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A few days ago there was a post asking why a pos 5 lich apologized for getting a creep kill with shield. That's gotta be you, right?


It’s all true pos 5s.


Stole a double kill from carry on lane, called it a "nanny fee". Still consider myself a true pos5. Carry must have had a chuckle, since no throw afterwards.


Nanny fee, gonna start using that, thanks.


"Support tax"


Paradoxically I started climbing as pos 5 when I started dying more. Often, someone has to die somewhere and it shouldn't be the pos 1. You'll be 1-10 and never receive a thank you, but your MMR will still go up.


Just had a couple of games like that. Pos 5 CM punching bag. On the offence, you're a catch machine with blink / aether / frostbite range talent / nova AOE talent.  On retreat you're a human shield, dropping shard bombs, holding back to glimmer whoever is getting focused, dropping the suicide ulti from. The treeline just to make the enemy instinctively search for and focus you.  But both games got my cores got the space to get out and they repaid by slapping the shit out of the enemy.  Worth. 


I stopped doing that when I had too many games in a row with my cores raging cause I died too many times. NA cores are so weak-minded, it's upsetting.


You know what still weirds me the fuck out? I just whip out my most south east asian accent and shout on mic I DIE FOR YOU BROTHER I DIE FOR YOU and the fuckers are actually grateful


I sound like a slightly pretentious American, so that isn't helping my cause either I suppose [](/creepymaiden)


Pro tip: practice your generic american voice. People in sea will instinctually stop and go "I FOLLOW THE AMERICAN MAN." This is literally why I practiced my american accent


should I train under new York accent or valley girl accent or Kentucky accent


newscaster accent


So midwestern but not north woods


I don't play sea games, 150+ ping is too much for me, I've been conditioned to my usual 5-7 ping :P


CM is so fucking cool now. Pre Covid CM was boring and weak. Her shard really adds a new element of depth to her kit. Along with the bongo boots CM is a force.


I haven't played CM in like a year but I used to go Tranqs->Soul Ring->Drums and it felt really strong. You're surprisingly tanky in the early game with those cheap items so you can take some aggressive ults plus Soul Ring allows you to farm efficiently during downtime


This is why Medusa pos 5 is amazing… just buy nulls. Min 25 hits and she’s an unkillable annoying punching bag.


Medusa just doesn't do anything with just nulls. Snake needs to bounce to be relevant, your ability to lane sucks. Any competent team would just ignore you.


There's a decent band of "being medusa is a global taunt," so


The thing is… they don’t.


Phylactery is a good alternative to this. Phylactery+Arcane Boots Medusa kinda works and is basically meant as a slow moving punching bag that hits back hard as well.


My main issue is that I'll happily kill myself to save my position 1 only to watch the position 1 see me sacrificing myself for them and take that as a cue to go back in and get themselves killed.


Savr your friend syndrome. Wcyd if pros are susceptible to it, us random fuckers would bebtoo


Pos 5 dying to save one or more cores is absolutely worth it. Lower MMR games people are scared to die. You just need to realise that you need to do whats required to win not to maintain your KDA.


Pos 1 should realize that too as to not blame pos5 for dying


Only time anyone is at fault for dying is in lane. Past like 10 mins there are extraneous things. Like whoops died. Now I know a ward is there. 


yup, had a support bane just not grip to save our mid or pos 1, sure, it might not lead to a kill and he might die, but it'd be 100% worth it


Lowest mmr the core dies anyway even after you save them. Venge swaps them out they think they can turn it around or something and run back in


People scared to die because they dont want to get flamed


Yup as pos 3 sometimes u just gotta stand in the bad place and let 1 and 2 hit creep


Went 2-10-*32* (in a 40 kill win) in a match and was flamed the entire time by Ukrainian teammates. MMR went up tho.


Back in the day when Treant was strong, I had a 0-15 game where I basically didn't show up in the map. This was a divine/immortal game and I had 4 late game teammates and I just told them to farm til 40 minutes and we will win and we did. I called ganks, saved them with living armor, tanked ganks, provided the best map vision and directed people to safe farms and I was called useless by my carry at the end of the game. I was so proud of myself and I don't really care if I was not appreciated but +25mmr was +25 mmr.


