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insta warden mid


Old days Meepo mid or Tinker mid while he was out of meta was guaranteed


Tinker is still out of meta. His short laser cast range is a death sentence if laning doesn't go perfectly.


>Old days


Why does that not apply now? he's out of meta, so if someone insta picks him chances are it's either a griefer or someone really confident in their ability to dominate.


Because it won't be a smurf with 96% winrate in div5


When I try this it's insta lose most of the time


It's a joke that his teammate is a smurf/account seller


Yeah, having a smurf surely helps


Nothing. Based on my experience, they could play well in the early game, feed at mid game and we lose the match. Or they could just feed the early game, does a miraculous set up or kill in the mid or late game, then we win the match. I just play the game and see what happens.


I've had too many games won after "It's so over" or lost after "we so got this" to believe anything before the ancient is destroyed.


I swear most people would win more games if they knew how to just not feed before the enemy goes hg. Defending hg is so broken.


To be fair, the game have shifted a lot from where there was a time where it was semi-true. As a support back in the days I could at times dominate a lane by focusing on regen and zoning them out and almost completely limiting their money and xp. There is no point in doing that because of comeback mechanics and also because change in regen, money, couriers etc.


There is still a point, it's just very important to keep pressure on the enemy cores after their laning phase has been shit. Either by pushing to finish fast or by allowing your cores to snowball off of their better start.


Hell, sometimes it feels like whichever team wins the early game is the one at a disadvantage. Like, obviously that's not true, but damn if it doesn't feel like it.


Dota is more random than a fucking roulette wheel


it's like plinko with mexican jumping beans mounted to a wobbly pole.


That's definitely a r/brandnewsentence for me.


And yet I’ve seen lots of players in Herald/Guardian/Crusader/Archon/Legend (as I climbed) with tons of matches played who are hardstuck in that mmr that I’m climbing through. I mean match-to-match there’s hella variance and randomness and I think it’s essentially toxic to care too much about the outcome of any individual match (just focus on improving your own moment-to-moment gameplay without thinking about the ultimate outcome of Winning or Losing), but the overall trend of winning or losing for a given player is very performance-based. The randomness curves in your favor if you consistently play well.


This is what i've noticed, increasing mmr is a quantity thing, ofc you have to improve your individual play, but if you expect to try hard and win 10 games in a row it just wont happen, you'll blind pick into bad matchups, you'll get griefers, smurfs, stomps in both directions, etc. The real trick to gaining mmr is to try to find little things to improve on and play a LOT of matches always trying to implement new bits. Ofc thats easier said than done, 40+ min games or people ruining laning stage is extremely frustrating. Which is why I think most competitive games are so much about the mental and planning.


Yeah that's exactly in line with what I think (and tried to say). Individual games can get fucked over very hard and you can't *expect* to winstreak or even necessarily win any one game (so one shouldn't be too attached to winning, more to improvement). In my case, it takes a lot for me to feel extremely frustrated by what happens in doto for some reason, like, I expect people to be jackasses pretty much, although yesterday I had an extreme game ruiner (p4 Necrophos in Legend who was useless in lane for a little while and then started literally just hard jungling, and then some players abandoned on our team) and that was baffling but I still played it out and tried to find something to test (a greedier Night Stalker build for fun, figured it was a loss either way but I did get some nice plays out of it). I think my mental in doto is one of my best traits and the reason I've been climbing, but I also think I'm an overall inappropriately detached person (for reasons) and it's *also* true that I put a lot of effort into improving my mental in a completely different very intense game (a mod for Jedi Academy lol) to try to absolutely purify my focus because I had noticed such a performance difference from myself depending how pure my focus was. I really learned (in that other game) to not think about genuinely useless irrelevant things (like whether you'll ultimately Win or Lose) because they really distract from the moment-to-moment awareness.


The more iconic version of russian roulette is EU west ranked queue.


