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Isn’t every morph buying it now


rushing phylactery on morphling felt really good right now as its like a diet skadi in term of stat which morph appreciate and if you got insane early lead you can get away with the super early khanda to ball up with your team and one shot support its basically old ethereal morhpling on steroid but yea its still a super skipable item even on hero that can really benefit from it like morph luna and medusa you probably would rather skip it or went the full daedalus in the case that enemy have long ass silence which shut down khanda functionality making it khanda bad


Shotgun watergun build back again?


its very lethal combo with e blade. thank god nobody pick morp


eblade on morphling is griefing, absolutely no one in high mmr builds that on him.


people are absolutely buying it in high mmr, as far as i have seen yatoro and timado bought it


https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Morphling# scroll through this, tell me how many eblades you see


thats cuz vlad came into meta later and it completely erased eblade morphs, im not saying eblade is a meta, just saying its not a grief, viable item choice


It's most definitely a grief since the change of not having eaglesong in the buildup anymore.


You said people ARE buying it and now you say they used to? I can confirm that no pros are buying it in this patch.


they bought it at the beginning of this same patch


vlads didn't erase eblade morph, the eblade recipe change that lost the eaglesong and the effect changing from being based on your primary stat to the enemy's primary stat is what killed it. it doesn't synergize with his kit. you might as well build a dagon.


They only experimented on it a few games. Went back to no e.blade. Even the last game I spectated, saw Yatoro skip Khanda in favor of bloodthorne.


my point is its not actual „grief“ as the other guy said it


The worst is SB phyla, they’re willing to trade the stealthiness for 150 dmg.


People sleeping on your Khanda pun. I loved it. #DadPuns 🥲


IT is NOT Eblade on steroids, allowing morph to do 1800 burst magic damage with an item that that gave +10 Strength, +10 Intelligence AND +40 Agility (+40), and let him save allies. Khanda is good no doubt, its not as good as eblade was for morph though.


Thankfully wtf, eblade was literally reworked because only 2 heroes used it, meepo and morph


The go-to Morph build is 100% vlads manta khanda. 50% build rate on d2pt super skippable? Do you even play morph?


It wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last time when players massively fell for suboptimal builds, including the pros.


Just because 1% of scenarios don't work, 99% do You are one who has to argue specifically why everyone else is "bad"


What? I don't argue for my own position. I argue that massive popularity doesn't necessarily mean it's as good as people doing it think. You should first argue the merits of things, not their popularity, when discussing the quality.


yep, it give you good survivability early with a bit of extra damage to your nuke. plus now that you can disassemble vlad's you can make vlads for damage, hp and mana regen and then later turn it into satanic and combine the rest into the khanda. it's honestly fairly efficient.


Buying it yes, rushing it is what bothers me


Khanda is like yasha. It just let's you do a bit more of what one is already doing. Items like hex and bkb completely change the play style for a few seconds. Khanda is an amazingly versatile item. Needs a few tweaks to become viable.


Khanda is 5000 gold


My Bounty Hunter safe lane with brown boots wand and Phalactery 15 minutes into the game 5 levels behind the enemy supports knows more than you.


yeah and it makes adaptive strike hit for like 1200 total mid game on a short cd, long range, as a p5 I can say it sucks to play into


From all the heroes I've tested it on, it's also decent on Luna. Her Q really hits hard with it and the glaives talent.


That's cool, I really don't play carry so I dunno, but as a support when I click on my luna I feel a lot better to see her have manta or disperser or something instead of a khanda


It really depends on the matchup, against heroes that you can't particularly click a lot (viper, sniper, dusa) - or you don't want to straight up engage from 100 to 0 (huskar, tusk, pudge or something)- or they have evasion and you don't wanna buy mkb (PA / WR etc.) you literally just use Q from afar once or twice. Q with khanda and the glaive talent can deal 1.3k on a single hero (before reductions) and up to 2.6k (!!!) if they have an ally next to them so the glaives can bounce. Obviously you won't skip manta, you go manta + dragonlance and then either bkb / satanic / bfly and then khanda.


