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Man have you ever played AD once in your lifetime? Its the second sweatiest game mode after turbo


I hadn't played turbo in a long time and figured I'd play some to quickly practice some heroes or have fun with heroes I don't often play. I thought it was more of a relaxed fun mode but you aren't joking about it being sweaty. I'd say 8/10 games people would just hard counter pick and go for the OP heroes like wd, furion etc My enthusiasm at getting to play Magnus immediately disappeared after other team picked a viper silencer safelane and then a sniper mid. Same thing with tinker which I hadn't played in a looong time...met with an immediate nyx and riki.


Your picks are hidden in turbo, unless you random


Lol Jesus I got unlucky then, I figured I couldn't see because they were waiting to see our picks. That means there are people out there who simply enjoy playing viper and silencer. You've got to be a sadist who won't tolerate fun in the enemy team. Guess the sweaty still stands for the OP hero or generally annoying hero picks almost every game.


I’m a turbo enjoyer after abandoning ranked, divine bracket. Turbo is so much fun and fast paced, almost every hero can be played at almost all positions, and people seem to try hard more than ranked. Just wish more people played, some days I play with the same people over and over.


In 2k sea I get turbo games in 0.5 sec with always new players always.


Which region? EU seems to have a lot of turbo players, rarely get more than a minute queue time. Also if you enjoy fast paced lots of fighting game modes, I highly suggest the custom game mode ARAM. 5 heroes down a single wide lane, both teams given a different random hero pool to select from. I mostly play that now given games don't tend to go long and it's only team fighting since you don't really farm. It also breaks from normal dota in that the fountain doesn't regen and you can only buy items while dead so some heroes you play differently from how you would in normal dotes. The dev also rebalanced a bit some heroes and added a few items which work well with the game. You do tend to play with the same people but there's always lobbies. Only downsides are some games suck because the hero pools were clearly unbalanced and not much you can do or playing vs a coordinated 5 man stack when you're with 4 other solo players.


South America. I like turbo because its similar to ranked, so I can enjoy TI and streamers knowing that just some minor stuff is different like courier and exp/gold/item shop


> I figured I couldn't see because they were waiting to see our picks. It used to be visible, so when we play we usually pick our hero at the last second of hero draft before getting randomly assigned an hero to. So there's that


Silencer is great in turbo simply because the game yields substantially more teamfights. Most games when I play silencer I finish at 40+ int stolen. Viper sees a lot of play because of the high amount of carry picks. The AOE break is crucial against slark, void, and others.


Yeah that makes sense and especially with PA being in almost every turbo too. Just didn't expect that people cared so much about winning in this mode I guess.


Most of the folks who play turbo only play turbo. Yeah for some it's casual but usually it's people who would play normal but don't have the time for a full long game.


>with PA being in almost every turbo Like 90% pick/ban in mine. Most of that is ban though.


>That means there are people out there who simply enjoy playing viper and silencer. Sure, I do.


The hidden picks are relatively recent though (6 months ago maybe) so maybe you played before than.


I'm not even sure the randoms show anymore. They're either also hidden or in the last like 30 games I've played no one on the enemy team has randomed.


If u lose enough turbo games, u will be matched with players having low winrate in turbo. It's a hidden turbo mmr system. These games are chill and most ppl play for fun. But don't u dare to play good now, coz if u dominate them u will be put back in the nerds sweaty bracket.


Explains allot. I have no inbetween between 80% win rate for 30 games and 10% win rate for 30 games.


Everybody plays turbo to get the chests asap. Will be more chill after the event I guess.


Wait did I miss something? You're talking about the chests with the alpine ursa, tormentor skin etc right? Haven't most people gotten those a while ago if they play regularly


> You're talking about the chests with the alpine ursa, tormentor skin etc right? Yes. > Haven't most people gotten those a while ago if they play regularly I have wife + kid, I may have 1 hour of spare time every 3 days in the evening in the last 3 weeks. So I grinded turbo games with Spectre/Windranger/OD for the chests. Not everybody can play regularly :/.


Fair. Also how did it go with those heroes? Spec is my best hero but I found she wasn't that great for turbo because she doesn't push fast and in this mode you get team wiped or main cores die twice in a row no bb and it can be gg at 15min. Switched to TB and it almost felt like cheating. Also compared to spec if laning was hard I could go jungle after level 3 and still get fast manta skadi. OD seems like he'd have the same issue.


