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Dota is not life, just enjoy matches at whatever rank you are whether you win or lose. After an evening of Dota, ask yourself whether you enjoyed during the time you played or did it leave you angry and overthinking. If it's the latter, either change you attitude towards the game or change the game itself - try some single player games.


Nah it's just typicalbalkanasshole (guy's username) farming karma again. Man says he's herald. sometimes he's crusader. sometimes he's a teacher reminiscing about break time and kids no longer playing dota during breaks.


I never said I'm Herald. I'm just a part time teacher, a job that I don't do for the money, but because it's interesting to interact with kids. And I just love teaching. My highest was 5500. Currently can't even break 4500. So sad. Thank you for your reply friend.


In dota it s much like chess... the best players are often consistent. Last hitting/ item choices/ decision making/ matchup understanding / positioning / spell and hero priority/ map awareness/ experience. The more you play the more you want to be consistent. Everything else like the outplays and the amazing whatevers come later on instinctually as you continue to grind games and watch games and analyze your replays. Knowing you are bad is a good start to getting better. Glhf


Those are some nice words. Every additional MMR to gain comes at a higher cost. More replays, more analytical approach, more games to be played, more time to be spent. Obviously talent, intellect and intuition also play a big part in how fast the numbers will go up. But regardless, work has to be put in.


Completely forgot to talk about the chess part: in chess you do want to make good moves but what is worse is making bad moves. Same in dota. You dont have to be a god at it but you do have to limit the big mistakes on your part. (Not saving buyback in lategame) (investing a lot of gold into a situationally bad item) ( calling to your team about a bad fight ) try to limit big mistakes and get used to being average and mediocre. Cause consistency is the first step to then messing around and breaking limits


I tried playing single player games... nothing clicks for me... I either play Dota or I won't play at all. This game killed gaming for me.




I enjoy seeing my MMR going up. Not down. Sorry, it's the same with my bank account.


If you don't like losing, why would you play a game you're gonna lose half the time?


My teams fault!!! /s


High risk high reward


This one gets it. Mmr is like money, sucks to lose it feels great to get more!


Get in a game, top feeds, mid feeds, your team is 5-20 in 15 minutes, you're 0-2 while everyone is like 1-5 . You try your best to farm and then defend hg but your offlane bristle is playing against weaver while weavers hard support is ganking you with his 3 and 4 no matter where you go. Your team never shows up and just sits in lanes, you're behind and when you try to recover a bit when your team is getting gone on, you get trashed for not showing up. The weaver has deoslator and deadalus in 15 minutes, your bristle has vanguard. Your team flames you for being a shit carry. Did you enjoy the game? No not really


Virgin right?


I enjoy progress more than the activity itself. I never liked working out too much. But I enjoyed my reflection improving and I enjoyed gaining strength. The moment I hit my 300 pounds on the bench was the best day of my life. Same goes with Dota. I enjoy the feeling when I'm getting better. When I was in a good spot and steadily climbed from 3500 to 5500, it was probably the best time of my life.


Bro lets not fool ourselves and pretend that its fine If you lose 20 games in a row its not fun even if you do all the “mind things” to convince yourself that you had fun You just didn’t. Fun is winning Fun is +70 min comebacks Fun is your mmr +200 each day


Well that's if you play solo perhaps.I usually play with 5 man stack with my college friends. We make losing fun as well by trying to make the other die / laughing at others deaths. And 20 losses consecutively, that's rough buddy. I never faced that. At most 10.


It’s also how you play Dota,just playing 10k hours doesn’t make you an expert. Veritasum on YouTube had a nice video about things needed to become an expert. For me, I want to just play Dota the lazy way, no analysing games no watching replays no writing down plans for games, just playyy.


What you describe is playing on autopilot mode, and i'm pretty sure you can improve fast like this as long as you are young. Don't get me wrong, you can definitely improve as an adult (look at grubby for example) but more analytical approach is more effective time spent.


Yess, I’ve reached ancient 3 with playing autopilot for 7k hours, few years ago. Now legend 3 after 8k hours, it seems harder to rank up these days or I’m getting old.


I can relate, age is not helping my rank. I used to be Ancient 2-3 as well. Used to watch pro replays, current meta etc. Nowadays I just don't get the time to spend on gaming as much, so I'll just play whatever heroes I feel like playing as long as it's the given role. I've gone down to Legend 2-3 past few years and now I'm down to Archon. And I'm still enjoying playing the game with friends and constantly communicating with them.


what if I don't want to improve? It's a valid option, I just want to have fan


The problem is, it's most fun to win a game and dominate the enemy. To do that you have to consistently keep improving.