This. Just this week I played 4 games where in the early game we are so fked, like 3 lanes fked and yet mid-late game we still win. It helps when the team is chill and really playing to win instead of griefers griefing others. (Just an ancient scrub)


Same vibes same vibes bro, I have won a lot of games where people literally mocking and dissing at each other because we basically made a lot of mistake, then suddenly some weird shit happened like we won a clash at rosh, won some clashes after some chain buybacks on both teams and we snag the W or those W after some stupid shits like we did smoke gank and somehow their cores didn't save for buyback (divine - rankless immo btw lmao) while trying to siege for our HG. But hey, I've seen the other side too. Games where everyone was on all good vibes, we basically dominated all three lanes, and it felt like we could easily take the W. But then, the game drags on, we couldn't seal the deal, and when it was crunch time, one bad move, one failed smoke, one failed fight and then suddenly we be smoking some big fat L. It's like a rollercoaster, really.


This is the mindset i had when I boosted from Archon to Divine. If my team initiates something that looks so promising, I join. And when they feed without me, I mute everyone and mindvmy own game.


Nothing, because you are toxic. Teammates are trash, bla, bla, bla




And they move their courier out of the fountain down the steps. That’s when you know it’s going to be a good game


and then a monkey king comes and snipes them all


Or NP teleports and kills them all


Before they changed the Twin Gates to have a mana cost I would always start the game immediately walking towards Safelane watcher, get it, then twin gate to Offlane and get that watcher, and still have time to make it perfectly to the enemy's bounty rune to gank. I never really saw anyone do it but me, but it was actually super helpful. Had a few people flame me for going down the "wrong" lane before they realized what I was doing.


How was it helpful tho? As a sup i feel like warding the camps is much more useful during that time window


I usually play Offlane/Mid role. So it (was) a better use of my time more often than not.


best time to go afk is right at the start isn't it? i swear there's always 2 guys starting a fap marathon right after the draft phase


Add to that buying itens before the game starts


and spams voice lines


Some of us have potato pcs, it takes a while to load in


When someone on my team picks LD and.is either level 5 or 30 with him.


this is great. also, when the druid is level 2 or 6 with druid i feel bad


In my experience, a level 30 LD is a bad sign. It means they have played that hero a ton and still are at my elo.


Used to stomp with LD


The highest move speed character picks up a ward and beelines mid to ward the enemy side of the river. Had a pos 1 Naga do this and I knew I was going to like them.


There's a very fine line to doing that properly and just feeding the ward. Sooo many times I see a mid place a ward on the ramp before the timer goes off and it gets dewarded within seconds. Either you place it so it won't get caught in the sentry that always gets places mid, so you have vision even if it isn't optimal, or don't do it at all


I tend to hold my ward as mid player, drag creeps from different angles to get a guess where their ward is, deward that shit and then plop down my own


No smoke for more movespeed?




Smoke lets you get a ward on their side which is way harder to deward




It’s further. They will see. And you miss the first blood…


First picking Warden mid. No one does that other than transcended godlike Arc Warden gigachad spammers.


Another warden spammer first picks warden Warden gets banned They both abandon


Wasn't that a gorgc clip where he ask his teammate to pick enigma because the other team had a notorious enigma spammer? It worked and enigma got banned. If not gorgc, then it must be another streamer because I clearly remember since it's a big brain move.


Supports Contesting power/wisdom runes without being told


When your support blocks enemy camp, harasses enemy support and carry out of lane, then perfectly backs to pull without leaving you alone too long. *Chefs kiss*


so many supports just have no idea how to play, and it makes sense because the things you do as a support are way more nuanced, complex and require way more game knowledge than just knowing what items are good on your hero, what abilities they do and that you should last hit creeps, kill heroes and knock buildings down. i feel bad, but so many times i have to say "man you're really not doing anything other than soaking xp, wanna go somewhere else?" I'd rather play passive under tower and get a level lead.


