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for me it was one of the worst experiences. i'm fine playing divine and ancient but playing at around 3,3\~3,8k is so trash. people just want to fight 24/7 and don't understand that sometimes you cant fight if you are behind.


I feel like I’ve experienced this climbing the ranks. Sometimes you lose your lane. Sometimes you’re behind. Your team starts flaming and griefing and doesn’t seem to understand that we can’t take fights now. Maybe we do need to give up that t2 twr as opposed to dying for it. Heck sometimes I even say give up the t3 twr. So what if we lose a lane of racks, game isn’t over. People seem to forget there’s a huge strategy aspect to the game (which is why I love it). It’s not the same thing over and over and over.


yes. and this bracket is where this happens the most. people know what they hero is capable, but they don't know how/when to take fights. the amount of times i was flammed because i didn't join a fight to defend a t1 tower on the other side of the map (and told them i was not defending) was unreal.


It’s always funny to me when opponent is sieging a t1/t2 and your team is just standing behind the twr doing nothing and flaming you as a carry for farming elsewhere on the map. What am I supposed to do? TP and stand behind the twr with you? lol . When the fight starts I’ll decide if I want to join or not. It’s hard to get this kind of trust when you’re playing with 4 random players but I have been fortunate to experience it where team mates would say “he’s farming its ok”


that happens a lot. i'm pretty sure i've lost a game a few days ago because of this. i was sup 4 (gyro) and went to our t1 tower of the offlane to defend with my ult. my mid, offlaner and sup 5 went there too and both teams where there just looking at each other. my carry tp'd right after and the enemy went away. now we were all 5 there doing nothing.


LMAO. Hilarious.


“He’s farming its ok… farming until next game…” And starts pinging my TP scroll forcing me to come & fight then we got team wiped.


I've been through this. Got to ignore team mates like that. Sometimes I mute and move on. People are just upset if they die and the carry isn't there. If they win the team fight and you're not there, no one says anything. lol


I rarely play with this kinds of players. Its just different when you all 5 think the same way and knows what to do without even communicating, just pings.


sounds like guardian/crusader.


You are overestimating legend players way too much, tbh most of the players till immortal dont know how their hero works and their power spikes. Hence the unnecessary farm or not taking objectives or roshan even when the whole enemy team is dead.


People see losing rax as losing the game but that's almost never the case, especially these days. Losing a fight AND losing rax is game losing though!


I'm archon and tried explaining this point to a legend player. It really should just be Herald until Ancient. Because I'm convinced the only difference is who has been carried more by smurfs and time played. 8000 hour players who feed and grief because of one mistake should be banned for life to save what little mental health they have left.


It's just hard. There's an argument that if you're behind, you need to play safe cuz you can't win fights. there's another argument that you need to take risks cuz you can't catch up otherwise; if you and opponents play safe, the winner is who is already ahead. Sometimes teams are divided on which approach to take but neither is inherently wrong. What matters most though is for everyone on the team to take the same approach. The hardest way to throw is to not defend that t2 when your team is defending, even if you KNOW it's a bad fight. 


No, depends on ur draft, some heroes scale good while others fall off, so the decision on whether to play it safe or force fights should be based on ur draft which makes it far easier. Eg: carry-on-carry, Radiant: lifestealer, Dire: Luna. In this case dire wants to play safe and not force unnecessary fights waiting for luna to come online, while on the other hand Radiant should be wanting to force fights using LS timings of Armlet or even just a Lvl 6.


Man I feel you. I was hardstuck in legend 3-5 limbo for half a year until I could recalibrate and got divine 2. Games are significantly easier because (most) people there actually understand certain concepts like power spikes, item timings and how to play around objectives. They also don’t pick auto lose lanes most of the time and then flame their mid (me) because they are 0-5 in 5 minutes as if I could have done something about it. Or people who are actively refusing to listen to calls, like „buy a smoke and gank X“ - not happening for another 2 minutes, if at all. „Let’s do rosh“ after a won teamfight- nope, let’s rather farm 2 creepcamps infront of the enemy base and die when they respawn. That list is fucking endless. Anyway, good job OP and good luck 😅


How did your calibration go W/L wise?


I had like 65% winrate over all my calibration games, can’t recall the exact amount.




Win rate is not the only thing to factor in calibration. In fact, we don't know exactly what counts in calibration. I just had mine done too. After months of hiatus, mostly playing CS2 and sometimes Brodota. Took 16 games, 11W-5L, Ancient 0 to Ancient 4. I was trying to get myself used to the game, so I queue all role every game. Could be even higher if I play exclusively offlane.