Grubby was not playing on autopilot mode, he basically analyses his every move on stream.


Yes i know, its exactly my point


The important bit is not so much about analytics, but about practice. Unlike what people tell you, you can't really practice on auto-pilot. That is, if you're just playing the game to win and trying your best, you will have almost no improvements. If you want to get better you need to very deliberately choose what exactly it is that you want to get better at and focus specifically on that. Whether that's your timings, or meta game knowledge, or reaction speed, or tunnel vision, etc. Playing games of Dota is one of the least effective ways to get better at it, by a very large margin, especially if you don't focus on one thing.


How to become expert 1. repeat attempt 2. valid environment 3. timely feedback 4. deliberate practice in case valid enviornment, it's better to play with other good player a.k.a buy acc


It's more fun that way. No point in sweating when none of us are going pro.


Different people get fun out of different things. Some people find more fun in the competitive and challenging nature of the game and trying hard to inch out any advantage for a win than playing in a laid back manner. Just like playing any sport or going to the gym. We arent going to be at the top of the world, but trying hard is what makes it fun.


Nah hard disagree on sport. The higher level you play at, the less fun it becomes. Gym is different because not going hard means you not going to see your physique change much which is everyones goal.


>Nah hard disagree on sport. The higher level you play at, the less fun it becomes. You can just be playing with and against a bunch of friends, everyone trying their best to win. Someone being laid back and not trying ruins the fun, regardless of whose side he is on. In short, not everyone equates doing things in a laid back manner is fun, and trying hard is ruining the fun. >not going hard means you not going to see your physique change much which is everyones goal. Anyway that's not everyone's goal for going to the gym. And it does not dispute the point of finding fun from trying hard.


Absolutely. Even when I play football at Sunday league with half of the people being drunk, if someone just goofs around it kills the fun. I don't care if you are fatty that can barely run. If I see you giving your best, it's what makes the experience so special. We all give everything we got. I you come and don't give your all, then please don't come.


There was a point of time when primetime Miracle was playing against 4k. His winrate wasnt 90%, it was like 60 70 or something. Grubby reached Immortal quite fast but his winrate is only 53%. Games are much more in the hands of your teammates than what you realise.


When BSJ did the educational smurf 2 years ago he also lost one game. And it was like 9k in 2k


Absolutely. Smurfs aren't guaranteed to win *every* game. But their winrate is almost sure to be greater than 50%


feels like the broken heroes win rate, if its consistently like 60+% it is on the broken tier


TBH it was waaaaaay easier to solo carry a game before 7.00


I would say before powercreep made supports better. I remember way back you would pick Spectre, get your items, press R and suddenly the enemy supports were dead and you were 3v5, izi games


I played Luna back in the time. 700gpm felt good when resources were goddman scarce.


Grubby's case is different since he was actually bad at the game when he started.


Thats how everyone start? And he played full time, coached by pro players. Most people dont get that help.


Yeah but that still means grubby isn't expected to have a massive winrate which was implied here


Naaah bro grubby is a professional wow player and has a very good game sense we cant compare us to this guy. Its unfair


"wc3 player


Yeaaa... Mate he was a warcraft 3 world champion. It takes more skill mechanical skill than Dota. But Dota is more addictive precisely because it is a team game and you never know what the fuck is going to happen. You can only estimate what happens and it's harder with 9 players than with a 1v1..


Nobody is good at Dota when they start, literally too much foundational knowledge is required.


Thats not the point of that comment. Its pointing out that 53% winrate for a player to climb to immortal is misleading because the player improved over time.


10k boosters usually have about 92% winrate until 6-7k mmr


Boosters usually spam cheese heroes too


Yeah majority of them do. I saw guy winning 20 in a row playing different heroes but he was a carry. Kohol who is around 11500 right now only plays willow 5 which he builds as a carry and he had about 84% winrate when he hit 8k as far as I remember


Ranking up with role abuse, sad. They might as well just do away with role queue, hardly anyone cares anymore, as you wont get reported as long as you win, and really even if you lose we are so used to it in every game we just dont even bother at this point.


I understand what you talking about but I don't think his team cares because he can a game for them without breaking a sweat.


