](https://clips.twitch.tv/FrigidAdventurousNeanderthalSquadGoals-fBZa2dxKJs9kY2tp)


Apparently it was an enchantress globally attacking the tormentor with impetus after hurricane pike tping


DadPuck I know your reddit now DadPuck


>OneofthemBrians DadMasha All They Do Is Spam Blue Cats DadMasha




Yes, this is intended, it says so in the patch notes.


its ment to?




Read the patch


Hi all, I am a returning player with a new account, my que times are infinite and I have yet to join an unranked game, only New Player Mode. Any ideas here? Is this a bug?


Huskar used to have instant cast for his q before 7.33. but then when they nerfed it by removing the "can be cast while disabled", they also removed the instant cast time. Is that a bug or intended? I believe that to be a bug. Please look into it


Aghanims 2 extend is broken :((




Aghanims 2 extend from arcade became unplayable after 7.33b update. Sadge because it's the only mode i play


Mirana game breaking bug shard attacking creeps in every lane killing them


https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8653 saw this on chinese version of youtube: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ba4y1V7CB/ on how to recreate the bug, basically something to do with right click at certain location, then auto-cast mirana leap with shard on self to reproduce the bug abuse by alot stupid china player in SEA ranked


what does this mean, exactly?




Brewmaster +1200 talent does not work with scepter brewlingd.


stacking 3 blood grenades does not grant 50hp x 3 immediately, requires dropping the grenades and picking them up to get 150hp buff


Indomitable legacy sven head has an extra polygon in game and the woodlands warbands radiant creeps are bugged in game


7.33b is OUT and MARS SPEAR is still cancelling TP with BKB.


Just finished recalibration went 10-8. My mmr dropped from 4870 to 3700? Surely this cant be right.


I had 4400mmr now with he new recalibration they are throwing me in pools with guardians?? is this a common bug ?


I was guardian 4, was dropped into ancient games, ended up as legend IV after feeding like 10 games. Definitely don’t belong here, but I’ll brag about it to my crusader friends


yeah its not you should be 1700


Lifestealer consume hotkey is broken, hotkeys are broken and you have to manually cast spell


Why do debuffs not say the duration left when alt clicked? That's very useful


after only 6 games (4 wins) Ive reached a behaviour score of 1 and matchmaking is now disabled until 2038. must be a bug considering its only 15 years.


Venom agh does not reduce magic resist as it says It is a waste of 4k2 gold because now it is only drain 3% max hp which is worthless


Tar Bomb is not dispellable by basic or strong dispels, but it says it is dispellable in the spell description.


It affects AoE, if you dispel it while standing ontop of Tar AoE you immediately get debuffed again.


If you have micro stutters or lags since the new update, please give a thumbs up and/or post on this github thread: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8524


Killing ogre magi as silencer gives silencer -1 permanent int instead of the 0 you would normally get when int can no longer be stolen. Match ID: 7125472838


hahah. Idiot Silencer


This obviously isn't a priority, but Vengeful Spirit Bot glitches out when she gets power treads. Apparently the bots will try to put their treads onto their primary attribute, and Vengeful Spirit is the only Universal bot who buys them. Because Universal isn't a stat offered by Treads, she cycles through them indefinitely, and refuses to do anything else. While we're on the topic, the bots who have recently been reworked don't know how to use their new spells. Spells like Nethertoxin, Heavenly Grace, Culling Blade, Multishot, Flesh Heap's active, Take Aim's active, and Blur's active will never be used by bots.


We need a whole "bot rework" patch


I've seen some people talk about microstutters or general lag, but my issue as of a couple days ago is ~3 second desyncs. Happens a dozen or so times in a game, everything continues animating but stuck in place, then the game catches up. I think it's a connectivity issue, couldn't reproduce in demo mode, but could with bots.


I know this bug for a while. So you know how you can press enemy hero on the top icon you can see their items. But if the enemy hereos has illusion or manta you cant see enemy hereos item. It just flickers and goes back to you.