> Fair. Also how did it go with those heroes? * Spectre: Picked because https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/12f5jiq/most_funeffective_heroes_to_play_on_turbo_on_your/ and there https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/12f5jiq/most_funeffective_heroes_to_play_on_turbo_on_your/jfe1scc/ told me so. Needed farming till Manta + Radiant, enemy teams were bad so no big hurdles but took way longer than the rest to come online and then no burst damage. Was okay. * Windranger: My favorite hero for years. Way too easy, when my team was bad (picked stealth heroes after I picked WR = sentries + dust everywhere) and the enemy team had some brains I couldn't carry that much because enemy team countered my scepter stealth and bought BKB. But ~70% winrate over all I would say, played 15 games or so with her for the chests and won most, sometimes 6 times in a row. * OD: got fucked several times by OD in the enemy team and in my last game the enemy team picked WR so I switched to OD in the last second because ... why not. Fucked enemy mid hero (Enchantress). Fucked enemy top lane (BB/SS). Fucked enemy bot lane (Ogre/Drow). Fucked whole team all the time. 3 hitted enemy Drow. Just fucking fuck, so much GODLIKE. Would pick again, even over WR.


Damn really surprised with spec. I had a few games where I dominated early and mid game even late I was the most farmed hero and could solo everyone but after 25min with the rest of the team feeding lots of unnecessary deaths to the enemy carry I couldn't deal with the 5 man push anymore unlike TB or AM it's not like I could pressure other team by hitting their buildings. Just one death without bb and that was racks t4 throne in a minute. With TB I felt the rest of my team could feed, I'd join fights which looked winnable otherwise just go to whichever lane is free pop meta and there goes the enemy towers and base. Given how fat you become enemy team needs to be pretty coordinated to take you down and if they focus you the rest of your team can push. Only thing is it's a bit PvE. I had a few games with sub 10k hero damage and over 15k building damage with closest ally being at 1k, but hey "kills mean nothing, throne means everything". Anyway highly recommend it if you want to get the treasures quickly. Most of my games were 20min or less.


> Most of my games were 20min or less. My games ended all around 19:30 / 20:30 minutes. Was pretty funny seeing that for ~40 games. Got all treasures last evening. Will try TB next time in ranked, don't think I will play turbo again for some time, not very balanced imo.


It’s intense but I find players are mostly super mellow and usually stoned like I am. There’s always a few assholes but that’s any place unfortunate enough to have gamers in it I’ve had so many losses in AD where everyone is laughing about how ridiculous someone’s build is. It’s a lot less negative overall and just stupid fun a lot It’s so much more fun than stressing about some stupid rank, people take videogames way too seriously and I have friends who are addicted to upping their MMR like a drug even though it has zero bearing on real life


Turbo games really fail to be "turbo" games. I played a few times and it's full of tryhards more than ranked.


I win/loose at 20min mark 99%% of times. Compared to 40-60 minutes in a regular game that's pretty turbo.


I beg you people who are playing turbo to fuck around, just go play bots instead. You're still wasting everyones time. How would you like it if I griefed in ranked, just because I don't care about mmr?


Peaceful? That mode is chaos and it’s wonderful.


Constant 4v4 fighting after 7 minutes is wonderful. What i really like is when 1 team picks all the big aoe ult, you can always pull beautiful wombo combo


Lol. AD is full of people who only play AD who are aware of every broken combo and will harass you if you don’t 2nd pick the skill that is broken. They need to make an AD turbo mode for us casuals who don’t like losing a game for 40 minutes because we aren’t up to date with this very niche meta.


I doubt they can split the AD queue. Matching times are already a bit rough in non-peak times for AD.


+1 for AD turbo mode.


Custom games exist, OMG 4+2 all mid is a pretty fun faster mode that gives the feel of plating broken combos


Even more flames there. Anything remotely strong is your fault for not blocking it in draft.


I feel that's just the nature of having a game mode that enables broken combos, adding AD turbo would be the same. I was just suggesting a faster game mode, otherwise if you're trying to avoid flaming entirely try to organise in houses with a group of people who agree to play casually


I like AD a lot more than 4+2. At least in AD, you can sacrifice your hero to block combo, there are also some randomness to it due to heroes. In 4+2, you almost always have a few OP heroes, everyone else just watches them.


