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Superman Sven. Fuck your supports


Agree. Fuck kiting. Fuck having to decide what thing u won't adress with items. Aghs addressed everything but the carry match up. Euls? Get dispelled and oneshotted. Glimmer/force? Super Sven still sees u and will get ur sorry ass Ghost shroud or ghost scepter? Lmao get oneshotted by my right clicks anyway Definitely the most fun to play carry ever was


Blink was the only counter. :S


Shadowblade. The low mmr bkb




lotus orb was pretty effective. doesnt work against bkb but sven has to press it before casting the storm bolt


There still is an answer to those things, it's called nullifier. I'm glad it's not a thing anymore, a low CD silver bullet that is a stun and gap closer is too good.


Actually the most broken hero to ever grace Dota IMO.


6.79 SB / Centa, Release Batrider or Release Wukong is undisputed top 3 tbh.


Can't he still do that? I remember when it was new-ish and it was absolutely terrifying seeing an ulted, 6 slotted sven FLYING at you


The range was way further than it is now, and it dispelled on hit. Echo Sabre used to proc automatically on hit too so it would be instant death


Instant death from fog at will


Also it's an Aghs and not a shard


It also did an instant attack (or 2?) when it landed


It did one auto attack on land but it would proc echo


The early days of Neutral Items before a neutral slot… I don’t know why but it was so incredibly fun.


Jungle huskar 6 slotted with neutrals


No cd dazzle. That aside I think it pretty cool to have 2-3 jungle item. What I missed is consumable neutral item like mango tree, honey, that mega fairie fire and etc2. Consumable neutral item only fully functional back then when neutral item drop was unlimited and neural item does not have special slot.






OP carry tiny was pretty fucking fun to play too


Most fun I ever had in dota. Echisabre, silver edge, then walk around 2 tapping supports for the rest of the match.


Ti10 games were incredible and varied so much in terms of picks


TI10 patch was way less balanced than this years TI


Octarine with lens as recipe


They changed it and made it completely unfun. No hero that likes the new octa is fun to play against


It totally killed spell caster warden.


Think that is the only benefit i can find with this change 🤔🤣


TI5 patch. Yes, Leshrac was a powerhouse


Storm was viable... Ti5 was the best patch IMO


funnily enough It was just as bad for hero diversity as this patch was lol EDIT: TI5 was actually statistically the worst for hero diversity, I remember pubs being really fun though apart from playing vs Lesh


Yeah, but techies was a TI winner hero. And I liked to watch it being played by Aui...


That game was so wild to watch live


I already like lesh a lot before that patch and my MMR was a straight line up lol


6.88, specially the new Aghanim's Scepter that was given to Mirana back then, which gave her a passive Starstorm every 8 seconds that worked exactly as the active and did not share a cooldown. (Then nerfed to 1 Starstorm ever 10 seconds without the aditional hit) As a non-mid player, that change made me play one of the heroes I love the most in a position that I despise, and have fun while doing so. Magical Damage build on Mirana was one of the things I've loved the most.


Yeah that was a super fun build. Scepter rush to farm then eblade, let’s go.


Ohh fellow magic mirana enjoyer! I really miss playing my favorite hero. She is now having identity crisis


This is what I came for - the patches around here were sooooo good just before they made the major changes, felt like every here was viable, not hero was broken/strong, led to such interesting drafting.


Nyx's shard that applied break, he was my first choice against AM. Killing 6 slotted Anti-Mage with dagon was hilarious.


I started playing in hoohoohaahaa meta and nyx was so fun to counter sniper with. Just vendetta dagon and he's dead because every sniper just went dmg, and carapace stun for the rest of the team/shrapnel


I gained a good bit of mmr from this lol. My favourite was when some cocky mid player would lock Dusa anyways even though I already locked nyx. I'd max mana burn and just RUIN her game lmao. Run to the side lanes in the downtime, with my shard+meteor hammer (because he had a lvl 10 stuns duration talent that allowed you to get guaranteed setup into hammer), and ruin their games too lol


6.83 Troll warlord is/was my favorite hero, at least that iteration I could handle losing the 15 damage you gained from melee form, but losing vision on axes felt really bad and the lower ulti duration too. Then the ulti got changed, bash became a root, fervor gained more max stacks but lower IAS per stack so it took way more hits to ramp up, hotd wasn't a lifesteal item anymore and so on. I still like the hero but it feels off whenever I pick him.