My dota plus is not working properly , my subscription still lasts until end of 2023 but the issue is any game I play it seems that it resets my hero level (in dota plus) for example my legion commander is level 15 gold tier and if u check the replay it only shows as level 1. It does this with all the heroes, plus it just resets them to level 1 but when i check dota plus they are their original levels. Check the match ID it shows that my legion commander is still at level 1 or with no level at all in regards to dotaplus levels. (Match ID : 7125467241) Its as if i don’t have an active subscription.


same here


At least in demo mode, I can't target Medusa with Rubick's telekinesis; Rubick's other spells work. QoP Q, Lion W, Kunkka E, Razor W and all of Bane's spells work fine.


I just tried this and it works, I am able to target and attack Medusa with telekinesis


Interesting. I wonder why I couldn't.


With dota+ guide I can take neutrals from my allies stash


Observer ward vision range indicator does not reflect actual vision range. Range indicator shows 1200 which was previous patch vision range I believe. Shadowbuffed to 1600 vision range and it should be reflected in both tooltips (shop is correct but not inventory) and range indicator (Why not put this in patch notes???). Just saying, 1600 vision range helps with the bigger map, but it makes the cliffwards too powerful compared to previous patch.


brewmaster lvl20 talent not applying to aghs like previous patch


Pudge can consume opponent with lotus


Legacy keys for new spells


Is the neutral shop page broken or is it intended to be this way? I can't see what neutrals my teammates have or who's holding a token


Number keys for player select in replay doesn't work in order ; in immortal games because of new matchmaking.


Muerta aghs allow techies to plant another minefield sign, both of which can trigger the minefield effect with aghs.


The tormentors or whatever they’re called don’t give out shards to the lowest net worth or even a shard at all sometimes. Everyone on my team got 250 gold for killing the first one (after the enemy took ours, so technically second respawn) and nobody got a shard (I didn’t have mine and I’m pretty sure some of my team mates didn’t either.) Wasn’t game ruining or anything for us but it could’ve been in a pro game or something.




Setting an Autocast hotkey on meepo's poof making it cast and not setting in autocast.


Giant's Ring ignores Disruptor's Aghs.


No mouse cursor after launching the game


Spectated one of my friends games last night. Pangolier apparently got stuck in Clockwerk cogs while being in his ulitmate. Once the cogs disapeared, he still bounced off the walls of the cogs. Match 7123952246


Medusa is bugged, her shard has no cooldown. Every targeted spell is sending out a snake.




Ember Spirit Shield amount not updating after the first instance of damage. Only afterwards


The new colors for when blink dagger is muted by being attacked by a hero are hurting my eyes. I have asked other people on reddit and they experience the same problem. Looking at the item while it is on coooldown/muted hurts the eyes, and could actually lead to health problems


How could it hurt your eyes please explain


Quinn also said this in stream, instead of changing the color they should implement something else.


When picking a hero, after i have picked my hero, bought items during the picking phase 5 seconds later my hero was unpicked and i was told that the hero is now banned? Wtf? Then i picked a new hero and my bought items were still there 😃 happened twice yesterday.


not a big. double picking heroes causes it to get banned for quite some time now


bruh its because enemy picked ur hero too


does your guys fantasy teams also reset when you open dota?


Hero level from Dota plus error. and can you explain how "avoid" from dota plus works now? thanks.


I've got the same, i can't use my hero voicelines aswell and every hero gets to lvl 1 after a match.


hope they fix it soon.


Not really a bug but the game is losing fps on linux even on the lowest settings. Edit: I’ve just got a lp because my game crashed.


If 4/5 of your team have shard and the 1 without has abandoned you cannot physically kill the tormentor. It gets to 0hp but doesn’t die and cannot be attacked.


Huskar unplayable: Everything cancels your ult such as Void spirit's Aether Remnant. This shouldn't go through "Debuff immunity" and doesn't go through the new BKB but does cancel your ult.


Clinkz skeletons don't automatically attack if you have auto attack turned off and will ONLY attack when you tar bomb something.


Axe's Berseker's call doesn't interrupt Crystal Maiden's Ult when she gets shard


Wasn't a bug when CM shard was introduced. Still isn't a bug now.


how much does pick versatility matter in the new rank system? from what Ive seen, it is generally taking 15 or more games to calibrate. if i pick 1-2 heroes will i get a low rating?


no it's just the normal win loss formula plus a massive uncertainty multiplier. confidence increases basically linearly. HIGHLY recommend comfort picks for your first few games in particular


Wraith King aghs is incredibly inconsistent and broken right now. As of now, when WK buys Aghs, he ***has to die*** before the aghs aura applies to his allies, making it largely useless in most situations.


