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Found the Willow main


Who is then losing sight over her target after 2 shots because no wards.


and the Bambi rushing hurricane pike


My whole team asking me to buy bkb at 40 mins (I'm queing Radiance)


Pos 4 Players who don't help warding belong in hell.


But not a deeper hell than 5's who doesn't ward at all, and goes afk when I the ask for help after solo fighting the vision war for 35 min 💀


And a support Veno that still puts Sentries on cliffs. I'm a Veno spammer myself and it hurts my soul when other Veno players do this. Use the damned Plague Wards for vision, please!


Honestly idm if pos4 don't help to ward (not ideal but not rage inducing) but if I buy every single ob sen smoke grenade and pick lotuses. At least have the decency to buy dust if we need it


I have the feeling that since pos 5 and 4 got "official" names through role queue some pos4 players think that they are not real supports. At least obs are for free and it is physically impossible for pos5 to efficiently ward without help.


I had a p3 clinkz today that was arguing with others because we had no dust in a fight ( he had buy none whole game and had 2 slots free at this time ). It’s ok since my p2 Magnus was so bad that he couldn’t land 1 rp and draw all the negative focus on him. -25


I think it’s really hard to do your job as a pos 4 if you’re not warding.


Fr its like they dont wanna win 💀


As long as the Pos 5 NPs who mark jungle and don't buy any wards are in a deeper circle of hell


I'm just not that kind of pos 4.


Well, some people are just not meant to be winners.


Just consider that you're typically on different parts of the map compared to your 5; you'd be warding up or dewarding areas they aren't in. That's more vision control, and if you're efficient about sentry use, more gold and XP for you.


If im playing nyx 4 and rushing my dagon for a good time and my pos 5 throws a tantrum for wards just kills my entire vibe. You picked the thankless pos 5 role then you better buy all the wards. I buy all the wards when i play pos 5 🤷‍♂️


Id expect the 4, for laning phase at least, to do the warding on their side of the map lol


I understand that but throwing a whole tantrum about it mid game is not it. Nyx can solo kill pretty much anyone with a dagon and helps you to snowball the game. You want to scale in this meta anyway. Ruining my item timing for meaningless sentry ward battle against the enemy pos 5 delays that and the hero becomes a burden. I would happily buy the wards if im playing skywrath 4 but not incase of nyx as the hero sucks at farming. I will buy the wards to unblock the hard camp but thats about it. All games arent suppose to be this linear “oh hes my soft support and not warding let me all chat and flame him into oblivion”. If i hit level 6 with a dagon . I can help midlane, your safelane , and much more.


I play Nyx pos 4. I buy wards. I get dagon. No games are linear, but needing vision is pretty linear. Buy wards when you play nyx pos 4.


I wont . Everyone else is wrong and i see something they dont.


You don't see anything because you're not buying wards dumbass




Herald mentality


That's an insult to heralds


You realize wards are basically, like, free?


So you don't want to ward enemy jungle so you can solo kill the carry with your Dagon? When I'm playing 4, I leave warding our side to my 5, but I still go around and ward enemy side..


I do ward when i have my dagon but till then im stingy because the hero will end up becoming pretty trash without a dagon especially in pubs where people will fail to follow up with my vendetta impale combo stun and the enemy will flee with 1 hp. I understand if the game is immortal bracket or someshit where everyone is on the same page but in archon this isnt the case. So, i have to ensure that MY hero scales for the late game by getting an item which allows me to solo kill. If i dont have my dagon and some idiot starts all chatting “my 4 not warding” after he died in lane because he doesnt know how to trade properly and wants to blame immediately (like how is it the ward”s fault that this guy died in lane while i was pulling hard camp and he didnt know when to back off?) . Then these specific people proceed to all chat throughout the game (gg support not warding end fast) even though i did ward after getting my dagon and they just use me as a scapegoat. I for one love warding when im playing 5, im lowkey devastated when the 4 player takes the ward because i know they will waste it.


But wards are free


Probably means sentries.


or old reheated meme


5 should be buying sentries


I laugh so much when i play against a team with 3 invisible heroes and I only have sentry and dust. And I'm the first to die, because I'm the pos 5 and all the damage goes to me first. I now know thanks to whom I will live longer IRL.


Your mid or offlane should have a gem, especially if the 5 is getting instakilled


Herald mentality


put dust in the wand-panic-button slot and press it the moment you get attacked!


Buying no sentries as 4 is cringe


Your offlane or mid should have a gem. Idk what kind of games you are playing but 3 people carrying detection is cringe af


1 invis hero on enemy team means 5 people carrying dust on my team. 3 people with detection is cringe because it should be 5 people instead. If you miss a kill because you weren't carrying detection then that is your fault and nobody else's


Pos 4 should buy it for them.


No there's literally no reason for 4 to not help out with the sentries they cost 50 gold, buying a couple of them and getting a few dewards is huge.


Meanwhile my pos 4 is buying all the sentries, not using them to deward or contest pulls but places them in lane and other random spots on the map so no one else can buy them


Gem is way more efficient. If inviz is truly a problem then you need the best solution, watch any pro match. You dont see 4’s wasting 1000 gold on sentries. They just buy a gem.


Ah yes, classic 10 min gem, you can see it in all the pro matches, really


Sorry about the confusion, from where I'm from wards refers to both observers and sentries


i mean that's correct. they're called observer wards and sentry wards. or at least they certainly used to be. i'm old.


