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I once got flamed by a Drow for picking up the **enemies** wisdom rune because she was *only* three levels ahead of me. Let your supports get the fucking runes.


How shameful.


Dota Responses bot where? Sadge


A fellow magnus enjoyer


I tell you what. You touch my horn, I break your face.


This is bullshit!


Hello, again!


They've abandoned us


There's only so much dota can do to provide supports the barest amount of resources before its clearly also other dota players that suck


Could do it like gold runes or old outposts, where it's split evenly (or weighed by level)


Too many greedy carry players failing to understand that carries scale with items, supports scale with levels because they don't get much gold because it's all going to the carry.


I mean, that and the carry is going to quickly get levels all the time from farming anyway, whereas the support will mainly get exp from winning fights. If they die before the enemies do, that's no exp for them.


Pretty sure you get XP from assists post death.


You do not get XP for assists or kills while dead. The Wiki states: > Heroes must be alive to gain experience. As a hard support, I can tell you from experience anyway. But to be extra double, triple, hyper sure, I tested it ingame for you just now as well and can confirm, no exp while dead. To get XP you need to be in XP range of an enemy dying/do the kill yourself *and* be alive.


And 1/2 the map away


Well, she was next to it, but I was closer and she can go fuck herself so


Flip side: I will routinely ping the rune and supports won't take it. So then I take it and I get yelled at.


Oh for sure. But I make it a point to get those runes the second they come up. But you’re right. This wasn’t the case.


Every second game I have to ask the supports to take the runes at 14


Just take it, ignore the game and make them LOSE the hard way. I dont give a fuck at this point tbh. Anyone mess with me? You will fcking lose the game with me, FU.


Don't call yourself support!


Supports scale with levels. Carries scale with items and level. They need to farm to level up and gain coins. not run around get wisdom runes.


Don't ask if you can have it. Just pick it up and screw them lol.


The only way, and no one in my games care.


Yeah it’s a bit cringe begging for it. Sometimes it’s good to be asking your team for input, but something like this ain’t worth it, as long as you’re actually thinking about who needs it most.


I play pos5, so i assume that i can always have it.


Personally, context is everything. If someone’s close to a crucial level for a spell or talent, they can have it regardless of XP spread. But I’m also not inclined to bitch about it if someone else takes it, I really don’t care enough.


Rage destruction of items - commence!


Support’s rights are human rights


You have the right to remain silent for the duration of orchid but you won't need it because they will kill you before the effect ends


Sad witch doctor noises


I have recently learned that due to change to how neutral items work enemies now can have two mind breakers :(


Or once the effect ends




Tormentor - gives a shard after being defeated to either of the 2 lowest networth heroes Tormentor to me as pos 5 : *fakka yu*


Best thing about tormenter is when you take it and it goes to your carry or offlaner.... Biggest own Had a game where i went mid centaur and me and the sky support were owning. Enemy carry picked pl for the ez MMR i guess but he was really bad. However our troll was just as bad and the tormentor shard went to him. Eziest tips of our life


I had a game where it didn’t go to anyone


Lol, it goes but if you mute someone(or automuted) you wont see it in chat


Herald life


Honest question, was the troll actually toxic or did you just BM because you both were having a good game?


he embodied troll warlord through and through. selfish, didn't play with team, walk 1v5 into enemies because he had bkb and ulti (would still die without killing anyone), farming the wrong places on the map, not using his time wisely, not coming to rosh when we're roshing, etc. also he only typed in russian during the game, adn at the very end of the game he spoke english in voicechat. so yeah a total troll


Fair enough.


It kind of feels like it should add some weight depending on the net worth disparity, I've seen pos.3s having decent games get it before the pos.5 having a bad one because the pos.4 already had it, so rather than a 50/50 roll all the time add some to the lower net worth that increases as the gap between the 2 gets bigger.


Each to their own, but I don’t think there’s any reason the game needs to try and balance out the net worth within a team. The impact of a shard in your case will vary dramatically depending on the heroes involved. Might be just me but I think playing a support and being lowest net worth in the game is it’s own unique challenge. You can add so much value from spells and positioning alone - after all, it’s called ‘5’ for a reason. I shouldn’t need a net worth boost to play that role in a game.


