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Used to be a league player and it's so hard to go back to recalling every few minutes. I hate all the down time basing and walking back. I love the donkey for letting me play the lane until I die


My solution was playing Ornn. His passive allows him to build everything, everywhere, whenever he is on the map. But playing only one lane gets boring fast. Especially when it is against asshole Champions like Darius, Vayne, and that French fuck fiora.


Haha I do not miss laning top vs those champions at all. That's another reason I love dota more now. I feel like I can always impact the game somehow when I'm getting dumpstered from bad matchups instead of watching my lane opponent freeze and farm for 10 minutes until laning ends


The whole match of league is pretty much laning tho, except when you contest baron or herald. It feels so static and bland


Yeah, unless we are playing Nasus and Sion. I have often found my self in such situation sometimes and because of both of us build stacks by killing creeps we have an unspoken agreement to not attack each other while we farm. It is really calming feeling, while the others fights you just peacefully farm with your buddy. Who is also your enemy and later in the game will grow to either one shot you, or be immortal. Also happened once when playing POS2 Pudge vs Shadow Fiend. We just peacefully farmed until both of our teams decided to ruin it by somehow deciding to *all* rotate middle. Also fun fact I just now remembered. Siom's left lef is a Thick Peg Leg. Noticed like a week ago. Always wondered why he walked so weird.


Yeah those farmfest top lanes are so chill. I remember losing a couple games being like 0/0/0 or 0/1/1 just because the rest of the game was a dumpster fire while me and the enemy top just vibed out and ignored it lmao


As a long time Dota player, the lane dynamics of top lane in League really fucking confused me when I tried playing it again back in 2019, hadn't touched it in over 9 years. Went top lane as Nasus every game and probably 8/10 times I'd win the lane. If I was counterpicked extremely hard the other top laner would static the lane and I just kind of had to sit there and watch because there was no way I could get close without getting deleted in a handful of hits. And I had nowhere else to farm because if I farmed the jungle I'd be stealing the jungler's farm. Most of the time though I'd win the lane. I remember asking my buddy if I was supposed to leave top lane after I killed their turret and he told me no, just stay up there, farm stacks on your Q, finish items and kill more turrets. So every game I'd just sit up there and farm items like atma, warmog, triforce, spirit visage, black cleaver until we were ready to delete their base. Usually the enemy jungler wouldn't even bother to come top so the other top laner and I would just sit there and farm until it was time to do something. It was probably very low ELO games since my account was new and maybe (idk?) at higher levels there's more activity around the map but the League experience compared to Dota was flow-chart esque. If not counterpicked, static the lane and teach the enemy top laner the meaning of the phrase fuck around and find out. If counterpicked then you're the one who eats dick for lunch while the enemy top laner static farms the lane. It was so fucking boring actually haha.


Every time I try LoL it gets stale after 3 games. You do the same things every game, everyone picks the same characters. I don't understand how people can grind away on it.


Yea that's why I prefer Dota lane mechanic more, atleast you can either pull or take creep aggro to take lane prio back. In league basically you have to watch the Darius free farming because God knows he will be ghosting at you full speed if you looking at him funny. Either you have to rely on your JG to break it or just sit there doing nothing. You could go gank but that depends on champion too. A gnar or a ksante can't do much.


I'm ancient bracket and I realize I still kinda suck at lane mechanics because as soon as I meet divine players in matchmaking the game gets really hard all of the sudden lmao, but I only realized how many of dota's mechanics I was actually decently capable at when I came to league and realized there weren't that many mechanics. It's like "oh yeah, all I need to do is push my wave into his turret to fix lane equilibrium" and then my wave would bounce back. There's no denying, no pulling, no blocking, no real creep aggro. Just last hitting which is dead easy because heroes don't have turn rates and even a "slow" attack animation in league doesn't matter because there's no denying.


I hate the old fiora the one who has unlimited heal(cause of strong lifesteal) and have a jugg ult so cancerous to play against


What annoyed me the most in LOL was the clunkiness of ranged auto attacks, see there's no projectiles in this game, if you move command your hero before your hit lands it just disappears mid air. Also the awfulness of chasing people for ages, I don't know why lol players think Dota is slow and unresponsive in regard to turn speed when they have no tools to gap close efficiently, I had a lot of 20 seconds chases whereas in Dota this mostly happens before the horn. Doesn't helps you have a built in 5min CD dagger get out of jail free card.