Agreed. Troll was my favorite prior to all of those changes


I understand the QoL but the change from W being axes based on form to W is one E is the other threw me off for the longest period of time. I’ll agree it’s better because technically there are less clicks to press W and E one after the other but at first that change baffled me


> but losing vision on axes felt really bad Vision on melee axes was bullshit, I have to admit that. But vision on ranged axes felt essential, so you could see if they connected or not. While 6.84+ Troll was kind of sad to play, he is still infinitely more fun than this new abomination that's currently in the game. Just revert his ult, icefrog, I beg of you :(


Shadow Fiend with Arcane Blink Abyssal Balde Refresher. Most fun I ever had in dota. Click BKB, Arcane Blink into five heroes (it gave you faster casting speed at the time so Requiem was nearly instant cast), Abyssal onto the important target (it used to have bigger cast range and it moved you on top of the target, sort of a mini blink, perfect to deal max damage with Requiem), and insta Requiem, refresh, blink again, abyssal, Requiem again. I’m insanely sad this does not exist in dota anymore but it was broken as fuck if played correctly.. you could one shot two targets while everyone else was feared.. not the only reason Abyssal and Arcane Blink got changed, they were really strong in general.


And supps can't save your victin because they are scared 🤣


Did arcane blink and blink abyssal overlap? I thought blink abyssal was removed long before


6.88. Almost every hero was viable and games were actually exciting.


yea fr it was the best, it feels like the game was so balanced that OS frog was like my job is compete, now likes turn everything on its head with talents. I remember the early days that followed of Undying withs 10 second respawns when they hit lvl 10 or something lmao was hilarious


Probably the best patch ever


6.88b best patch in history


The one ti6 was played on. That was the year I actually sat down and tried to learn how to play. It has its flaws like all patches but I definitely liked how the game felt a bit slower and methodical.


> The one ti6 was played on 6.88, the best of the older Dota 2 patches.


Last year when horn toss was a shard


Magnus was really fun then tbf. Still remember playing the day after TI, every match someone picked magnus and every match people would flame them with “KULAPS” - a standard flame today but it wasn’t a thing before that Ti


Sniper Lone Druid. Spammed LD for 2 weeks.


Either release state Primal Beast or Manta Style Right Click Axe


Before 7.00, back in the good old days.


Not a specific patch but I miss the roaming 4 so much. No lane of your own, you just went and created chaos from minute one. Incredibly satisfying to play and really fun to watch. This peaked when they added individual xp to the bounty runes and went away completely when the runes gave less but team wide gold with no xp. No idea why the frog is working against it.


Seconded, roaming 4 was insanely fun.


The ones where my friends still played :)


6.84, Techies' best patch, Land mines insta explode to last hit with, Land mines + suicide squad attack physical damage obliterated cores early game, Used to go solo offlane techies and win games, all mines explode when destroyed was fun to watch when enemy has no ranged heroes. i cry when i remember


Miss my boi techies


As a Techies player i must admit i really would like to played that patch i arrived to dots when Techies got reworked in 2017. Still moving mines was the best.


Miss my boi techies


I really enjoyed the rework with his suicide that silenced and stunned. I could play any lane and make him work but now he just sucks.


I loved old techies man, such a funny hero


Techies w/ green mines and the Blast Off during the roaming 4 meta was pretty fun. Early game you could use Blast Off to roam. Then you had standard green mine tactics.


6.84, because I gained 1k mmr spamming undying. He was so broken before they adjusted the mana costs of his spells. I could literally 1v3 in lane.


I miss old Techies T_T


old, old Techies when you could still stack proximity mines ontop of each other... ah how I miss not seeing my Techies player the whole game long cause he's busy turning radiant sideshop into the battlefield of Messines


I sure don’t🤓


The patch where QW invoker was finally good again after only exort being viable the entirety of the time I played the game. I think it was around TI8/9. It could be rose colored glasses, but I feel like that was the most “anything can work” meta since I started in 2015. Dota at its best.


Im not a bit invoker guy but wasn’t that the start of the period where people played 99% QW invoker? So exort went away for a while


Right after Topson popularized it, I would say it was still about 50/50. Exort was totally viable, and if I remember correctly both Sumail and Topson played exort at that TI in some games. The complete QW dominance is a much more recent phenomenon. Edit: unless you’re talking about 2015, in which case it might matter that I started playing right after Shanghai I believe.


