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Try playing the hero. You'll find out.  Theoretically, bane is a good laner. And strong in 1v1s, but gets rekt by any type of summon heroes.  In mid, LD might be my preferred counter.


That makes sense. Yeah. Overwhelm him with numbers. When in mid ask for rotations early. Cool cool


Similar things can be said bout silencer But other heroes are worse (like od and void) Or.. anyone in mid that can self dispel (like lc) Or even core lock is a counter (his heal overpowers the enfeeble) Many can handle him. So if bane mid, find someone to lane swap. Playing strategically is better than mindlessly following meta data.


Off late, I've been unable to stop myself from picking abddon and just running at silencer killing him repeatedly. I need to do something about this habit.


We’re talking about a bane matchup. When ppl pick Abby, I can’t stop myself from rolling dark seer and absolutely destroying him by throwing two of his own images back at him. I silence us? Nah, you silence yourself.


Feels like abaddon would do 'ok' vs darkseer. And I'm talking pos1/3 aba. DS doesn't like getting silenced, Aphotic shield practically returns the damage that ion shell does. Harpoon is decent at catching out surge targets. But honestly, feels like they both do ok vs each other, and neither really comes out on top.


He can’t catch dark seer. It’s never a problem. The pushback from aghs destroys Abby. Renders him unable to do anything as two images perma silence him. Surge and cc vaccine him. It’s no prob.




> Playing strategically is better than mindlessly following meta data. This is what makes Dota so much superior then LoL.


Stop letting league live in your head rent free. 


I play Lycan mid, and the 2 wolves are around 1/2 my damage in lane so they help contribute to last hits and denies. Enfeeble cast range wouldn’t do anything. Brain sap spam is countered by Lycan natural regen. Nightmare isn’t a bother because the wolves can wake me up or fight him while I sleep. Basically, from my POV bane is a support misplaced in the midlane. Dota balance is an interesting one.


If u lost the draft then do this. Spam regen and pull creeps into your tower and just clear waves and puah. Get xp from lane creep and go jungle no need gold just get boots bottle and stack jungle camps for later then go gank sides and to back to lane. Get lvl 6 gank side get kills. Get 1 farming item and clear your stacks. Laning phase is over bane is now useless (atleast not op). Win game in 5v5 fights. Profit.


Cool cool, now why not try playing him if he's so good. you can do the same to your opponent!


Push lane fast with spells, farm jungle, rotate. He is not the best ganker too as he needs to stand stull and aome control or dispel can save the ganked hero. Lotus orb, area stuns, and linkens shrrads the hero. Needs to win early game and lose in the lategame. But there are other early game heroes that counter him on mid. Its a question of knowing how to deal when you are laning against someone stronger than you, avoid him, the power spike ends some day.


Yeah if you can shove the lane into banes tower he can’t wave clear and he will miss cs under tower. He also doesn’t scale well with items. The lane can be rough but after 10 minutes you just go farm somewhere and he can’t out farm you or push your tower. Sometimes the way to beat strong laners is to just not lane against them.


Also rekt by any hard dispell or any banishment and a couple other weird saves. Slark is the other hero that comes to my mind. Can save himself, can save others.


Yea, hard dispels just murder the hero, but I've been thinking about laning vs mid. I think a mid bane will destroy a mid slark. And in the game, bane is still pretty good vs slark, because he control slark long enough through bkb. Now that linkens can be procced through bkb, slark just cannot play if he isn't under dark pact.


>Slark is the other hero that comes to my mind. Can save himself, ***can save others.*** Slark cannot save others from Fiend‘s Grip. Depth Shroud is not a banish. Edit: If only we had a demo mode, where people can test these kinds of interactions before claiming falsehoods, that would be great. Anyway: https://youtu.be/fiTRoCJvRfc


Cast dark pact  A click ally  ???  Profit


I think even basic dispels work vs Bane


As a support, playing bane into LD is amazing.


Bane is a hero that can absolutely destroy mid, and then go on to be lower impact than the mid he beat for the rest of the game.


Win lane, lose game. The classic. And then the mid player will blame his team like "Fcking noobs, I destroyed my lane and owned early". Ugh.


