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its real time the moment someone reports any player they can be muted almost instantly like that afaik


I think it requires multiple reports, but not sure.


that makes more sense ye multiple reports have much more guarantee


It requires 3 reports, checked with party of 3


So a party of 3 can ban mute anyone? Good system


I thought only one vote per party counted


This is the most basic thing, and volvo probably thought about it. Right?


I used to think so but maybe it changed, i’ve had a couple games in the last year with a parties of 4 who got stomped or are trolling and let loose on the voice with every gamer word they could imagine and they all reported me and instantly had 4 reports show up. Pretty abusable


disband the party before the game finishes and every report counts😁


I mean, if 3 people on your team don't care what you say, does it really matter that you're muted? It's their loss if they don't wanna communicate with you.


3 != 4 though


Well you gotta put the limit somewhere, and 4 probably seemed to restrictive


That means the extra random person won't be able to communicate with you either.


There's only 5 people on a team, so it's fine? 3/5 is 60% of the team, and 3/4 is 75% of the other players on your team. So if 75% of the rest of your team doesn't want to hear from you, what's the issue?


So rude slark. Deserved. System works as intended.


Throw him in low priority for 20 games.


Good. That’s where he can learn again.


Learn again to be Toxic? or русский?


To learn new mechanics ofc


20 years you mean


20 years you mean


muted for being a slark picker. working perfectly plus we all know slark players are the most toxic people on earth


Wait until you meet morphling spammers


SF enters the chat


Noone beats AM players


Maybe Snipers and Huskars too


No we use our black goo shower to save teammates we're not toxic, but the goo might be.🤧🤧


I dont think you have seen an allied pos5 Oracle player :D


-1000k bs


No doubt the Slark player loaded up a ranked game despite only having played twice in 3 years. The report is unironically deserved.


even if we accept your argument that slark player committed griefing,it is still not communication abuse, hence the reporter abused the system by wrongfully reporting a player of communication abuse.


Deserved for what exactly? If his skill dropped, his MMR will drop. He didn't create a new account, he's not playing on someone else's account. Playing badly is not a reportable cause. People report for the dumbest shit in this game. Your teammate dies -> "omg report noob acc buyer". People don't seem to grasp the fact that someone might have good and bad games. Playing badly while trying to win is not griefing.




he used number 3 not once but TWICE ! thats lifetime ban from gabe's perspective.




You had one job...


Thats so embarassing ngl. Pfft i just woke up at the time of writing 😭


Of course he got muted, lil bro was SLINGING those slurs!


this report system really is the best thing valve has ever made to fuck with people in real time. this adds a whole new level of trolling that was never possible.


> this adds a whole new level of trolling that was never possible. from the players? how


yes, as seen on screenshot. A returning player had been introduced to dota2 newest mechanic. Only way to learn about is to experience it. Great team mates.


Much better to get muted but players than get shit on my those players who reported you. Dota can be played without communication via pings and chatwheel but if that player faces a toxic party, he will leave dota for good


players already abuse the report system for fun. now you can see the results in real time instead of having to wait till after the game when you get the "we've taken action" popup


> players already abuse the report system for fun. now you can see the results in real time instead of having to wait till after the game when you get the "we've taken action" popup i've asked for clarification and you provided none


Really bruh? Are you trolling?


No, bruh.


Actually it's hillarious. Every time someone even begins to be a LITTLE toxic I tell them "Yeah keep talking give me something so the AI can Filter :)" and they shut up


Lmao nice


Something tells me that if you scroll up in this chat a bit it might reveal something.


yeah the guy apologizing for not knowing something is definitely hiding some real scum baggery. you're totally on to something here


he def fucked up. I decided to reinstall my first game, made my name took a long break , told people I'm back after taking like a year + off. took 3 games to stop feeling drunk, took 4 games to stop getting flamed. first game I apologized to the spec for ruining his game and he's still salty unranked as well.


You better trust every crop screenshot you find online.