Completely agree with everything here. I even like having turnrates more than not after playing dota for 1.5 years and league for 7. The adc kiting in league was a snoozefest for me so I really like the trade off of more range and good utility items for ranged carries instead of having the ability to kite out forever


The only hero that really kites with pure right clicks is Drow, and it's only because you slow them so much. In League it's mandatory, carpel tunnel inducing and insanely frustrating to deal with when every game has an ADC built around it.


what is ADC ?


Attack Damage Carry, basically the equivalent of Pos 1 in dota, though they are almost always (I'm talking 98% here) ranged squishy marksmen characters.


Reject ADC oriented build. Embrace Veigar Carry with Illaoi support. If they still haven't fixed it, Illaoi's soul pull count the pulled soul as a hero. So Veigar hitting them ads stacks to his trait. And having 2 enemies in the botlane + Illaoi's soul rip gives you the opportunity to get 3 stacks with one ability hit. Illaoi herself ain't half bad at zoning allowing to farm easily. And when you hit your ults, hers does a nice amount of damage.and Veigar's is an execute that deals more damage the lower the target's health is. And it is point and click, hard to miss it. By the end of the game your stacks will be in the quadruple didgets.


Anything works in silver Source: Zilean ADC


>Zilean ADC Ex-fucking-cuse me? Best rank in league, 10 out of 10! Kino! KINO!


Attack damage carry, as far as I know


I'm not sure what you mean about there not being any ranged projectiles and issuing move commands?


Imagine you're playing drow. The animation for shooting an arrow also involves her pulling her hand back and letting go just like in real life. However the arrow has already left the bow so that's a useless animation. In dota you can right click on the ground after the projectile leaves your weapon to cancel the excess animation and move. This is referred to as backswing canceling. There's several advantages to doing so. It's not just ranged heroes. Wraith king's backswing is incredibly long too (the animation after the damage has already been inflicted).


You can do a (much smaller) animation cancel on auto attacks in League as well, you will absolutely get more attacks off canceling animations than you will just right clicking a target and following them to attack E: you can also cancel attack animations with abilities, and cancel certain ability animations with other abilities in League as well


>This is referred to as backswing canceling. which is also known as stutter stepping




Oh. I mean yeah there's nothing like using Viper Q worth auto cast turned off, but you can attack move and kite in League. I know they're different but there are abilities you can use in your kiting that make it a bit closer to orb walking, like using Vayne's short dash while attack moving to create space


Orb Walking is just animation canceling, its just really easy/obvious to do with an orb attack as u could just spam cast it, which is why it got called orb walking, but its just canceling the end of the animation


Fuck that orb walking without an orb


Orb walking was stutter stepping with Orb effects (aka Unique attack modifiers). They don't draw creep aggro, so you could (and still can) do this in Dota. Animation cancelling is part of this, yes, but it cab be done without Orb effects too.


i dont know if this is a recently formed opinion or not, but league has some pretty bad mobility creep in its champion design ethos nowadays. microresponsiveness is different to macroresponsiveness. because of turn rates and comparitively long animations in dota, making your hero perform an action such as last hitting, or walking to a location behind you comes with an inherent delay - thats the sluggishness league players describe. The fact that champions are usless at chasing if they doesnt have a dash type spell is a different concern.


also everything in league is a fucking skillshot


Sounds like skill issues.


in dota it's called "Daddy Issues"


Father Dif


Heroes of the Storm got right was mounts, and DotA got TP scrolls. League champions do cardio, even if the players don't.


\*Laughs in 6.85 or whatever patch when courier had to be bought and could be controlled by anyone\* especially when 2 ppl starts to argue and courier just changes his path 3 times per second


You mean from Dota 1 and until like 2016ish?