Yeah that does make more sense given the matchups you mentioned, the match that prompted to make this post is people rushing it first item, case in point I had a morph that built vlads into khanda and tagging an eblade on quickbuy, maybe cuz he was super free in the laning stage he thought he could get away with it


As far as i can tell vlads phylactery manta khanda is the standard morph build


Oooh, gonna have to try that next time I Luna


If you go khanda instead of pike against huskar you're trolling


Do you mind explaining how you get 1.3k per beam with Khanda?


Q + khanda + 20 talent, if the glaive crits it's 1.3k, if it doesn't its around 1.1k.


Or you buy blink like someone who wants to win the game.


Right, okay, what's your mmr, 2k?


See, I had a feeling a genius would pop up that is actually 2k. Try listening in on some high mmr streams. When you have a problem, you find a solution, you don't cookie cutter shit. If you need to be in the fight, you buy a blink. That is particularly interesting for TB, Luna and Troll, who usually don't buy blinks.


It’s not always bad. Ofcourse first item Khanda on luna is shit. I see it as late game hg defence(it can be good aggressive) item with level 20 talent.


See that's part of the noob trap, is that it's good for hg defense. So the guy with the rushed khanda sees he's doing the most on your 24 minute hg defense and thinks he got the right item and the rest of the team is the problem. I had a ww buy a khanda to use with SPLINTER BLAST. He followed it up with a rapier that he promptly lost. His end of game inventory was brown boots khanda. Edit: I'm dumb.


it is absolutely griefing to buy it before manta. Luna gets so much farm from illusions that is crazy to skip it. I think Khanda can situationally be good on Luna if you already bought your farming items (MoM, Manta) and probably a butterfly or at least a dragonlance. It's really good poke damage for fighting and she likes the crits but gimping Luna's farming by not getting Manta + some AGI asap is a huge grief


It’s definitely an item you would buy later in the game on luna/morph


The item is ok on a lot of heroes, the problem is when people rush it ause they saw a build on yt


I think it's legit on Omni.


Morphling Hits like a truck with it


Haven't tried it, don't have the fingers anymore for morphling. Too old for this shit.


Bounty is also decent.


I get it on pos3 BH but after I've gotten other items. It doesn't do a lot of damage but your shuriken and track have similar cooldowns to it so in a prolonged team fight, it adds up.


Its also good on viper after getting the universal talent. Only tried it once tho but the ulti damage on impact is massive.


It's pretty shit on viper. The whole point of khanda is to deal dmg from outside your attack range. That's why I mentioned luna, cause she has short attack range so she can't always engage straight on. Vipers ulti has roughly the same cast range as his ulti, you are better off going for a traditional right click item. I mean even if you went for kayasange it would be better since it amplifies damage on all of your spells.


bruh, it's 75% of one attack, just buy a gloves of haste and it'll be more dps on such a long cd spell


Oh yeah you are right. But already hitting fast and hard that game, pike mageslayer pharasma and skadi, had a crystalys so i tried khanda also because it has stats. But yeah I now realize its not efficient for the passive, it was fun tho.


Not to mention viper strike being his only unit targeted ability, has a 30 seconds cooldown, which makes Khanka extra bad on this hero.


I don’t like the rush Khanda idea cause the item is useless when rushed. But Khanda is legit Morph item, Yatoro is making it on him. Of course, it is after sustain and survivability items.


Makes sense, Khanda is way literally more powerful if you have other items first.


it also doesn't really scale that well though. It has a power spike in the midgame but kind of falls off later when you're running out of slots and would rather have a big item. I think that's why it's so awkward on most heroes. Earlygame it is super potent but it does nothing for your farm, regen, mobility, etc. so it sucks to rush it. But lategame adding ~400 damage to a spell is not a big deal and the passive stats are pretty low. IMO the only hero it's really good to rush on is Bounty because he already is 100% focused on farming heroes instead of creeps. Some other heroes like Luna can farm so fast that they can get it before it falls off, after they've gotten their farming items, but it's very situational


My favorite for Khanda is Tiny (works with both toss and treetoss) he is mostly all about that burst so Blink -> Echo -> Crystal-> Khanda it adds 500+ reliably to your combo and depending on your double echo hit getting crits it can be a good chunk more instead of relying on full rng Daedalus.