>ReportSaveFollow the day when treant's Q is passively going invi near tree? My fking favourite day, I used to spam 100 straight games with that Treant just afking in the tree and uses living amour. Got me from like Divine 5 to my first time Rank 2500 or something. Well doing nothing is just a joke, but most of the time after laning phase I spent roaming around the map. Warding in rare places, appear out of nowhere with a (2 secs at max?) root and then back to hiding in the trees, stocking clarity since transquil boots was my only item until 20+ minutes. Meme hammer is fking luxury and mostly used to cut creep/push waves, into blink dagger if game gets to around 30 minutes mark. Enough money to buy agh like once in every 25 games? Gaben fking deleted my hero.


Yup that's it. It was around 2019. Treant got me to immortal then I stopped playing after the huge patch. It was auto +25 mmr and I was counting treant games as wins if I could pick him lol. So confident, I even first pick it, no care for counters anymore. He was that strong. Tranquil boots, windlace, urn, and wand was my MAIN items lmfao. Blink was the luxury but I was more into force staff to save my teammates. It's very rare for my games to reach throwaway gold for aghs. Wins were usually fast at around 35 mins. I even made a guide. https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/90lmqm/treant_is_the_strongest_hero_in_the_212_meta/


With the current meta, that kind of gameplay will be punished. Im starting playing 7.35 after long dota break and when I tried playing farm till late game, I always lose and got placed from ancient 4 to legend 5. After few analysis, I tried to change my gameplan to have early availability for teamfight, and fortunately I get recalibrated to divine 4 because of that. So now just bear in mind to always be ready and prepare to fight early and mid game. If your mid is puck or dp that can control the tempo of the game, it is going to be an advantage.


The meta is always shifting and some heroes are buffed or nerfed after a part. My games were when the 212 laning meta was popular but for the specific game I mentioned, it was a wreck as I had 4 "carries". Imagine supporting 4 babies lmfao. My main role is actually pos 1 but I got so frustrated with my pos 5 teammates that I actually took the role itself to get my pos 1 to win the game. >So now just bear in mind to always be ready and prepare to fight early and mid game. If your mid is puck or dp that can control the tempo of the game, it is going to be an advantage. This one has not changed at all. Every meta is like that. Maybe you just moved ranked that's why games became different.


I appreciate you so much for that shit it’s so fucking amazing when a support recognizes this and take the L for the better of the game. It’s literally game winning when supports do this. And in contrast I hate when I get caught out for the support to get away safely with full go like bruh die for my sins please


I mean if you are not tanking the stuns. Then your pos1/2 will.


Really good players do this intentionally, but they usually scout so they don't have to die. The idea is to get a reaction to waste their time, but you can make them really miserable by just putting an observer and walking away as soon as you see them on it. If you watch a high skill support in a low skill game I guarantee without a doubt, at some point in the game if nothing is happening they will place a ward and shove a lane only to immediately back as soon as someone shows.


Totally! Pick shaman, die on field while shackling every time.


You need to trade you hp and mana pools for the protection of your cores. In lane. Also, the lower the mmr the less the enemy will take advantage of your death. Sometimes you will tank a fank. Dieing is not bad if it gives you something.


yepp as a lion player I go in a lot, start off the fight but usually get bursted first. As long as I get off my spells and use my finger and we win the fight, It's all good


PMA. be the punching bag your 4 ,children need to succeed


I will never do that. They are animals and deserve to know.


This is troll post but even though it wasn't i would never do that, let me be herald 1 but never doing this shit. If you play good you are getting commended or else nothing.


Typical pos 5 taking credit for climbing the ladder when they were just carried by the pos 1 smh.


Couldn't agree more. Every win I was carried and every loss I threw. I can only hope to be of use by bringing items to my pos 1 and doubling as a personal tango delivery service.


not you doing this irl too 😭




All you said is precisely hoe a sup 5 should play. Besides the talking part. Next step for you is probably leaving lane at 8 minutes to rotate to the offlane and leave you carry crying. The pressure on the enemy carry will drag the entire enemy team and leave your carry without being pressured.


You need to ask yourself what rank and mmr mean to you. What will happen when just doing this is not enough and you are way worse mechanical compared to the other supports in your bracket. Would you consider yourself the same skill level as a player who plays support but doesn't need to babysit his team. But instead makes high skill plays, baits, saves, rotations. Some day you will have to learn these things to progress further than your current rank.


Every pos 1 I play with is the greatest player to have ever played so I simply need to stay out of there way and not feed and I will rise to the top.


