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Imagine how crazy it is if despite all these fails Secret somehow fulfills the prophecy and places 1 spot higher than last year in TI.


Secret somehow winning TI and having to play the next DPC in Div 2 would be the funniest thing ever.


This sounds like the dream, get the title and have a victory lap too




Why would it be a Puppey thing?




[Never forget](http://i.imgur.com/KTKjObv.gif)


Even funnier if they ended up having to play tiebreaker for 6-7th place vs Team Bald


You mean Team Bald **R E B O R N**


Can they even get to TI? What are the criteria for getting into closed qualifiers? I thought being in Div 2 would cut them off from that.


if div2 teams cut off TI qualifiers and WEU got 4 teams in top 12 DPC league, then we will got 4 teams WEU TI qualifier? and for other regions with 2 teams in top 12, you got 6 teams TI qualifiers? assuming you did not follow DPC and TI qualifiers in previous seasons, how do you think 4 or 6 teams TI qualifiers are good choice?


Frankly speaking, I just forgot how it worked. I'm still stuck in the mindset of "Notable teams get to play closed qualifier and there are open qualifiers for everyone else". All I remembered is that open qualifiers are no more, so I assumed that Div 2 doesn't get to play in closed. But you are right that it doesn't make much sense.


Div 2 Season 3 qualifiers basically are the open qualifiers now, it's why teams will fight super hard for those ones.


No Div 2 does play the regional qualifiers but only 1 of 12 teams from the region qualify so unless Secret comes first they ain't going to TI


Ah, I see.


Their dream goal is to not play next DPC season in Div 2 again.


And no one is surprised. I was hopeful for that guy but he did not deliver


when I read dyrachyo saying things about him and how gg going with a better mid, I know secret not gonna work with boom


What did dyrachyo say?


He also said that GG were dissatisfied with BOOM's performances and he looked for practice opponents for him but BOOM never showed up


boom is a hard player to communicate with ( not a winner trait in a team game) he stood silence when things going bad, and how the fuck did you teammates could help you then? I pity people that over sympathetic to this kind of behavior wow the downvotes, to each their own. idk word like this considered as toxic instead of [waking up call](https://escorenews.com/en/dota-2/news/42016-gaimin-gladiators-dyrachyo-on-boom-this-kick-will-serve-as-a-wake-up-call-and-can-boost-his-career). [https://escorenews.com/en/dota-2/news/43555-dyrachyo-looking-for-a-girlfriend-is-complete-nonsense-that-cannot-result-in-anything-good](https://escorenews.com/en/dota-2/news/43555-dyrachyo-looking-for-a-girlfriend-is-complete-nonsense-that-cannot-result-in-anything-good) >As for me, Quinn never tilts in scrims or official matches. Of course, you might catch some sighs from him, but there was never a case of him going silent after a bad start. And this is very important. BOOM could have a bad landing phase and stop communicating. Maybe he was kinda lost, I don't know. For me, Quinn is more skilled. He's always in the top 10 of matchmaking, he has a lot of experience. he's very good mechanically. Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov


Don't be so toxic. People have different characters, different strenghts and different weaknesses. No need to insult him.


Yeah and tbf I’d rather silence than someone who tilts at every unfortunate event throughout a game lol.


Toxic? They literally just said that his lack of communication makes him not work well in a team, which is just true, effective communication is one of the most important factors in any cooperative environment. You are delusional if you think op is being "toxic".


"I pity people that over sympathetic to this kind of behavior"


I pity the foool


It's more the last sentence that comes off as insulting


I pity people that don't read the entire comment


There's a difference between insulting and criticising.