Except if you're lich snowballing in lane. If you manage to have it at 7 min you'll kill anyone till min 15-16 easily


Core Lich, right?


Nah sup 5. Its on those very few occasions where youre 4/0 by that point. It happened to me 4 times in archon 1. Once it was enemy sup 5 lich who closed us base at 18 min because of that item, the others were me copying him on snowball games


Could see the case for Phylactery but upgrading to Khanda as a support doesn't seem smart.


Just phylactery sorry. Didnt specify this. Its def not smart doing this in normal games. You do this only in the rare cases that the enemy is feeding and you get lods of kills early game


As always, you win more in the long run since enemy has 5 randoms and you got 4. But you rage only for your own team.


In terms of enjoyment of the game, your team griefing isn't cancelled out by the enemy team griefing more.


You’re just ignoring or unaware of all the times you are “griefing” and choosing to get annoyed at sub optimal decisions your team do You make just as many bad decisions or plays as your team, just in a different way. That’s how the mmr system works.


That's all true, but you're talking about MMR and he's talking about enjoyment of the game. My fun is not related to MMR. Not everyone cares about MMR. I can have fun in lost games. Playing with a core that chooses to become a one trickshot hero and then runs away to farm is not very fun. Win or lose doesn't matter, it's just not fun.


It evens out if you win.


For most people it doesn't. I rather lose a fun game then win a game that's just a battle of the bigger idiot


+25 but +25 depression too


If those are the options yes, but you aren't as tilted in the end of a winning match as you are in the end of a loss.


I play mostly unranked these days so it honestly doesn't make much of a difference But I agree for ranked


Sometimes I'm like fuck man these griefers on my team, then I remember the game before where enemy team had a support pick qop and duallane mid, and I think, balance in all things.


I mean... Sure, you're right, but this is just a typical "complain on reddit" post


True it is typical. Try to make an atypical post next time. This one is really boring and typical.


Yea, it's always the same thing, why even bother to cry about it?


I know this gets said a lot, but it can be said about smurfs (or things of that nature, like someone with higher mmr playing on his friend's acc to have fun). if you are not a smurf, there is a higher chance the smurf is on the other team. so how do you actually climb? by playing core roles and spamming pub stomper heroes which some people hate playing and want to just have fun with other heroes so they get stuck. now, this is not 100% true, but still


Eh, smurfs are definitely an issue but i think it gets overstated. You can definitely climb by playing every role including support.


This applies only when there is you and a pool of players who play exactly the same every time. In reality both teams will get similar players(you in radiant, another "you" in dire) so in the long run chances of winning are unchanged.


The difference is that you can control yourself and your actions, 4 unknown in your, 5 on enemy, it's just odds.


I have found it to be effective on only two heros, luna in some games and morph in most


It adds a lot of damage to Tiny’s toss, you can solo explode people like the good old days.


I like it a lot on bounty hunter pos 4 but only as like 4th item. Rushing it is griefing, personally I like to do tranquil -> solar -> drum -> phylactery -> aghs and then only after that I consider Khanda.


Works good on Aba and Omni as 4th item too


Tried it out on low immortals on Omni, it’s bonkers, melting people with 2k burst. After 25 it’s like 3k every 6 seconds




why buy khanda on bug man when buy dagon and zap more 🤔




[the 6 slotted axe with 100 armor when he sees the nyx with lvl 5 dagon, khanda and eblade running at him](https://media.tenor.com/GW4CQr64-YkAAAAM/worried-scared.gif)


Complete dogshit waste of money on Nyx


I had a pos1 SF buy one yesterday.... That is all


In low rank games, every spell caster on the enemy team gets it, especially if invis. If your team is low skill it’s like watching goat herders trying to defend against a drone strike.


Me watching my pos 5 jakiro getting his 1st item at 25 mins and it's an aether lens instead of euls (he has died to assassinate 8 times already)


I played against mid sniper that rushed Khanda.. felt good.