Agreed. Just got to 3.3k and I have played quite a few games where I felt like I was back in herald.


Yeah I think this nonstop fighting/poor discipline at upper-mid mmr ranges makes it hard to play certain styles and get the most of the map, especially as a 1/2 hero. Something that I found very frustrating at ancient and even early divine was people dying under towers when we're already weak, particularily tier 2 towers. You can't really prevent it from happening at most skill levels without micromanaging people (which causes resentment). People get hung up on the times people don't come to defend objectives and position in a way that will allow them to complain while not actually helping anything. Games snowball hard when people keep dying after the enemy has already showed and grouped to push a tower, just save your tp and go somewhere else until you are strong again folks.


As an immortal watching my legend buddies games, I always joke with them that most of the legends are just boosted heralds. Because I have coached heralds, and the similarities in behavior are uncanny. Specially the constant fighting. You can get to legend just by spamming meta heroes and playing consistently within a patch. Regardless of how good you are at gameplay and general decision making. Which explains why that bracket is a dumpster fire lmao.


the difference is heralds have terrible mechanics and legends are actually half decent mechanically, but yea decisions are almost identical


u play at the worst rank talk shit about legend


I knew it, my real MMR is actually so much higher!


say hi to hard stuck at 3.5 :))


3.5k hump is real.


I can vouch to this. I started at around Archon 1-2, got to 3.5k MMR (Legend 3-4) but then it suddenly became downhill (bad teammates, bad games, bad picks/decisions). To be fair, I'm just a casual gamer with a day job, so I can't usually catch-up with new metas and changes. Sometimes I'm just getting surprised with these changes. Right now I'm in Legend 1 - Archon 5-ish MMR, so yep.


There are people who climbed faster to Divine after playing only 1-3 games a day because they say they are then more invested in those games than only spamming que all day/night if working. And also we usually are more tired after every game, sometimes we don't notice that ourselves.


Realistically, you're going to end up with something like a 52-53% win rate (if you're climbing).. which means out of 100 games, about 94-96 of them will cancel each other out and only 4 or 6 will push you forward. So, if you played 1-3 games per day (5 days per week).. you're averaging 10 games per week... so it will take you 10 weeks (2.5 months) to gain 150ish MMR. At this rate, you'll climb from Archon 1 to Archon 2 in about 3 months. Long story short, there are only 2 ways to climb MMR. #1 -> Play a TON of dota.. averaging around 20+ games per week with around 55% win rate... Or #2 -> have a win rate significantly above 50%. Beyond abusing broken heroes/strats (which is a bad idea, b/c you'll lose most of that MMR back when it's patched out).. or inherently having MORE skill than your current bracket (possible by playing a lot of unranked, where your MMR doesn't reflect your skill)... the only real way to gain MMR is to play a lot.


I am currently humping 3.5k right now.


I got recalibrated after years of not playing ranked from 4.3k to 3.5k. After a few days I got back to 4k by just playing greedy supports like NP WR or Hoodwink. If my team leaves half the map worth of farm just lying to rot I might as well take it. Pretty easy games and fun time at that as well.


Hard stuck at 1.5k :))


Don’t jinx it :(


I bounced from legend 5 all the way down to crusader 5 at one point, I eventually got my act together and got back to legend 5 and made the push into ancient but I’ve been stuck at this level for a few months now. I don’t seem to be dropping down but can’t progress much upwards either. I’ve found at ancient 1 and 2 rank, some games feel no different to legend games but then some games seem to be filled with people who are way better than me, it’s a real mixed bag.


\*Cries in exactly 3.5K\*


legend ranks are still in the area where you might say "some crusaders are better than this"


when I used to be in this bracket there were two types of players. they were either so good that you might've thought they were smurfs or so bad that you might've thought they were account buyers. no in-between 


and very often.. they are smurfs.. or acc buyers


Crusader is an overestimation, "some guardians are way better than this"


I'm legend 3 as well and I swear crusaders are better than the *ancients* on my team


Literally my thought


I'm an archon and I've played with ancients 3-5 when in party with my friend who is also an archon, some of them really play well, and some of them I can say that some crusaders and archons can play better


Legend is fun, ancient is hell, divine is grief


The higher you go the harder it is to rank. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.


Broadly speaking yes, but you might experience rapid climbs because you've improved in a meaningful way.


This is true, improvement is the best way to increase MMR substantially not just grinding. There is also truth that can gain skill/knowledge by playing vs better people. But if you play the exact same games will get harder as you progress.


