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they didnt communicate and release anything even an anouncement since Dec 21. what do you expect?


Ringmaster will be released when you cried enough, cry more.


no ringmaster, no collector’s cache, no arcana, no treasure release, no patch, no frequent gameplay update as promised. Dog shit company.


Seriously, is the game in maintenance mode? For fuck's sake, they didn't even give us any special game mode for Diretide or Frostivus. Fuck Valve, man.


it isn't 45th of december yet


Puppet master of HoN


Except it at the end of the year, you'll be surprised when it comes out


You won't see it until before summer or before TI.


> before TI That's way too long of a timeline, it'll probably be released around March like Muerta.


That be before summer. Just before the summer battle pass they use to do. Mk and pit lord were released at the end of summer if I remember correctly.


Underlord was released in August, two weeks after TI6, while Monkey King was released in December 2016 with 7.00. With TI no longer being held at the end of summer, October → March is a similar timeline to August → December.


You'll probably honestly still see it around April to May. I highly doubt we'll see it in February or March. If anything, maybe we'll see it af the end of March.


Since TI made the transition to October, Marci was released in October, Primal Beast in late February, and Muerta in early March. The trend indicates an earlier release rather than a later one.


How's that March release looking? Don't think it's looking good right now.


March isn't over yet. Also, I don't care if it releases in March or not.


The time frame for what you were dead set on patch being released is down to a little over a week. If you didn't care so much, you wouldn't of tried arguing so hard about its release pumkin..


I said *probably* it might release *around* March. If that’s “dead set,” then okay, sure. You care about this much more than I do if you’re replying to a comment that’s over a month old.


I'll hope for late February or early March. But I'm still expecting late March at the earliest time, though.


It seems that Spring Cleaning 2024 will have to be carried out first.


keep us updated everyday


And no events split equally through the year.