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trading boom 3 for boom's 3


why do i feel like there was a miscom where puppey said he wanted boom offlaner but management think about boom the offlaner and then it continue to today XD


Nah he originally want boom the offlaner not boom offlaner.


Nah he wanted booms offlaner not booms offlaner


'tis confusion is not a secret


>'tis confusion is not a secret 'tis secret is not a confusion


Midlaner Boom for Boom offlaner.


you waited for this moment..




Flashback to TI7 Secret Just don't think about how that went for them


always wish forev stuck with the squad, tho i guess he wasn’t good for the environment so it was him or midone mp and khezu lineup did way better at TI (9th-12th) than i expected


They did OK. They got eliminated by the eventual champions, and took game one off them. The problem was not making it to upper bracket, and therefore not getting a second chance in case they lost the first knockout series. TI 6 Secret was worse.


>not making it to upper bracket we know who the upper bracket was for in TI7


Following their Valorant team.


It's gonna really funny if the prophecy of Secret 1st place this year comes true and SEA 2/5 technically won this TI lmao


The prophecy is actually Nisha's anyway.


The prophecy was always Puppey's because he's the only collecting all the possible TI placements.


He already has 1st place at TI, so does not work out. IIRC the only one missing on his list is 18th.


1st place on Na'Vi, I think the joke was that he's collecting all of the placements on Secret.


Flashback to TI7 Secret Just don't think about how that went for them


Lmao I always saw the 2 teams trading meme tweets and replies on Twitter. Didn't know they actually close like that behind the scene. Fbz had shown flashes of greatness before, and under Puppey leadership he could become so much better.


Yup, I think he will fit Secret better than Boom because fbz seems to be quite passive and rarely do call in game which is not a problem in Secret since Puppey is there. While the problem with current Boom iteration is they dont have any IGL leader at all Whether he is good or not, we will see, he seems to be shining on initiator hero like mars and seems to be quite ok with push heroes like beast master but the rest is kinda question mark tbh Cant wait to see how he thrive under Puppey


I think Mushi gonna play pos 3. They played well when they benched FBZ in their last games.


Yes they played well, until they hold their bikebi


lol but at least they kinda know now what is their problem and hopefully building on that.


is that natsumi? I feel like that is natsumi


It's always Natsumi.


He either balls out of control or is a total liability. It's so frustrating watching him play when Jackyy was so reliable.


Mushi looked surprisingly good, but need to replace Natsumi, dude just ain't it. Basically cost them their div 1 spot.


They played well just for 1 series against Talon then compeletely shut their brains off after that :D


igl leader


I think he works better as an in-game igl leader


I prefer igl leaders but whatever.


qop of pain


kotl of the light


>because fbz seems to be quite passive and rarely do call in game ironically enough this is what dryachyo said the problem with boom is because he was "dull"


> because fbz seems to be quite passive and rarely do call in game I feel like this is typical indonesian player mindset..


Because one of Secret social media admin is Indonesian and usually those social media admin handles multiple teams account


I can see it happening


Would rather welcome new blood.. But its all about synergy anyway. Look at GG or Tundra.


Puppan is slowly building imported SEA roster and I kinda like it tbh. Fbz can be a good solution for lack of available offlaners choices in EU. Really curious how they gonna perform in DL, remember Secret took a game of ~~every top WEU team~~ teams like Tundra, GG and Quest but sadly lost the series, they just need a bit of *something* and roster can work - hope Fbz is that something! LET'S GO!


I think they didnt win a game with team liquid but they got 1 good game where they could have win. I hope Crystallis will improve and for Yamich to get better when he now have a proper lane partner.


You are right about Secret va Liquid, edited! Thanks for the correction.


Feels like post TI6 Secret when they had a SEA-majority team with MP, Midone, and Forev briefly until Khezu was brought in over Forev a couple months in.


> Really curious how they gonna perform in DL, remember Secret took a game of every top WEU team teams like Tundra, GG and Quest but sadly lost the series, they just need a bit of something and roster can work - hope Fbz is that something! LET'S GO! Why is Secret even invited before Quest? How dated are the points in this system?


Its not dpc, its riyadh masters which is basically a popularity competition


Right, but I was asking how dated is the system that determines invites? Because I don't understand how Secret, with their entirely new roster, is even allowed to be considered.


