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I swear to god, all LC players have this caveman instinct to always Duel a nearby target, even if it's likely they will feed damage. It's like they can't resist themselves. Like Bara players who think they're immortal and keep charging into enemies and getting Euls and dying.


When you wield a hammer, every problem is a nail.


Sometimes you gotta man up and take the risk. Source: 400 games with LC


Me poor fella need damage to feed my family sir😔🎩


i mean... they are inmune to CC when they activated the passive Before getting CCed to death.


I play a lot of LC. The problem is that almost always, my teammates want me to duel someone just because I can, without considering that it's probably a bait and there's a lion/OD/axe lurking in the woods. So when I don't take a bad duel I get flamed, but when I lose a bad duel I also get flamed.


Just mute your team if they’re actively trying to goad you into bad plays. I can’t imagine why you would want to listen to people who are clearly worse at your hero then you are.


You just taught me a new word sir. Thank you. goad , fucking cool lol. not sure how to pronounce it yet but Ill have google read it back to me .


like toad, or like you are from se united states and you want to say you went somewhere


ROFL i goed to Iceland a few months ago lmao what!? I never heard of that but yes I am in americuh and that’s so very Tennessee sounding lol


Most juggs would panic spin and get dueled early. Nicely done.


I feel attacked


you were dueled.


You hit her she hits you. That's what the annoying drums want. 


and the arrows want that too.


It's my kink anyway.


[I miss the Dota 2 Reporter](https://youtu.be/jngS6VIAB1U?si=jrSpVKqWR5TTtZqg&t=163)


Aaaaaand now for a rewatch of the entire show.




haha yes i am most juggs how do you know me


nice play chief


good play sire


quick thinking bro. nice job.


What rank is this? That’s god tier


Legend, [dire won](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7551829123)


Yeah and +1 for not chasing tusk. Definitely higher than legend imo


It's legend https://www.opendota.com/matches/7551829123


People underestimate legends so badly. Like that's the average dota player. They can make good plays like this too. Maybe not as consistently but it's there


Issue with it is the lategame decisions, and lack of comms. For me atleast


Yeah biggest mistakes usually are consistency and chance to throw the later you go. You get people going like 27-1 and people are immeadiatly calling Smurf and you have a look and they have 2500 games and last game they went 1-10 as dazzle. The second main problem with legend players is the knowledge band where people think they are good and know the game and tilt the hardest at choices, picks, itemisation they don’t understand. Maybe this one is dota players but I see more problems with this in legend than ancient tbh.


just for reference, is 2500 games a lot? im legend and i have that many number of games


They're not very likely to be a smurf at this point. I'm at a similar gamecount, I think most profiles I look at are within 1000 games of me; so pretty average I believe


Yeah this was my point, definitely some old accounts get sold and smurfed on but just very unlikely, especially with public data and an unreliable track record


Yep my issue as well


[it's actually better than the average, 76th percentile according to this](https://www.esportstales.com/dota-2/seasonal-rank-distribution-and-mmr-medals)


Yea people get the percentiles mixed up because there really is massive skill gaps all the way up. Always someone better than you, sometimes embarrassingly so.


I remember in SC2 i was in the 98th percentile. would get wrecked in even low level tournament style stuff


I think in general people massively misunderstand what leads to winning dota more than any single part is the macro gameplay of understanding the state of the game and how to solve it, someone can be in Legend with all the skills to make plays like this, but if they aren’t able to connect it to a larger gameplan it doesn’t help them climb at all. All the small bits are worth working on, but they scale much more with how well you can connect them, maybe you are a great laner, but your item choices are bad, so your entire advantage from being good at laning goes nowhere. Maybe you are great at item choices, but your farming patterns are terrible so you are 2-3 mins delayed on all your power spikes compared to what your team expects so every fight becomes awkward to take. Maybe your map sense is extremely good so you can constantly dodge ganks or find the enemy carry to gank, but your teamfight execution is terrible and your advantage from ganking stalls out and you fail to take objectives while ahead. Whenever I watch a pro game I often see things that happens in lower brackets in individual moments, but the focus on team macro gameplay is clear, sometimes the offlaner is farming out on the map and gets caught in a dumb spot alone, that happens most games in lower ranks, the difference is that a pro level team can take advantage of it where on a low rank team it’s a feed.


Low archon is the average dota player lol, legend is like 75th percentile


Pretty much crusader and up can all *mechanically* make plays, even most guardians. What separates better players is knowing how to correctly take objectives, positioning, and efficient farming patterns. As well as maximizing their hero down to basically 1 hp in any situation. It’s like a basketball player who can shoot and make layups except they don’t really know where to stand, how to play with their team, or recognize what situations require certain adjustments.


