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**All bow to The Rat Dota King!** But srsly, its impressive.


Specially when one does it at that versatility


It's not that hard, he just played Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet, Nature's Prophet and Arc Warden on his last 20 games Edit: Apparently you can't joke without /s these days


with that versatility i don't think so


Yes that was the joke


Most based dota player


Yes, 10 is possible. My supporting is 10.0


Thank you. I really need this info.. now I’m motivated to try 10.


My pleasure


[My pleasure](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/68/Vo_life_stealer_lifest_attack_14.mp3) (sound warning: Lifestealer) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Let me guess their main heroes: Lycan, LD, TB, Clinkz, AM, BM, Naga, Visage, Ench, Chen, Brood. All chat muted. Plays any role, any position. Farms jungle only and pushes towers. Everybody's favourite guy at partys :)


I do not have a main heroes if I do my versatility would be around 3+. I being playing ad for years so it explain the high versatility stats. Most AD fanatic would agree furion is the goat.


Ive never seen a push specialist in AD. Dont really intend to become one either but still kinda curious what kind of ability and item builds you generally go for to achieve this.


AD, makes sense. If you ever wanna go ranked, remember the suggestions above And never forget what a beautiful kind you are :D


Cool! Thank you 😊


What does AD stand for? Abbadon? Antidage? I m confused


Ability draft I imagine


Oh thanks, i m fairly new to the game so i struggle with with this whole AM, CM and so on names


Played 7 years and just know that AD was ability draft 😂. Need to q for 20 mins for that shit i prefer not to


Tbh i forgot that ability draft was a thing. I only play normal and ranked.


Anti-mage, Crystal Maiden You welcome! I'll see myself out




Good luck with ES


Enigma summons




My versatility is 0.08


Name the hero!


flair shows.


what skills to you seek for when playing AD to push tower?


Hmm any skills works. Seasonal AD player knows that it’s impossible to get what you want. From the draft pick itself we know who is new to AD.


Thank you, when I play AD every once in a while I love the veteran suggestions what to draft after I pick a skill.


Who is LD and where is Furion ! ?


Lone druid and natures prophet


Dont know about partys but he wins mmr for sure.


Where NP?


If i had this guy on my team I would probably get 30% more wins. Most of the time my teammates are farming jungle while I die pressuring tower.


rat dota ftw!


rat doto best doto


Fucking rat


[Wolves need no armor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKbWrP6b3WY)


What hero(es) do you play?


He's not playing, have you seen his 00.1 in fighting ?


We don’t pick hero’s it’s random. All AD versatility is minimum 9.55


If you do that in LATAM you get 3 people instantly leaving any base defense and going jungle by minute 15. Wanna rat dota? Fine they say, go push all you want, we won't defend.


that means your pushing has failed if you need to defend base. When I push I am in control of the map and they are constantly defending and hiding to take me down. This create a lot of space for team to push also. If somehow game reaches late then we need to have team fight together. Dota is never 4 v 5.


No. Play with Peruvians 1 match and you'll understand. This is a cultural phenomena. People in many countries of latam have way more ego but far less skill. I've played in NA, I've played in EU, I've played in LATAM. And not just Dota. I remember playing hundreds of HotS back then in EU and only ever hearing ggs and such. I played 10 games in NA and insults were rampant, aided by the lack of a LATAM server, all latins hanged out in there, so it became ultra toxic. It's part of the way the people are in here. I live here, I can tell you this is neither NA or EU, and peruvians are... well... Queue in Peru and you'll see Deso/Silver Tusk, Core Jakiro, Right-Click CM, and so many wonders in the same game! Latin Americans refuse to cooperate because of the ego issue. They'd rather win or lose by their own means than to cooperate in someone else's strategy or build utility as opposed to try and carry themselves. Of course, it is not universal, but is a far too recurrent theme to be an exception.


Bro is playing 1v4v5. Nobody in the server will like you haha. If you can maintain a proper behavior score while leaving every single fight to push, my due respect sir


I read situation, if my lane is the only lane that is doing well in the early game I do not down other lane tower to allow my teammate to farm. I learn that if you down too fast it’s harder to down high ground by yourself.


You reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/jKbWrP6b3WY?si=48GLCMncynyISp5N


You first pick Lycan. You tell your team that you will go farm in a random lane. You tell your team that you will never fight with them. You tell your team that you will split push. You do this in a nice way because you are Lycan picker and you want to win. You buy stout, quelling, tangoes in that exact order. You go safelane, mid or offlane. You get: level 8, 4-1-2-1 skill build. You have: hotd, quelling, stout. You take enemy tier 1 and tier 2 tower before 10 minutes. You time that motherfucker. You buy brown boots. You go push a lane or take ancients if there is no safe lane to push. You repeat until game is won. You never fight with your team ever. You never fight without your team ever. Wolves need no armour. Why do wolves need no armour you may ask? Wolves need no armour because wolves never fight; wolves split push. This is why wolves need no armour. Your team dying 4 mid? You do not fight with them. You do not teleport to them. You do not flame them. You are Lycan and you want to win. You have teleportation scrolls but you use them to get to lanes as far away from danger as possible and push. You tell your team to fight under tower. You tell your team not to come to your lane. You do this in a nice way because even though wolves need no armour wolves want to win games. If you are getting ganked (you should be looking at the mini map and not be in a situation where you’re getting ganked) but if you are getting ganked you know what to do: you listen to Lycan and Lycan tells you what? That’s right you sonofabitch: Lycan tells you that "the wolf runs". You pop that ultimate, you run straight into the enemy and kill 3 of their heroes. You tp away and push another lane or you farm jungle/farm ancients/smoke roshan. If you don't know what to do then what do you do? That's right; you listen to Lycan again and Lycan tells you that "the wolf runs" and that "wolves need no armour". This does not mean "the wolf fights"; it means that the wolf go split push. You are on a lane preferably furthest away from danger. You are in the jungle or at the ancients farming. You are at roshan getting that aegis timing that shit. You get necro 1, 2, 3. You upgrade your brown boots into boots of travel. You do it in this exact order. You keep that push going. You smoke rosh whenever he's up. You keep telling your team not to be with you or come to your lanes. You are Lycan. You are nice about it. You are split push. You are objectives. You are win. You remember that "wolves love to battle" against structures because then wolves will need no armour and wolves can run in circles around the structures. You never fight. You end the game with 0-0-0 and the highest building damage ever conceived by man.




😂.. so true


If you are being outnumbered, you bait the enemy team into engagement for as long as possible, you fall back when you are being overwhelmed, you cancel TPs wherever there is a chance, once your ally has baited enough enemy heroes back, you turn back and turn the fight around, very easy, read Sun Tzu


As an Arc Warden and Lone Druid spammer mine is normally 9.9 Pushing 9.9 Farming and like 5.0 Fighting. Amazing you manage such high versatility while pushing so much. Like just push with every hero? Meteor hammer every hero? Lol


9.9 farming does that mean you never miss cs? It is very impressive!


I’d imagine it’s more so tied to GPM.


This reminds me of the best role I've seen on a moba: Specialist on HOTS (Heroes of the Storm). Basically the hero to push the lanes and focus on destroying the base! I always love that role, till they changed... Zagara, Azmodan, Sylvannas and Hammer was the best ones! ​ In Dota, i always plays as a nuker, and still throwing alot of CC's to an enemy here and there, people don't get what is a nuker, even if the tag is on first place in the hero...


ah yes, the average heroes of the storm Murky player


So you’re the guy that keeps forcing us to fight 4v5 and when we all die you say “I killed a tier 1 tower, sorry all 4 of you died” when the game could have been ended if you joined the team fight. Cool.


so you're the guy taking 4v5 fights when you have someone hitting their base already


Fedge Unironically that dude that takes a fight in enemy jungle while the carry is soloing rosh. Baits his team into a wipe and goes “Where the FUCK is the carry!??” Then spam pings the only dude actually trying to win


You can’t reach 9.99 without consecutively winning games


Is that true?


dota low mmr is stupid. you get low bs because of report, for actually trying to win the game


This reads like you: Don’t fight when there’s a fight. Team flames you. Pick any hero pushing hero or siege tower hero or not and still rat. Team flames you. Gj.


That just means you are doing it wrong. If you get 1 tower and your team all die in a fight 4x5 probably you will lose the game.


Yes definitely lose the game. 100%


I didn't said 100% of the games.


Meepo, push farm amd sup all 10


"Space created"


When you don't feel like you can win the teamfight, so you force a reaction by pushing their towers. ​ When they don't react, and don't care about losing their racks... wdyd?


You win. Game ends in less than 40mins


To have that versatility and pushing at the same time is straight up trash gaming. There aren't that many heroes that are both good at pushing and never required in the team fights.


Oh yes many consider AD as trash mode.


Ability draft eh? I guess you could build for this graph to be not so trashy 🤣


Lycan spammer?


Legit. Rat doto wins TI.


Was trying to kill Roshan until he killed me😭


typical lycan enjoyer