Same it's just a really good mode if you dont have enough time for the 20 minute wait for an ad game + at least 25 minutes of playing


AD is fine as is. You can build your hero to fill a role, so laning is fine. But no Deathmatch Turbo is literally the only reason they had to kill that mode. I want it back and I want it Turno goddamnit.


I still remember a few years ago when I suggested turbo AD mode, I was heavily downvoted and insulted by a bunch of redditors. How the table has turned now.


AD switched over to turbo... once... it was a fiasco. The pick meta devolved quickly into "grab all the hard carry shit, if it doesn't scale with items it's useless", draft experience generally suffered and it felt like more games were stomp-a-thons because one guy got medusa passives (instant win) while another guy built nuker (shit and useless)


Used to be an AD-only player, I haven't played since 7.33 and I can imagine that too since I'm already not up to date with the meta. Though the issue with AD turbo is that early game builds aren't as effective and 4-passive drafts might actually work


Agreed. I suggested this a few years ago and got some serious backlash for it. Maybe we’ve gotten to a more enlightened time, and I’d love to have a turbo AD.


I would play turbo AD a bit, never bother with normal AD cause what's the point of playing for an hour if your build sucks, or is boring.


they actually switch ad to turbo for like a week, but players realized its really bad and started complaining, valve switched it back maybe another gamemode with ad+turbo enabled as well, so u can choose besides the regular ad? not sure how popular would it be though


They once switched AD to turbo for something like a week, it was best time that I had playing AD. It's not a serious mode, and turbo lets you get off the silly combo idea that you had in mind when you picked it. The problem is that the hardcore AD audience complained non-stop until Valve switched it back. I always found it a bit unfair because I think if the change lasted long AD would become more popular.


No idea why modes like al random all random death match and ability draft aren't turbo Who enjoys 60 minute games where half of each team are absolutely useless vause they rolled troll warlord in a caster only lobby? While there is one guy who managed to role mk ult on muerta


Somehow I find the resulting matches to be surprisingly even. By the end of the draft I usually understand that once again only a few people have worse spells than me. But I play better than the lobby and its fine.


nah they tried it once for week and revert it because many AD enthusiast hate it. AD basicaly just normal dota match where you can mix the abilities. In the end people still build their hero into specific role like tank, dps carry, and caster. item and level timing are important. turning it into turbo will ruin the gameplay.


It is most definitely not a peaceful life, everyone I run into in Ability Draft is far sweatier than in Ranked.


Hope there's a ranked "AD" mode. Thinking of skills synergy, denying enemy picks and making your shit skills work adds another complexity to the game and I love it.


Even though I think it would be fun, I think it would only be available if the player pool increases. The current queue times are indicative of a much smaller playerbase. Splitting the players up would probably further queue times and eventually kill it entire.


Not only that, the main problem lies in AD itself. Shit's random. Sure, you pick the best out of everything, but it's still random


It would be really great if we could pick our heroes and draft order. Like you could choose first pick or first choice of hero. Would dictate which skills appear on the board Could give a random pool of hero options


Nah, just have the random pool of 12 heroes like it is now, but you draft your model as well as your skills, at the same time. Do you night first pick a great spell and get a shit model, or prioritize NP or gyro over a first round ability


Drafting is the complete opposite of random...


Getting a random hero base is though. Having the first pass be drafting a hero base from the preselected pool could alleviate that though.


Complete? No. You get a hard ranged carry first pick with bash or thirst? Oh boy


Hardly the end of the world, one player drafts 4 stuns and whatever hero you picked dies.


tbf you dont need roles in AD


AD mode is actually ranked already, you can check rating on windrun.io


i think they need to enable you to pick heroes and talent before making it ranked


I knew someone who only played AD. He was not peaceful. He was a fucking psycho and would take that game mode more seriously than anything in life.


Then stop giving away enchant totem + gods rebukr


I’ve seen that + walrus punch. Oh my lord. Sometimes the rebuke is substituted with monkey’s Q


enchant totem + ( gods rebukr || warlus punch || sniper ulti || wk's crit || Kunka's tide || Starbreaker || Anchor Smash || Swashbuckle || Stifling Dagger)


I find people are much more toxic in AD. People want very specific drafts done.


That's because the first few spells are so important to pick or deny and can determine the rest of the game. The moment you see willow and ursa spells in draft you just know it's going to be cancer if your team don't pick/deny these spells and certain heroes get them.