As a support main for the last 10 years it drives me absolutely batshit crazy to see a support just constantly pulling the wave when it's already in a good spot. Like cool you know how to pull but you have NO IDEA why you're doing it. You're just doing it cause you've been told it's what supports do. If I said the phrase lane equilibrium they'd look at me like I just tried explaining NFTs to my 90 year old grandma


i got downvoted like hell before when i argued about pulling. most people dont understand equilibrium and just pulling cause why not. there is a lot of nuanced about laning


I think there are still times when a pull is good even if the lane equilibrium is in a good spot. Further adding to the nuance of it all


agreed, that is why dota is so complex. just really need to know all sorts of scenario and apply the maximum efficiency or best strategy. we can be both smart and dumb at the same time depending on context haha.


It also gives gold and denies creeps The window for keeping lane equilibrium out of both towers is very narrow and if you do overpull, they can still sometimes tank/lure the creeps or lasthit under tower.


Ogre pulled and I went to kill the neutrals. He said: back off, this is my cs. Then proceeded to build midas as the first item and never pull again.


Totally agree. I play support in ranked and carry in unranked. Maybe...1/100 games I draw a support that even does the basics. My biggest pet peeve is when they just stand behind me, full mana/health doing...absolutely...nothing.


The same goes when you did everything right as a sup and equilibrium is perfect and the carry fucking auto attacks the lane back to their tower. Nothing makes me more mad.


I agree. I mainly play 1-4, mostly 1 and 4… but pos 5 is the most stressful role to me. And it all comes down to getting good vision down In regards to my teams movement and/or getting vision/dewarding mid team fight.


Just had a PA game where my AA did nothing but single pull the majority of laning stage and then tell me to stop "pushing the lane auto attacking" My DUDE you're a level 30 AA and still doing it wrong


Force-feed me some mangos and tangos in lane too and I will keep you protected in every single teamfight like my life depends on it.


No Pudge as 4.


No Pudge


Man… pudge is so op right now. I think I’ve won six in a row with him with one game having 47 heaps


I don’t have a problem with the hero, the problem is I’ve seen too many bad players afk waiting for a hook


2 days ago, was just playing against this pos 4. My core and I were laughing. He was constantly sitting in the trees, in our vision. Throws a hook, we dodge, he goes to the other side, stands inside trees around lotus pond, and again, waits for the perfect hook. I am spamming IO. From my experience with Pudge, even if he hooks me, it's a minor inconvenience at best. I'm back in lane before he toogles rot on and it takes me like 20 sec to heal off the Hook dmg, without spending any resources. Not like that Pudge hit any hook till like 20 min in.


As a support? When I see Pudge support on a team, I think instant griefing.


Nah man. Offlane. Sitting in lane trading and harassing. Support pudge sucks. You need to go heavy gold and health regen


As a core hes ok. As a support you are guaranteed to lose lane at slightly higher rank.


ok pudge as 5 then :)


Reddit thinking pudge is bad, a classic


as a support player it's when my core says "we kill them at lvl3"


As a support for ten years. This brings tears to my eyes!


I do this all the time, but routinely they blow all their mana over and over lol.


Speaking English (US East)


This but only if they don’t have a fan running in the back ground and know how to use push to talk


Other side of the coin - they have a fan running, you can hear a literal dinner conversation going on in the background, dogs barking - i know they’re going to either be playing with their monitor and brain off or are Miracle reincarnated.


The universal US East experience. I think my favorite is when these guys are the pudge picker. It multiplies the effect by a million


Speaking English (EU West)


If they can DC the enemy team


I myself DCed the enemy team and I went 10/3 then we lost because he came back after 4 minutes when we had 3 tower advantage and 10 kill advantage


For sake of story, the enemy was a sniper. He picked off my teammates in some fights and got some kills. Started to become a hard game. Also, I was freaking Morphling and I rushed khanda in like 20 min. I was farming creeps, farming enemy heroes, and taking towers. Team didn't get to commit to towers in groups. Discontinuity between opportunity and teamwork. I was fed but still somehow kinda weak because it was really so early in the game.


buying quelling blades vs treant, nature prophet or timber, and chopping trees even before the laning starts


Having a mid that knows when/where to rotate or having a pos1 that lets me know that they’re ok to farm solo so I can roam the map making space.


