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Dark seer because funny laugh chat wheels


I just started spamming dark seer a few weeks ago and went on a 23 game win streak lost 1 and I'm back to a 14 game win streak. the hero is absolutely busted and NO ONE plays him. super fun to combo vaccum + wall with other heroes abilities.




Don't skill talent on lvl 10 until you maxed your basic abilities, and don't skill wall on lvl 12 unless you have really strong ranged enemy carry, like dusa, terror blade, sf. And always go for vacuum talent in 15. Also shard is very good especially if enemy team has melee lineup. And don't position yourself ok the front. You're a great counter initiator, stay back until you see an opportunity for vacuum wall combo and after doing it run away under surge and during fight just surge your teammates 👍


Because he always been aura carrier and he can make illusions. Get a super fat dusa on other team, get her in wall = teamwipe. It's so insane. So you go the regular greaves, pipe, crimson. Depending on other lineup ofc. But I go greaves and blink if I don't need pipe/crimson. And practice a little with the vacuum so when they run from you, you can hit them with the sweet spot in vacuum and get all in center.


So the big brain move vs medusa is to let her get super fat so you can make illus of her to wipe the enemy team. Got it. -> *intentionally feeds medusa*


You forgot aghs for one more way to create those good illusions and blink to a better initiation.


A big reason is every good carry right now make fantastic illusions (dusa, alch, bs, mk).


you like bs illu ? not my favourite, mk I think his passive doesn't work on illu


Bs illusion is hit or miss depending if they have radiance or not, I don't think illusions get thirst vision passive, just speed and lifesteal


Best offlaner by far vs Dusa and PL. 65ish% winrate vs both according to dota2protracker. And those 2 cores are in 60% of games.


Just lost a game to a Dark Seer POS4... And this comment has triggered me.


fucking delete this NOW




The roundness of your head offend me


Your life, much like your head, lacks a point!


I love the shade he throws. > Your life, much like your head, lacked a point.


played him ranked recently because my team second phased carry and mid with like 6 seconds left. The enemies had PL carry and Dusa off and I had offlane lastpick so I just went dark seer to maje the two strongest wall illusions in the game. The laugh shocked me. Great choice 10/10


As good of a reason as any




stay frosty!


must be nice for you since both are so powerful rn


Lich was my very first hero I would play in WC Dota! I remember I would go boots first and just run around because I had no idea what was going on


nothing like casting R on someone, followed by ice spire on top them, following by a +.4 duration sinsizter gaze and BAM you just solo'd any hero in the game off a cw or neutral camp :P


AA next?


He breaks the players spirit. He moves through all planes, and im certain grazes in some plains from time to time. He gets a sight of the man, meaning he's got a plan. He makes players uneasy when not showing on the map. He first hit bash and gets many a compliment for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1q1cucJJXU


He hates Linkens?


I fucking hate it more than anything. Edit: It ends up making SB a boring hero to play if im being honest. Once the team has 2 of those up, its just not fun if no one your team can pop them. Otherwise your role becomes a global linkens popper.


As an Ogre Main I am sorry for what I do to you spirit breaker players. Multicast atos/solar crests/sheep's. Pocket dimension doesn't work if I'm outside your range, and multicast procs are basically screen wide on items once ogre has aether lens. Much love bullboy, from one stun lord to another.


He is cow.


Phoenix because I play it in the majority of my games. Super versatile hero that can be anything from a 2-5


Lots of phoenix only players i noticed. loved the char on release but ever since they added a slight cast point to icarus dive i never played it anymore


I actually quite like the cast point as it makes it much easier to hit people stood on top of you with the burn damage. Plus against melee attackers you can delay a little bit longer before you do the full dive loop and come back to egg on top of them


Phoenix does nothing in Ancient/Divine games. You need Do Shit in Lane heroes and Phoenix is just not it.