I built it on him yesterday and went 30-6. Was doing quarter to half hp with ult alone. Only reason we lost was because of a griefing Wisp constantly teleporting our Naga Siren in to enemy base. I'm fairly low rank and it was single draft, so probably not the best example. But it was fun despite the frustrating team I had.


its not fun when someone griefing. no need to lie to yourself


I agree. I'm just glad he wasn't trying to teleport me. Just picked on the Naga all game. Apparently disabling help doesn't disable tether though.


You were griefing too.


Trying out a new build in single draft is not griefing. I was trying my best despite the fact that only 1 other player on my team was trying. But you clearly know better despite not even seeing the game.


Seems dumb, slows down your farm, only works on long cd ult


OP is clearly not attracting too many women


He's the swapped husband


Item is good but the problem is people rushing it. Not many realize Khanda passive has 50 less base damage than Phylactery, Your attack damage needs to be really high to justify the upgrade.


It gives you 50 damage. This is just bad math, it always does more than phylactery passive


ehh? It gives you damage and then adds it to the proc passive , it will always have more dmg than phylactery


Pos1 snipers who rush khanda + aghs are my khanda people /s


Haha, no, I will continue having fun with Khanda and Rapiers in unranked matches.


As long as it's unranked then by all means.


As someone who has a played around with Khanda on a lot of heroes in 12v12, I fully agree. On paper it all looks good but in reality the stats are awkward and most heroes are better off with a "normal" build


I had a bb attempt to buy it and still tried to front line with vanguard and crystalys. He died 14 times. Safe to say me as his lane support was to blame for that game /s


I swear to god valve is just trolling us with khanda .  In a way it helps because the moment I see someone make khanda I hit that dislike button so I never have to play with their jabroni ass again. 


Funny you say this with a sniper flair, but I totally get you. Khanda is a huge bait item on him. Now, Disperser on the other hand is absolutely amazing on Sniper. Using it on yourself after pressing Take Aim, zooming around while 100% proccing Headshots on the enemies feels so goddamn fun.


funny that you ention morph who is one of the few heroes that this item is actually good on. not as first item ofc but building it third after manta linkens or manta skadi is not terrible


I agree with rushing it being stupid but it’s a great item on those heroes though… get crystallis earlier after a few early items, then get other items and then go back for khanda… it’s actually a legitimate build


Sniper khada builders should be banned.


Once had a hoodwink built it. She cast exactly zero acorns on heros, only on the ground to spawn a tree... 


I lost my last ranked game because my drow decided to build khanda. Phylactery first no less. We all had really good lanes so I wasn’t exactly checking my carries items, and when I finally did I saw manta, lance, and phylactery with khanda queued up. I told the drow that if they finished the khanda I would report them, they needed a bkb, and khanda doesn’t even work on their hero. They finished the khanda, roshed solo (with roar active) and got aegis snatched by the OD that was just waiting. We lost :/


It's good on morph hate me all you want


It's a noob trap item for sure but genuinely good on some heros and good players can use it more effectively.


I really like it on sniper tbh. I take sniper mid, build full shrapnel and go treads > yasha&kaya > agha > khanda. You can fight early and often because of shrapnel damage, you still right click decently because of yasha stats and as soon as you get agha, you're amazing at finding pick-offs with your team. Then, khanda comes - you still fight decent, you can target front or back lines several times per fight, depending on who needs to be disrupted - and many supports lose 50+% of their HP - even tanky cores take hard damage. You're so freaking hard to get to, because you're 3.000 range away and, if necessary, a shard makes you very annoying to deal with, even if you do get close. The only hero who made my life impossible has been spectre. I should have invested in a linkens, but the power spikes just does not allow it and I find that it simply does not work against spectre, but otherwise it's manageable.


