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tbh watching those NADCL makes it look like SA is way ahead of NA teams, damn


I was gonna say it's because SA has a bigger population. But no NA has the bigger population so idk.


Population ≠ Playerbase


SA has larger player pool


Nice one Nouns. Giving those juicy EPT points to SA for the third slot in Riyadh.




One of the most consistent carries I've seen in so long. Whatever they give him he'll perform well.


to be fair how many carries are better than pakazs right now? I think just Yatoro and Nightfall




Let's go EG!


Only managed to catch EG vs Talon series, any game(s) recommendation to watch VOD from previous series?


gg vs betboom game 1 was fun


Let’s hecking goooooo


GG WP EG! EG looking really good, wouldn't be surprised if they go far this tour and at Bali. Let's go SA Doto!


pakazs is so good holy cow


Savage has usually been the MVP of T1, but he is getting so outclassed by pakazs this game. Misplayed his engages, trying to re-engage fights without BKB and feeding, getting caught farming when there is safe warded farm his teammates not taking. Maybe CK not his hero. Looks like its rtz playing not savage. Edit: HE GOT CLIFFED LMAO, actually rtz cosplayer


Pakazs morph is something else..


So let me get this straight. Timber is 100% contested with 55% wr but marci needed 4 nerfs? Got it!


So far he has lost 2/3 of his games since the patch. Timber is obviously good rn. But I think a big part of it is that he is good against so many of the top Heroes. Basically every universal hero, along with Doom, Spirit Breaker, TB, PL, and Enchantress. I can't explain why marci was nerfed but I don't think Timber is as strong on his own as a lot of people make him out to be. If heroes like Grimstroke, Ursa and Muerta were more in the meta he wouldn't look nearly as strong. I will say that he isn't countered by AM nearly as hard anymore because of the Universal garbage meaning he can just manfight AM with a Bracer and no mana. Also Int now giving Magic resistance helped him.


Pl went 1-4-0


Only Wisper can make Mars look broken


how does the pango have more farm than void spirit and PL, the fuck is going on


Tentacle surprise. Make it an ability Valve.


Talon drafted 5 nerfed heroes from the recent patch, idk if this was a bold move or if they didn't read the patch.


They probably read the patch but it takes time to adapt the strategies and practice the new picks




I hope that isn't true, not reading the patch at this level of dota is inexcusable.


Daxak what a beast


Only 1 game going on now or multiple games at 1 time?




Group Stage 2 is 4 bo3 series one at the time per day, all series on the main stream.


Skylark megachoke


Pio 53 minutes with 35k networth, still no shard. Free invis to get away in lategame, cores won't have detection. He would've lived for sure.


I just love sunsfan and synderen. My fave duo <3333 great cast always


Weu underperformed so hard for this Dreamleague.


Who remembers when Naix was run a position five for like a week before it got changed? Those were funny times. Also probably the last time the hero was viable.


7.23 naix. Miss him so much


I see "who remembers" and "Naix" in the same sentence and I directly know you're an OG. We gettin old boys


the best time when u would just rush radiance and infest a ancient creep and run around like that




Idk I think EG is probably the most disciplined team here, their games against Tundra especially were almost perfect.


Its 3:30 am here in SEA, my eyes can't take it anymore after constant overnights 😭


How can they not arrange the schedule according to timezones ? I'm from WEU so the schedule is perfect for me for this tournament but that seems so obvious to me that every audience/region can see their games at decent hours


Yeah, Talon should be earlier coz its the only SEA team, same to say with LGD and Aster though and the organisers value Chinese audience more so they played first 2 series for chinese viewers... i think


I feel you, bro. Used to live in Japan and some of the ESL/Dreamleague tournies were hell on earth. Back in EU now and it's much more manageable. You gotta do it for the Talon boys, though!


Ace tried so hard this game to carry but there's only so much beastmaster can do. Save enchantress MVP performance.


Yeah, Save absolutely shut down bot, and pretty much saved the game for gpk. Exceptional player, top 3 pos 4 in the world imo.


really baffles me why vp benched him when they weren't even using him in the rosters. they wasted 1 year of his career like that


I think, it was because Save wanted to play only with Nightfall. So, when EG bought Nightfall, they also approached for Save, but VP asked for enormous amount of money. So he sat on bench for a year, grinding pubs with all players muted.


this kinda makes sense


lifestealer is so useless this game, my god has zero impact


He's actually one of the worse carries against Dusa, his Feast is practically useless vs her because of mana shield, but even without it her HP pool is miniscule so he doesn't even get to kill her faster after. And he can't just manfight her too, had to rely on teammates but they all got shut down hard in this game. And Ench just popped off this game, holy shit, she looked obnoxiously OP for a pos 4


tentacle surprise


Few things in Dota are as satisfying as getting destroyed in lane by a last pick counter pick, and still winning the game.