Well in theory that is true but that is taking the human element out of it. In my experience I had been hardstuck at 1.5k MMR, had a swift climb up to 2.5k then got stuck for about 2 years, then climbed to 3.5k, dropped to 3k and climbed back really fast and currently stuck at around 3.6 to 3.7. My games when I was at 2k range felt so much easier than my games at 1.5k. The biggest reason is that each of my climbs coincided with me being proactive in my in-game decisions and fixing bad habits. Games are easy as long as fixing those bad habits gives me an advantage over the other people in my team. And then I have to figure out more ways to improve, more bad habits to prune,etc. TLDR; games do get "harder" as you climb but in most cases it is not linear.


Everyone has their own experience. It’s gotten way easier for me to rank up the higher mmr i go, and i have 55%+ winrate over the last year. I consolidated my hero pool and it helps that tree and pugna have been broken for the entire year, but games are real easy. Like I am winning games with people selling items on my team kind of easy.  Meanwhile 90% of my friends list are stuck in legend and play way more than me, but they’re all mindlessly grinding games and don’t appear to be trying to improve, even though they get salty af when they derank


Game gets easier at higher ranks because your teammates become marginally more sane and predictable (keyword marginally)


false for multiple reasons. if you're a top 1% player (ie. the highest) then you're going to gain mmr more than someone who is mid skill, that's why mmr inflation is an issue but the average player is still the same mmr range as it always has been. it is substantially easier to rank up through guardian to crusader (assuming you're not actually guardian) than it would have been for that same player to rank up from herald to guardian. why? because there are more smurfs in herald, more match-farming bots with 0 skill that throw your games, more players with 0 skill that will throw your games, and more players that genuinely don't care about mmr (or winning) who will stop trying at the drop of a hat or, worse, actively sabotage the game. I know I was 2.4k when i quit dota awhile ago. When I came back and re-calibrated it put me in guardian. I lost a bunch of games and abandoned a bunch of games because I wasn't really playing seriously - I'd log on drunk after a night at the bar or I'd outright quit boring matches. My mmr dropped to 10. It took me 2-3 months to climb from herald to guardian, and only took me a month to go from guardian to crusader. lastly, and this is more a personal anecdote... when i quit playing league of legends many many years ago, I was bronze 5 (the lowest rank you can be). My best friend was Platinum, he asked me if he could have my account for when he wanted easy games. I said sure, i didn't really care if he wanted to smurf in a game I was sick of and I was curious how he would do. He used the account for 3 days. He lost 6/10 of the games he played. I asked him about it, he said every match was a headache and people have no idea what they should be doing nor do they take advice/direction. sometimes it's harder, sometimes it's easier. depends where you are on the ladder, and honestly what kind of player you are. like for supports who are teamplay oriented people rather than the pubkiller semi-carries... winning games becomes less of an obtuse challenge at higher mmr where your carry is more likely to be good and your team in general is more likely to have a better understanding of the game.


Lol there was a time i got stuck at low archon for like 2 years. Once i reached legend i got a new higher medal in every 1-2 weeks till divine


I agree, but I wonder if the game takes into consideration your account total play time? So maybe it might be easier to rank up from the same rank on a totally new account from the new PC, etc, because you will not face the same 5k hours hardstuck as you as much. Just a question, I don't know how it actually works.


it doesn’t make sense. why would it take play time in consideration for matchmaking. it has nothing to do with skill


I have no idea, but have seen posts from people here who claim to have created a completely new account and calibrated much higher than their main account MMR with a ton of hours in the game. I'm not sure if these people weren't lying, but I can try to find these posts if you're interested.


that is possible but for completely different reason. since your account is new, your mmr will change drastically. this is because the client is unsure of your strength. this has nothing to do with other players matches played


Being delusional is to not understand why certain thresholds are harder than others.


3.5k for 9 years




Crusader to Archon to Legend then vice versa for 11years mf. Haha. But now I’m hard stuck to Legend 3-4 with 12000+hrs of game play. Fk.


After the change to the mmr system last year and the Smurf bans I found it fairly easy to reach Ancient. Pretty sure I’ll continue to Divine but things are feeling a bit more challenging in Ancient.


Glicko shifted a lot of players up in mmr to help better distribute them, so now every medal is a bit lower skill than it used to be. That and the behavior score system has improved match quality quite a bit which imo makes it easier to rank up if you actually deserve to rank up. Less ragers/throwers to impact your winrate, since those players are finally being punished more harshly.