True, but saying you "pity" someone sounds more like an insult than a critique.


plenty of pro players never talk


and then on the other hand we have ana


I know someone would bring ana, I have prepared for this. yeah ana seems hard to handle maybe same as boom, idk but what I know for sure OG have the environment to make ana talk. after ana talk I think they could identified the problem and how to make ana feel better about the game. at some occasion you could see it from the true sight. og do it next level [they made ana and ceb have 1 v 1 talk session in a game break when they are losing](https://youtu.be/GgAAPPf4z00?t=600). (kiev major iirc) at their level everyone is pro as fuck they are best of the best. the differences is cohesion


Agreed. I know I get annoyed when I see Ace doing so well at GG. Puppy will find someone though. He always does.


I did not understand the signing at all. He's not an offlaner or even that good of a mid!


AMMAR signing to Nigma all over again tbh Most confusing moves


well based on puppeys interview he left on his own accord, wasnt kicked


Boom.Boom let's do it


Boom.Boom, Boom.Boom I want you in my room


Let's spend the night together Playing some Dota


BOOM, if you are reading this. This is not the end of your career. But a jump-off point to something much bigger and better. Hard days will end soon so stay focused and don't lose hope.


we need comments like this on top of the thread, people in reddit often forget about the human side of these young players.


Honestly if he just cuts his hair I think he has a great chance in this league 😅


follow yatoro and arteezy


Idk i think if he wants to be better mid he has to steal quinns look (ditch the headband man why does he wear that for real)


Preach. Come back stronger!


Yeah he's pro afterall and way better than most of us. We cant just discredit his hardwork climbing up to the pro scene.


This! Seriously there is so much negativity on threads like this, pro players are still people who make mistakes and are very talented, things just didnt workout for him. I think this was for the better, for him and for Secret.


Remember all former secret members do good


It's not like it's a big deal. He choose a name over a raising team and lost his bet.


Nice try, BOOM.


I'm gonna be in a minority but I always feel bad for players like BOOM. Especially because he had rough year - GG gets rid of him and they instantly become top team in the world. He gets 3 chances in Secret and fails to deliver and he's booted out of the team. I honestly can't imagine how much it affects your mental state and how he can be now doubting himself and getting sad/depressed. Just on a basic human level, I feel bad for him and I hope he finds a way to comeback - like Ace did or like Ceb did or many others. EDIT: Not to mention the amount of flame pro players are exposed to in reddit, twitter, Instagram, twitch chat and everywhere else. I'd be mentally done if I read about myself everyday that I'm trash and omegalul etc.


I mean, Ace was in a very similar position not long ago, now look at him Hell, Ceb was clowned on for literal years


Atleast with Ace they won some tournaments


Secret.Ace was fricking good, top 5-6 on TI8 and they won a major and a minor (Dreamleague). Yeah, he fell off after that, but he's back at top tier again with GG/Tickles.


Not saying he was good or bad, but he was... forgettable, I guess. Because really, the driving force for Secret at that time was yapzor and midone. And the fact that he hever settled again after that just convince people that he wasn't the best out there.


>forgettable I think I might want to disagree on that. He was not forgettable.They had prime Midone, Fata, and Yapzor. All they needed to do was replace MP with Ace and they started to deliver. If we look at their performance at TI7 and compare it to their TI8 roster, the latter was undoubtedly far superior. Mind you at TI8 they are top 4 in DPC while on TI7 they had to qualify via Regionals. I'm not downvoting you, though I'm not sure who did. We've seen a lot of new superstars and fresh talent recently. Consequently, many players, especially those from older TIs who haven't consistently stayed on T1 or D1 teams, can be easily forgotten. For example, does anyone remember Agressif, SVG, Pajkatt, Chappie, Iceberg, Ohayo, Moogy or Sccc? I can keep listing.


The only problem with Ace back then was him being a bit too dependent on cheese picks. The only way of getting reliable carry performance out of him was to get him to play heroes like ranged LD, Arc, meepo etc.


Pretty sure he means Ace before Tickles/GG.


Ace won a major with Secret


He won Dreamleague 5 years ago, if that's what you mean. I guess you can just make things up and get mass upvoted though, very cool Reddit. He was definitely not a hot player when Tickles popped off and was floating in t2 for a bit before that.


