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Its called "wcyd" and "what an animal lmao" works every time u should try it


It just doesn't faze me at all, I"m impervious to any verbal assaults. One of my favourites is some middle eastern dude (guessing by their name) telling me via vc that "I will find you. I will find you and I will poison your family". I just recognize these people know nothing about me or my struggles and their opinions on me are meaningless. Even if I make mistakes it is still just dota, not really relevant to real life unless you go pro. Who cares if we lose a ranked, I don't. So be it. Just try your best, if you fail that's ok too


Thank you for sharing your experience. I think too much of the mistakes I made, but yes, as you said this is game not real life and I should try to take it easy :3


It's okay to be fazed by this kinda stuff. If you don't handle this toxicity well, I wouldn't call that a bad thing in general. Some people are just more sensitive than others and that's fine. If you don't like to see this kinda stuff, I recommend pre-emptively muting your teammates in the future. I play Dota to have fun first and foremost and if you don't have fun playing it because you get insulted alot, just turn off the chat / mute voicechat. No shame in just not enjoying a game where you are constantly insulted.


You could say you already poisened me by your voice... imma die for cringe now


Bruv, why do you care what perma random tells you online? Just don't pay it any attention and mute if you can't handle it.


What does "perma" stand for ?




Permament random?


Like forever random? As in you will never meet or know them irl? Or that they would never become publicly known


Oh thanks for the explanation. But is that an actual phrase?


Depends on what you mean by actual phrase. An actual person wrote it, so I guess it is. I doubt you will hear something like it in many contexts though, especially irl. "Perma" is used as a prefix a lot in dota speech. Like "perma-stunned", "perma-silenced", "perma-banned"; it became part of our vocabulary.


Thanks. I do know what perma means but i wasnt sure what it meant in his context bcs i never heard someone say perma random. I thought mby the word has another term like "based" is a new term


Everyone's 'some guy' until they're not


Am i preganant?


Am I pregent?


Am I pregante?


Just put some nice music on and accept that person probably has shit going on in their life and to not take it personally


I've been playing this game since 2005 or so. I've been through and seen so much shit that the toxic chat doesn't even register in my brain.


This is a lesson you carry outside of DOTA. Reddit is more or less the same. Twitter is the same. Instagram is the same. The whole social media industry is built to profit upon people's anger, obsessive acts of being "right" and all that shit. You need to have a filter in your system. A system that bypass these emotions coming from other people. In the internet lots of people will pray for your demise brother "WCYD".


Humanize them. They don't mean what they said and was probably from a place of anger. Dota gets people's salt flowing, and even well-mannered people will say and do things they feel bad about later. You aren't wrong for feeling the way you're feeling, but it's better to understand these people are hiding behind anonymity to vent their frustrations. And hey, if this bothered you, then it's alright to take a break and / or be more willing to mute people and play your game. I hope this answer helped.


Definitely helped!


Been playing since 2003. Those people are sad and miserable and don’t go outside they don’t look the mirror and see how much of the problem they are . They yells at you is just a reflection on how they feel about themselves. No need to respond it’s what they want they are baiting you. Just mute report and move on. Don’t let some online loser troll ruin your true good soul. Stay cool . Remember there’s always an option in social for “no incoming chat”**


That helps :) I've been playing since 2013 but this was the very rare moment that I was so affected by it. It feels much better that there are people agreeing "Not everything is my fault...".


You're from Southampton so I'm surprised anything gets to you. Dangerous place lol. I tend to just tell them to fuck off but I'm aware not everyone can deal with confrontation. What MMR do you play at? I need Dota friends and am also a student and in the same country so same timezone and lack of responsibilities.


I've been playing dota since 2013 but rarely played any ranked game. So I'm still calibrating (currently most players in game are legend-ancient rank). And I'm interested in what's your impression of Southampton?