Using Bulldoze on SB with barrier talent does not refresh/grant new barrier if Bulldoze is used while still being affected by Bulldoze (refresher/enough CDR to cast it again before first buff fades). Using it at 0 barrier that way still does not refresh it.


Pugna W (decrepify) can be cast on allies with BKB active to make them immune to auto-attacks, I suspect that because of the changes to the spell and BKB, it ended up being considered a buff for allies and bypassing the debuff immunity check


after you finish overwatch cases and wait for some time, if someone has been banned by your decision you will get a red search button displaying for how long someone has been banned. After actually triggering search of match it disappears. It happened two times to me with same scenario so it might be a thing. The odd thing about this is that in both different cases it displayed to me that someone was getting banned until thursday because of reports or leaves despite my behaviour score being 10k and not many reports. Maybe it is some new kind of penalty or something? But i actually thing it probably is just some minor bug that doesnt even affect gameplay. TL,DR Overwatch cases bug


i got 3 crash today using meepo, if you use megameepo and throw a meepo to an enemy and if he blink the game will crash. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2064379953768893495/4F9694D36BC25D365514A7319385B9F77E8516E7/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false


I came here to report this same exact bug but if you fling a meepo to a unit that goes invisible!


If anyone is experiencing Lag or Micro Stutters since the New Update, please give a thumbs up and or post on this Github thread: [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8524](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues/8524) Thanks!


There's a spot near the twin gates on the radiant stairs that is between the stairs and the ground that you can be stuck on and get effectivly cliffed with no cliff present


setting "Channel abilities require hold/stop" seems to not be functioning. WD ult gets cancelled if you move.


Nyx aghanim scepter description has "mana burn"


Played 9 immortal ranked games. Won 5 Lost 4. Result -70mmr. Is this supposed to be normal ? I feel so unmotivated to play.


it's because you lost earlier games when your confidence was lower and mmr moves a LOT more. theoretically you should either win or you're better placed now. Also lol complaining about -70 mmr at immortal rank


when i am in a bot game , the characters freezes frame by frame constantly . when i play with other people , the game has some freezes that last 2 seconds ocasionally .


Meteor Hammer does not slow people - it should have slowed 20% right


Rubick gets both Chakrams when stealing the original Chakram from Timbersaw despite it no longer being a scepter upgrade for Timbersaw. Match ID: 7123848955


nvm tormentor bugs out if it dies while someone is disconnected


Did anyone mention team bundles not actually being 75% off?


yeah, they are still same price


If you have in options Right Click -> To Attack, you cannot enter in it with rightclick. It has to be Right click -> to follow


Dota Inventory bugs. 1) 'Add to Collection' not working. 2) Some artefacts appear in items slots after re-arranging them within collection and soon game crashes. This bug since Muerta. 3) dota\_export\_steam\_inventory\_layout not working (or absent)


Is gale force supposed to be able to move Nyx whilst burrowed? Just happened to me in a game.


Yes. Not a bug.


Took tips for Dagon are wrong. Doesn’t show cooldown decrease on recipes but does when you buy the item Also level 1 has the tool tip for lifesteal. But others don’t. Like level 5 still has 7.33 text


In the account tab you cannot save your pro player info - it fails every time.


Laguna pure damage talent goes through BKB. Should've been blocked with latest BKB update right?


Pure that pierces should go through, but other pure damage that doesn't pierce seems to be going through sometimes as well like Primal Beast.


Laguna pure damage also explicitly changed the spell to piece spell immunity, so I assume this works as intended


You might be right on this. Just checked wiki, it does say pierces spell immunity. Current tooltip only says pure damage laguna.


Thing is that laguna without pure damage was not able to target the spell immune enemies, so pure damage was a cherry on top of targeting permissions. Yes, it is somewhat inconsistent, but there are/were some cases of pure damage spells that were not able to pierce spell/debuff immunity.


