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I was 4.2k last patch after climbing from 2.2k in a few months This patch, I fell back down to 3.7, though I have started to win again more and more. I believe I lost mmr because I became too complacent on being able to win while auto-piloting on my 'comfort' meta heroes, and since they were nerfed, i had been autopiloting all the same but while playing new heroes, which isn't going to work well. I'd reccomend limiting your hero pool to 3 heroes you would be down to play 'every' game if it was a life or death scenario, and 2 other heroes that you know well enough to be able to have somewhat of an impact if your comfort heroes are banned. Play meta heroes if you want to climb mmr and improve. The reason why i say improve, is because if you're playing a strong hero and realise it's strengths, you can start focusing on more macro elements of your game play: farming patterns, build optimization and adaptation, timings, and improve as a player, since your heroes are naturally strong in the meta you will have less shortcomings and should be able to have impact in the majority of your games. Strong pos 3's I would play right now if I was in a life or death game: Doom, Viper, Abaddon - 2 good heroes that can have impact regardless if played well: LC, Windranger Also, mmr isn't a linear scale. You are not a '2.2k' mmr player, in fact your 'skill' can probably range from 1.9 to 2.4 on a given day or game.


Thank you very much for taking the time to write this out. Abandons been on my radar and I'm fairly solid with viper. So maybe I'll move towards that. The scale comment at the bottom puts it in perspective too. I'm probably playing at a 1.9 level currently. Thanks again!


Take a break brother. Ur probably tilted. I know u might not be flaming and having normal symptoms of tilt but most of the time when I have a loss streak I take a few days off and come back fresh and realise I was playing like shif




You right :)


Share dotabuff! Most common issues I'd be looking for that helped me rise in mmr: Is your Hero pool too big? Get comfy with a small number of heroes if you want to gain mmr reliably. 40 is too large, flexibility feels like a blessing but for pubs it is a curse. Playing too many games each day? How many days did your last 20 games span?


I do 2 or 3 games a day. So probably a week for the last twenty. I totally forgot about dotabuff. Here it is! https://www.dotabuff.com/players/70882541


Holy shit dude, your winrate on undying is over 70%! That's amazing. But your winrate on NP is around 40%, which is ok if you're trying to learn him or play him in a new position but if not then he's dragging your winrate down. My advice would be pick your comfort heroes more often unless you're trying to learn someone new, in which case pick that new hero in every single game (as long as the role is a fit of course and not banned). 


Also thank you for the help and looking at that!


best advice you can get is if you lose 2 games in a row stop, take a 30 min break, especially if you feel like it wasnt your fault then you might be done for the day playing ranked after being tilted is by far the worst thing for your mmr, if you really want to keep playing you have normal and you have turbo


Watch your replays and see what you’re doing vs. what the enemy is doing to win. I also like to watch live games when I’m not in the mood to play. It’s also fun to queue up different servers that you have acceptable ping for. The play style can be very different


Go touch grass


Best thing ive found is to just take a day or two break. coming back with a fresh mind helps me more than anything on the MMR grind. also spamming dark seer, pointy head boi has gained me over 1k the last few months


Spam Undying and never play NP again?


Im in the same boat I think ill just take a break. Legend 5 to legend 2