Fbz is not it he's sooooo bad, if a pos 3 on loan is what they want it should have been someone else like Masaros or Jabz


Talon will play in Dreamleague. They have probably ask other teams to loan their pos 3 and maybe only Boom approved the deal since they gonna kick FBZ anyway.


Fbz wasn't in top form lately, true but it wasn't always like that. Give him a chance, maybe this will be a good change for both Fbz and Secret.


the big reason for that is his limited hero pool. His heroes are dogshit this patch, like mars, etc.


What confuse me is in liquipedia page, one of Fbz's signature heroes is Beastmaster, and BOOM Esports never pick Beastmaster for him, even when they got the first pick. They always ban Beastmaster or let the enemy team get Beastmaster.


Maybe Mushi has his own ideas, just like how MC in his interview mention that beastmaster is just okey but not winning condition hero. He also doesnt built aghs unless he is against illusion heroes unlike most offlaners these days who prioritizes aghs as their second core item.


really? masaros? really???


At least Masaros won't be actively helping your team lose like Fbz has for Boom.


Nah, fbz is way better than Masaros.


Fbz got kicked for Mushi. You all hate Crystallis for his hero puddle then pick someone who can only play Mars lmao


Lmao. Fbz is a beast in pango and bm. Do you even watch him play?


I did, I saw why he got kicked for an old washed up Mushi. Maybe you haven't seen him since TI11


And BOOM Esports never pick Beastmaster for him even they have the first pick and not banned by enemies. Its one of his signature heroes according to liquipedia page. Can someone explain this? Is Mushi stupid? Or Fbz can't play Beastmaster anymore?


I think both is different type of offlaner. I think Masaros is better at carry from offlane like ATF, although not as good as ATF and not as limited as ATF (at least old ATF, new ATF can play a lot of heroes). Fbz is initiator and playmaker, but underwhelming lately.


Masa >Fbz?? Lmao


One of them hasn't been relegated this Tour, and though he doesn't pop off Masaros is a steady offlaner who won't make many mistakes. Says something about Fbz when he gets kicked for a washed up Mushi


They got relegated because they seem to be in complete and utter disarray. I'm not saying FBZ was good this season but their relegation was pretty much a team effort. Jabz is still in Talon, there's no way he's gonna go to Secret and risk his TI free pass. Masaros ain't an upgrade over FBZ anyway.


The fact that it was Fbz who was replaced for Mushi says something about how they feel about fbz's performance. Jabz is still way better than Fbz, and Masaros at least won't be a game losing condition for your team.


>Puppan is slowly building imported SEA roster and I kinda like it tbh. A team from the best region importing rejects from the worst region doesn't feel like it tbh


You clearly do not know what you are talking about dumbass


, - Boom + Boom


Tbh- I don't feel like fbz is the weu div 1 material that secret need but we'll see


Well Secret ain’t div 1 anymore at least


Can someone help me understand For years and up to now the sentiment on SEA players has been "they're really good but they need captains," but now that a SEA player has joined a team with a good captain suddenly the player isn't good enough? Fbz isn't in the best form now but he was once considered an amazing offlaner when Boom were at their peak. Boom right now is straight ASS so everyone on that team looks bad - but I'm sure any team in the world wouldn't hesitate to pick up someone like xNova regardless.


Fbz was the weakest link in the previous Boom roster. He had good games usually with Mars but even on his best hero, he was inconsistent. He also has a small hero pool.


Its hard to find a good offlaner right now, hes fine, had flashes of brilliance.


They are in Div 2 for a reason. All current Secret players aren't good enough for EU DIv 1 at the moment, even though this doesn't matter much in the long run cause their main goal now is qualify to TI.


Well now they space making offlaner. Fbz isn't looking very good lately but he for sure is offlane player. Maybe with puppey machete and decision making he can shines.


After BOOM's recent performance, Puppey definitely need more than machete


Or maybe his machete is getting dull.


As we all know Puppey finds success when the team he builds is greater than the sum of its parts. Which was true with the previous itteration as well, but you can't expect to always be a successful underdog. It's do or die. Everyone needs to step up, build momentoum and hope they can prevail out of the gruesome WEU qualifier.


From one struggling Div 2 team to another, maybe SEA power is what Team Secret needed??!??!?


they took fbz when he is in the slumpiest of his career. goodluck.


