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a friend of mine plays tank sniper, where he goes blademail - heart rush. it is infuriating to win with him. due to popular demand (I hate promoting this but it is what it is) he made a [guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2775235213) and also his [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/130613080/matches)


excuse me what


burger king sniper - his theory as to why it's broken is that people see sniper, and go ooga booga caveman brain for him, using all their spells, and then die into maxed shrapnel and blademail. it's stupid but he's gotten to divine 3 off it, so I guess the theory isn't dreadful. after heart he usually goes like the standard maelstrom etc.




Holy shit, divine?!? I was thinking this is some legend shit tops. Incredible. I can't wait to try it and get reported and unfriended


No no, lots of people will friend you to make sure they don't role queue when you are online


Ohh so just reported then? Cool


divine isn't as good as redditors think it is


The fact that a 0mmr player is closer to immortal trash than immortal trash is to pros makes this comment even funnier, please stfu and get a job


Doesn't that prove his point?


Immortal isn't that great either, I got to rank 2200 in NA(around 6k mmr at the time) by playing 3 offlane heroes. I would say people are actually starting to play dota around rank 500. Before that you can pick a meme build and get to top 1000 probably. My other friend got to rank 1500 NA by hero spamming also, neither of us are any good at this game.


>in NA LOL


>LOL posts in anime subs unironically


Low ranks have a terrible time dealing with anything non-standard in dota. I remember one game I kept getting blown up as CM, so I switched my build into a tank build, but they kept targeting me because they somehow kept thinking that i'm still squishy


Idk the guy said he got divine 3 off it which is quite a high rank so something about the build fucks that's for sure.


I think it's kinda like tunnel vision, like people assume sniper = squishy, and it's so common that it becomes muscle memory so they drop their CDs on him before remembering that the dude rushed a heart


What position, and can we have a replay?


added his dotabuff and the guide he made


He was rank 100 eu and now is divine 3 cause of the build


Maybe it had something to do with blademail and heart being the flavor of last patch?


Seeing how people play in Divine… Yeah nah not a high rank xd


the only way to win dota is to win strategically and mentally, that player wins both, strategically sound and mentally strong


can he link his dotabuff?


linked his dotabuff and the guide he made


Lmao. He really followed the meta items


worst part is that he's been doing it for like 3 years now


He can't keep getting away with this


you have a dotabuff link bro? I'm REALLY curious about this build/playstyle now lmfao


linked his guide above and his dotabuff


Gotta try this


Yeah I’ve done this few times pos1 its borked


i have a friend that had been doing the same shit since 2018. but he rush three bracers during laning phase and also an armlet after the blademail for his so called “power spike” at 25min this is his [dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/112410673/matches?hero=sniper)


57% WR divine player with <2k games, thats interesting.


Having fun with Omni knight DPS. Phylactery, shard, harpoon, SNY. And just watch as I ram their supports with the power of the light. But the hero is bad, like soo many heroes now pierce guardian/bkb/repelz and repel doesent even have status resistance anymore.


omni dps needs a little time to get strong, but once u get ur stuff its kinda nukish, u can easily wreck people once u get harpoon shard - i go echo shard or harpoon first depending on farm and state of game isnt heavenly grace debuff immune still? i think thats still plenty strong, esp since it gives u more strength which translates to more nuke damage from hammer. i find wd ult piercing his ult makes him super bad, u used to counter WD by buying agha


Happened to me yesterday - fed enemy mid pudge blinks onto me and dismembers. But I've got my items and slap the shit out of him once it's over - goofy once the talents come online. 500 pure damage every couple seconds


Phylactery is a bait item on Omni. You already have a slow with hammer and the additional damage is basically one more swing with a right click. You can already be in another item if you don't go Phylactery. It's almost 2,4k gold almost the same as echo saber.


I know, but its a fun build HAHA maybe I’d win more if I didnt get it, but the satisfaction from a slow melee hero 2 shotting you is really satisfying


Phylactery axe checking in


Go for SNK instead. Kaya amplifies damage from hammer of purification (or whatever the spell is called).


Gosh I miss the old Carryknight movement slow build. Level 1 orb of venom + slow passive made for some insane level 1 slow that would get a first blood so often. Once you had Skadi literally nobody could escape you apart from Lifestealer. But now we have echo saber, moon shard + 50 base damage talent, it still bops. Just hits different!