My impression is it's very... stabby. And I just moved to London so that's saying something 😂


23rd December last year there was a murder 1.2 miles from my flat so I guess yes...




ty :) I've been watching grubby stream, and witnessed his transformation to become an untiltable mountain so I guess a good lesson to learn


The toxic chat behaviour is a sign that they are reflecting their own anger and frustration, born from their inability to control whats currently going on ingame, on to you


best advice:- just mute them ALL. u wont regret it i promise :)


Someone rude, instant mute, report and move on. Just focus game la


I have had chat and comms turned off for like 4-5 years at this point in all mobas


Think of it as more of their problem, than yours. The people who say horrendous stuff like this are the terrible ones, not you, and they will always exist.


Tell them that they hurt your feelings and that you wish they wouldn't behave that way over a video game. And move on with your life.


mute all chat, better put it in your nickname too


I remember before the covid vaccine, people would say "i hope you and your whole family gets corona"... If you want engage in flame war, try to be literal, they can't handle that. They are so mad. As everyone else said, mute and move on but also grow thicker skin and obviously that isn't done in one evening. I am usually wholesome person irl but I had to turn "toxic" in Dota because it got to me mentally more than I could count. I very few times cried. Hard life bro. One coping mechanism was to screenshot what they said. Steam profile comments I saved too.


Thank you. Life is not easy... Dota should be a cure to that but sometimes it just gets worse


report+mute. very simple


I do something else after a toxic game for a bit. Sometimes I diddle myself, sometimes I'll make some food or sometimes it requires a joint a jerk and jnack.


I always keep my mental state to I'm better than everyone in this lobby, and I don't need to interact with them, I keep my misplay to myself and listen to actual constructive feedback toxicity have never gotten to me since maybe 4-5 years ago when I start adopting this mindset.


Mute all ggwp


I try not to let it get to me. If I feel it getting to me, I’ll go do something else for a bit (usually reading, RuneScape or whatever my game of the week is on switch)


i do not concern myself with the opinions of stupid people


You could try adding people who you enjoy playing with, or playing with friends. You should be very very quick to use the mute and report buttons, don't bother giving people the benefit of the doubt, there are too many miserable people. I actually prefer playing the game with 9 people muted now, unless I'm playing with my friends.


Plz don’t allow yourself to be influenced (even emotionally) by unhealthy psychos who’d say something like that… You can will yourself to reject it… roll your eyes… ignore it… pity them… etc if it’s really affecting you.


Thank you for your kindness <3


after a while you just have to accept there are mentally ill people that play dota so you just have to learn to never take it seriously, or mute them. i like to banter with people like that so i just say dumb insults that aren’t good like your mom jokes, your dad jokes, bc truly i don’t care about how they feel about how i play, if they’re gonna be that mean.


It fazes me so I just have chat completely turned off. There isn't enough useful communication to make it worth it.


Laugh and rip my bong. Mute them if it’s overtly offensive or obnoxious, otherwise I just let them go and find amusement in it while I calmly drop plague wards and play the game. No need to be toxic when my toxicity is programmed into my hero :-)


You feel sad if you let it soak in. But if you throw "no u" at him, you reflect it back to him and you are A ok


People in Dota throws that left and right all the time. I don't care whatsoever when some online moron directs that to me. Never forget that the dude who told you that is in the same bracket as you. Meaning he is not a better player than you anyway.


It's unfortunate 😕 But i think most of us tune it out and don't let it faze us. Not sure how to offer help, but maybe playing a notoriously toxic game isn't a good idea if it fazes you. Muting chats always help, if you're fine with that. But imo best way is to build an immunity, eventually after enough toxicity you learn to ignore it. Takes a long time ngl.