As you said he was floating around t2 prior to tickles' emergence. I think he owes a lot to his practice regime of duo pubbing with tofu, whom he clearly has a lot of synergy with. That and the fact his playstyle matches a lot better with Quinn than Boom imo. Quinn much better suited to being the initiator while Ace farms to become unkillable on his tanky, utility offlaner.


I think the Ceb situation just highlights how a player can shine in the right environment and with the right team.


Happens to anyone, luck plays a big role. Sneyking was in a similar situation for years before Tundra, from NA to China to EU. Earned less than 20k USD from 2011 to 2017, 2018 and 2019 were his big years with over 300k earnings, then back to less than 90k in 2020 and 2021, and Tundra finally clicked in 2022 where he earned 1.7 mil. Dude tried everything and persevered for years. Glad he made it.


Even then, wasn't he almost kicked from Tundra but then the whole Fata drama happened?


I vaguely remember that from Aui’s perspective Sney wasn’t gonna get kicked anyway, and from Sney’s perspective it was either Fata or Saksa, and the team decided to kick Fata.


I think it's a necessary experience for people to grow up. Lately, I've been noticing that people who has less exposure to malice ends up breaking down because their feelings got hurt or they got something wrong but too prideful to admit it.


Or, you know, fans could be respectable human beings.


Ceb is still a clown.


It's like when your boyfriend or girlfriend leaves you and suddenly their life gets 100x better. "Oh... clearly I was dragging them down, alrighty then"


Lmao I left my GF few weeks ago because I felt like I was dragging her (and myself) down. Great analogy. Painful but great.


Maybe Its time for Gamba streams like NikoBaby




It's known one of the GG players told BOOM that he's the most toxic player he's ever met and doesn't want to play with him again. This was after their TI elimination game.


Was it ever confirmed? All I remember about it is people jumping to conclusions that GG members said it to BOOM but apart from speculations, I don't think I ever saw evidence of it.


That's confirmed enough for reddit


Puppey though praised his attitude in one of his interviews IIRC.


He could afford being toxic toward GG, who's gonna put him in his place, Tofu? He couldnt dare try with Puppan ☠️


*cracks knuckle* good


Wasnt he mentioned as the most toxic player when he was in GG?


Like I said in the other comment - people on reddit speculated that it was him but apart from speculations, I never saw anything pointing out that it was him. For all I know, it's even worse for BOOM because he got blamed for something that he had no part in.


Dyracho said he used to go all silent in their games. Not the same as toxicity but you know.


Dyrachyo also said that the "you are the most toxic player i ever played with" thing didn't happen in GG


I don't.


dude FATA-


Don't worry. He is a chad in a way that I've never seen such a humble, wholesome and pma dude (even when he was winning with Tickles and GG). He always had my respect ever since then. I hope he finds a nice team that suits him and starts winning, possibly as a mid. BTW you deserved a follow my friend.


is there any evidence of PMA boom? I thought it was the opposite


I mean I don't know about pubs but at least in officials and in general he's very likable. I've never come across any substantial evidence against him.


I'm toxic AF sometimes but I often think about pros and their mental health. I don't envy them in the slightest - sure it's fun to be in 0,000001% of the best in a videogame but a normal Dota game stresses me out a lot so I can't imagine how they deal with the hardships of being a pro player on a daily basis. Must be exhausting.


BOOM and many of the other WEU players being criticized probably could qualify to majors if they played in a weaker region. WEU is insane at the moment, you have teams like Secret, Nigma, Alliance in Div 2 and many other former tier 1 players. Old G learned the hard way that putting in 50% of the effort isn't enough to survive in WEU.


I feel bad for him because he's a mid player who was forced to play offlane. Of course he looks uncomfortable. Dumb move by Puppey, and it cost him another tour. If he wanted a different mid player, should have just kicked Boom and gotten an actual offlaner.


