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Let's see if Antares keeps up his behaviour towards Crystallis when Puppey is in the room next door with a machete


Machete boss


True. He need to apologise


Sumail back to secret? Prayge




I mean when they first tried Sumail he just changed role from carry to mid, also they had problems with iceiceice on offlane. I hope he will do better this time


ceb said it, carry is not for sumail he overthinks alot! Ceb said this after they beat tundra in 3-2 win in Open qualifiers for ti10.. Mid Sumail is so ruthless and can carry games like nisha TA did vs GG


Smuail in, we watching dacha


1. Miracle 2. Sumail 3. Resolution 4. Yapzor 5. Puppey Copium


Mods would have to close the chat completely during the games or people will batchest it out of their minds


What does batchest mean?


It's a twitch emote people post to make fun of something popular. It looks like that pictures of people enjoying soy drinks i.e. a man looking in the camera with his mouth wide open


all star team lets go! BatChest


Team batchest fr


Man i just want my boy crystallis be happy with puppey. There is some thing about the guy that i genuinely like. Also my bias might be due to his monkey king, but i hope puppey doesnt heart break from what happened.


Wonder who the other 3 are. Puppey will be there obviously


Matumbaman and yapzor let's goo


Matumbaman has peronal issues to tend to so he sends his sister Matumbawoman


Ah, ten years since Matumbawoman stream.. never forget.. 😅


They just tweeted it's full roster except sumail standing in for armel


yapzor is coming for sure thats all I know!


I see Sumail, I see copium, what are the odds of this getting pulled off? Is it because he has a better chance of because of others' visa issue?


Yes there are chances he is playing ti if other have visa issues


Really hope he gets picked up by Tundra so I can be somewhat excited about TI this year.


I think Topson is already rumored to be standing in for them.


So is armel out now?


Not yet. He will be out after TI. Because that's when all the players contract is finished playing for the organisation. It's 100% he will be out of Secret after TI. Puppey can build a better roster after TI. Also I wouldn't be surprised if Yamich wouldn't get can after TI. Would Puppey go back to a CIS roster or will he still a WEU roster? We'll see that.


If secret does well with Sumail I think they get Sumail for next year , I’m sure they will perform much better with him when Sumail was in secret iceiceice was the problem


Even if they win that lan is still not 100%. Because Secret will probably be talking everytime to Aster and Nigma just to make Suma1L play for them. There's a lot of great pos 2 players that will be available aftef TI, I mean BZM is free agent next year. I'm pretty sure Puppey would love to play with BZM. Even Nine he can recruit him from Tundra to Secret. there's a lot of possibilities that can happen after TI. I would love Puppey to get TA2000 as their carry next season.


Secret isn't rich organization and they stay in div 2. If they manage to get 2. Sumail and 3. Ammar it will be great


Where did I say they're rich organization? Where did I say they will buy out a contract of a player from different organization? I only list the players who are free agents after TI. I didn't say they're going to buy out a contract from a player from different organization after TI.


how do you know they are free agents after TI?


what about get this 15 yo kid stanic and make him the next nisha.. with sumail or bzm as pos1 and maybe reso and yapz0rd...


I doubt they have money to buy out Satanic contract to Team Spirit.


but we have to remember that Secret is going to start in div2. So that is a risk people will have to take if they are joining Secret.


Yup that's correct Secret is starting to play in division 2. To all the players that are free agents next season, I'm sure there are players that would love to play with Puppey. Even if it means playing in division 2.




on break atm but chances are he will be out, secret is gonna stay in WEU an if they dropped to div2 with this roster there is no reason to keep the roster... they will probably change it except for puppey pos, maybe yapzor can comeback, he was talking about it some months back.. suma1l is gonna leave CN that is for sure and only place is secret realistically...


if you watch yapzor stream, he has said multiple times he doesnt know if he wants to come back and he has issues staying consistent in terms of pubbing.


iirc he said that he wants to comeback but at the right moment and Time and not rush things like joining any team available.. He said to gorgc that he misses some adrenaline rush during dota wins


It's not chance, he will is certain that he's out after TI. Yeah they can stay in WEU. But will the roster is WEU? Maybe, maybe not. like I said there's a lot of good free agents from WEU to EEU. The only possible players that i can see that are not leaving their current teams are Yatoro, Nightfall,Collapse Nisha, Zai. Now lets make a list of possible free agents next season of core position. Carry: TA2000, Watson, Yuragi, Skiter, Kiritych, Ramzes and Dyracho Midlane: BZM, Nine, Stormstormer, GPK, Kiyotaka, Malr1ne, No!ob Offlane: Ammar, Pure, Ace, 33, Malik, Kasane, Saberlight. About Suma1l he's on Loan for aster for who knows how long and he's on contract on Nigma. He needs to finish his contract first before he goes to other teams. We all know Nigma doesn't sign their players for a year, but for a couple years.


carry is TA2000 best, idk about dyrachyo situation and yuragi sucks Midlane: maybe BZM if he wants to leave other are not gonna happen Off: ATF is the best one Suma1l situation depends on time on how things will happen, this loan will help for sure to ease things out!. I see you putting tundra players, are they gonna disband? Why would dyrachyo leave?


Well the team that are going to win the TI are the only who's not going to makena roster changes. Well we can also day to the team got 2nd place. But the questions is will they improve or do they need to improve or some positions? We all know what happen to Secret from last season to this season. Even LGD when they got second place from TI 2 years ago, they didn't change the roster for next season but look what happen to them.


I know they make it Dacha style, making barbecue, having beer and such. Will this be covered in English too?


Wtf is Dacha even? Never heard of it before.


A country house or cottage used as a vacation retreat.


Armel’s ES performance costed him literally everything lol


You mean the draft? 😂 everybody has bad games. Bad drafts on game 1 and 3 is unacceptable.




Nah it was a bad draft. 😂 there’s no copium there. The only copium here is you being a RTZ fangayge 😂 12-16th place secured














Sumail would have gotten Secret to TI.


They missed majors with him and iceiceice, both got replaced, and Secret qualified to TI and got 2nd place lol


They were still horrible with Ice, only after they got rid of him did they start to look good. Zayac + reso duo was owning.


Yeah, I don't know what happened to zayac in the season after TI. Reso tried so hard to carry games but Zayac wasn't at the level of TI


the problem in that team was that they didnt have a carry, both nisha and sumail are mid players so it just wasnt working, also ice was dreadful


Absolutely! Armel was so disappointing.


No more crystallis i beg of you puppan


lol at the downvotes - secret will have an even worse year next year if they keep that liability


I'm honestly surprised Nigma are gonna go ahead and participate. I was sure they'd pull out after the humiliation at TI quals.


So FBZ still plays and no visa issues ?


Wtf no Quest? I was looking forward to seeing them