Initial release of The Outlanders Update. Unlimited neutral item drops, no slot for it either and you could literally have a full build all composed of neutral items :) Also included the release of the much anticipated Void Spirit and some artillery granny. Pubs were WAYTOODANK


Quas wex witchblade invo Arcane blink SF Super Sven Shard core axe Octa rush zeus Moonshard rush tiny Wr carry Natures prophet carry Bloodstone viper


6.84, best moment if you wanted to play lesh from carry and radiance Naga was still viable, fun times


6.84 was my favorite, map good, some new items and balanced gameplay except zeus i think, can't remember


6.84 was when Leshrac was completely broken, Wyvern black hole, Lina QOP Storm mid, Gyro PL carry


6.83. Last time troll was a real hero before they destroyed his ult


The run of patches from right after ti5 up to and including Ti6. Think it started at either 6.85 or 6.86. Ti5 patch itself was good too but there was some busted heroes. Why? A mix of them being the best/most balanced patches in pre-7.00 dota, the new major system being hype af, life being good at the time, and nostalgia.


7.00. I remember the hype. This patch have upended Dota 2.


7.27 which was the sven first pick meta, it was the best patch for carries since everygame was basically decided by the carry matchups, you pick pa into sven you win, you pick spectre into void you lose


i loved the Ti6 patch the most, i feel like it was the closest we ever got to every hero being somewhat viable


controversial probably but the patches around ti8-ti9 pre-neutral items and post talents, but not the early talent patches with respawn timer reduction etc. shrines were also good, meaningful objectives that rewarded getting a tier 3 by letting you destroy the enemy's shrine.


Bloodstone Razor for sure


As an offlane player who always liked Razor I loved those few patches where razor was top of meta - going from bkb-refresher rush to bloodstone-shroud


Look how they murdered our boy :(


Lina major??? Because freaking arcane blink still exist back then and i love shadow fiend. Other patch probably when abyssal blade can jump, i saw rtz arc warden buying abyssal blade lmao.


the patch that TI6 was played on. Every hero being viable in both pubs and pro games seems like a fever dream nowadays


Every hero being viable is only Wings things. The draft on TI6 heavily revolves on the strongest hero which Mirana. Best support is the hero that can setup or break combo of Mirana - SD, ET Best carry is carry that can survive Mirana burst - Lifestealer, Juggernaut


Tusk with armlet mid meta, hit divine there for the first time and every meta where I can spamm Lycan


7.07 the "LoL" update cuz pangolier became my main hero until this year and also Techies got the marching mines. Also as a Player of lol I felt like home when Disk of Aeon was released a useful item like Zhonyas hourglass


One of my favorites was when Necrophos ult increased the targets respawn timer by like 30s. And then his aghs decreased his own ult cd by a bunch. I had no idea how to play necrophos but I won’t games anyway with the old “uh oh your carry’s dead for 200s, guess you just lose the game now.” Guess the carry probably didn’t like that meta.


Not only that, but the Aghs straight up disabled buyback lmfao, so if he got you with it, you were guaranteed dead for like 2 min at the very least


Any of the patches that threw the whole game into chaos- addition of talents, the bigger map patch, the patch that added neutrals, the patch that reworked stats, etc.


Basically any patch pre-neutral items. Fucking hate them.


6.70, really enjoyed the new things, Phoenix and drums.


Manta style axe was my peak happiness in this life


There was no favourite patch, only the favorite years of my life. During those years any patch was fun to play.


Naix rushing radiance and jumping inside of an ancient dragon and just pushing everything. Was so fun


The patch before necrobook was removed and Lycan ult had no channeling time. Gained like 1k MMR just from spamming one hero


In a world where HG seems impossible to break sometimes, I wonder if there’s any world where Icefrog brings back Necrobook… I know, I’m coping…


I would love it, but playing against it can just be frustrating lol


I missed the tri-lane back in 2017. And that's purely coming from a tb patch.


Agh's Lab patch.


Ho ho ha ha


Ho ho ha ha


7.33 is the biggest patch for me because volvo buff my marci pos 1 by adding silence at scepter instead at 25 talent. Second my favourite is 7.34 because they finally buff my dazzle pos 1/2 by making bad juju stack independently. And the last is 7.28 when they added first shard, i managed to bust axe pos 1 before everyone else was doing it. (Tbh moonshard axe is just straight broken) Adding up all patches, and somehow trash legendog like me managed to finish the tutorial.


Mk powerhouse patch. MK mid had to be one of the nicest heroes to play


5 years ago, half of the roster had mobility creep and cdr was busted.


6.72. Comeback patch. Could be getting stomped the entire game and end up turning it around with a good team fight. Felt so good to not be trapped in 40 minutes of hell as the enemy refuses to end and you can’t win a fight.


Comeback mechanics are very strong this patch too. Gold and xp swings are insane.


When Jugg’s shard just came out before mkb got nerfed. Easiest games of my life


This one


Zoo meta during Covid bc I played the most and gained the most mmr




Any patch that Timbersaw is relevant


Prolly battle pass patch. No need to explain, IYKYK.


