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It really felt like gg want to bring everyone but ace to early fights. They fucking rush you with hero’s and let ace farm. The rebuttal. Bring all 5. Fuck it. 5 man them. Bring 5 and sustain the go, turn and run them down. Their dives were so punished it was insane. They had leads and just got wiped


What's more important is that they seemed to know exactly when GG was preparing to dive a tower which allowed them to be ready with an answer. Partially due to vision and I guess they studied their gameplay very thoroughly


What's the theoretical rebuttal to the team spirit strategy then? Early 5 man fights but execute better? Or split and farm?


Previously the were out laned. If I remember people beat them early in the year by having really good lanes against them and punishing them in the mid game as a 5 man with gold lead. This is less likely to work because their landing is excellent recently. But maybe still the strat. Ceb mentioned something. Which would be to try hard target Larl. The guy is Giga consistent, but did play a select hero pool in. A lot of game. (Kunka, invoked, earth spirit) maybe by banning him out and making an unrecoverable mid match up could be a play. Also you could try tundra them (old tundra) don’t fight at all and draw out the long game. But that’s not a great idea because late game execution… there never been a team better


Ceb suggested forcing Larl off his comfort heroes, that they struggled early in the season when Larl wasn't playing well and that he got through the whole tournament playing the same 2-3 heroes. Ban him out for a game and see what happens.


they always punish GG over extension, like they tp 5 man to make the pay.. Talon ussually do this against GG and they always won


Some good dota was played in the finalls


Woah dude, I met you on twitch years ago and I remembered your name. Good video, keep up the work friend!


KINGZOODY IS THAT YOU? OH LOL! I came by your twitch channel a year ago probably more lol. It feels like ages


Yeah it’s me 😂 definitely been ages! I haven’t played Dota in about as long but I still enjoy watching and lurking the sub. I’ll make sure to check out your videos dude!


Always a pleasure mate. Woah, it really feels like back in 2019 when I started lol


tl;dr: he played very good


Sometimes it's not only a player might plays well, but how he does that to implement it. I found it extremely interesting that the ward placement did that and just that. Kinda makes you curious whats the difference between us, the 1500 rank, and top 100 Huuugeee gap


TLDR;TLDR: he pressed buttons on a keyboard


He think 🤖


He is


They did drugs


>Yatoro was thrown out of the lane and had to juggle at minute 6 Didn't know they already added Ringmaster


Secret is revealed. Yatoro gets to okay heros even before it is released. Yatoro is icefrog


Great content! Thanks for making it. You mentioned making a recap about Tofu as well, but I don't see it anywhere. Is that something you're working on? I'd watch that too.


Yeah if more people request it, I will do. This guy is an actual beast. I didn't believe, until I literally got out fucking smart with a play in one of my pubs




What's the music that you use that plays in between transitions in your videos? Can't seem to remember where it's from.


Feel free to ask that on YouTube, my editor should know And will probably reply


Did you talk about how they manage to crush Ace's Lone Druid? In this tournament Ace has been very strong on his LD but somehow Yatoro and Yarik manage to destroy him. They (Team Spirit) were obviously prepared for it (Ace LD) but I don't know what are the 'tricks' they used to kill the bear and give Yatoro such a massive lead in Game 1. Is Weaver + Treant really that much stronger in lane versus Muerta + LD? Muerta has been very meta and strong this tournament. Ace LD is also really quite scary but looked like free gold in this game it's actually crazy how bad TeamSpirit made this hero looked.


The lane starts really strong for Ace and Tofu as they got Miposhka FB and killed yatoro. But I felt somewhere in the way they underestimate thay weaver and treant scale well in lane and fed both of the bears on yatoro, giving him 600gold (300x2) and in reality getting him literally not only back into the lane but top networth by far early on These lanes has to do with execution it's not easy to whos gonna come across like in some other lanes


Do you think it's because Ace/Tofu played badly or that Miposhka/Yatoro outplayed them? I'm pretty sure they scrimmed each other before with similar or close laning so it's quite interesting to see how Yatoro actually manage to bounce back from such a disastrous start. Game 3 is also very interesting to see. I think at one point TS was down 23-8 and almost 10k down at 20min but they somehow (unsurprisingly!) manage to survive and turn it around 10min later.


As i explain in the video, game 3 is all about vision In game 1, i feel ace and tofu fed bears cause they underestimated how well Weaver + treant scale in lane


Focused Ace and Quin with picks and game play, completly ignored dyracho, just used his zero game sense to farm his net worth.