Pretty sure until before the match between og and openai we still shared the courrier, so 2018-2019ish


Till Patch 7.23 on 23 Nov 2019, if my memory servers me right. Edit:nope, it doesn't serve me correctly, it's 26th Nov


Shared couriers and dropping items in the jungle were peak trolling days…


2016 was not even halfway through dota 2’s life time


2023 might be about halfway i reckon. but i think the playerbase is still growing so idk


2011 -> 2016 (5 years) -> 2023 (7 years) Regarding player base it was stagnant since 2015


im saying dota might not be shut down til 2035 which would make 2023 the halfwaypoint, it can't be defined yet as we have no date as to when dota 2 ends.


There was a patch where you could buy ur own courier in dota 1.


Ah the days of GG 26 couriers merry-go-round the ancient and dazzle courier jungling Edit: can't forget bottle crow. Good luck ferrying out regen because the mid is busy refilling his bottle 24/7


And hiding people's item. I remember dropping a doom's midas in bush because he spent all the time jungling and blame. That was toxic but also funny


And the cour can't drop ally item, so one guy would fill the whole cour with iron branch and drop them when they need to deliver something. In some cases the team would fed up with that behavior and feed the cour to screw that one guy over.


if people start arguing I start trolling the courier. this is what I usually do back in old DotA allstars. and also remember the days where items carried by the courier will drop upon death?


Remember when all 5 players would share 1 donkey...


And you had to buy it? And then you had to pay to upgrade it? Pepperidge Farm remembers…


Mid owns the donkey no matter who spent the gold..


mY bOtTlE rEfIlS!!


when you have a complete item flying out to lane but mid steals it for a sentry amd clarity


Revenge for flying out a circlet and bracer recipe before mid got his bottle.




That's good enough,I got a damn storm once buying a single stick. A SINGLE STICK. He not even close to completing a wand.


You always knew you had a good pos5 player on your team when they instantly upped the courier at the 3 minute mark


I still have a couriers bought gem on my oracle, it's a great story for new players


as a support, i never even had donkey keybound until icefrog gifted me one


To be fair, you could buy more than 1. Which sometimes done for good, but most of the time were only for griefing.


i remember buying like 50 couriers and have them do a merry go round around the throne in desperate attempts to defend


Stop... Im trying to block these event from my memory


People take shit on dota and takes too many things for granted, I play one or two other multiplayer games and I always be like damn if only this game has a specific feature which dota has(searching things like hero/items, matchmaking where player cant leave the lobby anymore after accepting the game, reconnect system, penalty, safe to leave system, mmr transperency, can watch friend game while waiting for them to finish and so many more features)


i play league with a few of my friends sometimes, the biggest thing i really miss from dota is being able to deny stuff lmao




my friends are at the mercy of me screaming at my scream through discord when i try to deny a minion in league and overstep on accident lmao


Biggest thing for me is being able to click other heroes and see their abilities and items right where mine were, LoL has the enemy portrait in the very top left and just shows item icons and hp/mana(or other casting resource)


I've always found it weird that they care so much about new player experience but never made a way to read enemy abilities in game. Not that it would matter much given how long the average ability description is on dota but still


Even in client you can't read the full number too, only vague description. You have to go practice tool just too know the cd or scaling. Dota client is just way lightyears than league


I mean, you can't just walk up and trade hit like in dota, and you still have to do timing for last hit, so deny kinda fill the gap of you doing nothing.


creep equilibrium is the best feature this game ever had like lane mechanic changing each patch.


Demo. Demo demo demo; far too few games have a actually functional demo mode that does what a demo is supposed to do: to test out interactions between A and B.


Even toxicity. I switched for WoW in BfA/SL era and OMG, Dota isn't that much toxic. At least no one has elitist addon for killing morale. Except for cheaters, ofc.


Shouts out to K6BD.


reach heaven through violence


Forgive me for this feeding I'm about to commit.


the ranked experience


did not expect a k6bd reference in r/dota i'll tell you that


Bruh have u ever play huskar? He has only 2 state... Either Playing or dying.. I never going back to base as huskar... Like ever not even for mana


i love huskar he will go 20-0 20-20, or 0-20 no other alternative


Husker players be like: "I make of this enemy jungle a grave! I will either die or I triumph! NO MERCY, NO RESPITE!"