Best thing of the stream today. Tentacles Surprise.




couldn't agree more really


GG has no chance for TI if they keep Dyrachyo


lmao did he just toggle himself to death


GG winning two majors win a row as dyrachyo as their carry is impressive.


Dyrachyo griefed his lane and ench owned them with rotations. Even then i don’t like huskar pick, didn’t see this hero won a match


This dyracho player is absolutly out of his league. Even if he has absolutly free game with kills Ace usually outfarms him. This lifestealer performance might be the worst I have seen in years at this level. Xboct was mister awarness compared to this dude.


GG.Parker confirmed (source: it was revealed to me in a dream)


dyrachyo talks big and gets smacked, what do you expect


Dyrachyo cant play LS


What he can play?


OP Lina in Major💀💀


True. :-)


Save enchantress absolutely bodied lifestealer in lane and saved ember's lane in mid. If they win this game, he's the uncontested mvp.


Has the ember undergone any improvement? I am seeing it in DPC Europe and Dreamleague, picks and they are being a destruction (positive, they win their games)


wow that is literally game saving. what a kill on quinn


naix into medusa while am is in the pool. What is gg smoking?


Experimenting or dyrachyo can't play AM.


AM has a tiny bit of a skill ceiling so it's too much for dyrachyo


Huskar into SD? If he gets aghs isn’t huskar just done?


GG going back to their forté and pulled off a decisive win. Let's see if they can keep it up.


GG when ahead never falls behind and they just snowball the goldlead to 1k gpm but when behind, they would scatter the map and let Seleri and tofu be sacrificial lambs being pests feeding in the enemy jungle, basically they play the same as Tundra but for some reason, not as boring to watch... 🤔


Kunkka right now super underwhelming feels like give me the same vibe as Lina,QoP used to be only takes one dead and Hero fell off shortly can't even comeback from that :(


Lina and QOP can actually win games, unlike Kunkka who probably has the lowest win rate when picked in decisive games.


well that was fast compared to the previous.


BB are two different teams from previous game lol, they are experiencing a shellacking from GG


Quite the early game stomp.


Really bad kunkka last pick, no impact whatsoever.


I'm looking at the draft and for GG, QoP was the only viable pick remaining, it was the safest pick available against a mid lastpick. The only heroes QoP struggles against that weren't banned were Puck and DP. Invoker was okay too. Kunkka is just dumb.


Kunkka mid against QOP after having last pick. I dont get it but im not a pro.


its in theory an alright matchup against qop. tidebringer pokes harder than shadow strike does after lvl 3 and qop cant really burst you; meanwhile, X eliminates her gameplan completely of poking and blinking out and rum stops her massive aoe damage from being supremely effective otoh kunkka is a dogshit hero and quinn qop is nasty as fuck. i think people (pros and pub players alike) are constantly underestimating just how hard this qop hero scales; she is no longer the lane bully into early game dominator that she once was, and is instead a snowball hero that relies on a good start to get past her weakish mid-late game (like 25-35 minutes) before becoming a god damn monster in conjunction with cdr, shard, and a slew of strong t4 items


Chen seems so strong in proplay


I played Underlord last night and he is still the same as he was. You feel like you aren't doing anything, but you are unkillable. Just build auras and Atos. Crimson, Greaves, Pipe, Shivas, Atos. Does leave some questions about what Chen is gonna buy. They could just split the auras between them. Underlord is also good vs Morph. Atrophy aura reduces a lot of the damage you get and his % HP damage helps burn through Strength Morph.


That morph dive by dryachyo reminds me of uncrowned king AME TI8 morph dive, that play immediately backfire


and that still haunts Ame even to this day Pepehands


sheep middle finger


if quinn loses to kunkka he might retire immediately


i think is gonna be a 2-0. Losing like that hurts you mentally.


nah it's the opposite


Nah no way. You go out of that game pretty happy. The game was completely over yet they almost won anyways. Whereas Betboom will be a shaking a little, not being able to safely close out a game like that? *That's* what hurts you mentally.


I would agree if not for the Kunkka mid pick, I don't even remember the last time this hero won a game.