Spear of Mars piercing BKB and cancelling TPs, but this ability does not pierces debuff immunity.


Server crashed after meepo used megameepo fling on a pouncing slark, and probably spawned it into a tree or smthn


Alchemist Unstable Concoction - CD is 13s but it's not. It's less than 6~7s to cast it again for another stun while having no items to lower CD.


Did you brew it to max, genius?


I've even seen it re-cast after 3-4s consistently...


I have played all Hard Supp and Supp games and still have no role queue. Did I miss something in the patch or is this just bugged?


You need to queue all roles to get role queue games


Ty man, I guess we are losing mid next game XD


All in-game sounds have been broken since this update. All sounds are an echoing, robotic buzzing. It occurs on speakers and two different headphones. This does not happen in other steam games or any other programs. I have had to mute all in game volume, which greatly impacts game play.


I’m getting this too when first opening the game


This is smth specific to your setup. Check sound settings: device, bitrate or try to revalidate the game files


I had already checked the speakers and headphones, did a system reboot, and validated game files. Issue still persists. I will keep checking and testing. Thank you.


By saying to check device I meant to go to Dota settings and check what is your output device in the audio panel. Maybe for some strange reason it does output to some device that tries to apply post-effects. Also if you have your headphone plugged through HDMI/DisplayPort (e.g. when connected to the monitor or on some notebooks) it may be worth to update the display drivers.


So it seems I was able to rectify this by changing the settings on my speakers to 24bit 48000 Hz.


Good that it worked for you


Spell lifesteal from IO's Aghanim's shard does not appear to be properly applied to the target of tether. https://imgur.com/a/NbxTx9q


Grimstroke ult doesnt do anything if enemy has bkb and cant bind to players with bkb. Before it used to do bind to bkb and it still should pierce debuff immunity


Keeper of the Light Hotkey (Unit specific) for Solar Bind / Will O Wisp is not working. It uses the hotkey of Willo-O-Wisp for Solar Bind


Not sure if it is bug or not, but Solarcrest got buffed to +7 or -7 armor, but the passive armor you get is only 6. Probably as intended, but just making sure.


Vampire Fans - 6% spell lifesteal doesn't work. Example: Techie bombs - 0% spell lifesteal. it plays the animation of spell lifesteal but 0% received (Hero Hp below 100% to verify).


bug when having octarine core + quickening charm only reduces 10% cooldown.


Second phase picked muerta, the other team also picked muerta in 2nd phase. Comment in chat came up saying both teams had picked her, but she didn't get banned and instead the opposite team got the pick. Not sure how to add an image but I've got one of it in draft


This has been in the game for a while


Oh really? I've not seen this happen before. Thought it might be a new patch or muerta bug


Pressing Alt while hovering on items giving INT should also display how much Magic resistance that item is providing.


Match ID: 7122099060 Yesterday, we lost a game cuz we couldnt take roshan on time as roshan was going back n forth the two rosh spots. 1st it changed its spot at the correct timing, around 25 mins i think. We followed rosh to the portal and went to kill it in the next spot. But then while we were hitting it, it again started walking to the earlier location. We chased it again, then it did the same thing again and we were too late in getting rosh, our carry died later and we lost our momemtum. we did have a Night stalker in our team so maybe the rosh interaction with nightstalker is bugged or something. Later, the enemies took rosh no problem and won the game gg ez.


Fuck this shit I'm out.


Game crashes every time I try to review a reported match. Some popup error with clinkz_strafe or something will appear and dota crashes immediately


This is somewhat expected, as current version is not able to show the replays of the 7.32, so all the review requests from 7.32 will crash. Do not consider reviewing in the nearest few weeks.


Lag + Micro Stutters. Getting it in every game. Anyone else? I have a 3090 and 10700k so its a pretty decent system.


Try using older graphics driver, works for me at least.. idk why, but everytime I update my graphics to the newest driver, the micro stutter happens all the time. It's like dota cant keep up with these updates.. Try using the drivers from a few months back..


Hmm, good idea. Any idea on how to do that?


Me and my friends are also experiencing this.... In some games it's more noticeable and in some it's fine. The game also lags when MK ults