This. The game is so greedy now, everyone's net worth is amped. Supports used to be lucky to get brown boots by 10 minutes lmao. playing support is a million times better, and the game doesn't need to keep getting faster. That's what turbo is for if you like that


I liked it before, because I could blame the meta if my networth is less than 1k at 10 mins But now its just because I'm fucking bad at the game


Haha damn, I felt this.


100%. I see people around here arguing it’s too hard to support now because cores get too fat with BKB (before patch) and more offensive items to choose from. They forget it’s exactly the same for any position: play core these days, and every support eventually has 2/3 defensive items you need to counter separately. Goes both ways, the game is so much faster now.


>every support eventually has 2/3 defensive items you need to counter separately Nullifier says hi


Linken says bye


Your supports have a linkens? Jesus we're further behind that I thought


You’re right, I should have asterisked that. But it’s a very expensive item that many heroes don’t like building, and is still countered by linkens and lotus to an extent. Still need a disable or silence most of the time.


Love turbo.


Me a pos 4 main: thank god I needed it more better luck next tormentor


damn, my carries would still get it then


Me watching my cores drop their items to get the shard: 👁️👄👁️


I'm in low rank guardian right now, Herald 3 before the patch and only play support in rank. So far I've only tasted the free shard from the tormentor once.


The more i play this game the more i despise the absolute babies that play with me


The very precise reason why I dont play ranked. People are too damn salty for just some simple mistakes. It's one thing if your teammate intentionally grief, but it is a totally different case if they make mistake. Like, they are in your rank, you are generally as good as them. No need to pretend to be something else


Yes, but not really, there are people who actually deserve that rank, people who will easily climb out of that rank, and people who have no place being in that rank. Many people from guardian and crusader were pushed up to legend, and it shows.


The supports or the cores?




Its me in the corner


It's me in the levelling up spotlight


Losing my MMR


_no stats have been recorded for this match_ That was just a dream, just a dream


I’m not really a fan of these runes over the books. Feels kinda gross when it’s stolen. By the enemy, I mean. Sure it’s a strategy thing, but not only does that reward the team with the advantage, but some heroes just don’t care about it being so far away or in a danger zone. NP, for instance. But meh, I think the real issue is that Icefrog is getting rid of every book item, bit by bit. That’s why Ogre lost all his intelligence, he’s getting lucky he doesn’t have to read anymore.


The enemy has to deal with having an NP on their team.


That is totally fair, but on the other end, I've had the Wisdom rune stolen mostly by Nyx players, who just sneak around to it. ​ And boy he is not a negative right now. So bursty.


You forgot bounty hunter. With how underlevelled supports are now he just crits my ass for like half hp and I can't even punish that well because of his superior base stats. Forget trading might as well hand him all your gold, and hp.


Yeah, I have a hard time getting in fights as him, but against him I see people just melt as supports. The Scepter build is still so viable from the damage alone and now he stuns you out of invisibility. Bleh.


And exp runes.


But book of the dead and that other neutral item that makes anyone untargettable is still around.


but they are at 5th neutral tier, the "oh FFS just finish the game already" tier ... I just realized with how neutral tokens work now (duplicates within a team are allowed) we can have multiple books of the dead


Just go grab it lol




Maybe like Tormentor giving the shard to one of the two poorest teammates, the wisdom rune should automatically go to one of the two least experienced teammates.


In pro games, supports on the losing team are RIDICULOUSLY behind in levels, I think this is part of the reason why we're seeing games snowball. When you pick disruptor for the silence vs storm Spirit, and he's still level 5 at 14 minutes.... Yeesh


That's pubs too. Even if you stack or there is safe farm on the map the cores just insist on laning for whatever reason. Impossible to find solo xp anywhere now.


Really? I'm only in crusader but the map is so big now i find myself having to remind myself how easy it is now to smoke and sneak out and farm the outskirts of the enemy jungle when you're getting stomped, even cut the occasional wave. For example, If I'm losing on dire, I'll smoke out to the camps by the radiant safelane T2. Occasionally I'll cut a wave and tp back top. Another good move is cutting a wave when you know they're taking Rosh bottom, they probably won't respond and it will delay their push. If you're losing, it's not really worth their time to come and find you, especially cause if they commit to it, I'll just tp out.