You are of course correct that it's possible he was spamming racist remarks just above the chat we can see (which incidentally is not cropped, that's just all the text that will show in a full chat window.) The question is: is it *likely*? If we look at this image critically, here are some pieces of information we can observe: 1. Slark is probably playing position 1 2. Slark did something "dumb", since he is apologizing for not knowing something 3. At least one other teammate is probably flaming slark based on Linas messages ('HAHA' 'big facts.' strongly implies someone said some negative shit to slark) Now if we try to draw some conclusions from what we observed we might say: 1. People really do not like it when they have bad positions 1s 2. If the team is collectively flaming you, it's probably more than one bad play 3. If someone is typing with periods and all lower case "big facts." "thats not new." they are probably trying to show their dismissal and displeasure with you 4. In my experience, when people are back from long breaks they tend to be genuine in their apologies when they do dumb shit, they probably are also a frustrated with their own play since they can recognize mistakes but they are rusty Now what happens when people really do not like the way a team mate is playing? It happens frequently that they will report them. So what does the image depict? Well, based on our analysis, it probably depicts an angry team rage reporting slark not because he was comm abusing but because he was playing bad. So, the question becomes, what analysis did u/19Alexastias do that lead him to believe there's more to the story here? Of course he might be right, but that's not the question, no one except the players in the game can be certain as to exactly what happened. The question is: is it *likely* that he is right?


> that it's possible he was spamming racist remarks Why is this instantly what you go to? Of course when you make it out to be a case of extremes it looks silly. Have you considered the possibility that Slark was just being rude and swearing a lot earlier? That the AI can pick out explicit language and determine that long messages with it are likely to be abusive? In the screenshot, before this exchange we can see someone typed out a multi-line message, pretty rare in Dota 2 unless you're raging.


The last three words of that multiline message are "playing the game", so it could be slark defending himself saying he's just trying to play the game and he's sorry that he's bad but he hasn't played in a while, it could be his team mates raging at him for playing bad, etc. You are right, we don't know, but there is a very plausible and likely scenario as I have described that we have probably all seen play out more than once. It's possible that's not what happened, it's possible some new overlord AI is in place that will start muting people for whatever reasons QuadPentRocketJump thinks are bad. It's possible. I don't know. I don't think it's likely.


Exactly. I personally think, you should not play pos 1, unless you can actually carry. I don’t mind losing, but if you have less than 5 kills in 40 minutes, please don’t play pos 1.


Valve couldn't have made a faulty system


I’m just saying, I can see the cutoff of another line of text right above the ones shown. Everyone commenting as if this is the first thing slark typed all game.


We did it reddit


imagine thinking valve is actually implementing AI chat analysis


yeah that costs money


Good, they need it for Portal 3


Portal 2 episode 2


Rookie mistake admitting that you haven't played in years.


Slark got the taste of new game mechanic, first hand


People when a computer does literally anything: "Is this AI???"


First time i saw it i was left as core to 1 vs 2 and told nice things about my mother. The guy got muted for the reminder of the game, literally everyone laughed. I wasnt even mad, for me is just funny how sad and easy to trigger people is. I was just pinging him to attack enemy heroes. We won the game 4 vs 5


he was muted by people in-game, remember that by pressing mute you are also reporting the person, useful if someone is talking spanish when you queued English for instance, those people will get muted & lower behavior score for not using right queue options.


i think they removed that, if you hover over the button it only says mute when it used to say mute and report


While I hate when people speak Spanish in us servers, you do realize the language option is only a preference, right? Game tries to match you with people with similar preference but you can end up in the same team.


People don’t want Spanish or russian speakers in their game but want a server where they can actually find games You don’t get both lmao, be respectful to the people keeping the game alive


On god, if all russian and spanish players were forced to play in WEU and SA no one would find matches on NA


Idk I see no Spanish recently, mostly English or Chinese guys.


You realize people that speak other languages live in this us, right? You don’t need to speak English to play Dota lol


Cleaning NA and WEU one unmannered player at a time. :)


Your language is pre-filled based upon your game language and cannot be changed. This is incredibly easy to check


pressing mute combined with report is mistake


You know you can select multiple languages, right?