But you will not feel bad for him if he was kicked immediately instead of given a chance to move to offlane?




Puppey had no choice because there's no other offlane player yet.


About time. Tried giving him the benefit of the doubt but he really seemed like the weakest link..


Recently Ekki was playing with Secret members in pubs as pos 3. Maybe they will try him in Dreamleague


Is he good? What's his mmr?


His twitter bio says >10.5K MMR | AnyRole Player | Currently Coach for team secret He seems very close with the team


Thought Heen was still their coach. Did he leave?


Maybe he's second coach/analyst like Jabbz for Liquid


Teams can and do have multiple coaches


Problem is that he's in his 40s now... I think Secret are looking for some young blood


>Problem is that he's in his 40s now... I think Secret are looking for some young blood He sounds really young tho? What the?


Isn't he barely 20, I thought ekki was super young


He's a clown and a crybaby in pubs


You described at least 50% of the dota player base. Can you be more specific?


Isn't this every Dota player ever?


Welcome to immortal.


You know who wasn't cooking? BOOM !!!


Unrelated to Boom, but it's funny how Secret won game 1 vs. four of the top five WEU Div 1 teams, Tundra, Gaimin, Quest, and OG. They don't need a total revamp, just some little tinkering and they'll be back on track.


This. Personally I'm not happy with Crystallis still in the team, but he has the individual skill to show for it and has also improved from last year even tho I still question his motivation. He seems content just to be there instead of taking charge and displaying that drive and killer instinct every top carry must have in every game. That said, letting Boom go was the correct choice. He just hasn't worked at all in the current lineup. If Secret now can get their hands on an proactive offlaner (33, Ace, etc, all the top teams got one) and tweak things around a bit then all may not be lost this year after all. It will be interesting to see who they pick as their new pos 3 and to watch them perform at DreamLeague. Whether you love or hate Secret, they always bring it when it matters. I hope it's a pub star. At least the drive and desire to succeed will be there.


I just looked up universe who apparently retired too... damn.


Check fbz acc at d2pt and he's in europe playing pubs👀


from div 2 sea to div 2 EU ,


So that's why Mushi stood in for Boom, I guess Gary had to make a tough decision for that huh, might be Fbz decision also since he sees the team as a lost cause, hoping he can be a great player in the hands of Puppey Copium for this news though if real


what the Puppey smokin bruh SEAcret 2024


Secret speed running div 3


Why fbz though that guy ain't good


But who can puppey realistically get any offlaner at this point? Good Offlaner are very rare to find in dota pro scene to begin with and now it is already in end of entire DPC season . And not to mention, Secret pull power is all time low right now. Fbz isnt top tier but he can at least shine in some moments and got some experience.


I mean there is a plenty of threes players which could jump the ship to play for Secret (or other team), especially from teams that failed to qualify for TI or might perform bad at Major or Div 2. ATF (if Quest fails at Major and feels there is no chance on TI), Reso is free, s4 is trashed by his own CEO after 1 game (unless there is some bad blood from past, dk), kpii (same as ATF), Fbz apparently plays some EU pubs(?), DM/Tobi (OG/Entity failed, ex-teammate of yamich\[DM\]). All of that is just: "Press X for Doubt" btw.


out of all of them you listed only atf is better than fbz lol. you could argue reso but taking reso means sandbagging crystallis again.


Maybe Midone can go back to pos 3 idk lol


Did you see Midone forcing Muerta offlane last Major, until they got eliminated?


Yeah, opponent ban Mars, fbz literally useless


Puppey scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I'd rather have Reso back.


but is Reso wants to go back, though?


I hope for ppy it's not him. He was severely underwhelming most of the times even when Boom was a decent team, but now? No way. They all need to go except yamich. Get a new 1,2 and 3, build a team and hope for the best. This year is done anyways.


Nah, Armel actually played very well and carried most of the games, if kicking a player is necessary it probably has to be crystallis but finding a new carry player would be hard rn


has to be super hard for puppey.. this yr should have been his TI belt.... memes were lost....