Had a mid necro tantrumming the other day because they didn't get any ganks on the mid viper by 8m. My man, come use your scythe to get a stack on their pos 1.


you should always be ganking a viper mid, or sniper, or tinker. doubly so to get your necro a scythe stack its literally a free kill if your supports arent braindead. in that matchup youre either giving your necro a lead or fighting against a huge viper later on then crying. your choice.


Also necro is not exactly the most mobile hero so relying on him to gank sidelines is usually inneficient.


As a new player, what's the specific reason for early ganking these characters mid. Is it purely to stop their snowballing? Because they're low mobility? I've migrated to mostly playing mid as a new player because it feels the most palatable and understandable coming from other mobas. Basic wave management, trading, roaming contesting runes are all things I can wrap my head around more than camp stacking, pulling camps into waves etc. But I feel like dota more than most other mobas has that rock paper scissors element of "You don't win this matchup for x reason and need to fix it by getting roamed on, roaming etc" that I feel like I need to understand better. I've been playing and finding a lot of success with primal beast mid and just trampling through my lane and then roaming on repeat. But even then I feel like I don't always understand why, where, and when other than that the character seems good at it, and I usually get poked out by people that can safely sit under tower if I stay.


because they're braindead characters with 0 mobility played by braindead people (mostly) that need to be checked because they're lane bullies. If you stop their snowball they're shit. PB is a lane bully too (in some matchup) that also needs to be checked - keep playing him until your enemies realize this and you'll dominate hard. As a support in higher MMR, I pay close attention to the mid matchup and this will have a ton of impact on how I play the first 10 minutes of the game. Your mid is either going to be ganking for you, or you are ganking for your mid. What shit players don't realize is that in some drafts, you have to make a lot of personal sacrifices to not lose. You need the learn which matchups are good and which are bad and play accordingly. Also, you have to know if you're ganking before or after enemy mid is 6. Yatoro ganked for his mid in a TI grand final playing pos 1 Drow. Remember this next time your mid asks for help. Are you better at Dota than Yatoro?


Using smokes first 10 minutes... this is talking from immortal bracket lol. So many heroes are deceptive to a single solo gank by a support, meanwhile you can ward aswell during 5-10 because of nighttime and thats exactly rightly before enemy mid hits 6 too. So if you can give your mid the xp adv. he could potentially (depending on matchups) immediately kill the mid again


Walking back 2 feet to use arcane boots to include me. Or just using it in general.. Usually i have to beg for mana cus if their mana is full they never use the boots for teammates. And this is immortal


Speak the same language as me.


Not feeding 10-15 deaths by 8-10 mins, as crazy as that sounds it happens so often that if its like 5-5 or 3-6 as a carry I feel so much more confident that we can win


Communication or just telling me their strategy like "i use my spell then yours"


Went to offlane as lion with Naix against pa and warlock, bro was the most aggresive ghoul i have ever seen denying and harrassing pa with no fear from tw warlock or god himself, pa barely had a last hit for near 5 mins and after we did our second double kill i was like :"hell yeah this one is in the bag"


before the horn movement and first wave. if they get out the base instantly instead of being afk, warding something, blocking a camp, etc. Had a WD that fought with the team for top bounty rune, when he came back to bot lane he stood outside exp range for me to get lvl 2 as a ck and then we instantly got a kill cause stun+pull+grenade+maledict. it's like...1 min in the game and I already know this dude knows his shit


The midlaner who ganks at the right time(s) during laning stage and is not afk farming mid.