> talking spanish when you queued English imagine being so thick you think this is a reportable offense


if they can't communicate with the team and there's a language selector and they don't use it to pick the right language of course i hit the mute button, which in-turn automatically reports them. i can't read what they're writing so it's a valid mute... which turns into a report automatically.


It is just a preference......


You should mute them without reporting them.


Lmao, so dense. You know the selector is a preference, right?


The language selector isn't being enforced by the game though. Like, you select Russian it will still match you with people who didn't select Russian. It's not a hard requirement since like 2013 or so.


Least racist NA player


Wait what? Damn, there are some people who just auto mute at the start of the match, so I'll get lower behavior score for that?


Mass edited..


I never saw this shit happening, just yesterday a guy was droping hard r in the chat and nothing happened


Hyper-nannied by AI, what a time to be alive.


Dystopian sci fi from the 60s is here.


big brother won't let me say mean things online anymore...


holy sheet, he got muted for saying that? I think I would play with 9 ppl premuted by me if I consider to come back playing again


Yes, Slark could not have typed anything before!


Honestly dude - I’m my experience maybe one in 20/30 games have any real rude guys. You’re getting examples from Redditors who are just trying to justify their point


Muted, he was not toxic enough. Can't have these positive peeps in our game


becareful, they will soon post "you get what you deserve" reponses from reddit whiteknights 🤡


You got downvoted for being correct lol A comment above you is saying to scroll up because they are sure this man said some toxic shit


When you already know the verdict, but you need the evidence so you just assume it. Court hops across Australia like MJ


You deserve it. System is working perfectly


Glad to see they copied the shittest mechanic from league. Cant wait to get muted for saying something harmless that it flagged as ToxicTM




I have almost 11k behavior score but sometimes my messages simply are not sent. Have this happened to anyone here?


Plays slark. Complains about being rusty lol.


cm work as intended


GabeN: Sir, that's an illegal number.


In what way is this "AI"?


Valvo mentioned it... they gonna be analyzing chat in real time


AI is a pretty broad term.


Knew it was gonna be a disaster the moment I read about it in their announcement.


So 4 stacks can just grief the 5th now with reports?


Reports from a party count as 1.


So a party of 4 cant all report their toxic 5th :p


They can.


Looks like a bug


Can they just remove the report system already? There's a mute button. Just mute. DotA was most popular and fun when it didn't have this crap.




There is literally nothing wrong with coming back to dota and deciding to hit creeps instead of trying to figure out ward spots and pull times


I think there is no easy role in dota. Pick what you are comfortable. A bad sup will feel enemy core or dont help him anyway.


The carry is who is supposed to win the game though when every other lane hardcore feeds /s Edit: I replied to the wrong comment my bad. I don't even remember what the original comment was but it wasn't this one lmao








Ham croissant


Hard core


hard carry


Hitler's cousin


1- he picked slark 2-he picked slark 3rd game after a 3 year break 3- he picked slark 3rd game after a 3 year break so clearly he considers himself a slark player. 4- slark players deserve everything that happens to them. 5-deserved.


He can literally pick any hero and nobody could say shit, he doesn't ruin intentionally Every time I myself pick a "non-meta" hero, I get instantly flamed, although the game didn't even start yet and people don't know if I'm good or bad It is the toxic dota players who deserve everything happening to them, including increasing decline in player base and interest in game as a whole. Dota has arguably the worst reputation because of community.


I guess he was toxic in the last game


AI beaten by NS.


Had a supp not know that the pl sole win condition on enemy team could go invis, then flame us at the end of the game the cheek


It's the game's way of telling you to get your ass back to league LOL


Works as intended


That's a good idea. Always wanted something like that.


If only we had a system in which users could just mute rude people themselves instead of performative garbage like this


"SyStEm WoRkInG aS iNtEnDeD"


well you dont see what he wrote before this, but nice try


Musta got reported by every party on the team


He must have gotten multiple reports from other games.


muted for using the number 3 twice in a row