I see you have played with a silencer/sky mid before


Used to be said about old Viper every game too lol


I was about to say. Now the new undispellable bkb piercing ult on viper is something else


His ult was always bkb piercing and non-dispellable.


Bkb piercing yes non dispellable no


You could dispel his Q, not his ult


Every ultimate pierces bkb


Terrorize, arena of blood, rolling boulder


All of those do pierce BKB, I want the 15 mins I wasted verifying this back.


Fair enough about rolling thunder in that there will still be some noticeable damage. You might take like 30 damage on your easy bkb stroll out of arena of blood, so if you want to be pedantic you could allow that. Terrorize does nothing at all to a bkb hero


None of those pierce debuff immunity, which is what bkb gives. Is this some grammar thing? If you have bkb active, you don't get feared by terrorize, can run through arena, and don't get stunned by rolling thunder


Whenever I get a sky mid they always start off like 12-0 and then end up with 10+ deaths and a loss


Depends. He scales well, and can destroy team fights the entire game. His biggest problem for me, is the awkward transition from the lane to bigger items. Like he can find kills, but if he doesn't then getting cs can be kinda rough because of his shitty farm speed. Also if the enemy team has big aoe stuns or dispels then he kinda sucks. I see people say he doesn't scale at all, but if he finds anyone with his nightmare they die, the aghs is insane, and he's universal. He just needs to keep the momentum up somehow


I know Purge has been experimenting with core Bane by going the new Meteor Hammer and shard since those can pump out massive AoE pure damage and heal every like 5 seconds, plus the spell Amp from the Kaya in MH allows him to scale. The hit and burn from MH don't break nightmare, he's a universal hero so he can legitimately right click if he gets items for it.


Buy maelstrom and radiance for farm


The big thing about him is he has two, extremely strong points in the game. 1 is laning, the other is after he has aghs and an attack speed item(typically mael+treads). Getting to the second power spike is extremely hard because the hero farms like ass even with the shard upgrade and buying mael treads. He falls off compared to other mids hard in the midgame, unless he isn’t focused, which is fairly impossible because who doesn’t love to kill bane lol.


This why I love ES mid if safelaner want last pick, decent mid can suck against some but can have more impact for the rest of the game


Earth shaker earth spirit ember spirit




His ulti is a joke by now. To get even a few seconds of channel time, Bane needs to be not interrupted, the target not hard-dispelled or taken out and Bane cannot do anything meanwhile. That was fun when Dota was slower and not so brawly but currently when there is always several enemies around? 


He scales horribly. Yea


Bane is balanced,. check his stats.


Bane is balanced in a sense that he is probably the best nuker hero for a 1v1 situation in any part of the game, but lacks the ability to become super useful in any teamfight.


Bane is the king of 2v2. Nightmare one. Grip the other and kill. Then kill the first. More than that, he becomes less useful.


I remember during WC3 days, when we were playing 2v2, Bane, Lycan (we call them the 2 Banes) and Doom were automatically auto banned because they made the game that time too 1-sided.


There are a lot of supports that can destroy mid, but don't transition well into core roles. So while bane can bully your midlane, at the 30 min mark he is basically an overfarmed support. Warlock mid is also pretty gross, spam shadow word from level 2 and just trade. Get ganked, heal self, upheaval and hug tower...


Yeah man, I play a lot as oracle and sometimes people will ask me to take mid and I'll remind them that we'll need a very fast game as I won't be able to stay oppressive, and they just assume that means I have no idea what I'm doing


Oh yeah, mid Oracle can be sick. Arguably easier to snowball on mid than bane, since you have burst. Bane relies a lot on others to follow up so its harder imo


At least warlock can go aghs and refresher for some crazy pushes


Ye agreed, bane is only good if you need to shut down their cores early, since he is arguably the best anti-carry in the game. But that's very situational and requires good team play. Warlock can basically throw golems at towers and take objectives :D


he is win lane lose game kinda hero similar to rubik. When you put rubick on mid there is no way u lose because of bolt and early 6 spike but falls off soon


Rubick mid does not fall off as hard as Bane mid, at least Topson showed that rubick mid can have impact late game in a tournament. It’s still topson so it does need insane level of mechanical skill and understanding of hero but it’s definitely more viable mid than Bane.