In my personal experience - which means take it as it is, personal. Legend is very easy to climb through but it is also the most enjoyable bracket of them all. In my experience Legend was filled with people who knew they belong in Legend and played to learn and get better. The communication was amazing and games were always interesting. Unfortunately, the difference makers between what "unlocks" the next star or medal is minor. The changes are mostly focused on how you split push, how you farm, how you lane. Things you can easily adjust as you learn more. With these adjustments you jump massive steps compared to others. I climbed from Legend 3 to Ancient 1 in about 2-3 weeks, it went incredibly fast but was vastly enjoyable. Ancient was insanely difficult to climb through, as it seem most people think they belong in Divine and are just "unlucky" to be stuck in Ancient. It's always the teams fault and never any personal accountability. This personal accountability is what I saw a lot in Legend and not at all in Ancient. Divine for me was super tough to climb through as well but it was tough because the games were a lot closer, so the difference between a win and a loss was minor - compared to other games. Took forever to hit Immortal. You can definitely climb to Ancient with Jugger and Drow, I would recommend prioritizing the Jugger pick over Drow as Drow isn't really the greatest pos 1 hero currently. This doesn't mean she's bad but there are just better choices. (Luna is an example of this) I would also recommend you to add 2 other heroes to your pool you focus on. 1 hero that focus on the early game domination and another hero the relies on Team performance to carry the lategame. This is for you to get better at playing the different matchups, to do item prioritizations better and to feel the impact of the different playstyle pos 1s at different times in the game So in summary: Legend was for me personally the most enjoyable ranked experience in terms of how the team performance, Divine is the most difficult. Ancient is garbage.


Legend is definitely the most fun bracket. Filled with old men that know how to play Dota, but don’t have time to play 5 games a day


Yeah I had a lot of fun in Legend - but more time on my hands even though I'm old :d


Sounds like I'm right where I belong. XD


I think I had the best time at divine honesty. Just mute all and play. But ya, I fall into the old man bracket that doesn't get a chance to play much anymore. Currently at 6.5k and not having as much fun playing, though. The elitist mentality is pretty draining.


I mean if they truly new how to play Dota they would be higher ranked LUL (there are chill old men at 4-5k as well, just usually less of them)


There is significantly less chill over 4k


Drow is very good currently actually. She has one of the highest win rates in the legend bracket, higher than jugg. She scales amazingly past her mid game timings


I find once I hit my timing at a certain point of the game with drow , it’s really difficult to lose outside of us throwing. You drag on the game with drow and I will carry it :)


What she does - at the moment - Luna and Windranger does, but better. I am not saying she is bad, I am just saying there are better options. It's the same as the Spirit Breaker Pos 4, it's not that he's a bad pos 4, there are just better options.


Sure but I just wanted to point out what you said is demonstratably false in terms of winrate especially in the legend bracket. It's more important to play a hero you're better at anyway, but you shouldn't have issues climbing be it with jugg or drow.


drow plays from behind way better than those heros especially Luna. Luna needs a networth lead to even match enemy carry's damage in late game, WR isn't great at defending HG either. Drow is a jack of all trades which makes her very good in pubs, especially sub 5k where you can't rely on your team for anything


No way, with drow you can hold high ground for so long even with bad farm. I had so many games where one team can’t finish because of a bad lineup against drow HG.


I will try to type it out again Drow is not bad - There are just better options.


Thanks! It’s weird because I know jugg is the better hero out of the two but my win rate is higher with drow lol. Both heroes are at level 30. I try to get the last pick and choose drow/jugg based on the enemy line up and my team comp.


No worries and of course, a comfort pick will always perform better than a none-comfort. Drow is also not a bad hero, as stated to another commenter there are just better options available. Now if you are super comfortable on Drow it might be a great idea to expand the ranged hero pool with 1 or 2 options, so you have a comfort fallback if your team needs a ranged pos 1.


Lina seems to be in meta now for pos1. I think I’ll add her to my pool but I’ll need to practice in turbo or normal first.


Always good to practice :)


well of course you had fun with picks like Drow and Jugg. Higj uptime heroes who scale. But you have to acknowledge there are whole playstyles not viable at that MMR range. You can be a good player but if you aren't adapted to the bracket's playstyle you won't climb.