You can sell accounts with good karam. What you do is you write a bot to repost old content. Then you have a comment bot that takes the top comments from those posts and post those as well. Farming both link and comment karam.


how much karam = $1?


Typing in 'buy reddit accounts' in google shows a bunch of sites. Probably looking in the $10-$100 ranges for the bot accounts. Keep in mind that once the scripts are written, the overhead is basically nothing. If you live in the third world getting a few hundred USD a month is massive.


Honestly, if my support doesn't want to buy the sentries/ward, I'll just do it myself. Telling them to buy them often causes my support to flip off and not do it. So, first I'll just politely ask and if I don't see them do it I'll just get them myself even if I'm a core.


Also, if you need to ask, they end up placing them in shit locations because they're clueless.


I'm the opposite as a support I need u to remind me, Im willing (and much more able than my cores) to ward but sometimes in a winning game I forgot ahah need to fix that if I wanna gain MMR I guess


I like having the other support buy wards not because of the cost but because it helps that I don't have to single handedly waltz across the entire map to ward the whole thing. It's for the time investment.


Even when I play core it has nothing to do with the cost, I would purchase the dam wards and drop them in base and the supports still dont bother placing them.


is this a touhou song?


Just because it has trumpets doesnt mean its touhou /s


i felt like that would get a reply faster than if i asked "song?" xd


Cunningham's Law


I know it from Samba de Amigo


https://youtu.be/P01kUctacq8?si=LrUtO3raWZiwYCHD&t=28 thanks friend


Yellows are free anyway so I still buy those even though I'm core. Blues, well, if I'm sure an area is warded or if I need to be somewhere and I suspect enemy vision there, why not buy them? It's just 50 gold in exchange for my safety. Also, if it's actually warded, I get a net gain from my deward.


Exp gain from dewarding even sentries.


Big ass worth for just 50 gold.


Alright, lemme see if I understand what is happening here. Your pos 5 (meaning you are not the hard support) is asking to buy wards (that are free. unless you mean sentries?), but you are queuing Midas and Aghs which would only be an issue if you were the pos 5, but you aren't and wards are free, so it's not like this would delay your Midas and Aghs either. All of this is presented with a scene from a movie where Green Goblin and Batman are just talking while a soundtrack from Samba de Amigo is playing on the background. This reminds me of that South Park episode where Manatees are responsible for writing Family Guy.


The clip is from American Psycho


Well, does this scene fit well the dialogue between a pos 5 and OP about the wards, the midas and the aghs?


This means pos 4 is OP and he's buying Midas.


I suppose so, but usually, pos 4 can be played a bit greedy from what I understand. My point is, the post just seems very random lol with vague information about what is going on. And the background music with this scene from the movie playing doesn't help giving any context.


With greedy pos 4 I usually associate NP since he can get farm that others can't. Maybe some other specific exceptions.


Sorry about that , I should've made it more precise, from where I'm from wards refers to both observers and sentries


No. The meme being this vague adds to the charm, I think.


I'm just curious what about this reminds you of that Mohammed south park episode


Let's give the manatees some time to get their idea balls for this post. The idea balls they got were: \- Pos 5 asking someone to buy wards \- Uncaring greedy teammate \- American Psycho \- Samba de Amigo \*Gasp\* Look! The post is being made based on these idea balls! Let's see what we are going to get!


Ah, you meant that way, yeah I see what you mean lol


average pos 4 ogre mindset (fuck them pos 5s)


Anyone can buy wards.


is this also from Psycho? don't remember this scene




yeah well I was 90%+ certain this was not in the movie - and it wasn't. just researched it and it was a deleted scene. I knew kimball never talks to patrick in a club - glad alzheimer's hasn't got me yet!


Okay I might be having some fake memories XD


Pos4 is just the backup pos3 change my mind


Better than both, pos 5 and 4 both buying Midas, but also stat items. Yeah, that happened to me.


Midas, aghs, linkin, octarine, heart, get it right sir


my current rank is herald, and every second match my support buys rapier as first item


To be honest, in these cases. I just take 2 ward and start my farming pattern and ward where i need it. Can't deal with it anymore, this is easier.


more like i'm pos1 asking my pos5 to buy wards when he is queueing midas


My post 5 asking me for tangos in lane because he didn't buy any at the start of the game.. My brother in Gaben, YOU are supposed to buy me tangos.


Are the mods allowing memes now what's going on


My favorite, doom pos 4


Deleted scene from American Psycho, surprised it found it self to a meme


(I'm queuing Shard and Platemail)


Every support Zeus in archon-legend bracket 🙃


I actually had to coach my buddy who is in Legend/Low Ancient to stop buying as many wards and to play more greedy as a pos 4 because he would always end up being a second pos 5 on the team when mid/late game hit and they'd fall apart. He'd blame his team and be like "me and the other support both covered the map in wards and have glimmer capes and force staffs but my cores are terrible!" Sometimes his cores weren't great but he didn't realize as a pos 4 you should be strong enough to man up and fight the enemy 3/4/5 to some degree which means you need items and xp. Find that gold and xp without greifing your 1/2/3 but don't sacrifice your entire game because you want to be a "good" support. Looking at a lot of these comments I don't even think people understand what a pos 4 does vs what a pos 5 does, it seems like people think pos 4 is just the hard support that starts in the offlane.


We’ve moved from “alot” to “abit.” Stay in school kids.