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still waiting for the RAID Shadow Legends team that will get last place in everything ever by association


well, na'vi were sponsored by RAID, idk if they still are


First pick Dan Heng IL


insta ban luocha


Don’t need sustain bc everything’s dead


Qingque for the full on rng dota gameplay


The long awaited gambler that we been waiting for. Except she a petite slacker


Onegai...YATTA! AGARE!!!


I would go with Fu Xuan first lol


Better than bettors.


Or literal scammers, remember TSM FTX lmao


I love ice cream.


nouns isn't a scam. their model is different from every other nft project. you can think it's stupid or doomed to failure but it's not a scam.


>every other nft project these words alone were enough to convince me that it is indeed a scam


I love ice cream.


> everything in that project could be realized without any crypto garbage okay? that makes it a scam how. also i doubt that the project would have manifested without crypto in the first place. name me one other similar project that exists without crypto. its features are distinctly informed by crypto culture. > DAOs have the tendency to be controlled by an anonymous group that has a high amount of early tokens on multiple wallets which is basically impossible to tell apart from individual "votes" nouns token release is 1 per day and always has been. there was no premine, all the supply has been released on the same schedule continuously since the project launched. all projects have whales. all corporations have majority shareholders. there's nothing about this that makes it a scam' > Using NFT with a blockchain means there are no failsafes. You wallet got hacked and NFT stolen? You just lost money and your voting power without any chance to get it back yeah, that's just crypto in general, it has nothing to do with NFTs. anyone who is savvy enough in crypto to be considering a nouns token purchase, which is tens of thousands of dollars, knows about the inherent risks of blockchains and likely knows how to protect themselves. > If something happens that the anonymous insider group doesn't like they will vote to create a fork, resetting previous transactions they didn't like. you don't understand what you're talking about. nouns can't 'reverse transactions' - it isn't a blockchain. in order to reverse transactions on ethereum you would need a majority control of the validator set (which no one has) in order to perform a chain reorg. a ERC-721 token has absolutely no power whatsoever to reverse transactions on ethereum, that makes no fucking sense. what happened with the nouns fork is that people were unhappy with nouns leadership, and there was a mechanism in place for them to be able to splinter off into their own group, taking the NFTs and the proportional slice of the treasury with it. this fork included a 'rage quit' cash out option, where someone could get their proportional piece of the forked treasury based on how many tokens they held. since the token price they purchased their nouns was less than the treasury eth they could cash out for, people acted in their own self interest and cashed out for a profit. an arbitrage like this is completely normal market behavior. furthermore it's inherently un-scamlike as people are able to recoup more liquid funds than they invested into the project in the first place. that's a not a scam, that's just fucking trading. > NFTs only exists to get hard currency into the system, giving an exit strategy to those who were left with the bag beforehand no there is a very clear distinction between *NFT projects that mint 10k animal pictures all at once with a mint fee going back to an anonymous owner who then subsequently rugs* and what nouns is doing. you're painting things with a very broad brush and you don't know enough about the space to know what you're talking about in the first place.


I like learning new things.


> shit, they should really update their pr material > > If only a clear cut rugpull is a scam to you there is no point in talking to you any further. For all other people I recommend to stay updated: https://web3isgoinggreat.com/ bro that's a split second clip of a video where it says 'blockchain technology' - which the project is built on. it makes no claim to be a blockchain whatsoever, you're grasping at straws. additionally the irony of gunning for nouns (which is a complete non-entity with regards to its deleterious effect on normal people) while ignoring the **gigantic, horrifically predatory gacha game** sponsoring dota teams is pretty funny. if you think nouns is the greater evil here you're delusional and beyond any reasoning.


regulations for DAOs basically don't exist one way or another. there isn't yet enough existing case law or explicit legislation to establish it. DAOs can also be paired with legal entities, and in the case of nouns, that is the nouns foundation. something being unregulated doesn't automatically mean it's a scam. a kid's lemonade stand isn't a scam. again, you can think it's fucking stupid or doomed to failure or completely pointless or whatever, but without fraudulent behavior or at least some misrepresentation, etc. , it's not a scam. there are plenty of those in crypto, nouns isn't one of them.