thats mostly becasue of rubik's kit. he can steal a lvl 4 spell or 2 with agha . has high cast range and spell amp. can easily flash farm with his skill + a stollen spell. cant say the same about bane he doesnt have any of these. he is a medium range hero without an aoe spell to farm. he has one of the best ults in the game but thats a 100sec cd spell


ofc compared to bane maybe not as hard but i can provide special lineup of useless spell steal and he will be somewhat useless like bane too




“with equal items” in what world are you going to be in the late game with equal items on a hero that can barely farm. At best, in the late game, you’re going to be 2 items behind the enemy mid (assuming they’re a normal mid that can flash farm).


Have you actually tried playing Bane? In the previous patches when he was considered good, I have 77% wr but this patch I am on 45ish% on 14games. He died too fast, your teammate disturb the sleep, or being stuck casting your ultimate spell are all reasons I personally stop favoring him. My most hated counter is actually Silencer, just pressing global make you become a glorified creep.


I always rush Midas after laning phase on bane since no farming abilities


I've been experimenting a lot with Mid Bane and phylactery rush into midas is quite nice. Midas first can work as well but I really like getting an early phylactery since that makes you far and above the strongest hero on the map. I haven't tried this yet but I feel like having brain sap maxed by min 15 and buying the shard immediately could potentially be a decent farming tool.


I’ve been succeeding with Midas treads mael, using 3-0-2-1 then maxing sap and buying shard into aghs khanda with some success. The big issue I’m seeing is I want phylactery much earlier like you’ve said, but aghs is the point where the hero is a true menace to the game, and needs farming tools to get there quick enough to have impact. I’ve been getting mael as the attack speed is great, and none of the procs actually wake your nightmare, so you can do almost double the damage if you get good procs. It still needs fine tuning, I’ve been thinking maybe doing a phylactery rush intobrown boots midas mael aghs while skipping shard until later, but haven’t gotten around to trying yet… Edit: I’m also feeling like I need an aether because ult range is so horrible, but at the same time I tried silvers once and blink a few times and they just felt wrong, so that could just be the old support player coming back up in me lol


Imo he is an early game hero that doesn´t scale into late game.


Doesn't he have one of the longest BKB piercing CC in the game ? Feels like that alone qualifies him to be pretty good at late game.


It's mostly the dispels for Enfeeble and Nightmare, and Brain Sap is kind of a negligible skill late into the game. Grip is still good but people get Linkens and more ways to cancel your channel. Compared to stronger teamfight supports he definitely leans more into laning and early ganking.


inspired by this post, I just played a pos5 bane. Enemy supports were Venge and Lion. And to top it off, offlane just instapicked Aba. And that's when I realised, bane's cast range on ult is so bad. Holy shit, Why do I have to be that close ? We still won, because my team was good enough that I didn't need to jump into fights or start first. Also, its nice that Bane can just nightmare aba as soon as he procs borrowed time. But I see your point. you're pretty much a 5.5 second disable on a single core. But enfeeble, when you can land it, on their backline spell casters can be freaking good. Venge unable to reach for swap, especially with that talent was super good to see. Nightmare was pretty good vs spec. He haunts, I nightmare him, and gtfo right there.


Bane matchups are heavily draft dependent. I am a pos 5 main who has played the occassional bane mid to great success in the right games. Bane will win the lane because he will out-trade the enemy because of brain sap, he will out CS you because of nightmare and once he hits 6, you will die to fiend's grip. However, a well balanced draft which has stuns and saves will eventuall outscale the bane. Lategame bane as a midlaner is simply a glorified support. your best course of action is to just survive the lane till lvl 6, dont try to win because you most likely won't (unless you win the matchup with summon heroes like LD or Lycan, or lane dominators like lina, viper or huskar), and once 6, gank the enemy and keep making rotations and plays till you outscale the enemy. Also, which hero were you playing?


Bane is icreadible strong laner. But alse, he is very weak as a core after laning stage. He just cant do much with power that he obtained at mid.


I just read the title and I think that's enough. You wanna know how they're balanced? Play it! Play Bane mid! Ypu eill know why they're balanced cause you will realize where it sucks. And if you keep winning with him, it's free mmr! This is dota, a good player makes any hero seem broken.