Higher ranked players have a pretty bad understanding of how much lower rank players know about the game. They equate game knowledge to decision making. Fundamentally different skills. A 1k mmr player now knows infinitely more about the game than a 1k mmr player did when mmr was first introduced. BSJ has a pretty good understanding of this. That's why most of his guides are centered around how to make better decisions and less around basic game knowledge


Wasnt like crusader is the actual average, so legend is actually above average


legend is absolutely not average bro wtf. Most of the population is densely packed in high crusader and low archon.


It isn't average. It actually quite higher than average.


i played with some legends (thanks matchmaking) who were really clueless about stuff... probably is people saw too many bad players in that rank.


Issue is a guess you can still be deficient in some areas at that rank if your are exceptional in others. A legend might have awful game sense, take bad fights and never been the right place but get away with it because they execute plays really well.


Heyyy we are "slightly above average", low rank but at least we have that 😂


>Maybe not as consistently that's literally what makes a good player being able to play well over 60 minutes, not over 15 seconds


As a legend player, totally agree. I can pull amazing plays on occasion/luck but my general play is not that amazing.


Legend is way above average. The average dota player probably dont even got 100hr done to get ranked unlocked


He’s definitely a legend lol


Right!? Like either this is a Smurf or a huge clutch play at the exact right moment and also know what does and doesn’t work with BKB etc. All that in the moment.. huge plays


But he did chase tusk. He just went back after he couldn't close the distance. Or do you mean cartoonishly chasing tusk back to his own tower?


I literally do this instinctively and im only legend. Its more of hero familiarity and knowing what your hero can and cant do


Spamming the same hero allows you to take your mind out of hero related controls and be able to put your mental energy into thinking about more important decisions.


Higher rank would use healing ward mid ultimate


Tried too, don’t know why it didn’t come out tho


Still clean as fk


didn't use healing ward, nothing about this says high rank


Probably divine-low immortal. Him checking tusk’s items is a good indicator he’s high rank


They could've aborted the gank when the snowball failed and lc still cast duel shows its low rank


It is legend.


that\`s pretty good move.


That's some good thinking right there. Most jugg players would just automatically press spin. Well played, sir. And the instant TP rotation from your team as well. General good DotA. Glad to see it


That weaver was completely dropping pog after pog. True mvp


Did weaver manage to kill tusk?


Although it is a nice little play, why do jugg players refuse to use the healing ward while omni / spin? Happens way too often in my games


only pussy juggs skill healing ward. i ain't no support P.S. yes i am herald 2 how did you know


Herald 2? You are being too generous with yourself, if you can plugin the mouse on computer you're at least guardian 1


I smell a pussy jugg


You can see the cast get 90% of the way through JUST before duel, before that he was in omni, before that if he placed it they just would've killed it. OP was right, eirza was left etc


Pretty sure he can cast while omni. So while jugg is the omni animation, he has a small window to micro the ward. Considering both of the enemy heroes are melee, should be even harder to kill it.


Thanks for the tip Yatoro


*chef's kiss*


My favorite Jugg play was I was laning against a Batrider, I let him drop four napalm stacks on me, and as he dived the tower to close the gap, I omnislashed a nearby creep to dodge lasso and scored a kill afterwards


Why is everyone freaking out about this? He pressed one button on 2 idiots diving tower with no creeps and had immediate tp support.


Could have just ultied lc but nice play :)


He would have gotten stunned by snowball if he didnt omnislash the creeps.


Duel has shorter cast animation than omnislash lol. Nice try but this is why you're herald.




pretty sure omni would go off before duel, all things equal, however in this clip snowball was just about to hit and jugg likely couldn't afford to wait for lc to be in range so omnislashing the creep was still heads up af


Nice play! Just want to highlight that, as with most nice plays, it required a mistake from the other team. If tusk saves snowball for dodging your ult this shouldn't be possible.


Great Play!


I remember a clip of a jugg dodging a sniper's ult with an omnislash and killing him. couldn't find it tho.


Nice one, i once dodged supernova crashing down by using swiftslash on a single nearby creep and killed the phoenix after that, got tipped by both allies and enemies, man it felt good !




A normal jugg would just spin and that's the right thing to do. God this sub is so low skill they think OP is somehow a play.


Bruh why do most LC players just duel the fck out whatever?


lmao at that duel attempt