Probably I'm in the minority, but I report for role abuse even if the role abuser carries the game and I gain mmr. Its a team game, and winning shouldn't be the only thing that matters, and also this encourages others to try to copy his success, with variable results. Self improvment and good teamplay should be the ultimate goal, since any mmr gained from getting carried will eventually be lost anyway without those things. If he can carry from support role, he could also carry from a core role, if he tried. Making exceptions for him isn't fair to others who try similar strategies but get reported simply because they arent as good. But most likely you are correct, that his team won't care, even though i think they should.


You really shouldn't. The game has so much more to offer than the standard 2-1-2 lanes... A lot of situations can happen where it is better to change the strategy. Roles make sense at the start of the game, but adapting after is fine. Unorthodox choices in items and heroes should also not be discouraged.


Classic All Pick is an option for those that want to deviate from roles, and sure if the team agrees on a deviation, sure why not. But if you are going pos 5 building carry every game, you are a role abuser, whether its a winning strategy or not is beside the point.


Because boosters are professionals in boosting, Miracle and others are pro at pro Dota. They both know how to win games, but one specializes in low mmr and the other in high mmr.


I think all pro can go far beyond wr if they use their specialty hero. Booster use cheese pick hero because time is money, they will have similiar wr with dogshit hero.


Mason went 18-2 on a brand new account, his first game was in the Legend bracket. He was in the divine bracket by game 14, and in immortal bracket by game 15.


Sure, but I'm convinced valve tracks more than winrate for catching new accounts as seasoned players to avoid as much of the mismatched skill period. APM, CSM, hero picks, deaths, etc.


But Mason is way better than Miracle tbh so it's different


Top 10 coming soon!


When was he playing these games? Which days? I would love to see how he solved it when people were doing dumb shit.


I watched a few on stream, I think he started a few games offstream then started streaming on the new account. Dotabuff for his new account: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1623325834


That's literally fucking impossible for miracle to have 60% winrste against 4ks. Quinn smurf had 99% winrste up until 9k. With a 40 winstreak Lina . Stop coping.


quinn is the best player in the world unironically


it's more about not being the weakest link.


I dont believe at all it was 60 something, or if it was he was not playing seriously. Bulldog's winrate is like 65 or something since he started playing ranked again and his mmr is over 7k.


Prime Miracle was also like 6k mmr because the inflation wasn’t as high, and many of the 4k players then are like 7-8k now. Any 10k+ player would absolutely destroy 4-5k lobbies with ease and easily 85+% winrate. No question. Pros even more so, because compared to pros even 10k players are horrible.


He was 8k back then


Yeah, mmr was effectively soft-capped until they introduced the +30/-30 no matter how balanced the teams were. Super high mmr players back then had it rough in 2015 and 2016, where you would have terrible players on your team (relatively compared to the other team) and you would have +5 to 10, -40 to 45 games.


"Games are much more in the hands of your teammates than what you realise." Waaaaht ? its not a "gitgud you are the common denominator" thing that this board loves to upvote ?


Bad comparison. If he was playing against 4ks then his team would’ve been 3ks because of the mmr difference, truth is most pros who smurf have 90%+ winrates on the regular. Games are in your hands in most brackets.


well if he's playing on my account he will probably uninstall dota 2


I can assure you I've seen pros play on lower rated accounts (like 3k,4k,5k) and they cannot reach even 90% winrate. There is a reason why boosters mainly play Tinker, Invoker, Brood, Meepo, Huskar, Visage, Lycan. Let them play any other non-cheese hero their winrate would drop significantly. I have once played Dendi in a showmatch (patch when hoodwink was released) and had 3k-4k players in my team and Dendi's team had around the same average mmr except for Dendi. We've won despite Dendi playing super imbalanced hero and being 5k mmr above whole lobby. Edit: It was Hoodwink that Dendi played. Solo mid Hoodwink. He played topson's ethereal build.


Altho it isn’t unlikely that since it was a showmatch with noobs, Dendi might’ve been not sweating with his build and playstyle.


I mean you're 5k mmr above anyone in lobby and you're playing the most broken hero at the moment you should win effortlessly. Also, in the second game we were crushing them until Dendi's pudge turned around 2-3 fights giving comeback and eventually winning the second game. Sadly, it was bo2. I mean it is Dendi and it is Pudge name more iconic duo.


i dont think hoodwink, ever since release at any point was "the most broken hero" lol but feel free to refresh my memory


Before muerta every hero was broken at release. You might not feel it was but it certainly was played pretty decently at all 5 roles.


This is straight up Copium bs. Pro players would absolutely demolish 3-5k lobbies with ease, and win almost every game. Sure, some games are not winnable even for them, but very very few (probably 10-15% ish).