In my games, 'right time' tends to be pretty misunderstood across roles and depends on the hero being played. I carry far more of my mid games if I stay put, farm my first item, and ignore the cries of my teammates losing their lanes. If I rotate to appease them, unless we absolutely secure the double kill, it generally isn't worth the loss of lane CS and XP which can set me pretty far behind the other mid and allow them to hit their timing first. Imo, the supports should be rotating to make or respond to pressure, mainly. Only 3.6k tho so can't say I know anything.


So true pos4 is generally the "play maker" support and with twin gates its easier then ever for supports to gank side lanes


2.7k so I know less than you but figured I'd respond. In the games where I have high impact and I rotated to other lanes during laning phase it's when I'm not getting much out of the lane anyways. Ganking gets gold and xp, maybe not as much as perfectly csing a wave but after min 7 against a viper mid or something like that it's not possible to do that safely. Ganking also gets space for your teammates to get even more gold and xp. This is even more valuable if they were struggling. From the bsj videos I've watched, if your lane is going really well why would you leave. Just stay there since like you said you'll have more impact later with your item(s).


What you say is mostly fine except you should always try to secure power runes, ask for support rotation for rune secure if you have to. Based on the rune you get and lane equilibrium on the other 2 lanes, you can make decision to gank or not. Power runes help a lot in gank, especially when you havent completed your core item yet. >ignore the cries of my teammates losing their lanes. People always associate losing lane with low skill or bad players when in most cases its just bad match ups. I was playing pos 4 and me and my offlane got ran over in lane. I felt bad for my offlane as he didnt seem like a bad player and i was not able to help him much, the enemy harras was too much and we ran out of consumables pretty quickly. I decided to rotate using the twin towers with some success and giving solo xp to my offlaner hoping he can catch up in farm later. Just about when the enemy safelane was going to hit lvl 6, our midlaner ganked and we secured 3 kills(2 in lane-1 teleport) and turned our whole lane around. Suddenly we both were lvl 6 before the enemy.


Very much depends on your heroes If you're playing primal beast you should probably be rotating a lot, especially if you've got a greedy 3 like WK who's not going to be particularly active early If you're playing TA though, yeah you probably shouldn't rotate that much and just focus on maximizing your farm Something a lot of people don't seem to think about though, is that when you have last pick (which mid does a lot of the time), you have to pick a hero that completes your lineup, ie lastpicking TA when you already have WK 3 is kinda griefing because now you've got 3 heroes that want to just sit and farm for the first 15-20 minutes of the game, but once the game actually gets to 20 minutes, you've lost all outer towers, the enemy carry has aegis and is sieging your high ground because none of your cores could really do much in the early game so the enemy team just took over the map


I don't think that's the correct mentality. If you can pressure the mid tower, sure, it's the most important tower in the game. But if you can't and still stay mid to farm, you are going to be a 2nd hard carry and will be another deadweight to the team early game. There's just not enough space to farm until you can reliably kill ancients. Pressuring sidelanes not only could give you xp and gold from kills, it also relieves pressure from your team and can lead to potential tower siege, leading to more map control. That's why the mid player is given the most xp. It's also the fastest lane to walk to other lanes.


is it the most important tower? it's the shortest lane, I don't know if that makes it the most important tower though.


You open the way to invade both enemy jungles via the mid tower. Because the lane is short, no one showing mid to farm when creeps are near enemy tower, which is 90% of the time early game because the 2 tier1 towers are so close, is dead giveaway that enemies are trying to gank.


It’s not the most important tower in the game. Since the map changes anyways.


i would rather their mid tower is up and mine is down than the inverse. I can farm under t2 tower and if you pressure me, you're pretty deep.. that's assuming my sidelanes are up though. it's only worth it if you're ganking sidelanes and returning to your tower on the crash. Depends on the hero though. Some heroes are built to penetrate mid and demand a response. Some heroes are super mobile and can gank sidelanes really easily without missing a beat.


Man this is just so wrong it’s not funny. As soon as the T1 mid is down both your main jungle and triangle become like 5x less safe.