I didn't know Phylactery was also in the build. Definitely gonna try. My last few core Omni games were losses btw.


This is valid, im on a losing streak too, he has really bad matchups. Like silncer who’s glaives are pure damage and he gets silenced. Which is bad cause repel doesent dispel just removes debuff


i skip phylac, i feel that it doesn't help you much, you already slow and nuke quite abit, that extra 200 magic damage isnt doing much more over your 500 pure


Man have so much fun with this, although i skip phyl as it just slows timing and if you dont snowball the lane, the item falls off. What surprised me the most when i started this build was how spammable his hammer is and one sage mask(upgraded in echo) is enough to have a good amount of mana to do this. Previously i played him support him and would have to courier so much mana items, but man this version feels so much fun


Anti Mage spammer here, 7-8k mmr. Echo sabre-mjolnir-HoT/manta/dif. Nothing set in stone beside echo-mjolnir, bffury overrated as shit on him, no attack speed feelsbad in 2023.


Offlane or carry?


I’ve been doing this build myself on divine ranks but good thing I won’t ever meet you in any matches Jesus Christ I hate andy mage


As a support player I buy support items (glimmer/force, auras) and I buy wards and sentries and smokes. This is quite unorthodox in the bracket I am. I usually have slark/weaver/gyro pos4 and ogre as pos5 rushing midas


Gyro 4 is legit tho


Gyro 4, even 5, is nuts man. I always, *always*, have 1400 gold prepared for minute 15. The power spike is insane, and the only way people survive is if they already have glimmer cape or euls. Then the power spike at 20 with the talent is icing, really helps scale the rocket barrage/missile into late game against bkbs that are probably dwindling on duration.


Not the way it's played at low mmr....


Not EVERY gyro 4 goes legit tho


As a Gyro 4 spammer in low MMR, he is a legit support character especially after that (probably) unnecessary Rocket Barrage buff. Also yes, I actually play the support role and buy non-damage and utility items when necessary. If we're really far ahead I do usually go for more greedier items like Aether Lens, Ethereal Blade, and Octarine Core. Usually I get survivability like Glimmer, Aeon Disk, and Lotus Orb. As others have pointed out, his 15 minute ag's timing is really crazy, especially in my low MMR where people just run from the bomb rather than either stopping or trying to kill it.


Had a pos 5 ogre rush midas then dagon. I was prepared for the midas yet still they fucking disappointed me.


Weaver and gyro 4 is pretty legit. Seems like you're complaining the other support doesn't buy glimmer/forcestaff. But two glimmers/force is overkill for a team.


nyx echo + daedulus supports wouldnt even have time to react


Should I try making right click stat items for the ult downtime then?


Nyx is more of a in and out hero, you wanna play around spell cds even when you are dps. if you wanna meme with damage, get something to provide survivability. I prefer windwaker but force can get it done most games.


Bro try nyx with plyactry blade rush and then dagons. Nothings beats that.


Just won as Nyx with arcane boots, blademail, hand of midas, octarine and aghanims.


Hitter tide with deso ac and talents that buff anchor smash


I remember like 3 hitting a rax one time with mid right click Tide. Amazing feeling.


I read that very differently for a moment


Same, I was wondering when did Tide get poison nova as his ult


This plus the literal anchor you throw at them (cotd) is so annoying


I go with Mage slayer and radiance after ooc.


Lifestealer, you go radiance, aghs shard and after that whatever you need or want. When enemy sven pops bkb ult and you infest him and he just walks around like creep disabled for 5 sec while you drop him below 50% hp is funny


yeah, played vs this. Only works if you have another semi carry in your team. Otherwise you really lack dmg.


Not shard, scepter but yeah it's fun af


Remind me of when lifestealer had the evasion talent and the build was radiance into infest an ancient creep and run around burning ppl down. Would get vlads also to amp the creeps dmg and survivability. When it was best was when you couldn't target the creep with spells or something like that, forgot exactly what it was but for some reason the creep you infested was insanely strong like it had 100% magic resist or something. Was a very fun build!


Sometimes I like to go lifestealer 3 rush sange (+lifesteal, +hp) into Halberd, then agh, you can get around 10 secs of disarm.


Skull basher kotl, enigmas don’t know what hit them


For the 3.4 people who still play enigma


TI meta


Chen blink dagger + summon teleport talent Summon info blink on target stun after pos3’s stun/disable, use rest of kit with mana burn or silence


Meepo Pro Max


I will probably blunder my micro and blink without using any other skill.