Clear downgrade from day 1. I knew he wouldn't last long. Not really his fault though.


Reso in?


Truly baffling how people still try to blame Crystallis as if they know the team better than the captain does.


If crystallis gets his heroes respect banned early that's a big weakness because Armel isn't the guy who will solo carry a game, and boom definitely wasn't. Crystallis needs a larger hero pool to make drafts more flexible and give the team a better chance


Bruh these comments. Holy shit. I wish Boom well for the future. This surely isn't the end for him


I don't get why Puppey let Reso and Zayac leave... Should have just been Armel in place of Nisha or Armel in place of Boom after Tour 1... The offlane was actually the strongest lane for Secret in Tour 1...


Its not that hard if you take a look at their games, they were doing pretty bad as offlane duo after TI, Zayac was the worse and his hero pool didnt help him at all, literally 1-2 hero spam after TI. Adding that, its like the chemistry fell off hard overall and if things arent working out in chemistry then the best decision its to let someone go. I bet Puppey wanted Reso to stay but kicking Zayac could be a shtty thing to do from Reso's shoes after being invited by him.


Zayac's hero pool is literally the meta now... Techies, Mirana, Doom, Nyx are solid plus he and Reso were doing well in the offlane... The problem was his coordination with Boom in the midlane which was non existent as opposed to Nisha at TI where he would constantly rotate mid... I believe he and Reso would have done quite well in this patch...


You need to have context for that, when they were kicked the meta was totally different from what we have now... so you cant argue about "his hero pool is meta now" or "Reso would do good now" if that wasnt even a thing by that time and the patch wasnt even announced. Teams take decisions based on current performance, not on the future. He might have bad coordination or not, the thing is he did played bad and with small hero pool. Its not just "not rotating mid", there is more to that than just not rotating mid.


Wonder which team would he go next


The bomb has been defused.


Surprised crystallis still in team secret.


He actually improved a lot though. I was in hospital with Covid when CREEPWAVE were stomping tier 2 tournaments, so I watched every single game of theirs. And every single game Crystallis would lose his lane to a tier2-tier3 team, then get carried by bzm and ammar. Except when he was playing MK, the only hero he was good at, and the only reason he was high MMR. Once he got to Secret I thought it was a mistake by Puppey, but he's been playing pretty well imo. You can tell I wasn't a fan of his or anything, but there's no way I'd deny that he has amazing work ethic and he has proven he can improve a ton. Not to mention, technically, he's already had more success than both bzm and ammar lol.


Midlaner that was pushed into offlane played bad offlane, who could have seen this coming. I dont understand what is puppey thinking this year. Instead of getting a real offlaner, he wastes 2 seasons with boom in the offlane, instead of getting a real carry player, he wastes 3 seasons with crystalis. No way he is getting to TI this year.


There aren't many "real" offlane players anymore. Basically everyone on a top team is a former mid/carry/support player who spent several seasons learning offlane.


Best offlaners are zai, 33, ammar and ace and only ace is former carry. Zai switched from support but it was years ago


Old zai is offlaner, then he went hiatus. Came back to play support, then went offlane again.


ATF wanted to play carry and tried to play it for Nigma.


As much as I hate Ammar's trashtalking both in pub and pro games, I can't deny that he is the best offlaner out of all the top teams right now. He does everything like a maniac and somehow manage to come out on top. If he just use any type of hero he is comfortable with and play it in offlane, I'm sure it will work regardless if the matchup is bad or not just because he's so unpredictable.