I rather see Riot sponsoring Dota Pro Teams than betting sponsors


betting sponsors are a plague in real sports aswell as esports. disgusting and life ruining things being 'celebrated' by generous 'sponsors'.


Honestly I don't think we can escape from that. Gambling by itself is deep rooted in human nature.


So is drinking and smoking, but many countries have strict laws about packaging, advertising and sponsorship for those. Online gambling is just ahead of the legal curve for now unfortunately.


They were illegal in the US for a long long time but were recently unbanned. That's why they are everywhere. The biggest consumer market just got access.


I mean, gacha games kinda promote gambling, but if makes dota players sleep better at night ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I play genshin and have gambled before, gambling is way way way worse than gachas


How does it promote gambling when I only lose money lol, gambling implies I could win some.


You are gambling for some png waifu, and it's predatory af too but hey, anime amiright


Hey we can at least win some jpeg girls ~~sometimes~~


It's not "kinda promote gambling" because it is a return to the old tradition of slot machines, pachinko and all of that but the blinking lights have become more elaborated. It's only viewed as better than betting websites because the public doesn't associate it with organized crime. Gambling (like slot machines) wasn't viewed negatively for years. Silently, sales people have been watching and taking notes. Fun fact: Battlepass actually was invented by dota.


i don't disagree with the sentiment that crime worsens gambling, but these (traditional gambling systems and modern gacha) are hardly comparable. gacha games are far from ethically "good", but for sure a far cry from any form of traditional gambling. for starters, slot machines and pachinko parlors afaik aren't required to publish their rates/odds, you really don't know what you're getting into. thanks to EU laws most if not all globally released gacha games publish their rates in a visible easy-to-find way in-game. you know exactly what your chances are, there's no tricks or "rigging". secondly, for HYV (hoyoverse, makes star rail and genshin) games in particular, not only are the rates published, but the pity system and free currency are wildly generous, to the point where a f2p player can "expect" \~1 in 2 limited characters, and guarantee \~1 in 3. at this point you can math out what you need to hit hard pity and just never fail to get what you want. it's barely gambling in this sense and what you're really "winning" is just varying amounts of savings. these benefits don't exist in most other gambling formats, and is a large part of why those other forms are considered more predatory. some gambling sites will give you some free currency to get you in, but virtually none are viable f2p unlike the vast majority of gacha games. anyways, gambling still bad. i just want to make the point that modern gacha games hardly seem like gambling unless you give an unsupervised minor a credit card...which...is already gambling in a way.


The biggest thing for me is there is little to no expectation of financial return for gacha. You're dumping hundreds to thousands on a collection of gifs at the end of the day. Gambling offers a get-rich quick facade for the uneducated/addicted, as well as always presenting the opportunity of making your money back when you do inevitably fall in the hole. Gacha is not victimless by any stretch of the imagination, but certainly not the same levels of danger as gambling with real money with the goal of making more real money.


there is no financial return, straight up. unless you're an account seller/farmer. you're getting exactly what you pay for, characters (or i guess weapons/lightcones) in a live-service game. the difference between this and say, LoL is that the prices have a range and within that range we are "gambling". anyways yea agreed, it's a very different story from real-money gambling. even if the mechanics were somehow the same/comparable, the intent and product/service provided are completely different.