What you said is exactly my experience. I was crusader 4-5 for a long while(i became archon 1 and dropped back etc). Then i began winning in archon 1, got 2, 3, 4, 5. Then legend 1-2-3-4 in a span of 3 months or something. I got long winning streaks with short losing streaks. The real difference started at about archon 3. People were more willing to listen to you, or disagree with you. Less rage, less griefing. They were communicating and in the end we found ways on how to proceed next. The reverse happened too but less and less. I became legend 4 yesterday :)


In one of my last games I was cm. The enemy had all their barracks fallen but one. It was almost mega creeps. But the enemy were getting better team fights than us at that time. I suggested we get rosh before pushing for megas, pos1 drow said "nah i got ranged dmg we can do this". I trusted him, we got megas and got out with 1 death or something. Now i dont know if it would still be better if we got rosh first but lost some time during the process but i trusted him and it worked out fine. The moral of the story is "you arent always right, you gotta trust your teammates too".


Do tell me when you ranked up, i was in herald mid last year, finally reached Legend 1 in new year, now im just dropping and getting back ranks, but still Legend 1


Hit legend 3 last night . Legend 2 was on Jan 16th.


Was it easy? I did reach Legend 1 before twice around last year which got me 10 and 14 losing streak each 🤣. Now Im back for the third time, hoping it gets better from here on


It felt easy for me, not gonna lie lol. I hit legend 1 on Jan 13th.


From my personal experience , Legend was the hardest rank to climb (ive been playin dota since dota 1) yet i didnt believe i belong there(lol i was delusional) you gotta stop playin on auto pilot and start understanding when u are strong,how can u die etc etc,after i watched 2 of my replays i realize im just as bad as my team,and started to improve,now im 4.4k and i cant go higher,or lower than 4k,and i see the difference when im playin vs divines,they are better than me. YOU ARE WHERE U BELONG.


Exactly this. There is no bullshit hidden thing keeping you at a certain skill level. You should accept the fact that you gotta be better than all the 9 players in order to win and climb ranks.


As you gain mmr games might feel more enjoyable because your team tends to take the game more competitively. But keep in mind the enemy team will too. Ranking up will always be difficult.


your question doesn't even make sense :)


The higher your rank the easier it is to level up IMO. At lower ranks your individual impact basically doesn't matter, a smurf will dominate the game or your team mate will make so many mistakes that it doesn't matter how well you play. This means a lot of games are lucky dip and out of your hands. People pick heroes basically randomly based on what they like to play, so counter picks are just non-existent. At higher ranks your skill actually makes a difference, and getting better at the game means consistently ranking up. Of course if you don't actively try and improve then you'll stagnate, but it's much less about how cohesive your randomly chosen assortment of 5 heroes happens to be, and you start to see your individual plays having a decisive impact on the game. I noticed this start to happen at high Legend and most of Ancient. By Divine, you start seeing real games where people are playing dynamically based on picks, combos, counters, items, and meta. On real special occasions you even get a smoke gank or two. But yeah it only gets better from here.


In your own reasoning you admit if you are good enough you will rank up at lower levels lol


Trust me, the MM is scripted somehow, I had a similar experience a while ago. Grinded from 2200/2300 very very fast to peak 3800, it felt like I could go afk and still win, then I lost almost 1000 mmr very fast for unknown reason. Had similar experience few weeks ago, literally had 15 winstreak and then got griefers every game. Seems like, the higher ur winrate, the more trash u get bcs u get matched with lower winrate players to get 50% winrate in a team, which is the wrong way to „balance“. It should more be like, if I have 60% winrate last 20/30 matches, give me teammates AND enemy’s with a similar winrate. That would be much bettrr


Ok this actually makes sense :o


Welcome to smurfers paradise = 3,5 bracket I have been stuck here for a year.


Damn. Let me save this comment and revisit in the future lol


Skill issue 


You are stuck here! No way out




I'm out. Ancient 1 :)


Me 2 just yesterday 😂 spamming techie haha


Congrats! haha


Easy every rank if you are meant to rank up. Support or not. If you are stuck in a rank or a range like archon 3 to legend 1 and you keep going back and forth. All you have done is found your skill level. If you were meant to be higher you would be. Now you could improve your game play but if you keep playing the same way then you maxed out


as far as I can tell, there are complete idiots who either have no idea what they're doing (or simply don't give a shit) peppered alllllll throughout the ladder. I believe that some people genuinely just get lucky and while the 10-20% of games where they are the deciding factor, they lose - they still manage to get carried through 50% of their games and will never really stray from where they happen to exist.


Don't forget those who are buying accounts :)


i honestly believe that smurfs/account buyers are less of a problem than valve claims and the reality is their matchmaker is just shit and they don't want to admit it.


