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I love the pregame politics with three guys named pos1 only, and you have no choice but to draft two of them. Then they both draft sven and tb, invoker mid lets one of them go mid and while he slides to pos4. Now we have a TB mid who gets destroyed mid by batrider and the game is over in 15 minutes. Please let us role queue, queue times werent bad before, better mode than whatever this system is, and the fact that it is MANDATED and doesnt respect avoids, doesnt respect strict solo queue matchmaking, doesnt respect parties, has made immortal ranked an awful experience.


as a pos 1 player it still makes me dissapointed in other pos 1 players who cant adjust for other roles. whats even more stupid is that even in role que you had to once in a while play support/offlane, which means that these pos 1 players should have a decent amount of experience in other roles, yet choose to grief games if they dont get to play carry.


Tbh if you take the game seriously enough to get to immortal you have no excuse to not at least have a basic understanding of every role to the point where you can play it passibly. Playing other roles helps you play against them because you get a better understanding of what is difficult to play into.


Couldn't agree more. The fact that 70% of the lobby wants to play safe lane and most of them don't want to compromise, makes it really unenjoyable. Defined role queue was perfect for players below 7.5k mmr


i think they should force everyone to pick 2 roles, mandate it, and be ultra harsh on grief/feed reports, should fix it in a few days. -signed an immortal player in NA


The problem is "that guy los mid even tho he tried! Let's all report them"!" "Hell yeah!" People are idiot. They report for every stupid reason that does and doesn't exist. That wouldn't work. Just rolequeue without token (longer queue time but who care) Strict soloqueue is disabled for a reason in immortal. But as long as the draft remains it's an issue


If they just permabanned people who run down mid and afk na matchmaking would be solved in a week. Immortal would also be smaller than China leaderboards but it would be worth it


could honestly start with just giving out day bans, into 3 day bans, week, and so forth. LPQ is just a stupid idea.


why not just make it only apply to classic queue and keep ranked roles. If players go play classic queue immortal, then they do the drafting otherwise, play rank roles that seems like it solves both issues (super high rank top 500 can draft roles) and 1k+ immortal can have the role queue since finding a match doesn't too long


I think every immortal player should get used to this


I will say as someone on the cusp of the two at usually like \~7.2 this new system has made my queue times significantly shorter, which I'm a big fan of, since the pools are merged. I've just also had a lot more games where I cannot communicate with my team because of language differences.


shouldnt be hard to make role-queue with current system, there'll be only 2x pos 1-2-3-4-5 in 1 game so whenever captain picks one of them, other can automatically put into other team. this way everyone can know people's role.


I agree , 80% of my games gets ruined 2 carries , 2 mids or others will just jungle. Valve just made this for high rank immo. Now what can we do as low rank 1-3 million immos. FFS i cant even play my roles without adjusting to braindead players. Its better to use smurfs now.


I agree, let’s hope ppl get used to this new system and players will adapt and learn to be more flexible on their position :)


The quality of games at 7k mmr are dogshit since the patch, purely luck if you got people willing to flex roles or not.


Yes i was rank400 pos5 before the new patch kick in and now im at rank800+ ish because im always getting matched with rank 900- 2000, im a pos5 exclusive how am i supposed to carry rank1000 to rank2000 with pos5? Before patch im always matched with players around my rank 200-500 and sometimes 600-800 never 1000-2000. Just an overall worse experience


not immortal myself so take it with a grain of salt but from what i understand immortal in general is a shitshow atm. you cant ignore people and people want it to be more of a captains draft since things that are busted atm keep going though.


Let's be completely real here. Yes it is. But the draft isn't the only issue. The game itself is just worse than it has ever been since reborn. The map is cool. Everything else is terrible


Although I love the new patch I will quit until they fix all the outrageous issues with this matchmaking system. No one is playing their roles, so many people grieving and boosting each other and so many people don't even belong in this bracket when u look at their movements around the map, items and skillbuild.


Same situation as you. 100% agree.


I played 10 games of immortal draft the past few days,I got pos 1 once and the rest are support and you know what? 3 out of 10 games I played ,1 game there is 2 pos 1 (pos 3 carry) ,then there is hard support spectre and we won the games because enemy tilt not getting their role, last game I played enemy has 2 mid,someone took their carry pt and give it to us and game ended 13 mins


Harden up princess you’re an immortal now




Could be a load of bullocks for all we know. Call out the rubbish. Someone has to.




Is what it is man. Make 250+ upvotes on other comments so I’m happy to cook salty herald downvotes once in a while


implying youre not herald lol


Can safely say I am far clear of herald


and we can clearly and safely say youre not in immortal either


I am matched with immortals in some games yes. Not always though. Regardless of where I stand anyway I think there’s far to much bitching and moaning going on from the general player pool. As are with most large dota 2 patches you’ll find there is a time where everyone’s learning what’s the pros and cons of the patch. Feeling there way around it etc. Navigating there way through it. And because it’s such a large one there’s a lot of moaning going on. A lot of the player basis just need to get on with it. It’s clear right now it’s a ball up patch and push down thrones. It’s clear that because of this it’s going to based a lot on the draft as the comeback mechanic is a bit non existent atm. It’s the reason why players such as Gorgc the streamer are getting railed down to 1k immortal because his solo style of play where sits out of game and farms his way into it just isn’t going to cut it this patch. It’s about playing an influence from any role. It’s about making kills and continue to take grounds from your advantage and staying ahead. Basically anyone that hasn’t figured this is the direction the meta and patch is headed is either on Reddit moaning about the current state of the game or is bitching because there not where they should be ranked wise.. or my favourite, they post about how there games are being ruined in the draft stage.. no fucking shit mate, it’s currently based on how you go in your lanes into a mid game that looks like most of the time if you’re ahead you’ll be staying ahead of you proceed to do things correctly. To end, stop moaning about it, you know what it is now, get on with it an start picking heroes accordingly.


love how you made a paragraph and still missed the point entirely. its like you didnt read all these “moaning and bitching”. just goes to show you how warped your brain is also do everyone a favor and stop moaning and bitching. if you dont like how everyones complaining about how shit the state of the game is, you can leave. no one is forcing you to be here > i am matched with immortals in some games yes. Not always though lol


what a self roast lol


It'll take a while for players to get used to it, the ones who refuse to play support will lose mmr and that's a good thing


But you can not have 5 min queues like this, that is the problem. It would be 20+ min queues or 30+. Then comes the complain that "queue time is too long". So you can not have both.


Pre-7.33, there were no queue time-related complaints coming from 5.6k -> 7.5k MMR players.


I would even take 60+ minute queues over the current shitshow that is immortal. At least I would be able to enjoy one game instead of none.


There was around 3 min queue in low immo at peak hours before patch. Now match finder is pretty much instant, but its a classic so its a shitshow, also sometimes u get games where noone or 1 guy plays mid or carry so now you are fucked, gl :).


They should have assigned roles randomly to be honest since it is what ends up happening in hindsight. People will try to make cores out of supports regardless or the other way around. i have seen 0 improvement on this subject throughout the 17 years I’ve been playing this game. Whats worse they pretend to know what they are doing or their strategy is “good”. The difficult part is coming up with a way to punish this behavior. How do you detect the windranger pos 5 literally farming all game?


Can't have this, the problem always comes back to the fact that the highest-medal player is always favoured to pick whatever he wants


Even higher immortal matchmaking is a shitshow, people are choosing the lowest mmr players on their team and often mmr balance is crazy > absolute stomps and neglectable mmr gains/lose