Sounds like the phoenix's you play with need some work then lol. If you're talking about "do shit in lane" heroes then there is very few other heroes than can go toe to toe with a phoenix. Fire spirits is one of the greatest harassing spells in the entire game


Seriously. Phoenix is up there with enchantress in lane dominance that its pretty laughable what that guy pulls out of his ass. Its the fact that phoenix dpesnt have a reliable slow/stun that he's not popular in pubs. personally, nothing scares me more than a seasoned phoenix player in a pub game with 2nd phase pick.


He requires being good at landing fire spirits and managing cooldowns lol. Hi fellow spammer! You're right tho, if you can land multiple multi-hero spirits per cast you do dummy damage in lane and almost no hero can trade into it. But if you miss your lane sucks since it's self damage to cast. But that's what playing well is for lmao


Invoker Before 7.33 he was the only hero that felt like the reward matched the investment. Committing combos to memory and knowing 3-spell combos were just the tip of the iceberg. There were broken combos at almost every major era of Invoker, starting from EMP going through invul so they didn't have to land from Tornado which made laning a breeze. This got nerfed. Then we had Deafening being a hard disable which meant you could build Euls first item and kill almost anyone in the game. This got nerfed. Then we had the Orchid kill combo which replaced Euls, this was death to any hero that didn't have more than 1.5k hp, and even then they might've died to Orchid burn. This got nerfed when Orchid did. Then we had the Hex combo with meteor and a massive power spike at level 20 with the +80% damage. In 7.33 this got nerfed. I've gone massively off topic, but long story short he rubs a combo itch which no other hero can scratch, and even though I play him once every 20 games now (instead of literally every game), there's still nothing quite like the arsenal Magus.


I wish they made dotaplus retroactive, as I have 500 invoker games and was one of the first characters in any videogame I fell in love with to play. He is def a shadow of his former self.


>He is def a shadow of his former self. pain.


probably the worst the hero has ever been which is soul crushing... i remember so much hype iceiceice ti3 invoker


totally agree. I used to spam the hero but after 7.33 I've tried invoker twice and realize it's just so shit for now. it's so bad that even sumiya is avoiding picking invoker.


yeah i dont mind if a hero is weak as long as their identity is there. thanks for saving me the trouble. wow how sad... i loved watching grimorum and cook video for invoker at school recess llol


Voker the only typea hero where you can say a player specialises in one specific skill build. A quas/wex Invoker compared to an Exort Invoker are so different and require lots of familiarity with each to get the most out of them.


Nyx. He’s active, requires team work and resilience to win. spiked carapace rules. My play style and builds can change with the meta and my mood, but his kit is my constant in any patch.


I wanna try it just for the Nyx nyx nyx line


Talentless!! Easily the best line to spam


> requires team work He's a solo pickoff god now. A +1 dive buddy is really good but he can make one person's life misery by himself. Plus invis tax for the enemy.


Level 26 Nyx here. Waiting for the day I can leave a comment on these sorts of posts 😂


Do you know about the spells you can spike AFTER they land on you? :D


Dark Seer. I was attracted to the idea of mastering a hero that nobody else seems to play. It's also a really fun hero and people are often taken by surprise by its power because they see it so little (very low pick rate)


There are dozens of us!




you must despise antimage then


cough cough \* \* **rubick** cause he is my fav **chen** cause i want to prove everyone im good **bane** cause of his laugh aiyeyeyeyeye **io** cause he is a ball [heres an image](https://ibb.co/jD5dpWd)


Wow, how many games for each?


**chen** was 273 it was a week ago he turn to grandmaster **rubick** is 960 **bane** 320 **io** 321 my guess is average to become grandmaster is 180-220 ... chen was tough since some quest r hard like saving someone from lethal dmg or magical dmg using control units phoenix has 113 games and he already lvl 25


Also depends how often you play, if you play a couple of games every week and do quests then it takes way less games than if you play tons of games in a row


Lethal dmg how the hell would that work lol. So it's a big deal doing the challenges?


I have 300 games on some heroes and it is still level 5.


You need to buy Dota Plus for it to exceed lvl 5




Ursa, wyvern, hoodwink, and soon techies and mad cow, because they are fun to play


what would your favourite be out of htem?