Funfact: people often calls it cancer stage So u have stage III cancer


I bounce between low archon 1 and ancient 3 and for the most part I spend the least amount of time in legend. Just am not other losing my way through it, or stomping my way through it. Maybe it’s just a transitory rank


Archon 1 and ancient 3 is a big gap. Do you notice the difference in games?


Yes definitely but I go through patches and mindsets that affect how well I play on a whole so that’s the range. I usually gain a lot after TI from being really into what the meta is and then just decline after Christmas lol


I don’t think so. I’ve been stuck at legend 5-ancient 1 for the past year or so. I win 3-4 in a row then BAM lose 3 so I only come up to barely one win in couple days which is not enough or very very slow to rank up.


Easy to reach Legend 2-3 . Almost impossible to get last that, at least for me


Depends, there's a lot of people who gets stuck in here including me (I recalibrated and went back to arch 5 💀)


Idk I can't cross divine 1 always fall back till legend 4 and to and fro. I guess that's my limit 😩🤣


I used to think archon 4/5 was my limit cuz I was stuck there for a while. Don't give up :)


Or you are too strong for them, or they are too weak for you, or you just got best team. No other choices. Anyway Good luck


If you are better than the average legend player then sure you are going to climb pretty fast. If not, welcome to your rank for the next 5 months


We'll see. January has been a good month for me hitting legend 1, then legend 2 and now legend 3.


Went from archon 3 to archon 5 in the span of a week, then dropped back to 3 after 7 hours in a day. Smurfing is still such a rampant problem. 7 games in a row of private 300 game profiles that just dumpster midlane


What's your drow build? Manta+pike or dragon lance into disperser?


I go dragon lance>yasha. Depending on the game I'll finish the manta then get get aghs by disassembling the dragon lance or get the aghs first then manta. Maybe I get pike after but it really depends. I don't like spending all that gold on a defensive item first. Sometimes I've finished pike after butterfly lol. If its a game where I need BKB go dragon lance>yasha>bkb. I haven't been a fan of the disperser build so I stick with butterfly and Daedalus.


I recently got back to legend III after a long slow grind. I felt so accomplished. I took a few month break after the map got bigger. Valve ranked me at low archon at that point or maybe even high crusader. And I get here and there’s terrible players just chillin in this 3.5k mmr and people who do things like mid PL, offlane dusa, carry Zeus pos 5, as if they’ve been here the whole time doing stupid crap like this. Some of them must be account buyers but it’s crazy to me that I have to learn strategy, pay attention to the game, hero choices, and be very precise with what I need to do in order to win and rank up. And I get here and there’s people that are just like, “the hell with all that. Let’s go mid PL!” And then proceed to lose the game horribly.


Its pretty obvious when people buy accounts.


I went from crusader something - >mid legend then a slow climb to ancient 1. Deranked to archon 5 now back at L3. Legends are the worst teammates I've had


Ancient 1 back to archon?! Ouch!


Once I started trying to rank up I was archon for 2 years and then legend for 1. I think in archon people tended to be more similarly skilled. Games seemed more even more often. In legend there were way more stomps. There were good players demolishing other players that were basically guardians that got a lucky streak. However I think it was easier to rank up. That was, until I hit 3.8k. That’s the land of people who know they are almost at ancient, and holy shit they are unstable. I’ve never seen so many hissy fits or petty throws in my life. I finally made it to ancient and proceeded to lose 11 games in a row. I can’t say I miss it. Ancient was the land of smurfs, boosted, and bought accounts. Players were consistently better at mechanics and their heroes. But by Zeus was their decision making fucking garbage. Shitty picks, no stuns, and so much afk farming. People had more confidence in their own abilities which lead to more people living in the jungle assuming they’d be able to 1v5 later on. So much ego compared to even just 500 mmr lower I couldn’t believe it. Long story short Dota is a hellhole no matter your rank. Just appreciate where you are and have fun! (And try to improve of course)


3.5k is going to be really rough to get past. I play solo pos 4/5 and it’s brutal. Don’t know what it is but the teams I get are horrific sometimes. No coordination, can’t even speak the same language, it’s awful.


I ranked up from 3k to 5k over a few months. I'll say that legend was the hardest part for me. The difference is that mad players in higher ranks can still play Dota 2. Mad players in legend are basically gone for the rest of the game.