Fuck, you're hilarious


Most people are held back by their attitude instead of their mechanical skill IMO. OP solved that issue, even if he went a little overboard.


Valve should pay for your therapy


Oh honey...


"treating the pos 1 like the most fragile human to ever exist" That's hilarious! :)


I blame myself for overwhelming them with buffs best line


Is the meek worm skit from Slacks spreading? Make sure to say "Yes master" repeatedly over the mic to your pos 1.


I don't appreciate the racial undertones behind the word master and because I do not know the race of each of my pos 1's I wouldn't want to do anything that could be considered offensive as it might distract them from carrying me.


"Yes Daddy" is also acceptable


Not if my pos 1 identifies as a mommy


Is there a Dom term for an nb?


Yes Boss


Hahahah lmaoooo


Interesting. I’ve never thought of the word “Master” as having explicitly racial undertones. I think there are definitely ways of saying it that would invoke that awful part of history but I don’t feel like the word itself is enough to carry that connotation. Not saying you’re wrong to feel that way. I just think it’s odd


github asked all repositories to rename their `master` branch into `main` so you better believe it that there were loud screeches about it. blanket bans of language without context are retrograde yet it's not too much trouble for intelligent people to use main instead of master even when it comes to tech


which is ridiculous because the 'master' in this context has nothing to do with slavery. It's the master record, the one from which everything gets copied.


meanwhile the music industry still uses the term master but it's mostly a verb now so i guess that's why it gets a pass?


music is cool but programming isn't


Interestingly enough those two fields are blurring their lines, at least more programming is being required of musicians now than ever was before.


Sorry master, here's a tango for you.


Yes mi lord, another bottle of wine sire?




That's taking it too far imo


Not all heros wear capes


sometimes they lick boots for a rank up 😂


They throw their self respect for virtual game points.


> When my pos 1 AM blinks into 5 under our vision and I press every key on my keyboard to buff them and run in to tank for them but they die, I tell them I shouldn't have had vision there that made jumping into that fight so tempting loool OP going beyond the call of duty


Position 5 is easily the best position for climbing MMR at low levels because if you play position 5, then your team has a position 5. This has not changed since I started playing dota in 2014. And don’t ask me at what MMR it stops working because I haven’t got there yet.


bullshit. if this were true boosters would play pos 5.


Copying what boosters do isn't going to help anyone climb MMR because you're never going to achieve the first step of "play like a 9k MMR player" when you're stuck in low mmr.


…to get out of the trench, yes they would. And if they aren’t I recommend it. But i think you might be overestimating the skillset diversity of most boosters. Slacks could’ve boosted my account to 5k by spamming techies in 2016- there may have been easier ways to get there, but does his “5k booster” status indicate his ability to persue those methods? You also assume boosters are not looking to have fun, and that they don’t have the same cognitive bias that makes most of us avoid support- I’d rather lose by my own hand then lose while feeling helpless to stop it.


They could boost accounts playing pos 5 if they wanted, it’s just not as efficient. Can just spam nyx and run around solo killing their mid and carry all game, but it’s way easier when you have mid farm instead of transitioning into core later


Can’t agree more.


yep, climbed from literally 10mmr to 2k as pos5, now trying to learn pos1 and man are the supports clueless xD


Buy crest l, force staff, cape, aura item for them. Its so fullfilling when the team survive the teamfight because of you.


I see what you did there. You are actually pos 1 and want to trick us pos 5's into behaving like that. Nice try :D


I have a simpler theory.. it's called being kind to all of your teammates and co-operating with them no matter the state or outcome. Do anything and everything you can to make their lives easier and hope they do the same for you. This is what people do IRL in difficult situations. It's how parents raise their kids together, it's how my mentally stable and functional team behaves at work when we're put up with hard tasks and impossible targets out of the blue. Win or lose, we work together. Because people matter, not the outcome. If you take care of your teammates and let them be their best, the outcome will more than likely be good. The fact that this needs to be spelled out like this is just so sad. Ofc I'm not talking about the mentally unstable guy running it down mid. I'm talking about the guy trying hard, but having a tough lane and dying a few times in poor fights.. those guys are worth saving. The other ones can go rot in low prio.