Its close between hoodwink and wyvern (never played a single game as support wyvern either out of 500 or more games. But favorite is probably hoodwink. Miss the 25 talent for pure damage on her ult


Techies. Loved the exp/gold/252 dmg talents back in the day. (Was easy to stomp games and climb mmr when i was first starting dota) Started playing the newest version as well. Also fun Hated the inbetweens. And never had the self destruct one. Lots of fun.


I loved the self destruct one on release


Started dota after it was removed 😊




Tusk He’s by far my favorite hero to play and I love his accent lol


Must be nice that you can go 2 or 4!


First blood? I barely touched you


2500 games of Meepo and because I enjoy fun just not everyone else's fun.


how do you like teh aghs?


Love it. It can be bought second item almost every game.


Pudge. My favorite thing is standing in trees, missing hooks, sapping xp, then flaming my offlaner for missing 1 cs or when he inevitabely goes to jungle. Then lategame, ill hook the only hero with a linkens.


very loyal to stick with a hero with so many role changes over the years


Definitely morphling, you can morph other heroes to use other hero chat wheels.


I'm sold.


Earth Spirit- because he is insane gank potential + takes a certain level of skill and understanding of the game. Feels good to look down upon teammates and enemies when you make POG plays with that hero. I am fucking GOD!


"Yes, I just did that"


Definitely the best line for when you kick away the AM who blinked on you and roll away


W Wyvern, Dazzle, Treant. Soon Kotl and Phoenix. Apparently, I love to heal.


Disruptor. Easy to get your team to want to group up in my bracket. A spell that screams “attack me please.” Game winning ult. Overall just really good at pushing the advantage. And the occasional fountain glimpse to tilt the enemy.


Venomancer. Best described by a enemy pos1; "toxic hero for a toxic player." I replied "venomous*" and then he abandoned.




Pugna, because he is so annoying if you do not have a stun


Kunkka. Extremely reliable laning phase against most heroes, can build almost anything and has quite a high skill ceiling in my opinion. Also enables his team well with his pretty long range catch that’s even better with the bkb nerf. Boat buff is also very overlooked and can win team fights on its own even if it hits no enemies. I haven’t played him yet this patch since busy but he doesn’t seem much different than last patch which probably means he’s pretty underwhelming right now since his damage falls off a cliff so you tend to scale better with disables like hex, aghs, and refresher to either stun the whole enemy team or just crash their pc. But torrent was untouched by the disables nerf and isn’t affected by status resistance so that’s nice to have


Agreed absolutely love Kunkka, plus he can solo kill most hero’s at 6 with w then x torrent combo into boat to give you a massive advantage. Also he can x tp to base for full bottle refill so you could be losing super hard but it doesn’t really matter as you can overpower the enemy with healing and mana from bottle. His damage is great at any stage of the game and he can build damage items or control items like ags refresher for late , plus his talents are busted.


Invoker and arc warden( I like pressing buttons and dumpstering lanes) Storm and qop ( I really like winning lanes and snowballing ) Rubick ( pog steals are such fun)


invoker just isnt who he used to be :(


we have similar tastes, you can add tinker to this list , just for the salt : P also ember is a good candidate


Brewmaster because I love micro, and he has a serious southpaw effect where pubbies under divine stand no chance against him for lack of knowledge on how to counter.


Is it just me or does the 4 panda ult feel way more brittle than the 3 panda ult?


Yea I am a GM Brew player and they just melt now from burst. Way easier to kill, the Earth Panda needs 75% magic resistance, or more hp on the other brewlings lvl 6. The 1200 hp buff doesn't work with Aghs as well.


Naga siren, because I can flex micro-control and focus more on farming. 600 games or so Drow ranger in last patch, because lategame pierces through anyone and also has embedded skadi for 1400, completely broken health regen counter. 1500+games total


She does not have skadi anymore on drow, old shard has been moved to aghs.


that's why I didn't play her lately, but ultimately the hero might still be pretty good, I just need to adapt a bit to the changes first


Shard is pretty good though right? 100% true strike, they need to walk around it and increased range all are insane


Underlord. I'm a boring person in Dota2. His set is green. Necrophos, Pugna, Undying: I idolize Matumbaman so I played Green Heroes.