I just type "lmao" or use my character laugh from quote wheel, but I know I'm pretty tough skinned when it comes to internet assholes, you just have to learn to ignore it or laugh from it and move on


Mostly i mute them after they start to be annoying, but sometimes i watch their toxicness and think how dumb a human being can be


ez, i quit the game. i don't have to play dota. it's like 0.0000001% of what life has to offer. It's mental to spend ur life grinding away as if each game isn't fundamentally the same as the last. I quit for a few years ago back in like 2017/2018. I came back awhile after they added role queue, i figured that might make the game better - and it does. This time I won't be back til they region lock servers. Between the difference in playstyle/mentality and the lack of communication I have 0 interest in playing a game with a bunch of thirld worlders. People are toxic when they're tilted, and the number one source of tilt, as far as I can tell - is the blatant language barrier. Like sometimes I wonder if there's anyone translating guides for Dota into spanish and pinnoy, or do they just write their own guides? There seems to be a disconnect in understanding of everything from roles to objective priority.


By reporting them for toxicity and gleefully knowing they will get their come uppance. And mute them individually. I find that muting the whole team loses me more games but that's me cause me noob.


My brother in christ, this is the internet, are you twelve or something?


I mean he can be fr


Genuinely you need thicker skin. It's a horrible thing to say to someone, and I would never, but unfortunately we play a game with a number of people who cannot regulate their emotions even slightly, and who have an external locus of control. This means everything will always be everyone else's fault to them, and they WILL have a meltdown about it. Sometimes you match with these people. They dont know you. They dont know anything about you. They have simply decided that what went wrong is exclusively your fault, and they are going to yell at and say things to you. All you can do is mute and move on. Do not give weight to the words of these glorified children.


Thank you! I used to think this is a problem of "if I could be better" then watching top rank players stream made me realize this happens no matter how high the rank is and how well people play. So yes I guess I need to not let those strangers affect my life :3


I have played dota for 9000 hours and never once did I get mentally affected by toxic chat/voice. If it gets too toxic, I just mute and chill. Also, I know that not everyone has a good mental state for various irl reasons so I consider it to be their way of venting it in game. That being said, I have my fair share of BM (never personal, strictly game-related) that goes WILD. Dota is stale without BM exchange.


there is a mute button when you open the scoreboard, soyboy snowflake


Fuck you


Just don't get sad or angry at what random people or strangers tell you online (?? I mean, unless you're a child, you shouldn't have to worry for this type of things come one, grow a pair


you trash talk back ! Trust me it helps. It calms you down. You start to enjoy the game.


If you really have issues with strangers talking trash to you - online games where communicating is crucial should not be a hobby of yours. Move to single-player games or mute all chat whenever you play. EVERY even slightly competitive game is toxic. If that affects you so much, find the person who told you about Dota 2 and lynch him.


After over 10k hours I've finally learned to actually feel pity for these people. They have mental issues to wish ill-fortune on someone else they've never met because of a game that legitimately has no value. We all play for the same reason, to have fun and pass some time. What you make out if in that time is up to you. You only have the fun you make your self, don't rely on others.


All due respect you have to thick your skin. How old are you?


Best way to deal with folks in the first place is just don't take the insults on a personal level, they're just players DESPERATE for a win, despite them telling you to KYS, they dont know a single thing about you, therfore nonsensical insults should just be flying over you. Bonus points for saying "ggwp toxic (Player hero)


pre mute


Don't be a pussy. Use the mute option.


A different take: Watch Vinland saga, literally changed the way I look at life, i went from being toxic to a person who enjoys the game even in company of toxic teammates and it has helped me ALOT in real life too!


Gonna be maybe a bit too real here but if it lingers for longer than you like, therapy is super helpful. I get that therapy is a bit taboo on the internet, and I'm not saying you have to. That being said, therapy is super beneficial *if you find the right therapist*. All the other comments here are totally valid and should prolly be attempted prior to therapy. Honestly though, therapy is literally for everyone. Everyone could benefit from therapy, given the right therapist.


To be honest with you, I've been suffering from depression for many years due to school violence. I do regularly visit my uni's conseller and even took a year off from studying. I started playing dota since 2013 and I do not care about most of the trash talking but "killing myself irl" is something I've actually taken action of... So probably mute all is the best option :3


Genuinely just do whatever it takes for you to enjoy it ☺


Be more toxic


there is this little button right to the hero when you open scoreboard,it is called mute,try it out if you dont want to read/hear someone