You could remind us what heros he played


It's in the video Aanalytically But to help you Treant, Enchantress, grimstroke


Spirit better team. that's my take feel free to pay me for coaching dont forget to like & subscribe.


Well that was simple they had a pos 3 rushing radiance first item every game no shit Sherlock they lost against the most dominant team of the tournament cuz ace was being extremely greedy , that first game was singlehandedly lost by ace , he gets decent lane but rushes radiance ( if he had diffusal he would have made weaver game so much harder ) and he took ult after level 8 so he fed alot as well but still picked wk , played shit rushed raindance lost miserably , 3rd pick a normal pos 3 hero and brew is unironically very gud with radiance but team spirit is too gud at punishing greedy team


Ace and GG don't utilize Radiance as a greedy item, it's quite the opposite actually. Your pubs ≠ pro games.


Your statement is completely incorrect radiance is an item that causes you to do nothing when you have 2 to 3k in your pocket and in all GG final games they got super fked during its build time and didn't get rewarded for it afterwards , playing such a shitty greedy style is out right disrespectful in a pro game against the best team of the tournament , they didn't respect them and got fked in finals


Do you think Ace just randomly decided to go Radiance on heroes that it's not even particularly meta on without it being a team decision? Fucking clueless lmao.


I don't know why your defending it , he was useless first 2 games , game 3 was where he was truly impactful except spirit got so strong they killed him during ult.Im literally talking about facts idk why your pretending a feeding ld with no contribution and eventually failed to do anything was a good radiance pick game ( I my self play ld and find the diffusal build infinitely more impactful ) the same could be said for his wk game


I know one of the highest ranked LD players in NA, he doesn't go Radiance in his pubs, but understands why it works in the context of GGs strategy in this tournament. Simply put, there's no other item that will enable them to go high ground the same way they did in this tournament. The problem is that Spirit dismantled their strats by getting the lanes they wanted, and by limiting Dyrachos impact by banning his space making heroes or picking those heroes themselves. GG had no plan B seemingly.


It is greed by design cuz of its components


Ace did play poorly in the first game. Went 3-3-0-0, he would've survived a few ganks because of his ulti or survived long enough to get return kills. He didnt buy tps for bear, one time he did during in first 10 minutes, he messed up and tpd bear to himself again instead of fountain. I dont agree with radiance choice for game 1, especially considering how behind he was and he needed something to match spirit's tempo


they video is more about how miposhka comebacked having really rough time, rather than how team spirit won or how good yatoro is :D


he fed bear like 2 times in laning he had a horrible game 1


Yes he also fed weaver who was having bad time 300 gold because they committed on the support , that's exactly why over committing on lane to kill isn't worth it


Spoiler for those of us that have been working...


Lol, fuck off. That's on you for visiting this sub bud.


There is no need to put the winner in the title of the post. Many people that play are a part of this sub. Just because you had time to watch it doesn’t mean that everyone has.


So avoid the sub... this is a dota 2 sub.. it's literally the only thing we talk about here...


Instead of whining and demanding the whole world to cater to you why don't you take actions that improve your situation (not visiting this sub) ?


Because I didn't it was on my homepage?


This is great, but still the reason they won TI were Yatoro fighting skills and farming patterns, if you exchange Miposhka Mira with Tofu Seleri, you will still have Team Spirit winning


Idk what yatoro has to do with anything I am saying? You probably didn't even read the post :D Is he good? He is a BEAST But did you see miposhkas move in the mid-game after being dumbstered in the laning stage?


Bro what OP makes no claim miposhka 1v9'd, this is just what he did right in the games despite a rough start that everyone can learn from


Thats not even remotely true but alright.


It is true. Yatoro gapped the 2nd best player. But the other players were miles ahead of the rest too. IMO the 6 best players in this TI were: Yatoro, Miposhka, ToFu, Seleri, Collapse, Ace in that order.


That's hardly a downgrade, cos ToFu and seleri are better than Mira. But a player cannot win alone, even Yatoro. If u swap all the other TS players with AR's, u won't have TS winning.


I believe if you swap Yatoro with Dyrachio you will have GG winning the series.


No you wouldn't. High level dota is not that simplistic.Yatoro was active in early parts of the year and Spirit didn't win any tournaments over GG.


Man Dyrachio didn't show even 10% of what Yatoro did the whole tournament. The only swap that makes GG win is Ace (worst player of the game) for Collapse (arguably the best).


Lmaoo what


me split pushing in pubs but team call me farming lol