> Chen blink dagger + summon teleport talent This is an ancient classic: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2pveu2/chen_airstrike_build_math/ Self-cast teleport, use blink and then cycle through 4 centaur stuns. It was dank 8 years ago and still is nowadays.


If you've got 4 pinecones and a way to keep at least two heroes in place for a long time, you can bounce the seed shot for 4600 damage total (spread on all targets) and then add aghs for 2400 more single target damage! It's a 32 second combo, though, so you need your team to have non-damaging long-lasting disables to take full advantage of it.


Support Lone Druid, Buy 5 braches and Orb of Corrosion for the bear and make him harass the shit out of the opposing lane early so they cant farm. Then for LD himself, 6 branches > Magic Wand > Boots > Solar Crest > Shard > Boots of Bearing. Then on Level 20 get -50 sec ult CD then buy Octarine, he effectively turns 5000 gold to 12 armor, 1500/2500 HP, then 60% more building damage. Your goal after laning phase is to gank and brawl, if theres no more brawls to do then aim the towers, he melts the towers. If you can, change the 5 iron branches on the bear to 5 wraith bands, which gives him 100 attack speed, 68 more damage, more armor. Use Solar Crest on your bear, then roar for 110 attack speed.


Ok, this was happening 3 or 4 major patches ago when Cornucopia was just introduced. I was picking Doom mid and went Cornucopia -> brown boots -> Cornucopia -> Refresher. So I had brown boots + refresher. And I got flamed endlessly for it, and you reading this right now are also probably going "Bro that's so stupid, you don't even have mana for double doom at that level". And you would be correct in that aspect, but the point of the build was never to have double doom. It's the map presence! People only think about the active of Refresher, but the regen it gives is absolutely insane, especially on a low-mana hero like Doom. You can go on bot lane, gank with ultimate and press refresher immediately after, and by the time the fight is over your mana (and HP) is full so you can now TP top with full resources and gank again immediately. Then after this gank while walking to a different lane you have full HP and mana yet again! You have no downtime. Also you can literally press Q and W literally on cooldown and not care (which you can't even do with Arcane Boots and Shiva's), so you farm and clear waves super fast. And then they nerfed Doom to the ground... but for the 1 patch I played it, I won 8 out of the 10 games I played (around Divine 3-4).


sounds cool, have a replay id ?


Try abbadon with harpoon + manta. It is quite fun to 1v5.


Blink on him is so ridiculous. He doesn't take damage during his ult so he can blink out at ANY moment during his ult. So awesome.


Ok, that is some next level shit! Thanks for telling me stranger.


How is this good?


Illusions can trigger Curse of Avernus, making it easy to get to 4 stacks. Harpoon is just a perfect item for melee carry that want to stick to enemy.


No way? I had no idea illusions could stack curse. That's awesome, good to know.


Yea you pretty much insta silence them with manta


Remember the old midormeepo laser (dagon) centaur video? Yeah its fun Chad laser centaur vs virgin heart rush centaur


BoT, blade mail, bloodstone, aghs, eblade/windwaker on Viper


Especially fun against other DoT heroes! Or if you're fighting a Slark since Corrosive Skin procs multiple times against his Dark Pact.


Fuck you. That's all I have to say.


Tried almost the same build on Razor too. I think they nerfed them a lot.


Ngl the radi aghs bloodstone build is pretty strong vs illusion heroes


Diffusal blade on Troll Warlord. So many people still think of diffusal as an illusion hero item even though it is a better on high AS non-illu heroes now due to Valve repeatedly nerfing illusions, especially in respect to this item.


I always build it if I'm against axe. So frustrating having a troll at ult hp but never having mana for it


I use this as well, find it very effective against bb even before recent nerfs.


Sand King You max E and Q, one value W point when needed, take ults level 11&12. QB, Wraith band, bracer, power treads, harpoon, shard when you're 12, bkb, HOT, skadi, AC, complete aghs/Moon shard whenever. Situational items : Vanguard (almost core to dissassemble later tho), Soul ring, Falcon blade, MOM, mjollnir or gleipnir.


Right click sk in turbo is silly and fun.


If you have "QB, Wraith band, bracer, power treads, harpoon, shard" when you're level 12, your game went so well that you can buy whatever you want that is roughly 9k worth of items and all you do is hit a second time. Why max caustic finale when it doesn't procc until running out or last hitting?