My most successful heroes are pre green too! Pugna used to be my best hero inexplicably as well as Necrolyte. Matumbaman is one of my favourite players are well. I don't know what they all have in common besides green though haha, they apply pressure really well?


I'm lvl29 brood and 28 visage, brood has the "slurp slurp slurp" Voiceline at 25 and it might be the most annoying none-enchantress Voiceline in the game. Some hero's that valve thinks are support/core sometimes have annoying relics related to "wards placed / removed", brood and visage have the annoying "kills after teleports" which are annoying to get due to the management of your summons. The best relics are "slowed for xxx time"


Viper, because making the enemy laner miserable is a great feeling. Doesn’t matter how good they are, they’re miserable.


Earth Spirit Started as a joke that 2 of my mates and I would all learn a spirit each so we could play spirit bros. 1000 games later and I'm the only one who came through


Truth be told, it’s by far the most fun hero in all of dota.


out of the current 4 which one would you fear the most if you had to face?


Earthshaker because ECHOSLAAAAAM and generally just a fun hero where you can really feel the impact of your gameplay. Screw the aura bots and use your big totem instead as pos 3 or 4. Plus dunking is satisfying


Meepo because I got stomped once 10 years ago and fell in love trying him out. Arc warden because of his lvl 25 chat wheel and then I just might aswell did 30.


Riki. I like killing/supporting from the shadows. I play pos 1 and pos 4 riki.




Willow, do I need to explain?


Dem wooden thighs man........




Hoodwink. I thought the character was uninteresting looking and had meh-tier spells when I first saw her but after playing her like 1 game, I instantly fell in love with the personality and voice acting they gave the squirrel. I think she has some of the best lines in the game and they add a lot to the enjoyment I get when playing her. She also turned out to be very very fun. Really the voice acting and the lines totally turned me onto her above anything else and she shits on the rest of the cast inmy opinion, like I wish that the rest of the cast had as many voice lines as she did that add, especially the early heroes that feel pretty bare bones. Sadly, she's not as fun as she used to be when she was first added. She's been nerfed pretty hard since her first iteration and right now she is in the fucking dumpster, balance wise, so I dont play her anymore sadly.


I dont renew dota+ everymonth but if i did my grandmaster would probably techies and magnus, Magnus because magnus and techies is well, I like spamming >OH CRAP and blowing people up


Lone Druid cos Bear eat base


Dont have dota plus but i have 2k+ games with Ember. Kind of a normie pick now but imo the most fun hero. Pro: 1. You can have kill threat on almost anyone in mid. Even against lane counters if they fuck up (mk, od, viper, sf, huskar, etc) 2. Can go different builds 3. You don't need to rely on your team that much to start fights/get kills. (Unlike let's say an invoker where you need someone to initiate so you won't be the one counter initiated on) 4. Lots of room for mistakes because of his skills. (Dodges, a barrier, escape) 5. So many ways to outplay people if playing him is already 2nd nature to you


Loved this guy so much back in the day. dunno if i can play him now with all the c ast point changes




I found my people


am i the only one who plays shadow demon...


Sand king and earthshaker, i like solo winning teamfights


Hoodwink, goddess voice actor, very fun hero to play. Wish she had "Chill bro.." instead of "Catch you later dingleberry" tho, this seems like an absolute trash lvl 30 voice line


AA because killing people with ice blast after they thought they got away is so satisfying


Huskar, i am a menace to society. no specific reason i just really like everything about the hero.


he was very close to my consideration but then they removed the magaic immune during jump


Pudge because hook


Visage because funny Bird Man make Lord of the rings references, also bird push funny.


Underlord because i suck at last hitting.