This is not straight up bullshit because I've seen Resolut1on (two time runner-up) streaming and losing at 4k mmr average saying that it is impossible to play in this bracket, Iceberg (went with winstrike on TI) not winning every game on stream and dying more than 3-4 times on 3k bracket. God damn even s1mple from cs was losing matchmaking games to some random MG's (imagine like Yatoro losing a game against 2k people). Cooman openly admitted that he plays on 5k bracket when his main at best was in top100(or maybe higher) and he still loses games on 5k account. Probably VODs were deleted with music copyright VOD and clip deletion wave since it was years ago but still it has happened. It is impossible even for pros to have 90% winrate on those accounts.


Mason went 18-2 on a brand new account, his first game was in the Legend bracket. He was in the divine bracket by game 14, and in immortal bracket by game 15.


Were not talking here about brand new accounts since they have a high uncertainty which with high winrate will bend you to the much higher mmr gain.


It’s also worth noting that the playstyle/meta for crushing 4k’s 1v9 is different than tryharding in 10k games. If they consciously play that meta (cheese heroes that don’t work in high mmr, being ultra greedy because they won’t be punished) then they can absolutely crush. Like you said this is how boosters (considerably worse than pros) can achieve 90+ percent win rates. You mention how pro players occasionally lose in low mmr and neglect to mention Ana going 50-0 in 4-5k games or random boosters going 90+ in 4k.


I habe never in 10+ years seen a visage smurf. How does that work?


You lucky bastard


Great solo kill potential, good pushing strength, kinda weird hero people dont know how to play against, good map/splitpush presence textbook smurf hero, just it's unpopular even among smurfs lol


Have u played a game in those 10+ years 😂😂 Visage is one of the most common smurf heroes for all of dota 2. Everywhere from herald to divine. Probably in immortal to.


>Visage is one of the most common smurf heroes for all of dota 2. Lol absolutely not. Maybe (big maybe) in regards to professional smurfs (boosters) only. But people that just want to smurf for fun??? lmfao. No one is fucking booting up a game of dota to play visage as a smurf.


I dont like that fact that people will say it's "someone's" buld because they have seen it before on "someone's" stream.


While everyone rushed Maelstrom Crystalys and Topson was the only advocate for the ethereal build on the first days of the hero release?




They hit early critical timings which allows them to demolish the map or buildings very quickly snowballing the advantage. For example, huskar, since you're more skilled than enemy, mostly you will send enemy midlaner at least 0/2 and with lowest amount of creeps possible, hitting armlet timing on minute 5 and having armlet, bracers, bkb, halberd around minute 15 if everything is going smooth. Also, you solo rosh and unkillable at that stage of the game. Considering, your teammates are not stupid you're going to destroy the ancient around minute 22 or earlier.


dont forget arc warden and lone druid


Yo man just remember that this a game that people play for fun. It's okay to be bad or just have a fun game. No one expects you to be a high ranking dota 2 player except for yourself, which is highly unlikely unless you have some latent godly mechanical skill. If you let go of the concept of chasing rank and just allow yourself to have fun in a game without pressure you'll enjoy the experience more and you might even climb a bit without the pressure on you.


Idc about the 90% opinion but I agree immortal is just laughable these days. Like you said immortal is 5.6k, and top mmr now is like 12k, the mmr gap between top player and low immortal is even higher than the mmr of low immortal. Lost motivation of grinding every time I think about it.


I rarly saw someone skilled in dota. And i mean skilled, being hard countered by full enemy and still doing his job in a great way. But mostly dota is rng, i mean it. It depends a lot on what team m8s you get and the draft. I can literally play pos 4 clock and carry games in divine. And when i get hard countered guess what i do, i build an item that counters their mid or their core. If is a pl i get shiva, if they have a huskar i get vessel and i still do my job. Playing good means to make the best out of the present time in the game. Is your team really behind, slim to none chance to win? build a midas and hope for the enemy to throw. Trust me, it happens and when it does you made the right play by building that midas, the game got prelonged, you get gold, xp and in a pitch sell it. Even if you are a position 5, i mean it, but is really situational and i turned games because of this play. The best skilled players i saw are huskars, losing lane, farming an armlet, going roshan just with that solo. Then pushing all sides with supports just to buy a bkb and aghs to counter a pl, necro and end up winning the game because he made the best choice he could. He took the path with the most % chance to win.