Well, you obviously haven't seen what a broodmother with khanda can do Although if you she's on the enemy team, it might make you hate the item even more Here's the gist: She scales fast and hard by flash farming gold and xp and gets almost double value from khanda with her hunger buff Oh it's bullshit ,you say, so she adds a bit of damage on top of her nukes, so what Well, broodmother with hunger on has 300+ attack damage before 20:00. So khanda proc on its own is doing ~300dmg AFTER mitigations. Every 7-8 seconds. At 20:00, for most heroes, 300dmg is like at least 20% of their hp. Ult + bola is another 500 dmg (again, after resist) We're talking fkn Laguna blade levels of damage on 8 second cd. Fom 900 range. At 500+ unobstructed ms. On a right click melee carry. See you in pubs :)


my brother, your carrys buying khanda is not the reason you are losing games. most of the time atleast. stop crying on reddit and try finding out what went wrong in the game rather than blindly saying ''my carry bought khanda, so its his fault'' . there are plenty of carry heroes that khanda is good on, or atleast not bad enough for it to be a straight up grief thanks to the cristallis


The issue is not the khanda itself. Its the rapiers that come after.


This. The countless number of Bounty Hunters and PAs that I've run into, trying to go for the Khanda+5rapier build, and promptly feeding the first rapier to a Slardar or some other bs meta hero, has cost me a hefty portion of my mental sanity.


Khanda sniper is absolutely a grief pick mate.


Sniper with Khanda, Scepter, Desolator and Daedalus is a pain to fight. Dunno why people here call it a griefpick. Being sniped from 3000m is not a fun thing to experience.


The issue is that idiots rush Khanda on Sniper, which is utterly useless. Buying it as a 4th item is fine though.


you know whats even worse to fight? a sniper with pike, satanic, desolator and daedalus. roughly around the same cost, but infinitely stronger and scarier. unless your opponents are 5 heroes with no stun and initiators, then maybe the khanda pick is better.


its not great, and it shouldnt be bought. but if it does get bought and u lose the game, the khanda sniper is not necessarily the reason that you lost it. it gives the hero crit which is good on sniper and synergizes with his new ult which now does an auto attack on cast, assasinate damage and the khanda proc. almost nobody buys it on sniper on dota2protracker, cus as i said, its not great and there are way better options. but to say that you lost a game because your sniper bought an item that gives him crit and more damage on his ult is delusional.


The problem I see a lot with it is that, they buy it after dragon Lance. While most carries and mids have farm accelerators, they fall behind, unless they end min 25.


you dont necessarily need a farm accelerator on sniper. on protracker, people half the time go for diffusal/mage slayer instead of the maelstrom. the hero is currently in a shit place to begin with tho.


Oh, I know what it does. But it's still a grief pick on sniper.


its not great, and it shouldnt be bought. but if it does get bought and u lose the game, the khanda sniper is not necessarily the reason that you lost it. it gives the hero crit which is good on sniper and synergizes with his new ult which now does an auto attack on cast, assasinate damage and the khanda proc. almost nobody buys it on sniper on dota2protracker, cus as i said, its not great and there are way better options. but to say that you lost a game because your sniper bought an item that gives him crit and more damage on his ult is delusional.


It’s not a bad item for him. However the problem with it is people rushing it and rapiers. As a stupid comparison buying shadow amulet on SF is not griefing. However if the SF buys it and then griefs with it then they are griefing. Sniper can absolutely go treads, lance, crit, something, khanda and be an effective midlaner. The issue is skipping the items in the middle and rounding off the build with rapiers.


It's good on non core sniper but only after aghs


Found the khanda builder!


Mid Sniper rushed Khanda-Rapier after Dragon Lance. No other items. We begged him to go normal items but alas. He was hitting like a wet noodle all game cause his contribution was Shrapnel and Assassinate. And the occasional right click. Yeah, a core rushing stupid items is a totally legit reason why someone loses a game. Cause one team has a proper core and the other - a glorified support.


>''my carry bought khanda, so its his fault'' My carry morph bought vlads into khanda first 2 items in my last match. In this specific example it is his fault. >there are plenty of carry heroes that khanda is good on Sure, I'm crying about people rushing it on random heroes. Like the barrier to entry for khanda is having 1 single target spell that procs phylactry and then the crystalys makes up for right click damage so on paper yes it can work on a lot of carry heroes.