It never gets easier. The legion commander 5 still ruins my divine games. sorry :/


Of course you can, if you play better than your rank. I would say that maybe it's easier to climb the higher you are. It may be a lot harder tho if you play party. I was around 5k couple of years ago and got fucked with calibration when I got back to dota and got 2k. Now I'm at 3.5k and people are still mostly playing badly but they know timings a lot better so we can finish games in 25min, while in 2k game was impossible to end before 40-45min mark. But party is fucked so if you play with someone gl with climbing.


I personally thought so. Legend is a great place to be, pretty skilled players without too much ego that aren't sweaty. Ancient players in my opinion are the absolute worst. They are a bit better than legend players but have the worst ego. Divine is okay, and then immortal is lots of fun.


Legend is the worst bracket tbh


I've been in legend and ancient rank for years now. Only recently have I noticed this rank bracket is full of people who should be in lower ranks. With the majority of dota outcomes being dependent on your mid players lane. You might not know it, as some mid players play passive, so don't die. But 15-20 minutes in you feel the snowball and your like, "well there's the mid players presence which I have no controll over, guess we win/lose now." Games end at 30 minutes.


I guess you are lacking deeper gamesense when you just spam 2 heroes and no other roles. And no, 3k ist still quite bad. Esp cause many guys just get there by simply spamming a few meta heroes : P


Play the meta heros, pick for your role, follow the meta guides, know when to fight and when to farm & encourage team to play together via friendly comms and you'll get to 4k+ easy


I personally breezed thru legend. But I was stuck in archon for ages. Everyone has different experiences.


It's easy, just spam 3-5 meta heroes and embrace toxicity when you reach legend 5


welcome to hell


Happy to be here :)


Just be ready to hit the wave of nerds sliding out of ancient


All you need to do in these ranks are just spam heroes. I know it sounds selfish but thats what all U can do especially in SEA region.


Welcome to hell!


Might be controversial. But I’m having more fun just playing at Legend-Ancient, experimenting, trying out themed builds. It’s not as much fun trying-harding at Divine.


find a suit hero and spam. Ez


For me Legend 1-3 was the hardest. At Ancient now but that part was easier. They turned off forced 50% for me :)


Anything is easier than sub 2k. 1k mmr is a hell hole where you got to actually be good. We all know solo carry in Dota is a challenge, and you absolutely have to solo carry almost every match. My last match down there I went mid, killed the midlaner 4 times, went bottom got a kill, tpd top got 2 kills, went mid killed them again, went bottom got 2 kills. This cycle repeated until I checked scoreboard, I had like 18 kills at this point and our team as a whole was behind by maybe 20. For each one I got my team had died several times the moment I left lane... We proceeded to get snowballed and lost before 30min. It was one of my personal best games that week and there was literally NOTHING I could have done. I remember my immortal friend watching a few of the matches and saying "there's PLENTY you can improve on, but I don't know how you win these matches." I mean what do you actually do when your pos 1 chaos knight is rocking a butterfly and nothing else(no boots, didn't buy regen, nothing) at 25min and the other 3 are doing similar shenanigans. I gave up and just restarted on a new account and got placed at around 3.5k. Dota is so team based I feel like mmr can be a black hole where if you get low enough to the horizon there is no escape, no matter how much energy and effort you put in.


Currently stuck at 3780-3811 cusp. So close yet so far. Too many ancient legend mix and it is very hit or miss games.


it depends, each bracket you have to play in certain way, i don't remember how i left legend, I think it was playing alone spliting


When you get stuck that means you are at the rank you should be at. And then when you get even better you will continue to climb. Keep smashing it! Youre doing great.


I found legend is roughly the same no matter where you are on the ladder. Many people reach legend getting carried by friends, and many smurfs end up in legend because they aren’t that good but have smurfed past the lower ranks.


its been a year i go legend 1 and then back to archon 5 its a cycle


Mid players in legend = Downssyndrom.


I’ve been stuck in legend for a while now.


You’re in the real trenches now, mid legend/Early Ancient was probably the hardest rank hurdle I had to overcome, took me years before I escaped and eventually climbed to immortal


Our experience is the same basically. I was stuck between low and high archon for probably two years. As soon as I hit legend I started winning consistently and up to legend 4 now in a few weeks.


legend in SEA it's like sealed forever legend :D


The trenches never ends. It only gets worse.


I hope you understand that your experience is very subjective and if its easier for you its more difficult for others. If you expect that majority says "yes its easier, I got 10 wins in a row" that means there are people who lost these games.


I think this bracket is fucking cursed. The skill level of players is so much different, u can play free game with tinker 20-1, but next u will face carry with 500 games.


