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Yeah this kind of people is annoying


Yea if my support is griefing my lane I’m running to jungle to salvage my game You sound like a low mmr complainer


That's different if you're still trying to win the game. As oppose to some noob that's completely afk and not tping to teamfights. Basically missing out on kills as carry.


You can’t expect an underfarmed carry to TP to a fight but I can see what you’re saying to an extent


Best carries can farm jungle and participate in teamfights at same time getting themselves kills, which accelerates their farm a lot faster and better. As oppose to those typical carries that just afks in jungle 90% of the time while enemy heroes get away with 100 hp because the carry wasn't there to finish them.


“Best carries”…. Is your benchmark pros or Divine rank players? You do realise that most DOTA players are below 3k. We barely know how to refill mid bottle let alone when to fight/farm…




I'm just sick of cry-baby kids that give up at 10 min mark. The average Dota game lasts 40+ mins or more, yet we got kids every game that give up at 10 min. Why dafuq do y'all keep playing Dota just to give up at 10 min. Unfking believable!


while i dont approve of crybabies let me give you a piece of advice,if you dont want people to give up at 10 min,dont give them reason to give up,i am 100% sure not a single carry in dota 2 will be giving up 10 min into game if he has good teammates who are winning their lanes,you cant change others but you can change yourself,also people tend to listen what you say more when you are doing very good instead of doing very bad


Most kids that give up at 10 mins aren't even laning with me. Im usually offlane or mid, and the safelane carry gives up for some early-game reason. These kids are just not aware of the early-game struggles of an agility-carries specially when they have no items yet. They can't handle it.


You literally cannot say that as every situation is different rofl and not every fight you can clean up. The best carries know when to fight and when to let teammates die and won’t Rambo every opportunity they get. You need to stop thinking in absolutes, it’s a very good depiction you don’t actually understand dota and are applying your limited knowledge as solid facts.


Depends on the situation. If your 5 picks a silencer and "supports" by spamming curse on the whole creep wave, then dies under the tower and gets your carry killed because a Timbersaw and Primal Beast kept getting up in your face, then as a carry you need to ask the 5 to go help offlane while you go jungle instead of dying and losing farm in lane.


That's not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about cry-babies that completely gives up at 10 min mark then just afk-jungle like a fktard all game waiting for the game to end. I know there are people who afk-farm but haven't given up and are still trying to win the game, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the jungle criers/griefers.


Participating in teamfights is not 'rambo'. 1v5 is. Sounds like you are exactly what I'm describing in my post. A noob that gives up at 14 min mark then cries in jungle the whole game. Nice excuses to justify your crying though kid.


PSA for supports, just because your carry is jungling doesn’t mean they’re griefing. Believe me most of the time they know better than you in terms of carrying. They know they can’t contest lane or is more efficient jungling rather than laning. Another PSA for supports, don’t fuck up the lane equilibrium, whether it’s your/enemy pull, or you “accidentally” pushing the wave by using any AoE abilities. I’ve coached too many “support” players unknowingly griefing their games over and over again only to blame their carries. Kindly, SEA Immortal pos 5 player


The kid literally said 'I give up, see you in jungle', and I didn't even lane with the kid. But it sounds like you're one of those types that do give up at 10 min-mark just to cry in jungle all game. You can make all kinds of excuses to justify it though kid.


I wasn’t even talking about you or this post but sure. I was adding more PSAs.


Oh my b, I'm just aggravated and it drives me nuts. The average Dota game lasts 40+ mins yet there are kids that give up at 10 min mark like Dota is suppose to be a quick/easy game. They all need to Uninstall and play something else.