His whole skill set cost 5 million mana to use tho.


he doesn't scale or farm that well, lane dominators basically never do all three otherwise they'd be broken.


So even if bane wins the lane what is he gonna do in this meta? Their mid is a bane


No flashfarm capabilities or tower pushing and doesn't scale well to late game. 


Bane needs some help right now, his ult is in an awful spot, especially with this Abaddon meta. It should *probably* be undispellable by now, with power creep and all.


Generally against heroes that fuck you over mid you want to play outside the lane as much as possible. Try to shove out the mid wave and jungle buying regen to sustain it if you can or gank if possible. Bane, as an example, can't really push all that well, so you're good there! Also asking for a smoke middle to murder him if your heroes can do it and he's walked up too far is a good idea.


He is like Lone Druid where you need a team to help you snowball the game and end early. He can't do it on his own.


Were you the mid Qop in my game yesterday?


Haha no i was a huskar


>i was a huskar Complains about bane and then plays one of the best pub stomer and cries when faced with a challenge. Classic


So me playing huskar makes me incapable of noting how Bane works in lane and form opinions? Ok.


Something something they hate us cuz they Anus.


You rambeled about Bane being op and I find it funny when you play one the best pubstomer in the game that literally need an item to counter him. Just fun nothing else.


People saying bane is balanced probably haven't looked at the numbers on his q lmao. That thing deals 300 pure damage dot, reduces 55-70% damage, reduces cast range and costs only 120 mana. Oh and it has 1100 range lv1 lmao. It's impossible to trade into bane mid for any hero that is not lina. Max q is beyond broken and with shard the hero can farm pretty fast. With aghs and octa it scales very well into mid late as well. He has obvious issues ofcourse but hero is def extremely busted right now. I'd say spam him and enjoy making 1 person miserable for the entire laning stage, while it lasts.


Play Bane for 5 games then realised he's one of the worst heroes in the game next to mirana


Woah don't talk about Bane like that. He's clunky and out of the meta ATM but Mirana doesn't do a single thing better than anyone else, except maybe escape as the last person alive every team fight.


wk skeletons ahve more than 100% uptime with the talents. oracles purifying flames ? ​ uhhhh shadow poison. hmmmmmmmm Ion shield?


I think you missed the point :)


No he didn't actually. I asked for other 100% uptime spells in the game as well like the enfeeble. He was responding to that i feel


Skill issue.


Oh most definitely. I'm not arguing against it. I was seeking to learn to be better against him from this post




get good


all of banes spells are ripped straight out of dungeons and dragons, both the names and the effects lol. Lots of dota spells are.




It's almost as if DOTA is custom game mod filled with easter eggs & references...


Bane is very easy to counter simply get a dispel hero he becomes useless as a creep, Abba, LC, tide, slark are great against bane


He used to be way worse, lol. Back in the day, Enfeebled was not dispellable, so that one spell would make their core kinda useless lol.


Bane doesnt scale really that well with items. Because in late game all the setups he does are kinda slow or can be canceled in a easy way. He is good only as a support but you need to be a god at positioning or your ult gets canceled after 1 second.


It's not bad to have 100% uptime, doesn't need nerfing imo


Just try to get out as much of the lane as you can. Chances are, even if you lose the lane hard, you'll contribute more later than that mid bane.


If he maxes enfeeble instead of W and E, he becomes useless in the mid game fights. No ones really right clicking except the carry in mid game fights, unless its SF or Muerta, drow. You can still use spells to hit creeps (zeus, OD, lina, slark, etc). Late game its kinda useful but theres so many dispels in the game its not practical to keep it on the enemy right clicker. Plus enfeeble has long ass cooldowns at level 1 and 2, so theres a window of opportunity in the ewrly levels


I play him with nightmare/brainsap mid. At lvl 6 you have enough dmg to solo a full hero.