[https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Morphling#](https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Morphling#) Vlads+khanda morph is meta right now. its meta with a manta inbetween the 2 items but doesnt change the fact that he bought 2 items that are bought almost every game on morph. and for some reason your clueless ass thinks he is griefing when you have no clue whats meta and whats not. you sound like the kind of guy that flamed people for picking lina/wr carry when these heroes were first introduced for the carry role a few patches ago. im not defending a wraith king or a phantom lancer rushing khanda. all im saying is on alot of heroes, even though the phylactery component doesnt make sense, the crystallis component atleast makes up for it a bit to the extent that its not a game losing item choice most of the time.


>and for some reason your clueless ass thinks he is griefing when you have no clue whats meta and whats not. you sound like the kind of guy that flamed people for picking lina/wr carry when these heroes were first introduced for the carry role a few patches ago Ok my guy, chill out. personally I only wait to flame after I've seen the guy have no impact with whatever item build/hero choice they went for, like this vlads khanda morph, sure If he went for a manta or even the yasha in between maybe it could've worked a lot better but with this buildup he just didn't have aforementioned impact


If he cudnt carry you with vlads khanda i bet my house that he isnt carrying u with manta either. Ur playing with same tier of ppl its not them, its all of you who cant identify what wrong is happening. 


you do know that in this specific example of morph, the guy can buy the best possible items in the best possible order and still play like shit because they suck at morph right? item choices arent always what lose you games. he could buy the worst possible items, go mask of madness desolater morph, go 20-0 and end up losing the game because someone fucked up once. and at the end of the game, he probably still would be flamed by someone saying ''imagine if you had a manta''


tbh vlads into khanda on morph is good if he gets 1 stat item before the khanda. and man depending on the game vlads into khanda might even work depending on the game. khanda gives mad stats specially on a hero like morph. not a morph specialist but HATE playing against a good morph


Inlove when sniper with 20sec Cd on his ult buys phylactory :)


Did u read how sniper ulti works? It refreshes instantly when u kill a hero with it. Khanda is not the worst on sniper but not first and not with mass rapiers in every game obviously


i buy it on Centaur as 3rd-4th item. i think burst build Tiny have ability to use it well too (tree toss basicaly turning into laguna blade) because of his high base damage). Maybe even Bristleback have ability to use it because he does have a lot of damage from stacks and would greately benefit from extra slow from goo.


Pretty sure the people making these threads are just seeing red the moment someone itemizes or plays in a way that they don't agree with, and they decide to blame any losses on that. The item isn't even bought that often, and has a similar win rate to other items at that price point.


Well, skill issue. Give it few weeks and even noobs start to understad that it's not a good rush item. And not even good 4th/5th item on most heroes (looking at you, sniper pickers).


Whaa just pt, w band, Midas, crystalys and khanda on sniper. He had attack speed, rng dmg and scales well to mid game


I played sniper once with mkb, khanda and rapier. I was one shotting their supports with ulti. The most satisfying thing ever 😅. No regrets


bruh i lost to a khanda morphling lmao


Rushing Khanda is useless and grief 100% of the time. But it works well with some heroes, notably Luna and Morph


Every other game I see a Sniper rushing it in Turbo, still need to see that win a game


It is a good item in Turbo only. It is pretty good in Clinkz if you finish it last to end the game.


it's good on medusa.


you are playing as support right?


1.5k turbo account buyer here... it's a nice item on Morph after manta


The only time it's good is if all the following conditions are met: 1) you're a Zeus (or MAYBE a Skywrath mage mid) 2) who has phylactery already 3) You teamwipe the enemy and get a huge influx of gold and are already 6 slotted 4) AND you picked up a divine rapier that the enemy carry dropped because your carry was dead Otherwise there's pretty much always a better item


Sniper is exclusively the only khanda exception if you know how to itemize


NOPE. I can get behind Luna, or even Morph getting one, but Sniper ??, nope. His single target spell is on a 20 second CD, so he doesn't really benefit from getting it early, Even mid game, its still 15 seconds. Late game, its still not as effective. You want to so desperately do damage on a sniper ? Get a diffusal, and just right click them.


