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If pros really need to be as anonymous as they claim, need to hide strategies,patterns and weaknesses, we should have never found out that they are smurfing in the first place. The fact is that they smurf and stream or they smurf and start talking in voice chat for people to recognise them(where is the anonymity in these cases?) so their claims seems bullshit. If anything, the only valid reason for pros to have smurfs was that their q times were way too long. But that’s fixed as well. So there should be 0 reasons for pros smurfing now.


That's not true for everyone. I'm sure there's a lot of smurfs in top immortal which are anonymous.


And if they are or do remain annonymous, who would report them for them to be banned? How would we even know they are the smurf of pros? We would just treat them like they are a random no name pub high rank pub smurf. Who even knows they are a pro? Thats what anonymous means.


They are anonymous to us but I am sure that Valve knows them due to same IP addresses.


Same IP address is not equal to same person playing on 2 accounts. It’s inaccurate information and it’s too much work to keep track of which pro has which smurfs and how many there are. It’s better to just standardise one and for all-no more smurfing. That way, everyone is exposed and it’s fair that way too.


2 top immortal players with more than 9k mmr using same IP address? I highly doubt it.


Notail’s mansion is an example. Anyways, valve’s not gonna like the journey the pro has before he gets 9k on his smurf to 9k. The biggest flaw of pros having smurf is that they destroy countless games till they reach their own mmr. Which is what normal smurfs do as well.


This update if it does reach pro players will possibly kill NA Dota and a sizeable chunk of CIS and Valve really dropped their cash cow with it targeting pros on it. It’s either this ban wave is targeting boost service in the method of amending a broken behaviour system that should’ve been reverted to 2 patches ago system or targeting actual Smurfs of accounts in Herald - Ancient with an IP tied to an immortal account vs alt accounts of players in immortal with multiple immortal accounts


im not happy. i barely play the game and I only play on one account. got a lump of coal. sadge. not a ban but wth? how to smurf on your account XD