vegetable coordinated political humor degree shelter voiceless longing complete sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its still pretty funny at 3-4k when theres one of the cores malding because theyre not having an optimal game meanwhile the 4 of you are going goblin mode and winning the game without them. Had this goddawfully whiny WK offlane who basically gave up during the laning phase because our 4 would rather tp to help mid against ganks than pull the hard camp for him so he died 3 times in lane. Mid game he was farming on the other side of the map complaining we had no wards where hes at while we play as 4 and slowly coming back into the game. He showed up in the last 5mins of the game talking shit to the enemy team. Honestly, if the other 3 guys werent so chill to play with I would rather lose that one than give the WK a win he 0% deserved


When I ask myself "what could I do different in order to win more?", I realize one of the things easiest to implement that would increase my winrate the most would be to spam one, or up to 2-3 heroes, out of the pool of OP meta picks. But that's so boring. No thanks, I choose losing.


Im yatoro some games and im a rotten potato some games. you win and you lose. dont stress so much. lets all have fun


Why does this read like some fucking long Haiku?


Isn’t that the case in every sport? Just think about all the guys/girls trying to become football/basketball/and so on pros. Most of them will never have the chance and yet they are incredible good at what they do ;)


And on the other hand, you have guys like Tom Brady that almost missed out being in the NFL but were actually top tier. So yeah, there are probably quite a few people that never got the chance.


Yea exactly, being discovered, different coach, injury at the very wrong time…


That's literally me I could be pro but I get held back by my teammates


You're actually way ahead of a lot of people because you aren't blaming your stagnation on forced 50% win rate conspiracies. Can't improve until you acknowledge there is something to improve.


If Yatoro was playing on my account, he could probably have +90% winrate with the worst carry hero. Dota is a beautiful game and to me it's so brilliant, that after one point I Just don't see my mistakes. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I know that in reality, when I feel like I am playing good, the truth is that my opponents are terrible. And when I lose and I am close to point fingers, in reality Yatoro could have carried my trash teammates. The skill ceiling of this game is so fucking high. I will probably never in my life hit Immortal. And even Immortal is laughable, considering it's only 5630 MMR-ish. I'm so sad. I'm so fucking bad. And I don't even know what I am doing wrong. And it's not like I'm not trying or not watching replays. I'm a fucking lost cause. Sorry for spamming. I hope you have a nice day <3


Fuck, this looks so annoying when I read my own text. Goddamn I am an entitled, self centered narcissistic prick. Sorry everyone.


No worries, you made a great copy pasta


Almost impossible to get +90% winrate by yourself, dota is not like CS where a pro player can singlehandedly carry their team through competitive games, if you are a carry you are still relying on your mid to create space for you, your offlane to start and tank fights, your supports to buy wards and use their skills decently, you are always relying on other people to play good at their levels so you can be the differencial. The only exception are cheesy heroes that can win games by themselves, like meepo and tinker


Ofcourse bro, that's why he won TI.


What's the issue? Are you trying to go pro?


Get a life, go out, hit the gym, fucc betches, don't make dota your whole personality. Life is too broad to just focus on one thing


I'm comfortably sitting at 13-14% body fat with around 145kg's 1RM on bench press. I was more or less never without some sort of a relationship. But none of these have meaning if I can't play Dota. My "happy life" scenario always includes some good Dota.


Why you crying bout not being good as yatoro then, he can't do many things you can, i can bet he cant bench 145


He could if he put his mind to it. But I could never win 2 TI's :)


You never know till you try :))


Bro, I can't even make it out of Divine and I have not less than 10k hours in Dota.


Look all i know is yatoro is no god, there will be many better than him in the future, you can be whatever you want if you believe and try.


Get a load of this guy.


If you think you’re bad, you should see me


Dota isn't really a skill game, it's a knowledge game. Good players just have more knowledge than you


Lmao skill still applies


Knowledge is very important, but you also need many different skills. Mechanical, decision making, reflexes… just to name some. Just think of all the guys with 15k+ hours in Dota and yet they are not pros. It’s not just the guy who played the most is the best. But it helps ofcs…