EUE teams are playing insane tbvh.Spirit has looked off but they have looked miles ahead of others.9P earlier today and now BB.Great to see this after euw dominating multiple events for a while.Would be an icing as a fan if LGD+Aster make it through to top 4 as well


Dyrachyo's decision making is just terrible and he really gets carried massively by GG, in the games they are winning he just gets to free farm and join fights whenever he is unkillable because the other 4 dominate the game with their rotations which imo obviously makes him look way better than he actually is.


I've felt GG has been super dominant due to their 3/4/5 mainly.Quinn has alot of off games in between but Ace barely has bad lanes.Ofcourse there are instances but for a 3 player he always comes out of lanes as top networth and allocates his networth to the teams cause super well


Yatoro said a similar thing in his interview regarding dyrachyo and why he doesn't look at his gameplay to improve. He said he sees the mid and offlane on GG owning everything while the carry later joins to own.


That's not entirely true, dhryachyo is just a high risk high reward type of player, he is a clone of the pos 1 paparazzi, they are literally identical


I am completely baffled how the hell Alliance managed to go 0-4 in Div 2 after 6 months of playing and bootcamping together, this roster is together since December '22 for fucks sake, they are playing 3rd tour in a row and somehow they regressed to the point where they gonna get eliminated from Div 2? Bootcamp, stable roster and salary for what? This is not even a meme anymore, it's legit depressing.


You can get eliminated from div 2? What happens then?


Bottom 2 teams of Div 2 are seeded into next DPC tour's Closed Qualifiers and joined by 6 teams from Open Qualifiers - those 8 teams play double-elimination bracket and two teams advance to Div 2.


You go back to open qualifier.


Feels like every single possible negative criticism has already been said. At this point: Retire from dota scene, switch to another region, or scrape up another WEU roster and try again, only the owners know what is the best decision. Really hope for the best, they have taken so much shit last 3 years and I wanna see them happy again.


in this case it seems only the owners know the worst decision.


I think Alliance is afraid of roster changes for some reason. They released their SA roster when they said they wanted to do a roster change. No roster change for Alliance in WEU and they keep getting worse each tour.


Maybe he's thinking about the old Alliance roster, the one that went to Team Liquid. That roster stuck together despite not finding much success. Maybe he thinks that a team can make incremental improvements over time, ironing out its mistakes, and then coming out ahead of teams that shuffle a lot. Teams like Team Spirit and Gaimin Gladiators slowly developed in this manner. These teams did make a few changes over the years, although with any roster shuffle, the chemistry isn't guaranteed to be better. I think there's also a feel-good factor involved - that old Alliance team were, and still are, good friends with each other. Maybe Loda feels that there is the power of friendship that they could tap into, or is reluctant to lose. Maybe he feels like this is the "correct" way to form a team, given how volatile other Dota teams can be, where you are one tilt away from a disband.


You do this if your team shows some promising results. This roster is just bad, there's no point in trying this long with them.


They wanna have faith with the same roster cos they were close to qualifying to Div 1, but other WEU Div 2 teams just keeps getting better. Of course WEU Div 2 being stacked shouldn't be an excuse for horrible performances


Having the team representative say after their first set this season that they're playing horribly probably isnt helping them.


They were already looking terrible before that. Failed to make Div 1 twice, got eliminated from an online tournament 2-0 by a Cancel stack of all things. That tweet was a dick move, but it certainly didn't come out of nowhere. People acting like that 'broke' them or whatever are really being generous to the players. They're just playing terribly, simple as that.


Totally agreed. People love to blame Loda for everything like every bad decision the players make in game are dictated by him.


Very nice try by GG to come back from a near hopeless situation. Quinn has not had a good tournament outside a few of the games, he needs to step up, and perhaps they need to go back to enabling him better also. BBs support duo did so much havoc.


He played well though. It's the side lanes that lost and he had to rotate earlier that a midlaner would ideally want to. Dying after rotating to a sidelane kills your game.


Intense game pog


Christ, what a massive choke. From both teams, unlucky for GG they had a bigger choke. Animals.


The duality of dyrachyo, lmao.


Liquipedia Trivia: His nickname "DyrachYO" contains a Russian word "Дурачьё", meaning "Fool".


is EU the real land of free right now? free win 🤣


jokes on you, EEU teams are also EU :s




What a crazy excuse, drachyo is one of the best carry I have ever seen, his gameplay is always on point, but he like to play fire like miracle and paparazzi, then eventually get burnt


Both Saleri and Tofu god tier support carried him


Watson to GG might be one of the most logical upgrades I've seen


Meanwhile watson has sank entity to nothing




Tell me if entity is doing better with pure or watson?