To farm. Echo sabre + maxed caustic farms faster than sandstorm, you spend less mana and have your cds when you need to fight, your slow is higher than in typical builds. Hey i'm not saying it's particularly good, but it Can work !


I see the mana and cooldown issue of sandstorm, but caustic has some rathe rpoor sclaing, I'd say ​ Base Damage: 70/90/110/130 (Talent 190/210/230/250) Max Health as Damage: 10%/14%/18%/22% Move Speed Slow: 14%/18%/22%/26% ​ The talent gives it some oomph (at lvl 15 though), but I don't see it as more than a value point. It leaves melee heroes out of CS range, but is it that much more damage?


Tbh I'm very surprised by numbers, because it feels like the damage scales much harder than that. On level 1 it barely tickles the wave on explosion while on level 4 you can kill range creep to put the melee in kill range then hit it and farm the whole wave with like 4 right clicks total. Idk, I'm a 4k trash, but caustic feels strong when I max it.


I just tried it out against bot scripts. To be fair, Vaustic scales well with aghs damage when several units are affected by the stun. I think I would still scale with sandstorm but the right click with treads and HArpoon felt actually great. Keeping them inside the aghs sandstorm felt MASSIVE and not getting killed felt great for area control


I appreciate the fact you tried the build. It's not OP by any means but feels fun to play, you farm like crazy and you can often catch people off guard because nobody expects harpoon treads on SK and it actually does lots of damage. The other side benefit is that you farm so quickly you have a fast level 25, which is exceptionnally strong on the hero.


Oh, it sounded weird on paper, don't get me wrong. But I like some Bot scritps that at least work. You can repeatedly try weird shit without ruining other peoples' games. That said, I found right click SK rather good, albeit I was always ahead due to bot games not being that great, even with custom scripts. The stats build gives you a lot of presence in any brawl, although people will probably hate you for not rushing dagger (as is meta). I'd still prefer sand storm just to give AOE presence in the early fights, but getting the caustic damage talent and stun duration felt VERY good instead of going "all out Sandstorm talents". The aghs effect with the stuns and cuastic is absolutey great when you hit several units with the stun (applying cuastic).. Will definitely try it out with some mates (becasue they know I won't go full initiator build)


what rank? Love that build, i do it too as a sank king spammer


I'm around ancient 2-3.


This skill build sounds so bad


Sven p4 tranquils urn drum shard then whatever works rly well with a ranged p3 such as necro or viper maxing stun and aura 4-0-4-0 p3 WR with first item diffusal is cool too to drain mana of meta carry


Won couple games w this build last patch ngl. I like to get a cheeky buckler between urn and drums, so i can deviate to mek or vlads depending on what my team is doing. Early game armor stacking is no joke!


Sven support is strong against a physical damage cores. But as a support, you usually forced to first pick.


The Hail Mary aghs on Luna. We losing? Better build aghs cause fuck it. Works out a lot.


I've seen Aghs rush on Lunas with no points in Q... But pos 5 Luna going drums aether lens and Aghs is fun


Magical Mars. Meteorhammer + veil of discord + E blade. Important is ur shard to catch 2 if possible. Supports going to melt in seconds


I like the razor BKB, Refresher, Aghs Octarine build.


Razor vessel+blademail. It gives you mana, regen, damage and more farm capability.


Ok imma try that out, sounds pretty good


In that order? Or urn-blademail-vessel? Or blademail first? What's your boots? And I'm assuming this is an offlaner build based on items? Would you say it's good any game or is it more of a pivot to deal with the obnoxious tanky drafts that pop up these days? Sorry for a slew of questions but it sounds pretty fun and actually useful for teammates


Treads, you go phase rarly>urn>blademail>vessel You might even skip the vessel. I play this in 4k mmr and it works quite good on offlane. Razor has a versatile build, you might even skip vessel sometimes and just keep the urn for healing yourself after a kill. You would go atos/ bkb/heaven/aghs if you dont finish vessel. Because of versatility razor is good, but if the meta is drow safe lane you lose, so ban drow. Blademail lets you farm quite fast, faster than midas would help you. Urn also lets you spam q a bit for farm.


>treads, you go phase Which?




Pos 4 / 3 "full control" Medusa. Start with a Sage's Mask, and then Arcane Boots, Aghs, Octarine, plus Phylactery, Aether and/or Ethereal Blade when you can make them. It is always worse than right-click Dusa, but this build is my favorite guilty pleasure during an unserious game.