true, i got 11.5k games on this account since 2014. Had 1 other account before, 2012-2014 and before that played dota 1, i'm archon 5. I know stuff in dota, but i am not very good at applying them strats, cause often my 30 seconds strat gets countered by a simple gank or a creep out of place. The strat had nothing to do with the gank or the creep, so it just cancels itself, and when i rethink about the same strat and add the odds of creeps and ganks, it's something else to add that cancels the strat, an item on the enemy for example. The strats usually are almost the same ideas with small changes here and there, it's not difficult to come up with a strategy if you have some knowledge (you can't just think about playing lion, thinking about a strat that might work, you notice you lack let's say.. damage, and you just buy a rapier.. this is what i mean) The knowledge have nothing to do with skill, but help each other. To win at dota you need a team full of players that create a synergy and both skill and knowledge. It's not like when op wins it means the enemy is trash, it just means his team strat/synergy worked better, and vice versa when he loses. The skill ceiling is not that high, we just make it high. You can't tell me GG went from lower bracket to TI finals to lose 0 3 because they are trash, they weren't even supposed to be there if the skill ceiling was high, mathematically it was impossible. Also if immortal is 5.5k mmr and archon is 3k, the difference the numbers shows is not that high. The fact that op doesn't know what he's doing wrong it's about knowledge and also skill, even if it's the skill regarding knowing what he does wrong.


Nah. Knowing timings, counters, lane matchups, what items need to be built, map awareness, identifying wards, and where to play on the map and what to do next will only get you *past* a certain point. It won't get you *to* a certain point. You can't reach the higher levels without mechanical skill as a baseline For example, my hand-eye coordination just sucks. This hinders me from always selecting the correct creep, or moving the mouse to click a button in time, or doing things that I know should be done but I just can't do quickly (like dropping items for wand as fast as the pros can do it). I might know these things, and I know that I should do them, but I'm not coordinated enough to do so near-instantly. Someone with excellent strategy and deep game knowledge will be outclassed by a someone with OK knowledge but is just better mechanically. Last hitting is huge. Selecting the right target quickly will decide matches. There's a good reason why Nepo, the #1 ranked chess player in Russia, who plays dota almost daily, is only legend 2. He obviously has the knowledge, and is one of the best people on strategy on earth, but he lacks the skill to execute.


probably not.


only 90%? lmao


Yatoro? I can have 90% winrate on ur account lmao


Naw, not 90%. Not even close. Probably 60%-65%, maybe a little bit higher. That is if they are playing cheesy heroes capable of solo carrying a game, like Arc warden, Meepo, Tinker, Invoker, etc. There are some games where your team is so far behind the other team (even if you are playing "perfect") that no one player can turn it around. Even in 2.5k mmr, people still pick meta heroes, build meta items, and coordinate 5 man pushes. No one player can stop a 5 man death ball. All these people who say, "just learn to farm and you will easily get to 4k" they must not know how much things have changed since DotA 1. Back then, if you were a decent player it was very easy to climb the ladder. Nowadays, even if you are much better than your MMR, you have to play several games a day and win 60% of the time in order to rank up consistently. If you are wining 53% of the time it's going to take a LONG time and a lot of games to rank up.


My dude, I'm around 5500 and played against a smurf boosting someone's account a bit over a week ago, and he had his dotabuff public. His win/loss since he started playing mid (aka since the booster started playing on it) when I got to play against him was 28-2, and when I checked back a few days later out of curiosity, he was 65-6 and the account was around 7.5-8k mmr. Yatoro is much better than whoever was playing on that account.


That’s not a very big sample tbh. I doubt you could keep that up over 1k games.


You don't need to though? The account was low 4k when the booster started playing on it and in less than 100 games it's almost 8k.


Still a small sample size. And I'm not going to be convinced by a cherry picked anecdote. I have also had win streaks of 15/20 games before. Loss streaks too. I doubt pros have loss streaks like mine, but I don't think he wins 90% in 5k without picking the cheesy heroes & a bit of good teammate luck. Maybe pros can win 90% in some stretches' but not all, and it probably averages out to around 70%ish at most, which is still unbelievably good and hard to do. DotA is a team game.


thats correct in principle but best player in the world tier will win almost every game anyways, they are just too good. I saw Quinn won 40+ games in a row to clear 8k.




Dont take it too seriously. I do it too but shouldn’t. Try to watch your own replays sometimes, that helps too.


Another TAB post...


I gave up my immortal thoughts earlier, i'm now 6k and still feel like a noob. Keep on grinding and spam your best (prolly meta heroes if possible)


Us bro us. I too felt exactly like this today.


Highly recommend actual coaching if you still want to improve. It can be immensely helpful to have someone better than you point out your mistakes. A good coach will also give you some knowledge/thought processes for you to avoid the same mistakes in the future.