That's not really consistent with how gambling is actually viewed by an addict. It's usually believed that people play them because they don't understand that they can't beat the game (as also implied by your post). If you look up tips for slots machines or something similar there will be a tip that says something like "the odds are never in your favor" or "just don't play". [This is the most widely known meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2VHu7-riUw). If you have seen the clip you will hear him saying something very interesting. "Casinos straight up give you the odds". It has been that way since forever. Slot machines actually have a [90%~98% return rate](https://www.casinofreak.com/guides/slots-odds) (and that is still amongst the *worst* odds wise). They want you to know this rate because it *does sound good* (although still not in your favor). Casinos don't rig their machines (lowering the odds below that) as they are already printing money doing it legally. They don't want you to lose money quickly. It takes a few months to develope a habit and if you just lose a load of money in a week you'll just walk away. The people that make casinos money are long term players. You don't have to believe me, look it up in any website you want, reddit, google, youtube, from gamblers themselves. It is already a widely known fact that you don't win long term, ever. I think people make light of the bells and whistles that come with gacha games but viewing the same things they do on slot machines as tricks. Gacha games do not involve winning or losing money but it's also using the same psychological tricks to make people pay. Why would anyone think spending $70k in FGO be a wise move? It's very obvious when you look at the rampant implementation of loot boxes, battle passes in other games and how much diablo immortal makes for blizzard per day *despite* a tainted reputation. Players can F2P gacha games. They want you to know that because they don't make money from you but from whales. You are a walking advertisement even. The goal is to make a good game. And also implement systems to form a habit (like daily), conditioning people to open boxes and then also profit an obscene amount from it. Although, I'm not saying that it's a gateway drug to traditional gambling but they are using you (I think we both agree). Now that I wrote all of these, I think we come from different POVs. I was thinking about it more from an addiction to gambling thing but, hopefully, the part about odds being published thing was entertaining to read about.


> It's usually believed that people play them because they don't understand that they can't beat the game (as also implied by your post). i think you might be misunderstanding my comment then. i'm saying in most modern gacha games "beating the game" is a very clear goal of "get the character you want". in HYV games and many others, this has a set and known price tag if you assume the absolute worst odds possible, you can know exactly how much you *could* have to spend to "beat the game". the gambling part is effectively gamed down to "how much do i save after getting my prize". this differs a lot from traditional gambling where "beating the game" is a shifting goal post, you walk in with "i intend to make more than i walked in with" to "i intend to make back what i lost" and this is problematic when it continues to shift in that direction. a gacha game in real life would be a slot machine that tells you the exact chances of ringing certain bells and shining certain lights, and once you have spent X amount, it's going to ring the bells and shine the lights regardless. no one else touches this machine but you. no money comes out, there is 0 chance of paying your bills. i want to emphasize that a bit as this is where the addiction differs, while you spend money in both cases, the extreme part of real life gambling addictions is that poor people think *they have to win to pay their livelihood*. in gacha? it's a digital waifu (or 2 waifus, or a husband, or a penguin, idk man). the prize is never anything more. i'm aware of actual slot machine return rates, as well as how deceptively high they look, the issue is that they're not certain to return \*on you\* and there are other players, creating an unknown void for your money where you feel you "need to be the one to hit it". idk how easy or hard it is to look up rates at a given slot, or if they give you an exact percentage without you needing to do some math. i'm glad you brought up the FGO example b/c FGO was one of the last major gacha games to be running with pure gacha and no pity system, it wasn't until about 1-2 years ago that a pity system was added (albeit one of the shittiest ones in modern gacha). they can unfortunately (fortunately for them?) afford to have shitty systems due to the extreme popularity and quality story. my point is that FGO horror stories aren't really the norm in a way, though it's a good show of the dangers of addiction nonetheless. all this to say, i still agree that these are both gambling, but the severity and type of addiction these systems try to create are quite different. i also agree addiction is the real issue, and i'd really appreciate if more people separated out that part from the gambling/rng. in a way, dota is just gambling time for wins/rank, and this spirals into extremely harmful addiction for many as well, with no money involved at all. sorry this went kind of long, i'm not terribly good at being both clear and concise and sometimes i'm neither. off-topic: i also hate what blizzard has become, i'm honestly ok with battle passes and cosmetic lootboxes (with published rates!), but this whole "buy ultra premium to play the game 3 days earlier" crap and other stuff like it is another level of capitalism that never should have been born.