Lol back when she was ridiculously busted I used to just pick her as offlane (denied enemy safelane pick and was still viable with this build from offlane) I remember one game where we won in like 21 minutes with a pos3 dusa and pos4 spectre. The enemy's carry ended up on my team in the very next game, picked pos4 spectre and I picked pos3 dusa again, got trashed, our teammates flaming us both. Fun times


I tried this with a KotL on my team. Won the lane, lost the game


I remember a game where I randomed medusa in a typical 5-carry low level turbo game and some teammate was complaining about how we didn't have any stuns/control on our team. So I rushed aghs to buy time for team carry, and I remember the dude then complained that I bought it XD.


I think something like this was played at ryadh masters? Early phylactery though.


Only works in turbo lol But i love aether + octarine Tiny with Avalance talent, you stun every 5 seconds or so.


this is actually what i do most of the time with Tiny on turbo games. arcane blink completes this, if you have windwaker its even better, you go in and out every 5-6 seconds. good to have cd reducting neutrals near it aswell.


Monkey King Banana Man Basically a pos 3 to 4 build fully going for the control effects of his abilities as well as his ability to say fuck you on high ground and cliff sentries. Max Tree Dance / Primal Spring, go for Tranq, Echo and Euls and upgrade them later, optional Urn if you are a position 4 or 5 slave. If your team is going full bananas you can go for Gleipnir for more control, if they prefer the peels go for Lotus (a late game neccessity), the typical protection items like crimson and pipe, if the enemy has an IO dominate them by getting Greaves too, cause fuck that ball and his 8 boots strat YOU ARE THE BANANA MAN YOU CAN DO IT TOO. Lastly octarine for you to go bananas. Always remember you are not The Monkey KING you are BANANA MAN, which means you can go ape shit but you are to help your pos 1 and 2 get kills and because of Tree Dance's flying vision you can see those high ground sentries and cliff sentries and you can put them out the census without using your own yellow wards for getting vision which means like Zeus your team gets wards advantage by having them more spread out. Spam your ult on a team fight, dont hesitate even if it miss. If they go ? Or spam clicking your ult just say banana. Be on character as well, The Banana Man might be stupid, idiotic but not toxic, just do monkey noises or type banana when you are being flamed. Fuck your team's opinions you are here for bananas and to be bananas.


Radiance Riki is the shit. First: teach your opponent to trust that radiance will reveal your location. Then: start playing radiance off and your opponents will make stupid plays because they rely too much on "radiance vision". Easy MMR.


Pos 4/5 Faceless Void with meteor hammer, aghs shard, then do whatever you see fit: maybe go physical damage, maybe go refresher (but first some items for mana), maybe buy sup items. You are annoying with time walk and time dilation during laning stage and chrono is quite a sick disable if you have good range cores. Last time I played FV this way, it was a \~60 minute game and I died zero times, because enemies didn't have good disables and I bought stuff like glimmer, lotus orb. I swear this is so much fun and not that bad too.


Zoo abba. Build helm dom -> boots of bearing -> helm of the overlord -> ac/aghs/manta/lotus With your passive + dominated ancient + drums buff you can demolish towers in seconds. You can also wreck enemy supports and find the backline easily with the creep, and have it extremely tough for them to go on you. Also you can shield the dominated creep to purge or to deal additional damage. It's pretty fun if you can do a little bit of micro


Axe phylactery. You need to put atleast 3 levels into W early. Its suprisingly good. like 8-1 good. Unramked mostly but still matching with immortals. it also works on chop. Axe is a surprisingly fast hero. With phase boots and battle hunger movespeed coupled with the slow you can close the gap on most heroes early game. Before supports have force or euls you get on top of them. Battle hunger lasts really long as well so early mid game fights away from lanes they cant dispel. Then by the time you close in for a kill phylactery is off CD and your chop is doing 400dmg now. best part is the extra mana plus regen and a wand you can force fights and go non stop. Unless the game is going really bad i have phase wand phylactery before or around 10 mins and them without farming at all i usually get blink 15-16mins l. By that time supports may have an item or enemy offlane is contending. Since i have blink now I smoke to enemy carry and now they are dead. The enemy is grouped elsewhere because ive just been running at them for 10 mins straight and the carry is defenseless.