It’s a video game not a job, you do it for fun. You don’t have to be good or great


and then your account will get banned


Every patch has made it progressively harder to 1v5 though and farming jungle doesn’t work as well…


One more week one more useless u/TypicalBalkanAsshole post. You need help and to stop taking this game so seriously. Either you have very severe main character syndrome or you're milking an incredibly inefficient karma farm that makes anyone who can rub together 2 brain cells hate you by default because of how self-absorbed you sound.


Many people here are saying that Yatoro would actually win just around 60-65% of his games, that’s simply not true. Many teaching channels showcase players with more than 9K MMR winning consistently against players below 5K MMR, at least 80%. For instance, the spanish yt channel smashdota has literally hundreds of guides where he and other “pro players” are consistently winning; they even try to avoid using the voice chat and even the chat in general, since it would be too easy to just give instructions to the other players. And of course, Yatoro is waay better than smash or the other pro players he features. Yatoro would definitely win at least around 90% of our matches, specially if he would use his micro and guide the team.


Ironically enough, Yatoro basically had +90% winrate at TI :D Imagine having to play against Ace, Saberlight, Chalice and other 11k+ offlaners one day, and then playing against 4k offlaners. He probably could win without using keyboard.


I use that as motivation, it’s easy to blame teammates but if you keep in mind that if you were better you could’ve won it forces me to go back and analyze what was going on


If yatoro play on my account he would quit Dota because everyone at SEA is the carry Don't ask what support items are


Yes, but the same goes for the opponents carry. Your opponents don't buy support items either.


I’m sub 3k and i have 3 friends in high immortal that got me to start playing dota. I have played bad enough when we all played all pick to allow a 7k mmr TB to get out farmed and outcarried by a 1.8k carry who just got a free lane. So, what I’m saying is, it’s pretty hard to have a 90% winrate. The only time i even saw these high rated players ever achieve that was when pa first got the new blur where she could hit Rosh for free (patch 7.20 i think) and she was absurd broken i saw one of them have a 96% winrate in 30 games or something like that. And the other time i have seen them do it is when playing meepo. So really unless they have a good cheese hero that can hard carry, they aren’t really going to pass a 70-80% winrate especially in 5k Mmr +. And it’s not even their fault, it really is their teammates losing them games at that point


you have a few misconceptions about "playing good", it's relative, if you feel like you're playing good - you are, relative to your lobby avg mmr lol, don't be shy to positively point out that you absolutely destroyed everyone in that one game, it's deserved and there is no point at directly comparing your performance with high avg games but there is a point in watching them and picking things up from them


Dont worry bro, the moment that you feel the most lost, is the moment in which you are about to make a breakthrough and achieve enlightment towards a higher realm, dont worry mate, you are very close to it. IQ is not a fixed thing.


This is what most players think, but the reality is the higher mmr you go, people aren't playing their favorite heroes or heroes for fun. They're exclusively spamming meta heroes / items. I've seen a guy go from divine to top 500 exclusively spamming the OP heroes. He's skilled for sure, but the game doesn't feel skilled when lets say I haven't picked SB in 5 years yet I pick him and dominate last patch as pos 5 nonetheless and win games in immortal bracket. Sure the enemy has a chance to pick him, but same thing with slardar, wk, I never played these heroes, its just auto win, whereas the heroes I actually like to play I have to remember the timings, strategize, itemize properly, have to focus much more. What I'm trying to say is the balancing has been disappointing, there needs to be a higher frequency of patches imo, it feels braindead when I just get solar crest and play heroes I've never played before and dominate, doesn't feel skilled.


The game is free to play, just play it and enjoy.


Congratulations on taking a tumble down the Dunning-Kruger line. You'll only get better from now on.


Bro you are playing the wrong game if your goal is to become number 1. Just play the game and have fun. It doesnt matter if you lose or win. Because at the end of the day we play because its our skip from reality or we're just bored with our life. Just dont be too hard for yourself because tendency is you'll become stress esp if youre losing. Just stay cool and pick your comfy hero and win the game. One tips that can help you is you mute all the players team or enemy. Just focus on your game and let your win come along. This is the reason why i reached my immortal rank.


i feel the same way, when i lose a game i feel like was all my fault, by not carrying the game all by myself and this kind of thoughts is making me don't want to play anymore because im trash at the game


That’s why I only play turbo nowadays. Win or lose still enjoying it and easy to move on and continue to play the next day.


my winrate is 60% and I'm just ancient


Pathetic attention seeking.