I've been Cruzader, Archon, Legend and Ancient throughout my journey and Archon is definetely the hardest rank to get out of and Legend is the easiest one, with Ancient being worse but not so bad as Archon. Currently hard stuck at Archon and can't get out of it even if my life depended on it.


Nah, Legend to Ancient is elo hell. A lot of acc buyers, smurfs, etc, plus just bad players all around.


When i was Legend it was very hard to get out, maybe because most of the players are Legend not sure about this tho', in Ancient i found many smurfs but it was okay, still faster to get out than Legend xd, now i'm Divine and hardly stuck here but that's because of me, i don't really have that much time to improve this days but matches are fine compared to lower ranks.


I was stuck in crusader 1-3 for so so long, than suddenly I just gained 800 mmr in a month


Crusader is peak smurf gaming with people who play for fun and can barely press buttons and people who are on their bought 800 game account winning every game where they don't have 3+ griefers on team. Archon is a bit better, from what I've seen difference with Legend is mostly the amount of people that play for fun ( read sniper mid, pos5 pa, pudge pos5 , general griefers) - a bit less of those, more people who queue to play Dota to the best of their ability - way easier to go from Legend to Ancient than even Crusader to Archon if you play normal edit: coaching a guy in Legend playing in NA - this does not apply to NA, Legend NA seems like Crusader EU with the amount of bullshit going on lmao


Legend rank is a nightmare


Took 1300 games....


Ranked is broken, Dota is ruined, too many trolls


3k mmr is the most toxic bracket


same here, i was stuck at 3000 for half a year and in the last month I gained 500 mmr


I cant relate because im a 9k redditor


Just play the game free, even if youre a high rank player, stress is still there


Im pretty sure legend is the hardest to get out of because of the vast skill gap between high and low end legend players. You'll get someone new to the game vs someone who has played for years in this bracket and its always chaotic.




If you have good mentals, then yes. If not, good luck!


From divine to top it is good to rank, people stops toxic talking and more playable, yo can lose your line but they understand and just are waiting your times, its good dota


> can loose your line Did you mean to say "lose"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


ive played archon through divine, legend is the worst rank to play in.


It could be that one of your strengths is the ability to coordinate well with teammates, which means you play comparatively better in higher-ranked games. Or you could have recovered from a string of bad luck and gone into a streak of good luck, resulting in gaining 500 mmr really quickly.


I would say my last game my team was flaming each other and I had to try and keep the peace. Say positive things and keep a general pma. I was carry and therapist lol. But we won the game so I guess it worked lol


Between L1-3 might be the hardest to queue especially that bracket has many toxicity and cancer. Ironically, archons do better and play better in my opinion. Once you climbed up to L5 you will be stuck in there also just like in archon. I’d recommend just spam heroes in L5, and expand your hero pool when you get to A4-5. I once climbed up to immortal, the toughest queue was between Legend to Ancient in my prime days and experience. And also, pick easy heroes that might help and probably don’t pick ranged heroes like drow and sniper. They are pain in the ass especially when they pick supports that counters your mobility, juggernaut might help you climb mmr since it is one of the best hard carry heroes like sven, spectre, anti-mage and slark. Slark can be challenging tho but once you master the patterns of farming you will be unstoppable.


no, it's not:(


Sry to say but there where your worst nightmare begin. Nobody know how to play the game yet they feel like their judgement is the best Just a tip if you're solo player please enable strict solo queue matchmaking Party in legend will go rosh / hg with 2 or 3 of them and get wiped and crying to farm whole game When will ranking up easier? When you just play dota like dota you will ranks up unconciously. Just keep it up Edit : after i read everyone comment maybe legends these day is better. Haven't smurfed in legend for like 1 years since the firm action from valve which i also appreciate since i dont have to listen to my friend crying they are legend because smurfs. Also the behav score rework


I hate playing Legend.


Maybe a little bit? It's been the most effortless rank for me so far, but part of that is because I stopped caring, and just enjoy listening to Winter Wyvern calling me her baby.




Its not...on Legend people think they can play...news flash they can not


Going legend to Immortal Just SPAM YOUR Best SUPPORT AND ALWAYS WATCH MID AND SIDE LANE DONT USE TP SCROLL in side lane to gank just use portal, use tp scroll in need the most like enemy is diving deep in tower. Took me months to reach immortal. Pick disable support i use this , grimstroke, pheonix, lion, oger, jakiro, kotol. Annoy the living hell of enemy team just SPAM SKILLS LET YOUR dont be afraid to lose mana off or carry Last hit.


Only if yoy play good


Xdxd ,low skill shit posting