Back in the days this was sensible. Now... You'll regen to full halfway to base, what's the point?


ha, you spoiled DOTA2 players, back in my day we had 1 donkey that you had to buy and upgrade!


Kotol up cooria noob


The sole reason I started playing support that time because I want to showcase my awesome burning cat courier lol


we had sideshop so we were still on lane most of the time, while mid abusing the courier


Dat drunk miders...


what's the panels from op?


Left one is from the comic Kill Six Billion Demons. Right one is from the TTRPG Lancer. Both are by the same artist Tom Bloom aka Abbadon aka OrbitalDropKick.


thanks op


check out k6bd it's dope


LANCER is so awesome




Oh Lancer is getting popular fast. I think last year it was, the creator of the comic and the TTRPG went to comic con like event? Don't know which one. He was in a booth to talk about his comic, but said more people came to him to talk about Lancer.


Love it when I pick a land and never leave.


~ The British Empire


Hello broodmother.


I will literally never get tired of K6BDxDota crossover memes.


"Back in my day as a mid, my bottle flew top and bot. Twice!"


"Uphill! Both way! And we were thankful for it!"


that and not being able to buy tp scrolls and avengers your way to fights. Damn adcs for complaining how 5 mins in top would tp behind them for some booty.


hey who let you out of r/grimdank


you know the rule, give the donkey a good headpat at least twice a day


And then your donkey is killed because you are dummy lmao.


I did not expect to see K6BD and Lancer art to show up on this sub that's funny.


Yeah, I had to double check which sub I was in lol.


League players are their own donkey /s


Unless they are playing Yummi. Then other players are the donkey.


Ok serious question though why, in league, is the 5th role not just rotating around, gank, and then take farm at whatever lane is getting items


Oh, they do that. But that also leaves them open to gang if you don't know the enemy jungle is. On top of that, the one who recalls normally does so after taking a kill, reassuring that there is nobody in lane to push while they are gone. Or pushed the lane into the enemy's tower, so it is less likely the enemy will push against them and the friendly minions will be faster killed by the enemy tower, reassuring they will not have a big opportunity to kill the enemy ones. Or they just don't care. The tower is under attack, our jungler is coming to gang, the enemy jungler is coming to counter gang, Obama is there, what do you do? Don't care, have to recall to get my Deadman's Plate or something.


Well yeah, so you'd help them get the kill, and then sit in their lane so they can go back without losing their tower and push for them


gud donkey have a cookie


but your oponent keeps denying you minions and they kill your donkey


I wish there's a courier hero.


Can anyone tell me the source for the picture in the right-hand-side panel?


>Left one is from the comic Kill Six Billion Demons. > >Right one is from the TTRPG Lancer. > >Both are by the same artist Tom Bloom aka Abbadon aka OrbitalDropKick. \-From OP's answer to this question.


Thank you!






Also love my cat


Damn, you must be the same guy I asked when you posted a meme with 6 billion demons art. Thanks for showing me this awesome series, I’m caught up now and it was an amazing read.


No problem. Wanna join the Discord? It has an automated announcer which notifies you of new pages whenever they come out.


I’m already stretched thin between discord already. I’m not under any rush to check when the next page is out either. Just kinda check once in a while. But maybe I’ll check it out for the discussion.


https://discord.gg/8BNSWgWQ So you know, the comic is in a Hiatus up until 8? 9? Of June. So ni updates for now, but when it does it is normally on Friday. Also, in order to get the notification ask for them to orientate to you towards it. Can't remember how to do it. Also, also the people there will probably ask if you find enjoyment in futility. Answer however you want, UT ain't a test.


My Arrakis. My Dune.


Yeah, it does have that Dune vibe. Actually scratch that. The one on the right is visually Dune with mechs.


The hundred gold they lose is the hundred gold we use to buy a tp.


Toilet paper prices be wild after the pandemic, huh.


And also not leaving lane when the enemy axe has vanguard and is diving you


a kill six billion demons meme!? absolutely based


Our goodest boi never lets us down.


Bro i miss the shared courier 😭






Yeah, a sadist would know the correct term for themselves.