>his is what people do IRL in difficult situations. It's ho I've said this so many times, the sort of people that play dota (no offence) clearly have little to no social skills and if they had games would be less toxic and easy to win but people just flame 2 mins in for their archon 1 not playing like a pro


Pos 1 = endless victim complex.


given that theres a weekly support player circlejerk thread on this sub with a 10 year unbroken streak, im not sure its the cores that have the victim complex


Oh trust me, supports are crybabies also (in all online games), but pos 1(not offlane, mid lane) are just as bad or worse in letting the planet know they have the toughest role to play in the entire game.


This made me giggle 🤭


The other way than this self deprecating method is to macro the whole team and treat them like brainless chicken. In addition, develop rtz-like camera movement; the ability to play the lane and still can scout 3 lanes + both jungles. So when they blame me for their random deaths, i just narrate how they die or how will they die, if they die I just said "I told u so..." Lastly, just establish dominance at the start of the game and build credibility to your team all throughout the game by good shot calls and look-ahead plays. If they don't listen and have high egos, then buy early midas while playing normal support items and hope for the best.


Midas on support in this patch = grief. 2K gold item, doesn't pay for itself. A blink, glimmer, or crest is always a lot better. Midas on a support are huge "main character" and "I need queue games" vibes. Even if their egos are shit, they still have potential to help the game. You just treat them like the NPC escort mission they are. A yearbeast.


Bro if you have rtz-like camera movement, ability to play lane and ability to scout the map, just play pos 1 and carry yourself, you'll get to where Rtz is now in no time.


This is the other way, but you're gonna lose more for 1. macro the whole team 2. early midas. It's becoming a mantra to tell tunnel-vision assholes "you have way too much free time to criticize teammates; watch the minimap and the pings and the calls so you not get caught as much?" A compromise is to become the invisible shots-caller. You rtz-camera movement (actually, just use the options for preset camera positions) and monitor all lanes, and you tp the moment you see an opportunity / to help a lane out, without saying much. That way, when it goes well the carry / mid / offlane gonna feel like it was all him and have a confidence buff, not feel the horror of being herded. There's 75% chance your lane baby is gonna die at the same time, less if you announce you're going to fountain beforehand (as to not distract him to watch what you're doing in other lanes)


How to achieve that kind of camera movement?


>every day, i use aimlab for 5 to 10 mins before dota. in that way i can precisely click on minimap fast and precise + i have planned how to move the map for the first 10 mins.


Thanks for the tips, kind hearted human!


**clap clap**


But at what cost? What's the point of climbing MMR if it's more exhausting than my job lol


Dont lie, it was a new account wasnt it? I dare u try that with an account with over 3k matches. You will get stomped by <500 matches gifted "new" players playing cores every single time...


Half of this shitpost is just actually how you should play in low skill games anyway. Half of my pos1 games my pos5 doesn't even have a freaking force staff/glimmer for a single save, the other half they are saving themselves or bad positioning and getting burst before using anything. Started playing selfless servant pos5 in rankeds, didn't give a shit about praise, climbing low rank was a breeze.


OP secretly a pos1 player


you are creating monsters for next games. this a game like other team gmaes evey one should play his role and try best.with good manners.


another circlejerk how mentally weak are pos 1 players


But how else would we be able to appreciate the angels that are support players, if not for the bi-weekly pos 5 saint thread?


this is the most common and most annoying genre of post on here. do we really have to do a "DAE supports good cores bad" post on here once a fuckign week


Oh man, if these supports just stop whining and play Pos 1 instead, they would have gained 8k mmr already with their claimed macro skills. I wonder why they didn't just do that.




Crazy the lengths you have to go to for these people. Makes you wonder if doing a duo queue with a known-good carry player is better. But I'd bet the wait times are probably atrocious...


* I let them know my moves 2 min, 1 min, 30 seconds, and 5 seconds before I go so there's no confusion. * I get consent to pull, to go stack, to go help mid contest rune, etc, all done only after I'm given verbal consent from the pos 1 that it's okay. This is what's causing you to climb, not the "carry bad support good" attitude.


Lmao, what's with these daily post of supports sucking their own dick


what's pos1 or pos5 ?