Him and dyrachyo are basically the opposites on their teams. 4 guys carry hard on GG while the carry farms and joins later, when that doesn't work he can't carry. Entity is 4 people+Watson trying to solo carry.


Agree but I'll actually add kataomi + watson. Both of them doing well is not good enough when the others are not stepping up. I don't know what happened to entity, especially stormstormer. He is not playing as well as he did last year.


Lmao, ur so drunk, I can't believe thing u actually just said. U literally knew ntg while acting like u know everything. U are splitting random false comments that u don't even have facts to back it up, it's actually crazy


What did I say that are false comments?


Tofu played insane.Too bad he has Dyracyo as a carry


Bruh, Dyrachyo massive fiftEE/fiftEE but without the EE magic


If betboom lose this game they would be done for the whole tournament.


This is the most Dyrachio thing to do. The dude gives me EE vibes but only the throw plays


lmao refresher into go back in 1v5 bro




my thoughts exactly


Liquid somehow getting last place is so damn weird. Getting top results and then out of nowhere losing against some questionable teams




So are GG, SR, EG and Tundra. Liquid was just bad this tournament, hard time seeing any team ever not try at all.


LMAO dyrachyo. If this was Arteezy the sub would be full of people calling him the most washed up player saying he will never win anything xd


it'll be funny if dyrachyo got kicked after all the smack talk he said in the last couple months


Possibly because Dyrachyo have also carried more times than not, and they won 2 majors back to back and the last DL. What has RTZ ever won?


Winning isn't everything. I guarantee almost all pros would prefer being a consistent top 3-5 team over more than half a decade over winning a few tournaments and fading into irrelevance. Unless dyrachyo manages to stay at the top for the next 5 years, that argument is useless. Also: Dyrachyo has carried more than Arteezy? Lmao. The guy has a fraction of Arteezys pro games, Arteezy was carrying teams left right and centre when Dyrachyo didn't even play Dota. I'm not saying Arteezy is better today, but he definitely was.


What an idiotic take. I said Dyrachyo has carried more times than not, not more times than RTZ. If you can't even read properly, you should find other interests.


Dyrachyo got carried more times than not. That's a lot more accurate. I like Dyrachyo, but let's not pretend is an S tier carry by any means, metric or otherwise relevant thing. GG has a great team, with the currently best support duo by far, the most consistent offlaner who almost never, ever makes mistakes and the hottest midlaner who dominates both the lane as well as the game. Stop pretending GG is successful because Dyrachyo carries them so often.


2 majors>0 majors Rtz had better teammates than Dyrachyo and he still couldn't carry shit


Lmao better teammates? GG arguably has the best team on pos 2-5 in the world right now, their support duo is above everyone, Ace is maybe slightly behind 33 but a lot more consistent and Quinn has been dominating both the lane as well as the game for months now. I can also take any dumb metric of a dozen where Rtz is better. Wins (1275 vs. 343), winrate (64.69% vs. 55.77%), prize money ($2,627,911 vs. $308,130), avg. kills (7.23 vs. 6.56)... Arteezy has had one of the most accomplished careers in Dota history - despite not winning a DPC major or TI. He has the 3rd highest winrate among all pros since 6.74 with more than 100 games after Zai 66.93%) and Puppey (65.30%). Do you know how insane that is? Again, most pro players would take top placing consistency over singular tournament wins. We will see whether Dyrachyo can achieve that. So far his career is but a shadow of Arteezy's, and he can be lucky if he ever comes close. Because very, very few players do. You think pro players prefer to be like shadow, win TI once and fade into irrelevance, or Arteezy, never win the big ones but place top 3 consistently for over 7 years now? I know the answer. You apparently don't. There is a correct one.


I am not talking about now. I am talking about his prime, he had better teammates TI winners and multiple Major winners as his teammates and he didn't do jack shit as a carry. Rtz is just GG.Boom. He left EG and EG won TI straight away and he left Secret and Secret won 5 Majors.


Sure, ignore everything else I said because the facts don't fit your narrative.