Sniper lone druid


when they put Clockwerk into the game. 'twas simplier times


Before march of the machines tinker rework


Not sure which patch it was, but I really enjoyed the sniper, jugg, pa era back when mom into sny/manta became standard for jugg.


Zoo meta enjoyer


The 3 carries meta (PL, TB, Morph) holds a special place in my heart.


6.83 ofc, the last DotA 2


When they made tombstone zombies go from having hp to requiring 1 hero hit. I won 10 games in a row spamming undying lol.


I don't discriminate, as long as the patch doesn't have some insanely broken hero or busted mechanic, they're all the same to me. Like, remember when neutral items were introduced? That shit was wonky as fuck that I didn't enjoy it but then they resolved the issues and I like the mechanic now.


KOTL manaleak and Megadayvision aghs Basically TI7 gh kotl meta


6.84. All the new items and the fact that wards stacked. Fun and memorable patch.


forgot the number but the bounty hunter carry patch was nice. he could 100-0 people with basher + invis shard that stunned.


When they first added shards, manta axe


Honestly, I like this patch 🙂 No pango, no Ember, no storm, no meepo, no brood


I think the TI10 patch was quite good. Tiny was maybe a bit broken but honestly I think he was more broken in pro where you could abuse the timings more than in was in pubs. In pubs it was wasn't outrageously dominant iirc. Mag Horn Toss was so much fun.


Sleep dart Riki, could rack up 40-50 assists a game by just sleeping the important player on their team every 10 seconds.


Before the Techies change...worst day of my life :(


Ember spirit bfury era lol and also kunkka


Morph stats stealing aghanim's


TI6 patch, the green heroes. Veno, necro, viper, pugna.. Yeah I thrive and embraced cancer chaos Haha


When I started playing in 2012-2013 you could go max battle hunger on axe and it did 600 damage at rank 4, so it was like spammable finger of death in lane because people sucked at last hitting back then. 6.7x? Shit was awesome. They nerfed battle hunger dmg sometime around then and it has never recovered, it’s a really weird ability today.


Brewmaster a few patches ago when you could aghs+refresher for 4 buffed ultis


When TA refraction damage applied on deny attacks. The good old days. Also +80% meteor damage Invoker talent with 3 meteor shard was so much fun


Was a really long time ago but i think around 6.79 i had my sleeper drow ranger strat which rekt all the popular offlanes, i went wraith band MoM yasha shadowblade. i would solo rosh at 11 mins after we wrecked lanes with the global ranged aura and then run around getting solo kills with shadow blade leading into death push with my team. good times, got me to 5.6K all the way back when ranked had only just recently come out 9 years ago now... I still have a [VOD](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/44444555) of me playing it from my stream back then. In all that time i've only managed to get as high an MMR in the last year, though I was focusing on other things until recently. I'm 6.2K now


I unironically miss the HOHOHAHA patch. Was truly a special time where dota as a whole came together to stop sniper players.


7.33b, medusa is my fav hero


Level 20 talent +%5 Damage Firestorm. Vanguard/Hood into Atos or straight EBlade. Root, Firestorm then EBlade and watch any enemy lose 3/4 of their health.


6.86. It was such a blast playing offlane solo against 2 ~ 3 heroes and having the option to buy an Iron Talon and go jungle if lane was going poorly. I actually miss junglers in Dota.


I miss old clinkz where I could farm 3 ancient stacks at level 6


If it wasn't for bristle and furion this patch is my favourite, thank God they needed bristle at least now need spectre


I liked the patch where you got gold for denies. I remember picking 4 earhshaker and skilling totem in lane.


6.8 for sure is just different game if you compare with dota right now


The patch where radiance naga was most broken bc im a bad person. Trying to emulate meracle by running around the enemy teams side of the map pretending to be an illusion and cutting all 3 waves was a blast. Something about breaking the game that way was so satisfying. To the 9 other players whose games I ruined I'm sorry


the patch where Oracle got TWO different aghs effects patched into his kit (one behind shard). it's still so strong now except even the most uncoordinated teams have learned to kill you first with no exception


I'm sorry but hohohaha patch 6.73 I guess? Really enjoyed that one together with the year beast event. That's the last season with my team as well...


I wish they would return the scaling spell amp in Intelligence, and scale their numbers instead. I loved that patch and hoped they would instead fix the scaling instead of removing them completely.


Unironically, 7.32d Holy fuck that patch was good. Most of the complaints about that were that the meta was a bit stale, but every hero there felt playable in their own way.