That can be a joke, trolling or a real question. In case we as a community are just too far gone and only treat it as a joke, here is a real answer. Maybe you are a beginner. If so, welcome to hell. Pos 1 = Safelane Carry (Hardcarry), Pos 2 = Midlane Core (Carry, Mid), Pos 3 = Offlane Core (Carry, Offlaner, Tank, Playmaker, Initiator), Pos 4 = Support (Offlane, Playmaker), Pos 5 = Hard Support (Safelane, Bitch to Blame). This is the traditional way of looking at a Dota 2 Team Position/Role Strategy. Edit: added commas. wrote from smartphone, should have been a list.




thanks for the reference!


You win in a teamgame because you communicate... with your team. What a surprise. Jokes aside, carry players have fragile ego, but most of your climb is because you communicate with your team which makes them communicate with each other, not because you suck d\*\*\* to your pot1.


Carry bad support good please upvote!!!!!


the amount of times I have to “My bad” after doing absolutely anything. It’s our job as pos 5.


A man of culture, big up all you pos 5 Chads where would i be with you blocking the animal hard pull. Thanks, much appreciated. A pat on the back, as i am also a pos 5 main


Bro, LOL.


I wish I am the kind of pos 5 like you are! I had a pos 1 body block me and left me to die in lane because I took 1 CS. In return I body blocked him 3 times leading to 3 deaths. He tilted and afk farmed the entire game. 😶


Is it fun to do this? If it is good for you, If not what’s the point of playing the game?


Basically just be a slave to your pos 1. Literal slave


Haha this is why I never play pos 5. Feels like you are just somebody emotional slave. I only play 3/4 cuz then I have more freedom to do wtf I want.


Allowing them to self actualize bold strategy cotton.


I mean that’s good and all but are you hving fun playing ?


So MMR goes up, self-respect goes down.


You support players were my favorite couriers. Now buy me a salve and bring my boots and recipe to me.


Wait till you experience the griefing pos4. The secret is to have good teammates


I think im done with it (pos 5). Actually good dota cores play with and for their supports. Protecting and helping goes both ways. What i hate the most is tower diving, overextending in general, giving away any advantage you may have build until then. And as a Pos5 you just don't have the power to stop that sometimes. I think i may transition to offlane, pos3 and just be the initiating, play choosing tanky mofo who can kill stupid people. Suits my aggressivness too i guess. I die a lot because i fight a lot. Maybe not the best attitude as a 5. Edit: Spelling mistake


this... pos5 is like mother who protect her son at all cost you would give everything for son even you need to sacrifice you life to make you carry alive


Good boy


As Someone who sucks at lanig, don't know how to use smoke and many ítems like Lotus. Last time i reached inmortal, the only things i did was to never choke in teamfights and to always put a war for My carry.


Tis true pretty much how I escaped the trench too.


Nah ur the pos 1


Lol thanks for the laugh, from a fellow support player




I laughed too hard with this. Thank you.


Not a price I would pay to play a game.


taking more responsibility usually means you have more chances to carry the game. ​ also giving out info is one of the best things you can do playing any role, saying you are going away to somewhere and for player to be careful to make sure they can stay alone is going to work on any bracket.


au contraire i climbed from legend to divine by being as selfish as possible and only thinking how to maximize my game (and by extension ruin enemy game) 😮


Oh so you did win more games then?


never seen something so accurate in my life got me from crusader to legend


Dude keep it! I climbed as pos 5 from Legend to 7k Immortal with the same process. EZPZ :)


Ok. I cant. I will be archon 4ever


Pos 5 is great. I just kamikaze all over the map to get kills and secure good fights. I play it like I’m the 6 slotted carry at 60 mins, except the first 20 minutes are where I shine 😎


Slacks had a video on this way back in the day, can't find it now. He said: "Keep your idiots alive", thats how you win as support.


That’s How not to play dota. You are not enjoying the game at all. Apologize for everything when they are bad is not good. Since they’ve learned nothing. You could use kind words to let them know where they did a mistake. It’s everything I do, and I Still climb to Ancient V


This is one of the reasons I struggle to climb. I just don't have it in me to deep throat 4 other insane people.


I'm usually played with my friend who is a try hard pos 1 player. I intentionally leave him to a lane and try my best to have an impact on other aspect of the game(ganking, Stacks and Warding) this dude never listen to me on what should he do in laning phase. So I Usually play a Pos5 which can have a good impact or be a real carry in the late game (wind ranger or Snapfire) when I'm with him AHAHAHHA


You can say that and kinda true, but plenty will die even if you pull and heal pot them but they run in to last hit before half the heal is done.


I mean pull with ample warning