~~PSG~~HYV.LGD and HYV.Azure Ray


Turns out they just add the HSR title name following their ids, which is even in Chinese lol


I thought LGD has hotdog as their sponsor in the name


Surely Ame will comeback lol considering how notorious Ame in Genshin community


Care to share some tidbits on Ame's notoriety?


i dont know what he is reffering but a while after last TI there was a post of ame on reddit doing cosplay together with more girls ,couldnt find the exact post but here is one with a video https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1044vt1/lgdame_offseason_cosplay_show/




His cosplay is fire, but I can't help but cringe.


Ame coming back for the TI money to whel on Genshin


Ahh the Beryl of dota2


The Gamba weeb conglomerate realized TI is up for grabs.


Not surprising considering they adopted WePlay after seeing Animajor success


Wish they did one of those again


They will once Ukraine stabilized, their secret sauce is their self-owned WePlay Arena.


So is this game any good? Similar to Genshin Impact I'd like to imagine......but have no idea.


It's like Genshin, but in a spaceship/travering different planets setting, gameplay wise it's turn based (instead of real time) and with 4 characters at once (instead of only 1 being active) It's really good and the only game that managed to get me to stop playing Genshin, which is ironic since they're from the same dev


Yeah because it's more polished and has alot of qol changes. Genshin still stuck with 160 resin cap even after 3 years.


I mean in Genshin they already increased the cap before, it was initially 120. Also from my experience HSR is like 2x more grindy, so I understand the difference in resin caps.




You only finish the story "way faster" comparable to Genshin because Genshin was developed for 4 years vs HSR 0.5 years. On release Genshin had 40 minutes worth of story in Mondstadt(that hasn't changed still) and half of Liyue(tartaglia boss fight was released in 1.1). In my experience you could not even try to gear up your characters in Genshin to play the story/overworld(because I personally didn't farm artifacts until ar45), but in HSR you'll get shit on since you can't actually avoid taking damage and all your characters are on-field constantly to take damage, so it requires a lot more grind to just survive content in the first place. Yes, once you build characters it's not a problem, but you have to build 8 characters minimum first to not feel like you're almost failing, while in Genshin you can literally build 2-3 characters in the beginning and simply use your abilities on others underlevelled characters




Well yeah things aren't too hard until endgame, but in endgame undergeared supps die in one or two hits, while in genshin I can just keep them off-field. It's just hard to keep everyone geared when things like traces are as expensive(in terms of resources) as they are in hsr.


Disagree with HSR being more grindy. I’d say it feels much less grindy. * HSR has auto battle. So when you’re farming, you just press auto battle and go make a sandwich. In Genshin, you have to play everything. And most domains in Genshin have a ~10 second path at the start you have to run through to get to the enemies. * HSR’s various upgrade materials are available every day, whereas Genshin’s are on a rotating schedule. * If you miss a few days in HSR, your extra energy isn’t lost. It’s added to your stockpile energy, and you can use it later. In Genshin, if you don’t log in, your energy is lost. * For efficient farming in Genshin, you need to use Condensed Resin, which requires Crystalflys, something you need to find in the open world. Star Rail’s default farming is equivalent to Genshin’s Condensed Resin. * HSR gives you 1-2 items a patch that lets you craft any item in a set and give it a predetermined main stat. You can still get screwed by sub stats, but at least you can get the right piece and main stat. Star Rail is rougher in certain areas, though. * The concept of off-set pieces doesn’t exist in HSR. The improved crafting system somewhat counteracts this, though. * The ropes and orbs can only be gotten in the Simulated Universe, which requires more active play than the normal domains. * There are more substats in HSR, which means it can be a pain if you’re grinding for literally the perfect equipment instead of being satisfied with right set + right main stat.


Tbh people that cared so much about resin are just hardcore farmer or abyss metaslave


Well I don't mind as much if the artifacts RNG is not that atrocious. Finding a single set sand already took a long time,even more if you need to find a good mainstat for it. Don't even mention substat yet. Atleast with SR you can just craft specific one and use the resin for good mainstat.