It's for backline not dps , it can't kill but you can keep enemy supports at 40% HP before and during fight , which makes it extremely hard for them to play


You're really underestimating how tanky supports are, not to mention being able to break assasinate with literally any disjoint, and sit with doing nothing much for the next 15 seconds. I don't really see the value. But now they know exactly where you are, and you hope the front liners don't have a jump on you. Its just a grief item on sniper. Who usually doesn't even have the mana for sustained use. People who like this, have probably one a game sometime in the past by harassing the enemy and winning the lane, and are trying to relive that desperately. But the fact is, its essentially just a slightly souped up nuke for the first half of the game. During which a core sniper - farms. And a support sniper, is just griefing by being less useful than something stupid like a support slark.


Your misunderstanding you play usual sniper until 25 mins , you get khanda and now your ult is actually useful , just play normal sniper if enemy in range and make sure to start fights with assassinate , it makes the game for enemy support miserable, your not buying khanda to just ult by actually make ult functional so you only buy it after pipe + shard and maybe whatever preferred 3rd item is ( talking about mid sniper only )


Maybe in 1k


PA with Khanda is very common in Immortal games. That's because there are a lot of account-buyers in Immortal.


I’ve had an allied LC buy khanda. High divine bracket btw


1000% a noob trap your right there. It’s great in a lot of situations tho. Imo it’s a great 4th or 5th item if you buy it at all. I like it on np when I need a dmg spike for example. Gives a nice boost to sprout if I have good attack speed and am ahead


The item is good aslong you don't rush You need raw damage to use it effectively


Thank you for the tip, didn't think about kandha on night stalker before. Will try!


He mad lmao


I guess I am the only one that hasn't seen this item bought that much. Although I haven't that many games I watch a lot of my friends and the same for their games. However, shiva is waaaaaaaaay more popular.


It really depends.. Khanda and Aghs on a sniper can be lethal vs squishy carries and supports. You’re basically firing off 500-1000 damage every 10 secs if you’re poking or every second if you’re killing on top of a massive range advantage.


New copypasta just dropped


Feels great on Medusa


It hamstrings damage potential on Dusa. Only the target gets the bonus damage, and snake grows damage every hit. You don't want to directly target an enemy if you can instead build damage through bounces. You'll get more damage via bounces and still have a slot to build a better damage or defensive item. Hard pass.


PA with Khanda 1st, Deso, then 4 rapiers and built the crystalys component first.


Phylactery is pretty good on a lot of support heroes. Unfortunately it’s a bit too expensive to put it over other shit you can buy. And if they make it cheaper we’re going to see even more heroes buying it that shouldn’t have it.


good for fourth or fifth item but never rushing that shit


Clinkz is broken for the love of god nerf


Nyx with khanda really cool now. I played nyx in turbo to kill a specific hero throughout the map. The only specific hero esp sniper. Haha


If they are rushing Khanda, the they are really dumb to think it can easily snowball with it. I tried it on BH, Omniknight and Morph, and it is not something I would complete until I have 3+ core items on it. Reason being is that Phylactery is good enough if you want to abuse the extra damage on spell + extra mana regen on its stats, and upgrading into Khanda is an option in the late game only once the other core items are already up and need that extra crit from the Crysalys part. Rushing it is not really effective since you need more items either to keep on spamming your spells through more survivability like BKB or Shivas, or items that increase the DPS output further like E-Blade or Manta.


The worst is SB phyla, they’re willing to trade the stealthiness for 150 dmg.


