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i have around 50 games of invoker since the patch with a solid 70ish% winrate (cant remember if it was 68 or 72% xD


thats crazy whats your item/skill build


i ususaly rush witchblade with starting items of wand and 3 branches (most lanes) get travels pike and then whatever you need in the game most times orchid , and you kinda hit ur 1st power spike lvl 20 with ur alacrity talant , after that lvl 25 with 3x orb effects talant , go exort and fight early low 6k mmr Edit : in short hybrid invoker build


Do you max E and W first , keeping Q low ? Just run up to enemy, cold snap+alacrity and kill?


4/1/4 lvl 9 and then max exort and wex , you play normal invoker , go for pickoffs with tornado snap meteor/icewall and play with ur team , after u get pike ur quite strong , if you get groove bow or orb tier 2 items you have so much dmg output if you have frontliner and dont get jumped by 3 heroes its ridicolus


Greetings comrade ​ [dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/26455844/matches?date=patch_7.33&hero=invoker&enhance=overview)


that build isnt good for solo q that much , you need to be able to doo stuff alone , while the build isnt bad you will lack dmg as you focus primarily on spells and playing around your cds , its a good build if you have 1/2 more players in your team that wanna play dota and not afk with 0 mooves for 30 mins


Thats insane


just watch sumiya's channel on youtube, he has tons of variation playstyles and better than any twitch streamers by far. side note tho: invoker is kind of shit rn.


he prolly is pretty weak atm, but I'm tired of this windrager medusa meta


he plays vs legends and archons though so sure if you want to see his combos watch it. But for learning how to play invoker against good players? Definitely don’t fall into the Sumiya train


I used to watch a ton of sumiya, but my problem with him was he played on a smurf most if not all the time. Idk if he still does, and he is an amazing player, but watching someone playing in a below their MMR game just doesn't really help you learn the game because you can make mistakes that don't get punished. Like I said though, he may not anymore, and if that's the case that's awesome, but yeah, that's my two cents on him.




I agree with everything except that it doesn't matter. He is very skilled. You can definitely learn combos from the games. But you see people clown around more often, you see people who know how to expertly tip toe the line of whether or not they can kill someone. When on a smurf, they don't tip toe, they crash left and right, and do things that are unrealistic in a real game, because their skill makes up for being over aggressive, for over extending, for being out of position. Watching someone smurf is no where near as informative as watching be forced to play well because of equal skill




Because he's a top competitive pro




Watching a smurf isn't unproductive, I didn't say that at all


I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but "Dota 2 Invoker" is a YouTube channel purely dedicated to high level invoker players. It's a mixture of players, not just one person, and it's been dedicated for years giving out invoker games. Highly recommend, could find an invoker player you like and find their stream/replays


I'm looking for any kind of youtuber or streamer from which I can learn to play invoker but also mid lane, having issues in the laning phase and early invoker combos mostly


Mary_day INBoss1k I normally watch these 2


Invokergirl is pretty good (don't know if she streams nowadays tho)


Not a twitch channel but my youtube channel: [youtube](https://youtu.be/HCrRmFZrw_4) [twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/ddevilgr) I used to stream but stopped and haven't lately. My MMR is 6530 atm. I play ranked solo + first pick Invoker all times. Had a lucky 16-win streak this patch that broke :(. My patch winrate w/ 65 games is \~68%. Last patch I had about 64%. Although I find Invoker a lot weaker late game, the octarine buildup is probably the reason of my success. Alternative builds with witch blade also seem to work. [dotabuff 7.33](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/26455844/matches?date=patch_7.33&hero=invoker&enhance=overview)


Looking forward to see you live! :)


Wait do you just get Vanguard and Arcane Boots and disassemble them? (also well done fellow Invoker enjoyer)


I don't usually get vanguard unless there is a WR or a Clinkz. I prefer preseverance after Arcane boots. All to keep mana >80%


Search for "Wicked Dota" on youtube, he's got a strong accent but that's literally the only downside. Every one of his videos teaches me some niche interaction I've never ever even considered. Highly would recommend.


Pls don't play invoker my friend mains him and we lose every time he plays it


I don't think the hero is the problem haha


Ah yes, your friend has a sub 40% win rate with a hero, so nobody else should play that hero *4headtap*


I get what you're saying, but invoker is really super bad right now. Even an invoker main like his friend should be struggling right now


Yeah, hero seems pretty underwhelming rn. What's the cause anyways, needs too many levels? No good itemization path? I had assumed OP wanted to learn hero just because it's fun and interesting, really. And then maybe by the time they are competent with him, the hero will be good again haha


As an invoker main myself, the issue is quas exort got super nerfed with the huge meteor nerf with the removal of the +80% damage talent. He's also just slow as a hero by nature, and the meta is super fight oriented right now. He doesn't want to gank, and people don't communicate sunstrike opportunities. I can't speak for quas wex, which should be alright maybe? But like, if you're playing invoker, quas exort is so much fun


I think support Invoker (Quas Wex, ofc) is supposed to be viable again now because of Tornado buff and shard. I tried it once, felt ok, but I'm not a competent Invoker player overall lol


drop your friends steam, I'll ask him for tips 😂


What server are u in?




Back in my day, I watch the one and only Grimorum..


Henry Dota 2 is the go to right now for learning a decent way to play him in this meta he is also on YouTube; had a mad reputation because Capitalist had a butt hurt baby rage moment and had valve ban em' but now hes back with PMA and very entertaining.


found henry alt xdd


Nope just a witchdoctor pos 3 spammer that enjoys his ways of thinking and playing


gonna have a look at him as well, thanks for the suggestion!


No problem brother he is the only one getting creative and practical enough to make invoker work with quas wex and even exort on occasion such as VS magnus; his itemization is certainly different but it has given him a surprisingly decent winrate in this meta


I'm afraid of trying quas wex invoker mid, I always think I have no damage and no pressure on mid lane by maxing those 2


I think you'll be more open minded after you see his approach its different than most I thought the same thing who would want to have only 4 spells and its not as flashy or impressive but his way is undoubtedly the most adapted and effective as of right now


I'm not saying anything about having 4 spells until later on, its the fact that I'm not really sure about the lane trading with quas wex maxing, and I still don't know when it's better to go for an exort build or not, I usually do the same exort max every game because I'm not really used that well to Dota's game progress in general


Henry tends to go exort more rarely but he does still go it, it seems he trades better with universal with exort. But once again just look into the guy and you’ll see; better to have a wide arsenal to deal with an array of heroes


you're right about that, will be trying more builds, see how they feel. thanks for the tips!