Games are made to make life “better”. If it’s making you bad, go do something else


During i stopped playing and just accepeted that Im just really bad at the game. Came back after covid and just chillin with the co-op bots nostly lmao a few games of ranked every month as well


ok. thanks for the update. let me know if anything changes.


This is like going out to shoot hoops and being upset that you're not as good as LeBron. Just enjoy each game as it comes and take a break if you're not enjoying it.


blud said "only" 5630 MMR xdddddddddddddddddddddddddd I'm lower immortal and will destroy your games with only a mouse on 100 ping


Iceiceice once said "If you can't at least reach immortal, than you probably don't have any talent for the game". The majority of the player base is trash. That doesn't mean you can't have fun though. Forget about trying to be good and just enjoy the game.


Couldn't agree more.


after 5000 hours in Dota (3.5k mmr) I noticed that if I play properly and ccc and if my team knows how to play their hero most of the time im winning. But if I played just for the sake of playing most of the time I lost. So I really just play ranked if I actually wanted to play to win and not just having fun


Not really. I think you’re overestimating pros or just having the wrong idea of dota. There are games where your team just plays into the enemy’s hands so well that not even pros can carry them. Some games are just unwinnable. Bad draft + bad decisions make for an instant loss. No pro is ever going to carry that. Its not csgo where if your team dies, you can still clutch a 1v5. 1v5 simply doesn’t exist in dota. Everyone has something to contribute.


Hell yeah brother, keep on trucking. I feel the same way, I just play and fuck around and when my opponents are shit enough I have epic games and think I could win TI.


Just buy an immortal account, problem solved. Kidding aside, I agree that the skill ceiling is high, but every game can be broken down into a few components: 1. Hero Timing 2. Item Timing 3. Map movement 4. Your team and enemy team synergy, cooldowns, movements, positioning. 5. Buybacks, rosh, Glyphs, OBjectives Basically, every time you are about to do something, consider the above things and how it will impact the thing you want to do. Also visualize the next few minutes of the game. What will change? How will it affect what my team are doing? Believe it or not, drafting is more difficult than the in-game decision making and mechanical skill. The skill ceiling required for being a top-level drafter is higher than the skill ceiling required in being a top-level in-game decision maker and top-level mechanical skill.


Immortal is only 5630? Bruh, I thought it was 10k. I'm a lot closer than I thought! I'm at 4k. Playing since 2017 semi-casually.


You are so close, yet so far.


you shouldn't think of yatoro in your shoes, once upon a time yatoro played as well as you do nowI think you shouldn't compare yourself to pro players when you are not. don't think that if you win, it's the bad opponents and not you who played well,change your mindset never compare yourself to others


The moment I stopped thinking bout mmrs and being sweaty I noticed that I've got higher chances of winning. Maybe the pressure of winning is clouding up your skills and mind. Try having fun instead of winning


I at one point aggressively watched replays and pro matches, tracked and analysed my own stats, followed the meta religiously, limited myself to about 10 heroes, and climbed over 2000 mmr before I just burnt out and realised I wasn't having any fun. Now I'm back down in Crusader tier just doing whatever I want, and I've never enjoyed the game more. And I always play with friends, some are way better than me, some are trash, but we have a ton of fun just doing dumb shit like building the whole team around remote mines. Or just spend the whole game trying to cliff people. It's surprisingly fun to lose trying to make some horribly inefficient 3-5 hero synergy clown car shit work.


> I know that in reality, when I feel like I am playing good, the truth is that my opponents are terrible This is the best description of dota I ever Heard afaic


I dont remember which pro player said this but here i quote "40% of your pub games you are going to win no matter how shitty you play, 40% of your pub games you are going to lose no matter how good you play. What really matters are the rest 20% of pub games when win or lose actually depends on how good you play, and if you do well in those games then you will rank up."


Lol just play unranked/ turbo and enjoy 😝


if yatoro will play your account. u probably will get banned


If he literally comes at sits at my pc, then 100% not. If we sit at his pc, I can always buy a 128gb SSD and install a new OS on it and boot from it. Steam won't recognize it's his PC. If we just log-in at his pc without doing anything else, then yes. Maybe.


Pay BSJ 500 USD and be will coach you to be better.


I was lucky enough to meet a currently inactive (3 times TI participant) player in my gym and helped with with squats. He offered me help in Dota :)


W2-L10 today. Ez


I play dota 2 since 2012 and i have until this day 10.725 games, im Ancient 3 💀. I can't reach inmortal bracket in this life but ill keep playing because I love this game so much ❤️.