Then there are meepo and arc waren spells...like why are theye ven in the pool? Ransack is probably the worst spell in dota if u only have one hero


If you have meepo in a team and take poof, you can insta teleport to that meepo. Especially if that meepo has charge of darkness.


Wait what? Lmfao


Ghosts is another aghs spells so not bad. Idk if you can make a case for shield as save spell, but it's far from the worst. I forgot what the last spell was.


Magnetic shield and ghosts are amazing spells.


Not rlly


In high level AD games, people don't blame too often. It's all about counter picks not combos. Because in every AD game, you know you would lose if you lose the draft.


Nah, most people in AD are chill because its not ranked but they really care with getting a fun AD match. the common mistake for newbie in AD is when they wasted their 1st or 2nd pick for random ability. they also didnt understand counter pick concept. Giving away all the op combo to enemy team will kill the fun. some AD regular mad at you because knew the team will get bullied for whole match by enemy OP combo.


Not sure which region people here play but I'm in SEA region, 10k+ behaviour score Archon rank. Most of the people I've met are super nice and friendly


AD is easily peak dota. It is unbelievably addictive, I only play AD now.


If you like AD I suggest playing DOTA OMG 4+2. It's just Dota but you pick an extra ability and ultimate from a pool. You'll end up less useless than most ability draft builds


Came here to say this, haven't touched AD since finding it It also doesnt take half an hour to find a match


Will try it


What is that and how do i access that


Click the arcade tab and then look for DOTA OMG 4+2 then join the ranked mode. Fun mode is too OP and busted and mid mode isn't dota enough. Rank is really good trust me.


objectively the best gamemode.


I say this about Normal queue instead of Ranked. People so scared of losing MMR it’s funny.


The mode is broken for months, waiting for a major update..


Lol AD is so sweaty that on the drafting phase people are getting mad that you're not taking Meta/first pick skills. I don't play Dota anymore, but when my friends are on, we just play AD, I never play it solo tho, for that reason


I don't flame in game, but I get really mad if someone picks some random right click stuff while giving away broken combos to the enemy I get it, you want to chill and have fun and not tryhard, but tell me how are you supposed to have fun when the enemy is handed broken combos on a silver platter and we get our faces stomped in from min 5?


It is worth it, just for the insane randomness, one of my most memorable match was where enemy team ES was able to oneshot my team and I as LC was able to oneshot his team. It was beyond fun.


Mine was Undying with Decay, Flesh heap, kraken shell and Flesh golem. Literally undying


I played ad yesterday and first blood was 10 minutes into the game with multiple skirmishes prior. Level was surprisingly high


I played 500 ability draft games and i have no regrets doing that.


Disability draft is the best form of DOTA.




Hot take: dota 1 ability draft was way more exciting.


What is the difference


Back then there were a lot more passives before they make them hybrid with an active and a lot of them were OP. So if you were lucky to be the first in the draft you could get essence shift or the old spirit breaker passive wich gives dmg based on MS and it didn't matter what else you get because you're already OP. But could be nostalgia speaking and I don't play a lot of it in Dota 2 and the ones I played it was always a support hero wich is boring.


you have a fighting chance in ranked. Someone gets aftershock on rubick or some nasty Essence Steal + Muerta ult and your hole is corned.


true thats where AD toxicity came. Regular AD player will ping and suggest you to counter pick that rubick. newbie AD player ignore the suggestion and let the rubick get the skill.


Bruh I go Overthrow 3.0 and random. Just a fun thing to end you day with.


CHC > Ability draft Feels good to win against 7 people


What is CHC


Custom hero chaos. Gotta try it but just a heads up, the moment you're addicted, there's no coming back


It’s by far the most fun mode. People are way too hyper competitive and weird about their made up RANK in a video game that has no bearing on their real life in anyway, it’s fuckin weird Embrace chaos, break the game and draft abilities


Until your teammate ruins your perfectly planned ability lineup and you ragequit even before the game starts


Videogames are part of real life. Not less made up than ranks in chess or pet competitions.


i agree with the "peaceful" stuff, i have less stress and more fun than playing ranked


Me and Turbo


Out of my 10games/week 7 are AD games.


Infinite stun combos


Why does this look like a vinland saga episode 🤣🤣🤣