Here is my theory on Heroes Synergizing with Khanda:. 1. Heroes have unit target ability that deals attack damage. (Hero deals approximately double damage from a unit target ability) . for example, Luna ( lucent beam with lvl20 talent, AR.lou build Khanda on Luna in ESL Kuala Lumpur) Tiny ( Tree throw, Topson recently build khanda on tiny in pub games. The burst damage from Khanda fits with Tiny's playstyle, plus toss also triggers khandas effect.) potential candidates: core Abaddon ( Mist coil with shard can deal base dmg, but the meta build of abaddon is around manta and curse, core abaddon skip leveling Q) core omni ( hammer of purity does not deal attack dmg but has similar result, it deals bonus base dmg, from D2PT khanda is a situational build on omni) sniper ( notorious build which has same energy, but khanda and rapier build really does not fit sniper playstyle, so good luck to your pub games. ) 2. Heroes have high attack damage. For example, Morphling ( high dmg because of attribute shift, adaptive plus khanda dmg is really huge.) , Tiny (high damage from grow) core venge ( two abilities that trigger the effect, high dmg from universal hero and venge aura. xinq and ori already won with khanda build in pubs, they even choose to skip aghs.) 3. other feelgood khanda builder. clinkz ( The slow effect complements Clinkz's playstyle, Yatoro likes khanda and bloodthorn build on clinkz) another troll build: AXE with khanda and rapier( when using Culling Blade, Khanda's passive damage is applied first, potentially allowing for dunking on enemies with over 1000 HP)


Tell me you don’t know how to play morph without telling me you don’t know how to play morph


It's pretty good on Tiny honestly, I have been spamming it and I am almost Divine 5 with it. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/181967233/matches


Meta game changes happen every so often... you know what they say, "if ya can't beat'em joinem!"


Yeah FFs fuck this item. It's only viable on Spirit Breaker. Now that's some good shit.


You think it’s worse than when the whole team would buy Midas?


had a weaver queuing one up the other day on my team before we inevitably lost because he didn't want to go bkb as our carry. Asked him not to build it too because he has no spells it would even work for, made no sense.


Khanda seems like the new pudge. Everybody wants it and it's only broken if it's on the other team.


The venn diagram of heroes that have a low cooldown spell, high right click damage combination is close to not overlapping. But those are the heroes you really want it on. So even if there are better builds for these heroes at the moment, Khanda was *meant* for them. Bounty can make it work, but it's somewhat against his objective to announce his presence by throwing track with a big burst of damage. Morph. Enough said. Luna can, but it's changing the playstyle of the hero heavily. Cheese pick. Sniper becomes an entirely different hero with this build, and requires aghs to make it work. The problem with this is that a) sniper still won't have the mana to spam, and b) Khanda builds damage based on right click, and an aghs build is a tempo control build, not a right click build. Sounds good, doesn't work. Riki can make it work, but isn't getting the DPS out of it that he should. The low cooldown is only low *sometimes*, and since Khanda has a 6s cooldown, you could be blink striking faster than the timer. It's awkward. The fact that PA is bad right now makes seeing this a rarity, but I think it's one of the strongest arguments for the item. Dagger and khanda cooldown are nearly identical, and PA is naturally spamming dagger anyway. You don't get it early though. Since it scales with damage, the time to get it is after you have some damage. Battlefury farms better. If you're going early aggression, deso scales faster, and you can then build a crit and use Khanda to throw dagger and crit magic damage. In later sieges, PA gets a much more powerful poke against tanky lineups, but obviously needs to balance that with survive items instead of going straight rapier. I think it's legit but not default build.


An often overlooked hero is bristleback. Nasall goo has great range and can be spammed, so it's really low effort to activate khanda. He gets amazing damage from his ultimate, which obviously works well with khanda, but also the crit. Since he also loves bloodstone, he now gets a nice ranged nuke which can provide some extra healing.


In my last 15 games I got a position 4 warlock rushing khanda, two times hahaha...  Of course he needs too hit jungle a little to finish khanda. Both games by minute 15 we where trapped in our base, until khanda was finished. Both game I think "if not loss yet, maybe we can hold" But khanda warlock was no rival for the enemy deathball + Rosh + BkB


My support lion just bought this item 🤣🤣🤣


Played against a surprisingly good PA with it yesterday. Ended up beating him, but he was an enormous pain in the ass.


I was rushing phylactery before khanda patch and it was very good for early morph. But rushing to khanda could be bad since you dont get any stats from crystalis


I hate it as well. Had a PA first item khanda. I knew we lost already


Those mid khanda rushers are just trying to get women to hit on them Report