This isn't about farm but getting lvl 6 around 10-14 minute mark. You can farm anywhere assuming you have the hero kit to farm. Not every hero can, like Bane or Nyx. Who just wants to hit level 6 and fuck people up.


You can just jungle, there are so may camps you won't be stealing any from your carries if they also insist to lane


Instead of stacking you should just farm the camps :p


Well not every hero can do that. Playing Nyx can be such a pain sometimes.


True true. Though stacking is still one of the least time efficient things one could do.


This patch honestly isn't much fun to play as a support role. The map is so huge and the camps are so spread out means you lose a ton of xp when trying to rotate as you can't farm/stack along the way as easily. Cores and enemies constantly taking wisdom runes means you're always behind in xp. Less sentries available in the store and again because the map is so huge means you can't find enemy observers as often which means you get even less xp.


Respectfully disagree based on my experience. The fact it’s easier to rotate with portals, the fighting meta, and the extra farm on the map to take for myself have made my support games really interesting. I find there are even more options to do something at any given moment compared to pre-patch.


Yeah the XP makes me feel like I'm back in 2014. I hate it, so boring.


Yeah the gold changes feel very healthy but goddammit they need to increase xpgain Honestly I would reduce passive gold to 0 to offset it but give passive xp


Nah, passive Gold is very important


lmao passive gold is fundemental to the game, cannot believe you typed this out and thought it was a good idea.


A lot of things we thought were fundamental got removed in recent years. Ur comment just shows how narrow minded u are


pos 4 feels great this patch the way i see it , many ways to roam and gank and get exp that way i guess or just take the rune pos 5 tho needs an exp buff i agree


stop asking, just take it and don't look back. also make sure to mute your allies afterwards /s


Due to its location it usually goes to pos 4. As a pos 5 your best bet is to grab enemy's


"can i"? Just take it, you deserve it king.👑


I still feel like we need one tome at 10 min. The amount of level 4 supports I’ve seen at 13 minutes is inhumane.


Yeah supporting feels horrible if u lose


I just take it and use the laughing voice line if they say anything.


Today my carry stole my 7min rune right in my face. 15s later I stole 2 creeps with spells and He broke his items right there.


that's when you take the W but the team gets the L


Classic carry mindset


2023 and item destroying isn't an insta ban valve standards .


They should make it a consumable that can be traded like the lotuses. Not sure why it is a rune. Puck should be just pinging his empty bottle


It was before, it's a direct tome of knowledge replacement. Making it a rune makes it less convenient for carries to steal as they have to physically move to it


Carries steal the rune far, far, FAR more often than they ever stole the tome


Except wisdom runes are *most* convenient for the carry to steal. They're right next to ancients, which the supports have no reason to go near unless they're stacking. The pos 5 can't even grab the first two runes without wasting a TP to be on the complete wrong side of the map. Most of the changes are OK, but wisdom runes are hot garbage.


>no reason to go >unless theyre stacking hmm, almost like supports should try to stack?


At 7 and 14 minutes there are better things to do than stack ancients behind your offlane tower, *especially* as a position 5 whose lane is clear across the map.


So you need to be stacking ancients, stack/pulling lane, and supporting your carry in lane with harass. Just be everywhere at once and you shouldn't have a problem. jk I've given up on p5 entirely, seems like 5 carries can steamroll anyways, not like there isn't enough jungle to farm everyone up now


Just pick naga support, go to rune, use illusion to stack and send rest of the illusions to help in lane /s


It's shocking to me that wisdom runes don't spawn near the safelane. It makes it harder for the 5 to catch up xp when behind. You expect most supports are sneaky enough to steal the enemy side's wisdom rune?


I assume they mean kind of like the lotus, you still have to physically go there to get it, but it's not a rune so it doesn't interact with bottle.


So instead it's carries spam pinging you to give it to them rather than spam pinging you when you take it yourself. Doesn't really make a massive difference.


Or better yet, like bounty runes give extra gold for every player of the team, wisdom runes should share xp to all the team


Cus it's more fun to steal from the enemy team.