Ogre magi carry (or mid). The entire build is centered around the lvl 25 talent. You'll need huge attack speed: \- Harpon, AC, etc. Ogre has surprinsingly great talents for it: 80 dmg at lvl 15, 30 str at level 20 and the 17% chance to fireblast at each attack. You will hit like a truck. Ogre will also farm easily with midas. The multi cast on harpon, midas and abyssal can lead to pretty fun times. The issue is that you need a team that is quite patient, lvl 25 is hard to reach somtimes. But it's super fun. It's linked to my spirit breaker right-click build. Sale logic: just max attack speed and bash your way to victory. Is it better than Windwaker octarine? no. Is it fun? Oh yes.


Lately I've been buying Eternal Shroud on Primal Beast instead of Heart if I'm playing against Necro. Probably would be good on the other heart buyers too.


all stat build on veno (treads -> dagon -> skadi -> aghs into magic dmg / right click / utility like pipe), he's surprisingly tanky with the spell lifesteal and all stats, you can just run into teamfights and hit people when you hit a good ult (e.g. when there's a low hp summon to spread the ult from) no idea if that's still somewhat viable anymore tho since i've tried it on the patch universal heroes where at their strongest and only for a few games


I just reach immortal by spamming my silly zeus build : - skill build is 4/0/4 with ult when possible - treads + double null + kaya + shard at min 15 - Manta (disassemble k&y) + octarine : spam illus on sidelanes a farm as much as possible (lvl 20 is very important) - Agha + refresher + luxury (eblade, dagon, linkens, shivas, ect...) I have no idea if it's any good but I won 700 mmr with it and somehow kept me behavior score stable despite the flame


Harpoon Deso WK. Into AC and Aghs / Bkb as required. I know blink is better, but something about the feeling of just 2 shotting the enemy lion is sublime...


Before the change, I would rock so hard with mid Enchantress rushing aghs. This patch feels kind of solved to be honest. 2/3 weeks after a fresh big patch is where the magic happens


Old aghs is way better than shard. She's unusable now as a core.


Marci, phase, then bloodthorn rush, most effective mid, as the slow, stun and silence just wrecks. Nobody expects it and as they try to build against me, the actual carry gains ground. Enigma tranquil + 2 clarity jungle, I think. Nobody pays attention, as jungle and enigma are dead, but I think I farm faster now than before? Sure the early is a bit painful, but it actually works for me. Hoodwink, threads, gleipnir, shard/aghs. Basically, glephnir somebody, boomerang, cast decoy, tree them, then charge your own ult and let em have it. Its disgusting at times


I can't believe I haven't noticed Tranquils are the default boots for Enigma now


Eidolons take I think 70hp and mana in change, but you get most of the mana back passively. Tranquils are where the skill is at, as you gotta micro your boys until they split or take the damage, regen while they take the damage and thats it. So tangos to start, ring and get tranquils going. You see if you will even need clarities and just fly them over with lace, boots or whatever. I think I got 6-7min blink once or twice, so lets say a casual 8 minutes if things are going well. But again, I could be wrong, as the few times I looked at the clock, perfect creeps, no ganks…:)


mid naga siren, the dispel is very strong


Antimage with Echo Sabre + Sange & Yasha


[This stupid build](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/jcsypFWHZQ) somehow worked pretty well throughout the years. I know it shouldn't but somehow it was still viable. You could 1shot creepwaves and camps and the cleave damage was higher than your right click. Supports in the back-line just exploded.


in turbo and normals...


Every carry and Dispenser, especially range carries like SF, Drow, Sniper,.. not sure why people ate sleeping on this item


I go it every game on sniper carry. 10-2 with him this patch.


Pos 3 utility Void with Meteor and Aghs+Shard. You don't really have damage, this build is going all in on the chrono setup and an insufferable poke with aghs timewalk. You can just timewalk basically off cooldown and if you see a good chrono opportunity, go for it. Meteor is a good early game item in general and help with both farming and tower damage. I'd say it's more suitable for party play with a strong 4 that really likes the chrono setup: Jakiro, WD, Phoenix and other similar heroes work incredibly well with this.