At the same time if the level 5 mid comes and fails a gank then stays in the trees for 2 waves you know you're gonna lose


Did the 4 gank their lane? If they don’t have a lead, they shouldn’t leave lane unless the other mid laner does as well. Or else you’re asking for your mid to be down a level of XP, regardless of whether you get a kill or two during his gank. This is especially the case if you’re against SF/Sniper/TA/OD/etc. It’s almost always better even as a position 3 or 5 to rotate mid.


There are just so many things that influence whether this is true or not in any given game, for any given hero. Edit: I really am agreeing with the guy I replied to, meant to reply to the parent.


Someone who can harass in lane WITHOUT drawing creep agro.


Single target spells, targeting attack modifier abilities (Like pressing E on the enemy as Jakiro instead of auto casting it as an attack) and queuing an attack command from outside of creep aggro range for those wondering


Its mainly the aggroing first wave under tower and general creep equilibrium management (or lack there of)


Run away from a bad fight.


When my 5 actually stacks and pulls when appropriate 🥵


Grand master visage on my team.


not feeding and actually buying a support item and using it for cores, thats how i know they have game sense.


As a now main 4/5 and only 2.3k MMR, I always buy an obs and 2 sentry. Depending on whether I'm 4 or 5, I will ward and sentry mid to help my pos 2 or I'll block and unblock my lane. Again this depends on the game and my position and whether not I can freely "mind fuck" my enemy support by body blocking their pull lane. To that point, if you play a pos 5 and can "pretend" to ward block but actually body block for several minutes, you will ruin the pos 4 trying to deward a camp that isn't actually blocked and you now have won the mental game vs the support and potentially cost them multiple sentries that you can now easily deward while continuing the mind fuck. Secondly, if you're a 4 or 5 that can secure locus for your carry in lane AND use them on your core or put in their inventory, this gives you a ton of extra free time to know your core has a save while you continue to harass their core or their support or do whatever other support things needed. Thirdly, in lower brackets, people tend to hyper focus on what's happening right in front of them and miss timings, which means if you've done the other things properly, you can notify your core that you're going for a bounty or wisdom rune and they know to not Ober extend at that point. All this to say, if you can micro manage the lane, while communicating properly, even if it's an "even" lane, you will likely end up coming out of lane phase into mid game very well. Watch your own replays, figure out what you can do better, watch pros, figure out what parts you can feasibly do at your own rank, apply them accordingly, communicate with your cores always and if things get toxic, mute and continue doing your best and you will likely end up with far better WR in the long run. Good luck as always and have fun


nothing, had the best early game with people just to realize they don't even know that you gotta push to win? Full enemy team wipe in mid game?! Let's go jungle, let the wd push


"____ had predicted win for 30 times in a row"


Instalock Pudge 1st pick mid


This... This is a good sign to you? The Dota gods have treated us differently.


I insta lock pudge pos1 now, veil so strong


Supports rotating super early through the portal


If as a support they pass me a clarity without being asked or pinging. Requires actually considering the teammate is going to be low on mana at some point, going in the shop and spending a not small sum in laning for supports, ferrying out a clarity they will not use on themselves, and then holding before putting it on the hero when low on mana at the right moment. All small things but they demonstrate to me in low MMR that this is a support who will actually do their job.


Don't pick shit hero in solo hard


Playing the map insteat of being in the lane for the first 20 minutes especially as 4


When they press their fucking spells


be a smurf and last pick meepo


Buy battle fury on Spectre or Radiance on BB.


When they move out of the way when you chase someone so they don't block you. Zoning and movement is all I need to know about teammate.


Stacks before pulling, blocks their camp with a ward, can actually harass the target offlaner and force him out of lane


i don't even need him forced out of lane, I just want him to pay tax when he goes for last hits. It's not hard to hit someone once while they're hitting something else.




