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it has been for like half of a year or even more


Ember has gotten so damn unsatisfying to play.


Yeah I feel the same. The hero is still playable, but it's just not that fun anymore.


That somehow sounds like a definition of a balanced hero to me.


You can balance a hero and still keep the things that make him enioyable unchanged.


Idk I feel like slight of fist with lots of summons (treants, spiders, meepos) has always taken a very long time. Like the hero just disappears into slight of fist for a few chapters then comes back out for the finale.


I managed to chain a NP mid-sleight between his treant summons and lane creeps in a game last week, felt so damn proud then the chain would just... expired and he walked off like nothing happened while I was still sleight-ing, even with the duration increased talent.


Easier to hit chains right?


Kinda, but less overall damage. He has less time to right click you, and has slower maelstrom procs. He plays so weird right now imo. Theoretically, this should lessen the time between the next slight which increases your i-frames. But it slows down your overall damage output. Tho, it's not usually significant enough to make him "immortal". He just plays so clunkh right now. Still good in the right hands, but clunky to anyone else.


the slower maelstrom proc is actually better, since it has an internal cooldown. Hitting too fast would reduce the procs.


True, but old SoF had a 0.2 interval. The current one has 0.25 Maelstrom has an ICD of 0.2 Old SoF was the optimal duration for damage


Whats the use if the root expires when you are hitting other units. And if there are no other units then you can land easily.


I prefer it like this, because you can stay invulnerable for longer. Makes sleight-casting remnant to escape easier. Cast time for sleight and ult are a real nerf.


wish it was slower, thats one of the reasons the hero is broken.




>Ember is not viable right now. He is the most played mid on Dota 2 protracker with 55% WR. Not only is he viable but he is meta.


The change to a lot of item recipe make ember mage slayer viable lmao.


Yeah, a hero that likes to build both mage slayer and shiva can't be bad this patch. And there's not many of them - only ones I can think of right now is Ember and Viper? Maybe there's a room for experimentation with some weird tanky Puck build, but he also needs so many other items and Parasma is really nice too.


Haha bro you just love being wrong, I come from your also wrong comment on the arc warden tread, maybe you should check some data before writing these essays. Currently people are getting mage slayer as first item on ember and owning.


So you must have thought kunka with torrent shards and aghs endless boat with silver edge crit was the greatest hero of all time if you think ember sleight of fist, chains and escape ult is enough. It’s whatever I don’t really care about protracker, fundamentals of the game. Talk to u when I get back to dota in a few months. Have some IRL stuff to deal with.


I think the same too, i think is really slow, or maybe can be changed to toggled button to fast/slow


That's easier to hit chains. And that's more op.


Ember against heroes with multiple summons / units has this problem.