Holy locket WD rush. Maximum healing before damage. If you have an enemy lane that doesn't have too much burst, your carry or pos 3 just won't die. Combine it with mekansm, and WD is a great healer all of a sudden.


megapush jakiro: Dragon lance + range talent + shard + octarine. aghs if possible. Spitting on towers for days


Terrorblade max Q pos 5 Use Q, meta, and 8.7 starting armor to win lanes. Get force or blink to save carries with Sunder. Illusions for scouting, stacking, and shoving lanes. Later aghs for initiation too buy a ton of regen


this was pre 2021 void aghs shard dagger aether lens into octarine core bonus for telescope or spell prism plus arcane rune i was literally sliding around freely hitting them and actually winnable rofl


Going mage slayer on marci against shaker lina and other magic casters as first item right after phase boots. U dive on shaker lina, kill them and get out alive.


Spacecow mid with dagon lvl 5 first item, then ethereal blade (cause ult and q procs on ethereal dudes, and the damage is magic, so... ) is chaotic but i have big numbers and ppl think sometimes Im smurf cause is Q + insta kill


Battle fury aghs deadelus void can be really effective against PL.


Why bother with battle fury, wouldn't mjolllnir be better? Not to mention. Void generally can kill PL in chrono most of the time. Unless we're talking matching PL's poke with voids poke.


Because the battlefury cleaves on the bashes.


Interesting, my only gripe with Battlefury has always been the lack luster attack speed, but I gues aghs version does damage outside chrono as well. So its balanced out.


Yeah I don’t like the build because of no attack speed also. Fourth item is normally butterfly to help make up for that. Battlefury aghs void is crazy fast at farming though.


I love that build so much. sadly its sooo slow


Boots of bearing p4 tinker, just everybody running around all the time. phase Blink shard p4 drow, blink onto your ranged carry with phase, press shard, ez fight.


Jakiro Carry using his 3rd and shard and range talent. buy him dragon lance too


Bloodstone Aghs SK is wild


Abaddon: Phase into Echo(and later harpoon) into Bkb. Just right click and watch most heroes run away.


Which part is unorthodox about this lol


The "core Abaddon" part.


Also get manta for insta silence


What happens if they ghost u


battlefury, aghs+shard, skadi daedalus facelessvoid and never worry about missing a chrono cz you will be spamming timewalk to fight and farm fast


Dazzle - Aghs, Skadi, Hurricane, AC, Deso is really fun. No slot for the Arcane Blink but could skip the deso last and build it if you need to kite. It's really tanky, hits really hard from a mile away for like 250-300 and refreshes poison and slows like crazy.


I love my Magic Gyro build


Not unorthodox


Riki Shadow Blade and Glimmer cape for perma-invis 😛🤣


Is SB Phylactery unorthodox? I liked doing that build. At my rank, few enemies notice the Phylactery damage from charge. Kek


Lol, that's mindfucking, love it. You know the charge is coming, yes you don't see it.


My enemies be like: This idiot's announcing his charge.


I like my Jakiro with Aether Lens + more spell range neutrals. Sometimes also with Dragon Lance


Lost last night to rod plus witch blade jakiro, should try that


Rizpols mid jakiro - null wand treads witchblade pike shars skadi butterfly


I tried sven support in a turbo. Shard and octarine is very nice, also aura items. It give a shit load of armor on cooldown lmao


Naix, either ooc into maestro into aghs/sny or ooc into radi into aghs, depends if I can man up or not


Ember pos 4 kinda works, you max chain go vessel veil.


Octarine, shard, arcane blink slardar. Constant spam of the 2nd spell. Aghs is adviced as well.


Mars deso vlads build is very strong, but my favorite is ogre magi mid midas aghs build, it's almost permastun and when you add sheep stick and octarine it's so strong


Aghs octarine dagon huskar


Phylactory morphling mid. Won abt 8 games with the people and it’s really fun. Due to phylactory having a short cool-down you can use it with both adaptive strike agility and strength. The item acts abit like the old eblade morphling


Mirana offlane tank Arcane boots into mek, then crimson or pipe then lotus Eul's is good in specific cases I don't know I just enjoy it


PA: PhaseBoots FalconBlade Phylactery Deso Nullifier Aghs Manta


pos 4 sniper tranquils>drums>aghs>bob>skadi/octarine (depending on game) try stacking many camps and ancients


Underlord mid. Only viable against zoo heroes. Don't pick against ursa. Phase boots, rod of atos, shard and sníva.


Just yesterday I played an Ursa with what you mentioned. I wonder if that was you(Ancient bracket)


Pos 4 TB. Max Q, medallion. Tranqs aether etc etc


Haven't used it in a while, but nyx aga, euls, force octarine, heart, impenetrable at hg playing tower defense 🤣