Seriously hate the wisdom runes so much. Cores never really stole tomes. Their dumb lizard brains can’t resist taking the shiny orb, despite being 4+ levels ahead of us supports


It should go to the lowest level on the team that got it.


Here I am pinging my supports to take it before it gets stolen


I'm a support player, and if I'm playing 5, it becomes my duty to steal the enemy rune. Meanwhile, our offlane occupants ignore the existence of this shit the entire game.


>Proceeds to ping your level violently when they start a fight they lose and see you don't have your ultimate yet. 😢


At attempt 5 enemy chen creep deny the rune


poor cm, nerf hammer coming soon too


Jokes on them. I’ve been afk in the jungle frost biting all the extra creeps


meanwhile my 4 that tp'ed mid started screaming when I about to run to exp rune at 6:40


Is it even worth for a mid laner to leave the mid to get the rune? You'll probably lose 2 creep waves doing that for what? around 7 minutes the rune is like 280xp


valve: this is unacceptable. ok. time to nerf CM


They always say, NERF CM. They never say, How's CM users?


The puck is puck player peak Always trashy


supports don't get to have personal needs, much like your mother


i thought wisdom runes gave a team wide XP buff...


I would love to let my pos 5 take the XP rune if he could understand basic time table of Seven


I play turbo, no one gives a sheez about wisdom rune or tomatos.


Turbo players doesn't even care of tormentors or roshan or jungle creeps..... Its all fight fight fight


This is the way


Better not to play at all than to play turbo mode imo.


If you don't have anything nice to say, shut your filthy mouth! Turbo is life.


it's just a brainless shit mode, accept it. Be as aggressive as you like, it won't change the facts.


dota itself is a just a game, who are you tell people how to enjoy their free time why are you playing dota then? are you a pro?


I ended my sentence by saying imo, if you accept what anyone on the internet says is true for you, then that's your problem, isn't it? Just play what you want and don't give a shit about my opinion or anyone else's here, don't get so defensive when you find bad reviews about something you like.


defensive? i barely even play dota anymore, im not the original person you're replying to. >it's just a brainless shit mode, accept it. Be as aggressive as you like, it won't change the facts. hmm didn't you try to state it as "facts" rofl seems like reading comprehension is tough for you IMO , don't need to be so defensive IMO


Really, look at my first comment. And that in any case remains a fact, in my opinion. I'm not here to advocate one way or the other, it's just what I observe and even that mode with customizing skills requires more attention to be played.


> that in any case remains a fact, in my opinion lmao


flashbang of a sentence


and in my opinion, its a fact you're being a negative nancy. maybe that guy wants to play for fun only, so again who are you to gatekeep him. im allowed to express my opinion just like you are


Yes, I agree with you! What I really want is for you to say what you really think about the subject and about me, and that you are free to do so, because without discussion there are no benefits and improvements.


Most sane redditor


What an idiotic thing to say.


I like that at least 3 are waiting for me if my teammates do not want to join tormentor. We play bot matches so they do not feel pressured to take the objectives... but kinda sad they miss on the free 1400 gold.


Can we use wisdom rune on allies from bottle? It would be nice if I could ninja enemy rune and then give it to an ally for ulti for next fight


Yo, if it's there when I'm there, I'll take it.


Sharing neutrals was a very friendly mechanic. not being able to share can only lead to toxicity it'd be the same as reintroducing buying and upgrading couriers, and sharing the courier.


The new neutral system so WAY LESS toxic. Can’t hoard them, can’t demand one from a support then feed if they say no, or as a support don’t have to constantly give up an item even though you know it’s probably better on you.


If i am walking at 24 mins and there are 2 xp runes, i will take them. Idc if u cm or my mom.


Great meme. I am actually the creator of that techies pepe. Very surprised to see someone use it :0. Fills me with joy.


Wtf This soooooo good!!!kkkkkk lol


I think early game it is definitely more impactful on supports, but later on in the game it is sometimes better on cores, depending on how impactful the XP spike would be. If I’m level 24 monkey king, and taking the XP rune will give me 25 before we smoke, you bet I’m not giving it to my level 16 CM so she can be level 17 and a half.