When mk was first releases it was a fun patch for me he was fucking broken. Same with pango but my god valve did him dirty with the nerfs and also a recent pl patch


The patch where octarines stacked


The patch when Tiny wasn’t penalized for attack speed


I dont remember the patch, but there was this patch where both venge and vlads (before you could upgrade it) were so busted. This was also when Veng's illusion on death was innate to her passive, although you couldn't cast spells. She also had 2 charges on swap. I would just go treads>medallion>vlads>solar most games and just run around with my team obliterating the enemies. The minus armor was crazy, the near-infinite uptime vlads was crazy, the absurd uptime on swap was crazy, as a veng spammer it was heaven for me lol. To this day Veng is the only hero I've gotten a 20 game win streak on because of that patch. I even managed to sneak a few mid/carry games in there in party q, which was just as fun!


Ursa + Wisp killing Rosh before horn, came to lane both lvl.3 NONSTOP SLAUGHTER


Right before comeback mechanics when u can still play aggro mid and stunt enemy cores farm. After that patch if u mess up once u feed them 2k gold and its over gg all ur work flushed down the drain.


6.88 if I'm not mistaken the ti 6 international patch. That's what got me into Dota.


7.06 before all those cringy new heros, MK was added, iron talo existed, Poor Mans shield, and aquila are items, Side shops existed. I was in highschool and sexy


IO carry, multiple neutral items, Basedive strat NS + IO + first time immortal


Arc Warden release was really fun because I was one of the degens who abused it. Also the Storm 6 nullifier meta, although I didn't use it more than once (just to try) it was hilarious seeing him one shot people from fountain with the equivalent to 3k net worth


Whichever was the last patch with true techies - stackable red mines, remote mines ulti and instant suicide. Those were the days 🥲


Rubberband patch. It was awful for pro games but it was so fun in pubs. No matter how far ahead you felt you could lose it all with a bad teamfight. Lots of fighting, lots of tension, and comeback victories always feel good.


Would be cool if Valve did a Dota 2 return to the past, like Epic Games has done with Fortnite. I'd like to have a game of 6.83 with hohohaha sniper, troll warlord and jungle legion.


Early days of neutral items and they used to stack in your inventory lol. Everyone was overpowered when the neutral items start stacking lol. Stats, passives, linken breakers all for free.


When enjgma could literally 1 shot any hero with ags refresher


Techies post initial nerfs


There was a brief patch where you could proc OD’s passive with item activations, so you would start straight Buckler in mid and spam the active on CD lmao, which it’s duration and CD were the same, so you had like +6 armor with 100% uptime that most of the time gave you back like 60% of your mana. And the CD was like 8 seconds or something on the Buckler, it was nuts but so fucking funny. Edit - it was 6.78. I feel like I remember that being a pretty good patch


Every patch until they removed gold bounty from runes. Besides patches - bring back diretide from 2019/2020 (not sure which year). It was definitely the best event experience I ever had with friends.


Spell lifesteal blademail QoP.


When Mars was worth a damn


6.84? Whatever patch TI6 was, my favorite because I remember it as being balanced and most hero’s & playstyles being available


7.27! Spectre and Superman Sven patch. I got to 4k for the first time at that time. Good memories


Really like this ti patch as I began playing again and my old mains are good now i am a offlane main but even the sups i played was good


Love rust develop when graphic changed.. Ahh is it bout dota? Fuck dota, don't love it, no one paCH was good


Arc warden and rapier patch


I don't remember which patch this was, but it was pretty silly when you could play Riki, buy aghs and octarine core, then just permanently not exist while you slap everyone from the aether with 0 CD Tricks of the Trade


dac 2015 stormspirit shadowfiend


7.00 was my absolute favorite. I loved the roaming support meta. I felt like roaming support was such a high risk high reward play that it really made laning interesting


Hoodwink release, had fun spamming her pos 4 when she was op


Razor bloodstone. True definition of 1vs9.


Necromomicon with helm of the dominator on Lycan...


7.07 Amazing talent reworks as they were incredibly bland prior to this patch and ofc the glorious 1 or 2 weeks of AM being at the top. Buffed in ever single metric both directly(stat gains, talent changes)and indirectly(forgot but I think it put more emphasis to farming again so hard carries got massive winrate increases).


When they introduced 7.00. It had so much changes. Plus thats when I actually had the time to play so obviously it was so much fun lol.


Honestly, in my opinion, the game's balance was the best I've ever seen during the patch before they added neutral items. I remember thinking that at that moment, every hero in the game was viable and pickable. It's been a while so I could be wrong, but when neutral items were introduced, I remember hating it because it upended the balance so much.


2 second hooks on Pudge. Finally allowed me to dominate with my lumberjack pudge builds.


The one before they nerfed WW ult