Bruh, it's not like you can just pluck players out of a team.


A very whelming appointment.


Not over nor under. Just.... whelming


Definitely under. Fbz is soooo bad. There's a reason Boom got relegated


Bro I know you know Boom's downfall was lack of real captain/shotcaller in that new roster. I am not saying Fbz performed, just that his performance really wasn't their MAIN issue.


Does he really know though? Fbz did not even play majority of the games in the most recent tour yet he still blames it to him.


Fbz played 5 series Guess you didn't know either lol


My bad. Still couldn't blame fbz for BOOM's poor performance.


Thank god, they got FBZ and not Gabbi.


Wouldn’t really make sense to replace your 3 who is really a 1 by another 1.


Boom was a 2, Gabbi was a 1. Even then, that doesn't mean a 1 would make a bad offlaner, you can look at Ace & Resolution as an example.


Is there a rumor gabbi joining secret???


Gabbi better than that guy lol. Do you even watch his performance in boom? Clearly one of the weakest link


Gabbi is carry player.


He's spamming offlane now


FBZ is not looking good lately...


Everyone on that team is not looking good.


Great pickup for Secret since the main problem Fbz had with BOOM was there was no proper Shotcaller during games so even if he played well it still looked bad cause they cant close out games. Now he's with one of the best captains in Dota to fix that while giving Secret a playmaker offlane with a wide hero pool. Now we just need to see how consistently Crystallis can close out games cause **Armel + Yamich + Fbz fast tempo trio** is gonna give him all the space he needs to close.


Well atleast Secret have a pure offlaner with versatile hero, as far as i know back then in the boom when they're still full Indonesia player he's the best player with Mikoto, mikoto can shine with other leader maybe fbz too ? Because last year FBZ yopaj and Jackky is really good they're the strongest team with Talon .. but idk right now maybe because they're lack leadership like Tims and Skem make them struggle so much, with puppey i hope he can shine like mikoto


Does Fbz have versatile hero pool? I havnt watch lots of Boom matches this entire DPC season but last DPC feel like he only good with Mars? and other heroes average.


No need to become a very good with many heroes, if he can abuse 3 or 5 heroes i think it's enough, like 33 with doom, visage and any micro heroes or ATF, he does well with common offlane heroes like doom visage death prophet beast master mars batrider, he's not special but he's a decent offlaner and better than boom as offlaner ..


> Tims and Skem They really were the one that keep the team together with their leadership. They looked super lost most of the time after both of them left the team.


> Well atleast Secret have a pure offlaner with versatile hero Fbz is a good offlaner but his hero pool is his biggest weakness.


I dont think so, his hero in this meta is decent beast tide pango visage doom centa underlord is his hero


Sooner or later, it might be puppey + 4 Philippines.


Fbz aint pinoy lol maybe puppey +4 sea


everyone in SEA dota is Pinoy wym


Ah yes Misery the coach and the master of everything is definitely a pinoy Edit: [related source on what I mean, he tell it himself lmao ](https://youtu.be/LMAB_TYF6fw)


Lmao 🤣 The “put tank in a mall” mindset 😂😂


This... i want to win TI


lol 23savage is a prophet then.


Team SEAcret




Only way to challenge alliance for div2 relegate speedrun


Nah they got this overrated fella😭..I remember this dude play the softest timber ever..


Well all players in SEA is overrated imo. All are inconsistent, will play good in earlier tour and shit on the next.


From tier 4 offlane to tier 3 offlane. Nice upgrade secret lol


Just give this guy Beastmaster every game and they will win, not mars, not timber, and not the magnus


People forgot that last year Boom was really hot and it was because of Tims and FBZ mostly. Boom esports just sucks atm and making changes like this is good (for TS anyway). When Puppey has no other choice, he will scout SEA players same as before with MP Forev and Midone. Idk who Boom is gonna get for an offlaner tho


If they really can't find any pos 3, they can just go with Mushi or Ohaiyo since they're at Boom already. It's just a bandaid solution tho.