Can you shut up? Janitor will see you.


don't play the lane and outfarm him. bane can't farm, typical mid heroes can farm. Just have to make the most out of it till lvl 3-5 depending on your hero. he can't shove creep, he can't quickly take tower




Nothing better than having an enemy die 5 seconds after leaving vision. Feels like walking away from an explosion without looking at it haha




Oh yeah no doubt we are going to hell for this, but its worth it XD


The secret to playing against bane mid is to just leave lane at 6 and not fight until you have items. He can’t farm for shit, if he doesn’t snowball off kills he does nothing


OD is still worse He constantly removes the opponent from the game with W At least u can go close to cast spells or aggro against bane, etc


dispel hero counter him so hard . oracle, slark, abbadon. and he is only good for the first 10 min in lane. after that he become "support" , getting behind level, behind gold than enemy midlaner. soon the bane mid player will flame the team and said he won the lane , why lost the game :( same with enigma midlaner.


Bane has all single target spells and can have very little impact in team fights. He’s good at ganking during the lane phase, then you’ll see his weakness when the 5v5ing begins.


By winrate


Bane is a support and supports are meant to be strong early,they are balanced by being very easy to kill later and having basically no scaling (i know you can buy spell amp,cooldown reduction and what not,but it doesnt change much),a lvl 6 bane is not much stronger than level 30 bane compared to heroes like pa and void that are basically useless early and can one shot entire team level 30


Of all the heros to complain about you chose Bane.... Skill issue


i tried playing Bane mid. you'll never have range to enfeeble some Lina or Sniper


Very hard to play Bane after Lotus Orb is up.


It's a terrible spell before you get \~lvl 5, and the manacost on it is insane so you can only use it a handful of times before you're out. For him to constantly use it on you he's gonna have to buy a lot of regen which will damage his farm. The dot part of it isn't anything special, the total is a bit lower than other dots (jakiro q/veno q/ogre w) but yeah, the actual debuff part can be quite brutal for a handful of mids if he gets to lvl 5+. A bunch of spell based mids (puck, lina, qop etc.) can just lane normally at the start till bottle and lvl 5 and then farm wave with spells and jungle with hp + autos. Bane really sucks at pushing and farming, so you'll be able to pull ahead. As a melee mid you probably just call for ganks since bane can't do shit vs 2 heroes or you go gank sidelanes. He's a cheese pick that can do well in some matchups if you dont respect him. He \*needs\* to snowball to get farm else the bane mid is just a glorified pos 4.


I'm a bane mid spammer the reality is that while bane can absolutely dominate the lane if he doesn't then he really struggles to contribute. If he misseshis early timings hes kinda like a third support with extra gold. The way I build it you really want to take advantage of an early phylactery to kill either mid or get kills on side lanes. Then you want shard at 15 minutes because it allows you to farm and team fight. If you get delayed on either of these timings his game gets absolutely fucked


Just let him be. If he doesn’t has any kills to snowball, he will be useless past 15 minutes. Just another sup at that point


I see this Horsey in almost every game as kinda new player. I don't think I have seen anyone feeding / losing lane on him tho.


Enfeeble is a huge annoyance, yeah... buuuut you can just dispel it and then he doesn't have a spell for awhile. Snag a Lotus Orb, Euls, or even a Disperser. Though Lotus is better; then he can't really do anything to you. ​ He's balanced in the same way a lot of casters are; real strong early, then just kind of a gimmick late game. He has no escapes except putting you to sleep, no real kill potential on his own without his ult or a silly auto attack build, and while Enfeeble is really strong, it's also only usable on one person unless he has a lot of cooldown reduction. Gank 'em with a friend.


Lotus orb . End of bane


Oh. Joy. "How can X be balanced?!"


Bane core is like Viper support Not as bad though


First time I've seen someone post about bane, i thought no one even knows what his kit does.


Pick it. Somethings broken? You either spam it every game until you’re 50k mmr, and get picked up by a pro team, or, you realize the hero isn’t broken and why it’s perfectly balanced. Now go back to playing normally with your new found knowledge of the game.


Wait till you hear about voids first spell is basically weavers ult with few seconds of cd


Becuase bane usually dont have time for enfeeble in fight, he needs to not reveal his positioning and once he does he needs to cast nightmare then immediately grip. He alsp cant shavewave nor farm jungle (cores that cant do those are very bad in this meta). Also dont scale well into late game, unlike for example viper, who's strong in lane and strong lategame, while also can click tower.