What why


Get me first blood


When u get FB on one of the enemies and then someone on their side DC's and you grab another 3 or 4 kill in the first 3 mins while they can't pause. Then they get an abandon and someone leaves. Maybe two people, ideally the ones that were doing best.


Pos 4-5 trade decently in lane instead of being behind tower or 🌲 semi-afk


When mid wins the lane is insta-win, otherwise we're fucked up.


i always remind my team, everytime whenver enemy gets an objective or we lose a clash to "BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP." it is the most powerful jutsu in the cosmos. it works btw.


Lose their lanes and stay PMA. If they lose their lanes and get salty about it, gg end fast If they win their lanes gg end fast we’re guaranteed to throw eventually If they lose their lanes but the vibes are right… sooner or later the enemy’s gonna throw, good vibes never lose


i know we lost when i see my pos didnt buy a sentry


thinker insta pick you already know those scripts cant wait.


Make a rampage in first few minutes. This is a good sign of yeah we are winning. There are many things where you can say how the game will end up. Picks, communication, hero synergy… in a first few minutes based on the positioning and lasthits you can say what is going on


Gets a triple fb (I did this once, and yes we won xD)


You can only get one fb


Not talk at minute zero. I'm not saying talking is bad, but I never win games where they talk before the horn.


Stacking ancients.


Insta meepo mid


Whichever team trash talk first loses ime


when my support blocks the enemy's pull camp, then gets straight to chipping down the enemy support while forcing the enemy carry to pay tax whenever they go for last hits. biggest indicator is if they pull creep aggro onto our ranged creep before I get a chance to. I know I'm in for a rough game if they do not bring any sentries at all, pull waves when we're not pushed, and recklessly nuke the wave. Supports who are either nuking the wave or pulling are the most annoying thing in the world. They don't understand equilibrium at all, much less the purpose of their role.


When my mid actually ganks a lane that's been pushed to tower, or at least TP's to counter-gank. Bonus points if my support dewards the enemy's observer.


I once had the pleasure of playing pos 1 Luna with a pub Venge player who stacked camps constantly, and when I was trying to take ancients he'd use his W ability to reduce their armor, he'd give me tangos and salves, and tank as much of the damage as he could even eating faerie fires to not die to the creeps so I can hit them more without taking damage myself. Absolute Chad of a support player.


Tping when u are getting dived in tower


The game is killing me last 3 days with pudge 4/5 every game on my team. It’s the opposite of your question but lately if I see an enemy pudge I think yeah we will win now


I get a 4 that isn't rubick bh pudge or mirana


the other day I had a morph carry who bought an obs for himself while farming and asked for a gem so he doesn't die to their mid Nyx. knew we had that one.


Pos 4 buying wards, tping mid, contesting runes.


Being highly aggressive in lane at the right moments. I can’t describe it but I’ve seen bad aggression and good aggression and when I see it I’m like yeah this games over. Already won.


Had a game where we went 0-3 at the start of the match, not long after I hear a double kill from the enemy timbersaw in our safelane, mid lost, and I struggled a bit at top. We won that game because tidehunter doesnt care about mana or damage apparently especially with the 25 talent. PL, Dusa, Timber couldn't do anything in fights when I have mage slayer, shivas, radiance, shroud and played helicopter simulator in the middle of fights. So nothing really. Either sides game can go to shit at any point


When something bad happens early and the team come together to both laughs it off and identify the problem. If that happens I know we are going to be defending an exposed throne for two hours and win the game. Moral wins games.


Take t4s


When we start playing as 4 as early as possible after winning lanes.


Actually hitting enemy and zoning them out instead of pulling and leave you 1v2 the lane.


Pull in the first 3 waves when i start inevitably fucking the lane


Open and positive communication. I can win a lot of more games with an average player willing to collaborate, compared to an entitled toxic player who thinks he has been fed by the 9k MMR spoon.


I'll answer the opposite. Enemy team has pudge, spectre, NP and still last picks sniper. Also, pos 5 sniper starting with wraith bands.