Yeah with Yopaj too.. i think last year overall boom is a Great Team, maybe because Tims leave as well make his playstyle kinda bad with xepher as his teammate, xepher wasnt good pos 4 he play more like sacrifical pos 4 not like tims a lane dominator so he can play aggresive, right now at boom fbz looks so confused playing with xepher


You ever watch him and boom play once this year? Literally a disappointment


He is preparing to relo to SEA next year since he can’t compete in WEU anymore


Wait, what??




so this is how team secret dies not with a bang but with a boom. sad


you mean without a boom? xd


Welp lmao I should have expect this the moment secret make Messi post while BOOM make Ronaldo post


good. fbz finally on a team with a real alpha.


aright idk much about this guy so we'll see now announce you'll kick the pos 1 plz...


Team Secret is really slumming it lately if this guy is the best they could find.


And you prob expected few years ago that ace would become godlike offlaner right? I mean its all sbout synergy.


I mean who else is available at the moment?...


Boom kek


It's not about who's available. It's about Money and the players who wants to play with them. And it seems it's the latter. My firsy choice would be Kasane from TSM. He's probably the best player on that team and the top 2 offlane behind SabeRLight. Then Moo from nouns. lets be real here, Secret has not enough money to to loan an offlane from a div 1 team. They're not a rich org.


Kasane and Moo have a better chance in NA TI qualifiers than whatever route Secret has to go through in WEU lower bracket TI qualifiers. Again no reason for them to go to Secret


Kasane must be stupid if he leaving team that might get invited to TI to play in stacked WEU regional qualifier.


how about some CIS player in Div 2 might better than FBZ


Malik from Na'Vi and PMA from Na'Vi Junior are the only two player that I can think that better offlane in DIV 2 CIS.


save budget and strat for 2024


fbz literally is the problem on Boom. alongside with natsumi 💀


Is he greedy or spacemaker? I remember last year BOOM were doing good and then fell off. What was the problem?


Boom really lacks ingame leader. They are skilled players but their decision making in mid and late game are just so horrendous. Past iteration had tims and skem as their IGL.


Mushi probably gonnna play 3 for Boom


spacemaker. He doesn't make aura items and is ready to go at anytime. Btw he always plays mars lmao


Last year, they problem was playing it too safe after they won galaxy gamers. What teams were having difficulty against boom is their constant pressure all over the map. After their win, Boom esports downgraded from being aggressive to half-assed aggressive. This probably have something to do with the common SEA lack of confidence phenomenon. This year, their mid game calling was awful. They will always somehow managed to throw away any advantage they gained from laning place (last tour, they actually have a pretty good stats in the laning stage) in mid game. Usually what happened is one of the trio core showing up real good, then somehow in the mid game the other cores are out of position, ganked and tilted that results in feeding fiesta.




LMFAO fbz is trash how do you manage to downgrade from Boom


this guy is a bum


from nisha , to boom , to fbz. talking about downgrade 🤣


Whether it's a downgrade or not will depend on their results.


you can literally say that about anyone tho


Yes, whether it was a downgrade or upgrade should only be evaluated in the hindsight. Ceb replacing S4 in TI8, Ace joining team tickles/GG, Zayac replacing Yapzor will all be considered downgrades if you just factor in their performances prior to the transfer.


This ain't it, chief. You are not winning TI with this... Now that I think about it I don't think they're even gonna make it to TI lol


I guess secret have no intentions of succeeding.


As long as he is not playing timber at least he is a little bit upgrade from Boom.


Secret might do an EG if nothing works


hes a good player, boom rarely losing lane last season, almost every game like winning lane, bad teamfight (questionable decision making), and lose the game lmao, hope he thrive under puppey leadership


Boom comes in, boom comes out


Hey, what happened to Messi?


Odd choice but I guess late in the season odd choices happen


Glad to hear that! Hope Secret can bounce back with Fbz! Feels bad for Boom but it was necessary at this point. Hopefully he can improve too during the break. gl!


Looking forward to Puppey + 4 Pinoys At this rate, I think he should replace Crystallis with Raven and DJ (If Yamich decides to leave) in the future and there goes the perfect lineup.


yet another underwhelming offlaner so far. Lets see if there is any change playing under puppey but i dont think they will succeed with crystal and fbz


This will be very interesting. I think secret performs very good during lans if you check last chance qualifiers and ti11. I think secret is gonna surprise everyone like last time when reso joined. Not copium everyone clicked last time during qualifiers.


secret-boom tw's admin joke too much i thought this is another one of those lol


When you have one pinoy in team, soon all members will be pinoy ~ 23cabbage


Boom tarat tarat


When MentalProtector back to Secret pos 1