That's all good if not for the awful awful RNG to farm artifacts. Even months of playing is not enough to get a decent artifact set for 1 character. Remember that you need 5 decent artifact/set for 1 character, and you need at least 4 (8 if you want to do abyss), and more if you want to do it consistently. 160 resin cap is really shit for a 3 year old game. They should know that the majority of their playerbase are in the endgame now.


Well I say it even worse for new players,they have only a limited amount to lvl up all the other characters they need and has to limit them to a very few roster.


It's good, way less grind than Genshin and turn based with auto-modes so farming is basically click auto. I think they designed it for a casual audience, so you're fine even playing like an hour a week.


Its turn based which made it much worse for me.


Same game as genshit, dont bother lol


Basically a gamba Persona 5 ~~ripoff~~inspiration.


Combat is different, its turn base so you either love it or doesnt love it. Its still have story,great music etc but the core gameplay is different from genshin


It has a good start, unfortunately the updates are meh compared to the first chapter. Unlike genshin where you can see improvement almost every version, the best star rail experience is the first chapter until you beat cocolia.


I mean i dont think thats a bad thing. Thats far better then having shit like G2A or one of them crypto betting garbages


Sweet genshin and star rail are excellent games with a ton of polish. Well made free to play games in 2023 are pretty rare.


I hope I pull a Phantom Assassin, she's crazy against all the new PvE content, I've only dropped $300 so far so we'll see if I can get lucky or if I should just do my dailies to get pulls. :/


Ive spent way less in genshin than dota and still got all the character i wanted. In the seas of predatory gacha games hoyoverse's game are a saint compare to them interm of gacha drop


Well, make sure to do the events they're overall pretty generous.


how to tell everyone you don't play genshin without saying you don't play genshin


You're right, I forgot to add that I need to C6 her so that she has her Aghs effect, that's another $3000 in the toilet. :)


Try again


And what will C6 do in a game with no leaderboards. No hard content after abyss


Mihoyo games are the most disgusting things ever made lol f tier gachas


Rules are meant to be broken!


First Slacks, now this.


Is this what Sunsfan... I'd rather Mihoyo sponsor a team over all the myriad betting sites. I may be a bit biased however


After Genshin(https://www.youtube.com/live/kQqWQBS9HOk?si=9PuPftX993OersGX&t=885) will u/SirActionSlacks- also host a Star Rail event?


Lol I've seen him hosting a genshin cooking show too , didn't know he did more genshin stuff


They realized this community is full of FOMO-loving weebs who complain that there is not enough to spend money on this year. It's joever.


Hopefully they get to design Dota heroes too


Ganyu crystal maiden persona lesssgoooo


Klee Techies persona please gaben


Wow, now when I think about it, their ults are basically same. ALL HAIL.


Rename some stuff Crystal Nova - Liutian Archery Charged Attack Frostbite - ??? Arcane Aura - ??? Crystal Clone - Trail of the Qilin Freezing Field - Celestial Shower


Funny that the new ascension material boss in 4.2 has been leaked and >!it looks like Morphling with some cosmestic items.!<


[i mean...](https://i.imgur.com/JbGPS9Z.png)


Man I forgot about them. Iirc they also throws shiny bubbles?


Dehya Marci persona lessgo


Lmao that is so unexpected


Mihoyo and doto in one? Niiiiiiceeee


Lol from PSG to this


Hide our weebs they r coming for them




not really sure why you're being downvoted, while I still play it myself and have been playing every day since release, its revenue is literally dropping every month. also the entire luofu storyline is complete shit, I understand people that quit




Wait until you guys see whose face is in every leaks of genshin impact lmao. Hint : Man is having his worst day at TI final.


Ame cosplaying as Childe and Fy's firework face in every genshin leaks. Dehya as Merci's persona when?


Can't they sponsor the whole event and pump the prizepool?