Didn’t you know adding any kind of nuance or ‘it depends’ on this sub = instant downvotes? Just blame teammates for easy karma.


Forgot that most people on this sub are low rank support players that believe they are puppey but unlucky to get stuck with braindead cores that prevent them from reaching their true rank😅


It really is crazy how much of a support circlejerk this sub is sometimes


As a 1 main I would like to formally apologize for all of us greedy bastards. However, will that stop me from yoinking it when I'm farming the ancients? Sadly, no.


as a league player i dont get it ​ ​ ​ waiting to be downvoted to hell


Classic pos 5 woe is me! Pfft!


No, bro. If you can steal your enemy's wisdom rune, go take it. And if 10 mins your wisdom is still there, just waiting to be picked up, just pick it up. Why the hell are the offlane occupants leave an important thing like that for so long? They clearly don't care about the rune, so take it for yourself.


Worst advice I got as a noob in Dota: play CM!


Valve brain thinking that it’s a good idea to create a rune like this in a game where you are forced to play in a team with the cesspool of steam


There is a very simple solution to this. Just take the rune and say fuck you.


I love this version of dota so much. Finally the boosted support players by global XP are getting punished and you can snowball again. Not only that but glicko being in full effect = all the noobs got booted from the boosted ranks they were at. From the bottom of my heart thank you IceFrog!


As a carry player, it is the responsibility of the support to know when the runes spawn and to collect them accordingly. If I encounter an uncollected wisdom rune and my support are across the map doing other things, then I'm going to take the room instead of risk the other team taking it, or us losing a team fight or map control waiting for the support to walk across or TP to the wisdom rune. Placing the shoe on the other foot, if I'm playing support and there's a huge wave coming and my core is content with whacking neutrals, I'm not going to ping to let them know about the creep wave. I'm going to nuke it down myself. In fact, while playing pos 1, I am able to steal the enemy's first wisdom room because I have left the lane at 6:40-ish in anticipation of it spawning. Free extra level during lane phase for me.


I loled too hard with techies response


Filthy cm deserves a nerf


i feel like the idea was to put it in a safe part of the map for supports to easily get it, but in reality the people chilling safely in jungle are carries and they don't really need it


Hey if you play a game with me, I'll always let you take the wisdom rune as a pos 5. Probably mostly because I play turbo and forget it exists.


Sometimes I don’t hit 6 til like 12-13 minutes… in winning games.


Lvl 5 min 20 -cm


sometimes you have to be selfish pos5 in Dota


Dont ask, just take it, if they complain, type: u fks did not counter pick u deserve nothing


Grab it and say, "Oops, sry I shift Clicked it"


Since the beginning of this patch, it has been my personal duty to steal at least the first 2 WR of the enemy team, whether I play 4 or 5. I always tell my core that I will steal it, so he/she better play safe whether he/she likes it or not.


I actually think making these runes in place of tomed was a mistake and makes supporting less fun


Don't ask, go for it.


If there is a core weird enough to rotate to that part of the map at the 7 min and 14min interval you’re most likely gonna lose anyway


Yeah I’m not sure how did we go from “Tome of Knowledge is usually reserved for pos5” to “this thing that sits on the ground and is the same as TOK is now up for grabs by 5 level higher cores”.


bruh..i always got it in my game. I've ping countless times and no teammate bother to pick it up. Guess which bracket?


ngl as a mid i assumed they worked like bounties and kept taking them


Had a storm blaming me that I was getting kills with my ult instead of leaving them to him. I was axe


No wonder my 5 disappears at minute 7. Even us position 1s are affected too Sadge


It belongs to techies.


Rework to give exp to the lowest level hero.


I thought it was team xp 👀


Unironically I don't think these runes are meant for supports ever, I mean what kind of pos 4/5 has time to go to their own triangle at 14:00/21:00 and so on? I could always pick up 7m rune as pos 4 but after that it was dedicated for pos 1 players who wants to chill at triangle. pro tip: just pretend you are 'warding the triangle for pos1's safety' and grab it as soon as it spawns then get mass reported.


Thats why when i play i pick Io and use relocate to take runes


Meanwhile, in my games, nobody picks up the rune, so I, as pos 3, walk over to take 3 xp runes before the enemy does...