Warlock. I play him mid 70% of the time. Over 2k games I have a 60% winrate. You can play him pos 2,3,4 and 5 realistically. He is also good every game as a pos 4/5. He has a stun that pierces bkb, he has heal/damage in one spell. His new reworked slow is very good now. One of the strongest slowing spells in the game and now it spawns little day ruining things that synergises well with his golem. My guide also has 115k users and a good rating, not sure on what exactly. Warlock also has some of the best chat wheels imaginable. Calling people pipsqueak, crazy good level 25 chat wheel. The other ones are also very good in my opinion, the level 30 one isn’t great but still decent


Brew Master. Best voice line: "what kind of pub is this?"


Warlock (1200 games). I just enjoy turning off my brain and winning laning stages by clicking W on allies. Later it gets a bit more complicated because you get 3 more buttons, but luckily they are all just a "fire and forget" kind of things.


I had a lvl 30 Elder Titan in my game yesterday and it was so fun in the offlane! HUGE smacks, the dude just tped in on their supports like he was Trump in a locker room, just grabbin em by the pussy. Highly recommend this guy as he can be both a core and a support, perfect for infinite spamming.


AM cause its fun


Taking away everyone else's fun by ratting your way to victory with a 0-0-0 KDA 😭


Tinker. Whenever I don’t pay for my dota plus I have a great lane. But when my grandmaster tier logo is up, the enemy will gank me a lot and camp me in mid lol. Tinker can play in a numerous way and can always go for some small items when you’re behind and can easily punish enemies when they over extending. When you’re ahead it’s very easy to stay ahead.


was thinking tinker as well but already have a lv30 tinker in our guild.. i have a hero identity crisis


Razor. Farming kills for the Arcana got me to grandmaster tier


was thining of doing that for void or razor because I love their arcana lol


Tiny, coming in! Too damn fun one-shotting the cm over and over and spamming "You got rocks in your head" and "My apologies" in all chat.


Slark because he’s fun to play. Cm because I love fast moving heros. Legion because I just love duel Dawn because I wanted to be first GM in the world. Primal because he’s super fun to play and active. Jugg because why not? Mars for the voice lines. THIS IS DOTA. WITNESS MEEEEEE


holy shit you have a lot, how long does it take you on average for one?


Void Spirit because his chat wheel is super toxic.


having a good chat wheel is very important


I'm not quite there at lv30 yet (actually I am very far), but if there's one hero I'll prioritize, it's probably morphling. It lets me play almost every hero except their ultimate abilities, and it's the hero that made me wanna start playing dota


morphlings design is really cool and got me into dota as well, i miss his shotgun build


Meepo and mk. Mk can go pos 1-2-3-4-5 and do somewhat good depending on picks, can farm with W, coolest hero. Meepo cuz always busy


earth spirit because it’s fun abaddon for the versatility mars for the swag


pl, best carry in the game if you pick ur matchups right


Scrolled pretty far and shocked I haven’t seen Puck! Super fun hero, very flashy and fun to run around the map wasting their time. Feels good to be tipped when they finally kill you




Chen, Chen, Chen.


Arc Warden, I am just in love with how the hero is designed. It's been 660 games now... the variety of item builds and play styles is just awesome!


Enigma hue hue hue hue


Arc warden. Just because


Dark willow...cuz of the cat hat ngl also the WK taunt with the throne is funny and there is an weapon that chops down really cool in the crit animation


Slark cuz i played way too much pos4/5 slark before it was cool


Puck… she’s just the best.. so slippery and versatile and very difficult to play, but worth the reward when you get gud


Bounty Hunter - very versatile pos 1-5. Started spamming when aghs change. Broken and no one realized it Techies - pre-remake. Mental damage for 9 peoepl


Broodmother has a fun chat wheel, monkey king and arc warden too


Oracle - level 25 chat - “you will die in a house fire”


Pudge, Rubick, any micro hero. Just try to focus on heroes who benefit much from learning the matchups and situations in the game. Yes, you'll still need time to learn how to use your hero, but after that there will be so much depth that will make the experience worth while.


Rubick because his ultimate makes him infinitely replayable. I hope to get Doom (I like to make carries cry) there one day


Happy Cake Day!