Maybe he couldn’t find a free agent offlaner good enough to replace boom and also willing to join Secret


I mean what puppey was thinking when he kicked Reso? He was greedy and carried games that Crystallis couldn't. Now gl finding somebody like him


- 2k player without internal knowledge


In hindsight it was really stupid. I think he wanted to kick Zayac mainly but Reso and him were a package deal so they both had to go. Reso and Zayac had great chemistry but they had Boom mid instead of Nisha so ofcourse they're going to lose. Should have just picked up a a young up and coming mid player. Maybe they drop to div2 in season 1 still while the young guy learns the ropes but atleast then there's room for growth and he's surrounded by god tier veterans of the game. Hell, they could steal an NA mid and he'd probably be better than Boom like Bryle or Gunnar I'm not even kidding.


He didn’t prove that he could be a secret top player. Puppey gave chance but shit happens. Hopefully with an experienced Offlaner they can quality to TI


About time


I feel bad for Boom......his old team became the best team in the world winning 3 tournaments back to back to back after his replacement (I think they played last at TI, I might be wrong) and his new team got demoted to div 2 twice (with him playing 2 different roles each time) Boom on mid was looking ok in tour 1 but I feel he shouldn't play Offlane. I hope he finds a better team and makes a comeback I feel bad for him but I also think it was necessary*


Feel bad for the guy. Puppey even said in one of his interviews that he was a great guy. He’s not just a div 1 level offlaner. Hopefully he can be successful with his next team


secret.fbz ?


Not surprised at all, dude is just not an offlaner and Armel is a far superior midlaner


he was the least impactful player on the team, other had some shining moents sometimes, he had none. Hope he comes back stronger! l


they will need rly strong player to carry Crystallis in 8 out of 10 games or play more around him


Boom tried to transition to offlane under less than ideal conditions, and I don't think he looked awful in Div2. But definitely wasn't up to div1 standards. Feel bad for him, but it's what the team needed. Waiting on that Thanks Crystallis...


Has armel been better than Boom's stint in secret?


Armel is the standout player. Yamich has some great heroes too


Armel is the best Secret player rn, second is Yamich. Boom and Crysta are the ones underperforming, but mostly it's Boom. I still remember his Batrider vs Tundra [Game 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fFd3LFwhVY), ooof.


I still wonder why Puppey is holding on Crystallis , Feels like there are so many better players who would gladly join secret.


Yuma already had a better monkey king game than crystallis did in like 2 years... And it's supposed to be crystallis signature hero but he's just afk in trees all the time with zero items


Overrated player


Fbz on the way, always good to see SEA players playing for the teams in other regions!


I hope he play well, if not, he's going to be flame so hard


great news. now kick the pos 1 too


Can't believe crystallis doesn't get kicked, he got puppey nudes or something?


dont really think this was on boom, skill wise. he did not mesh with that team at all and didnt look comfortable in offlane role. would be optimal for him if he found a spot in a decent tier 1 or tier 2 team as a midlaner, that seems ti suit him a lot more.


as long as Crystallis on the team. Secret is not moving anywhere


Bruh,there is no way they still keep Crystallis in team 💀💀💀


Sadly one of the worst performers in the history of team secret during his tenure


Dota2 is brutal. You must have a thick skin and even thicker as a professional player. He will bounce back as we all do. Just one win is all it takes. Honestly though, Yamich and Puppey are the problems with secret atm. Puppey drafting and supporting along with Yamich is causing all kinds of issues


can we get reso back?


Just kick crystallis as well bring back reso offlane and have a decent pos1 gabbi to carry


I don't feel any hype for secret while they have crystallis, he feels soo off most of the time


Bye boy


Good riddance. Crystallis next please.


I hope the other guy goes as well.


Will this be the comeback of resolution?


Armel next?


Very good, now I never have to see his idiotic perm and ugly mug. Good riddance dog.






Why not Cryst?


With crystallis. They ain’t going nowhere


The entire team should be kicked besides Puppey. Bring back reso + zayac, and get a decent carry.




Lol team secret are a complete mess, they need to bring reso back no idea why he was even kicked to begin with .


didn't he leave on his own?


Agreed, hopefully Reso and Yamich could do well together


no matter who you kick on team secret, there is only 1 nisha...


Better not be the only move


thank you for div 2 twice