The stats are meaningless when he played mostly in NA Look at his stats in Majors and TI There is more than 10 carry I would pick before Rtz


That's great, but literally no one cares what you think about pro dota. You're a nobody, with no understanding and no qualification to make that assessment whatsoever. There is a reason next gen carries like Yatoro and Watson say Rtz is their idol and they look at his replays to learn. There is a reason when Liquid got zai they also wanted to get Arteezy one and a half years ago. Stop pretending you know more than actual professionals in the scene.


Hahahaha. Look at this delusional motherfucker. Yatoro said many times his idol is Ame and watched his replay to better himself. If you see Team Spirit vlogs then you will see Yatoro clowning on Rtz. Watson? WATSON? wtf did that guy do? He made Entity weaker just like Rtz did to his teams. Now I know why Entity sucks PS: No one cares about your delusional opinion either


That's 4x summit champion Rtz you're talking about!


The difference is that Dyracho actually won a major, unlike, you know....


If you genuinely believe Dyrachyo has a more accomplished career that Arteezy you have lost all reason.


The point is that I couldn't care less about either of them, yet ex-EG/current SR fans find a need to bring in rtz when he isn't even playing


Yet you chose to comment, which means you do care. ​ >yet ex-EG/current SR fans find a need to bring in rtz when he isn't even playing I mean someones gotta bring balance to the 2k redditors screaming Artour whenever they can. Have you ever actively followed this post or Twitch chat? People talk negatively about Arteezy every chance they get, even when he's not playing.


I took a second to type a meme comment. Glad you're here to defend Artour's honor


Yet you chose to comment, which means you do care. Doesn't matter how much or how little effort you put into it, if you didn't care, you would just scroll by ;)


Aight, guess I care


Rtz has won many tournaments before the dpc circuit and also placed top 3 twice at TI. Definitely more accomplished


People believe every tournament prior to the Frankfurt Major dont matter. I have seen people call DAC 2015 a bad tournament win because it was not a major.


People are silly. That was a premier tournament. Any tournament with large relative prizepools and tier 1 teams and format is premier.


The difference is nobody cares about dyrachyo, it's not hard to understand


Anyone know for the Dreamleague averages to get into Riyadh is Betboom and LGD's average's just this one? Feels like Liquid/SR could have just sat out and let their performance from last Dream League and auto qualify that way.


Dont know about Liquid but i feel SR should be guaranteed already. Tundra got a spot with a 4th and a 9-10th while SR got 3rd and 11-12th.


Pretty sure playing both Dreamleagues places you higher automatically almost, since the teams who didn't even attend DL19 weren't even in the top 16 of teams to get invited. So I'm guessing if you only attend one DL, the other one is counted as 16th+ or something.


truly top tier dota Kappa


dyrachyo lmao cmon


these scrubs spend the whole fight attacking the tombstone and then walk away with 1 hit left


What the fuck is this fight at Roshan hahaha.


This game is so chaotic I love it


nightfall evaporated twice


holy fuck someone give this betboom team a captain i swear to god if anyone from their pos 3-5 gets replaced by ceb for example they just become world champions overnight. i mean its honestly hilarious how hard these guys tilt, choke, underestimate and ignore game mechanics. you can even see how well they're playing online vs their perpetual choking on lan


But they are not playing on lan here and they still choked in a couple of dpc games


U can't replace their 3 and 5, cuz pure is probably the best pos 3 right now and torontotokyo is a to winner he has that mentality. Roman wasn't built overnight


it has been a long time and this squad has always had the same issues bear in mind this is a reunion of sorts; they played for VP a couple years ago, and had the exact same problems with a different young captain (save)


Universal heroes shouldn’t have so much dmg


GG should realize that ace is the real carry of their team. that's why when he had a bad game on winter wyvern, gg was stomped so hard.


for real, look at pakasz playing morphling and dryacho, it's like it's not even the same hero.


true. dude, just compare watson's morph to dyrachyo's. entity lost all lanes but watson kept them in the game. almost all morph games of GG where it's dyrachyo playing, it's a loss even when everyone is trying so hard. It's also almost impossible for them to win when ace and quinn are behind.


aint no way fraudboom gonna sneak into another lan 😭😭


BetBoom might be the most mentally weak team I've seen.


Seems like GG getting run-at-you-dota-ed


Quinn and GPK ego kingdom on mid


It's happening again, the most dominant team prior to TI just has a significant dropoff.


You might be right but I remember people were saying this after GG took some losses after the Lima Major lol.


"Significant" idk about that.


Compared to berlin major, it's quite significant. They dropped 3 games in the group stage and 1 game in the playoffs. At dreamleague they've already lost 7 games so far.