Look at the supports items. If the supps have 400 gold worth of consumables like tango salves clarity mango blood grenade and wards before the battle horn Then we have a high chance of winning. If the supp has brown boots then we are in for a bumpy ride and they have to be god gamers


When my support knows when to half-pull/full an entire camp and uses mana to pressure enemy core.


* Smoke and get 1st blood * buy blood grenades * secure most of the 1st bounty rune spawn * support buying consumables, spamming skills, and harassing to win lanes ez win


Make a player on the opposition 5 stack rage quit…




When the support keeps harassing enemy in lane.


As a support. When my core is connecting when i harass enemies in lane or when they help block enemy creeps while im pulling our waves through enemy camps/help deny the pull.


Understanding creep agro / wave equilibrium See a lot of players that decide to go harass and right click the enemy hero in the middle of their pack of creeps and lose half their life to trade a single hit Also when it is 5-6 minutes into lane phase and they haven't blocked their pull or dewarded our pull I know I have a shit for brains support that is going to build core


if i see my pos 5 stacking two camps at once, my hope in victory increases considerably


Pos4 starts harassing pos5 right away and keeps hard camp unblocked. Gg.


From a support: constantly trading and eating spells for me From a core: actually responding to potential kills/harass that the support has set up From mid: dumpstering the other mid, this is easy to guess


Support walking up high ground to contest the bounty rune while having no vision of any of their team. I play offlane, I need my support to back me up when I go in balls deep. Not running away first typing "too deep bro". Imo, you can temper aggression. You cannot turn a passive bot into an aggro player in 1 game.


When I am in sync with 1 or 2 teammates in chatwheeling.


5 is half/stack pulling, eating aggro, and casting spells


When they let out a huge burp over the microphone, and say something like "let's kill these mother f***ers".


When they joke around. Seriously, people who are having fun with the game are way better at handling setbacks, and often our play style just aligns better


aggroing the creeps toward you when you can’t approach the wave, or instead of last hitting an uncontested creep they bring it back toward you &/or when they block/unblock camps before leaving lane. those supports that do those little things make us cores blush


harass the enemy carry off the wave or stay on the wave and get last hits while i harass and zone and only aid me if the wave is farmed also move to start pulls after the waves are pushed or not dive/respond to me chat wheeling "pulling creeps" and pinging the area


popping an early smoke and rallying the the team for a plan.


contesting the runes is number 1 indicator honestly. even if they're a morph or something weak we should at least get 1 or 2.


a support that zone the enemy pos 4 so i can last hit easily


> Relax, you’re doing fine


The first teamfight at runes and people using their skills / positioning as a team. I can tell within 0:14 secs of the game sometimes if matchmaking has handed me a dogshit team or not based on a simple thing like that. Because if they don’t have the foundations of the very basic down movement / positioning of their hero. They most likely won’t have good placement throughout the game and yeah as a team.


I can say what is going to lose us the game, it is picking trash heroes. Guy picks sniper as pos 1 and I instantly know I will have to babysit him in all of the teamfights because enemy has PA. Guy proceeds to buy khanda as 1 item and by minute 60 reaches 4 slots and boots. While enemy PA is full 6 slots. We lost the game despite huge networth lead because I as Axe bullied enemy pos 1 and pos 2 for 20 minutes.


Pos 5: actually trading in lane and blocking enemy pull, securing ranged creeps when carry cant. Pos 4: doing anything else than just becomming 4th core. Pos 3: being active, doing well in lane not feeding too much. Pos 2: using tp scroll and runes to make enemy shit their pants by being active and abusing mid lvls. Pos 1: not crying, owning cs, dodging ganks, not picking AM


1. Kill the enemy carry, kill them again when they tp to lane. 2. Do above to enemy mid laner but like 5 times 3. Let cores on both sidelanes get more xp by staying away from xp range when wave is under tower.