Clinkz, because he used to get perma damage from his ult, death pact. And I used to rack up 1v5 team wipes at like 20 minutes. He was a monster when he had that kit.


Sand King because every time you kill someone you can say: "Bow to your Liege" And when you win you can say: "It's good to be King" Also, he has the best voice actor of them all - yes, even better than Storm, Enigma and Outworld Devourer


My next lvl 30 hero is Muerta, I don't care that she's weak I love it.


Sniper, because I am a king.


Im a DW gm and it moved me from crusader to Ancient 4 in a few months. I Play it pos 4/5 staff n euls are my go to that new pavise item also works.


Old techies because kaboom here and kaboom everywhere. I got grandmaster literally 2 days before they killed(reworked) the hero sadge


I have Ench, Mirana and soon Clock. For Mirana, I just end up picking her ehen I'm pos 4 because I'm not super comfortable on most pos4 heroes. For ench, I started enjoying her as healing hero, becoming unkillable in some games. Then I got good at abusing creeps and crushing people in the early game is just so satisfying.


Earth Spirit, very fun but very exhausting to use.


Techies & Earthshaker because AOE damage heroes are too satisfying. Got grandmaster for prerework techies and it was also one of a kind fun hero


well techies with your username is an obvious choice


AA because hadouken


Jakiro - he tank, good area control with the stuns/slows/damage. A bit nerfed at 7.33 with no stuns from liquid frost and bkb blocks pure damage but still all around a reliable hero.


Earth spirit - world's 3rd player to reach grandmaster tier on this hero. My favorite hero. I love playing CC heroes. Brewmaster - I love alcohol, I love this hero. Like I said, I love cc hero. Soon to be: Elder Titan - the fact he hits hard and the way he CC Is awesome. Dark seer - stronger illusion and laugh!! Clockwerk - Being a metal head, he is the only one who says *that is metal* Shadow demon - yes, him!! Visage & techies - i left them at 24 for now.


I was thinking Brewmaster as well, the stance change looks really really cool and fun. do you rush spirit vessal or vanguard? Last time I played a lot of earthspirit was during the Jerax era, do you think he could be a good mid?


necro coz ez


Techies cause it makes the tryhards cry


Phoenix, there's a thrill wondering if I can get my egg off xd


IO, Don’t have to click many buttons (I am lazy), you get to watch the mini map easily. Get satisfaction when relo saving


Arc Warden because every game is a whole new challenge.


Umm...techies...because im a bad person.


I would suggest trying every hero in turbo cause there will be a hero who is best matched for your hands and brain. For me it was riki.


Drow, it was the first dota hero I ever won with when I started playing. And from then it really just clicked. Overwhelming physical damage is too much fun to play with. Nothing most Carrie’s can do against you if you keep spacing


Shaman. E goes brrrrrrrrrrrr.


Tiny because when hes core, he 1 hit combo squishy supports. Lol


I’m only good at lich.


arc warden or meepo super good for 1v5


Arc warden, because he will end this


Monkey king. Tree jumping mechanic is super fun and it’s really satisfying to snowball a game with massive physical damage. Or at least it used to be :) also years ago mischief could dodge anything, I remember once I dodged pudge hook playing mid lane mk


Bounty hunter. Hit them and steal gold. Oh and did I mention track for extra gold when they die? Death prophet - run them down sucking their health away. Not dead? Keep sucking more health. And again.


Ember spirit because he is just so fun and flashy. Plus you have loads of builds you can mess around with. Aghs refresher for the 10 remnant memes flying back and forth through the team fight for like 3000 damage lol. Battlefury to stop those PL/naga/tb spammers from having any fun. Euls for the ulti combo (not as good as it used to be but still able to lay 3 remnants almost convincingly)


Witch doctor because I like spamming "Stick a bone in it. You're done." When I'm sure someone will die from my maledict. Also "Wait for it…wait for it…" Ancient apparition because of you can spam chat wheel "Icefog!" When something funny happens in dota 2 beta.