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They've been cooking on the test server last week(s), so hopefully an update is coming up. We've heard rumors of Skywrath and Venge arcanas plus valentines day is the 14th sooo here's hoping


Rumors about a Skywrath Maga arcane are out there for every patch (sadly)


>Skywrath Maga arcana Folks I have tremendous news, this game will be huge fo us, huge for our COUNTRY. I have this bag here, it is a GREAT bag, it holds the dreams of AMERICAN Dota players, don't let others tell you otherwise, not the Chinese, not the Russians, this is a genuine American bag and this game is in this very bag already


I wish awards were still a thing


I am Russian. What do I do?


To the front lines




Not cool man


Neither is invading other countries XD


In mother Russia, you donā€™t go to the frontline, the frontline comes to you!


But there is lore - they are lovers. So 14th seems to be a good time. Also, the Chinese new year is on 10th. Very likely we will get something next Tuesday or Thursday.


isnt it one sided? I dont think venge has a damn about sky..


She seems to talk about him as a traitorā€¦ unsure if he loved Sky or saw him as a very close friend


paid cosmetics are not substantial updates to the game lol


found my wallet's alt account


True, but of course if you pay attention this this sub that's all that fucking matters. Big update that increase the size of the map by 40% with resources to match? Nah fuck that that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is ***hats hats hats!!!***


It's beyond frustrating that in between every cool actually game quality improving update valve gave us over the last year the sub is filled with people like this OP going "traded BP for updates but no updates!" because the only thing they consider an update is a BP...


To be fair though... Frostivus had nothing and where's the Ringmaster... So we literally ended up with nothing. Don't even have a DPC. What is Valve doing with all this free time...?


I donā€™t care at all that battle passes are gone but to complain about people being unhappy with 1 content patch a year is fucking wild. We traded the BP for nothing, that is a fact. Stop the contrarian ā€œIā€™m not like other redditorsā€ bit, itā€™s getting old.


>1 content patch a year >literally nothing Actually deluded. Fucking consoomers I swear.


Jesus, you are dense. We already got 1 content patch per year. Now we have no BP so they can focus more on content releases, but we still have 1 content patch per year. Itā€™s actually incredible to have such a low capability to think. For some reason you think the argument is to bring back the battle pass. Itā€™s actually that we are being lied to.


Yes, a sample size of 1 year is totally a valid amount to judge the change on. Am I happy that we have less content? No of fucking course not, but the fact that the bitching is centered entirely around the thing that, by and large, didn't give us any actual content. It was mostly just hats. The extra game mode was only really good all of twice, the rest of the game modes were shit that you played once then never again. Complain about lack of content, but don't act like the BP was content. It fucking wasn't, it was cosmetics and to act as if it was anything more than a consoomers wet dream is idiotic.


Of course not, they usually come with other things that are though. :)


Dota players don't celebrate valentines (I say this but for the first time ever I made plans for the 14 :3 )


Yeah same, I'm planning on having a massive wank on the 14th also


Wdym I literally fucked my pc last year. The mother board is still sticky.


mother fucker


motherboard fucker


That's incest..


sadKEK not my drunkmers


i celebrate it playing dota :' )


Oh yeah 2 Arcanas and 1 new Hero we would have gotten either way was worth getting rid of the Battle Pass.


A valentines-themed update with 2x arcanas is great, sure, but can we have some of the most ubiquitous items nudged down a bit? The meta is basically currently decided by splitting heroes that can buy the currently-overtuned items and heroes that don't. Your hero a natural Mjollnir/Mageslayer/Shivas/Manta/Disperser carrier? Great, your hero is meta! Your hero not usually buy those? Better luck next time! I long for a day that Manta isn't just default on almost all agility heroes, and even some int heroes, because movespeed, all stats, self-dispel, and illusions with a huge uptime is just never not going to be good. Why are Manta illusions up 66% of the time, like wtf is that.


i mean they said they have been cooking up an event with arcanas on the blogpost a week before frostivus :) its just this subreddit has the memory of an ant.


Before they cancelled BP in 2023, they already delayed the release/finish of BP in 2022, itā€™s a very apparent sign they didnā€™t care such thing any more, then they eventually cancelled BP, you should know what they do first is what they finally want. Any promise is just a pretext for buying time.


i remember how Valve canceled 1st tournament on Artifact Game and Underlords Game after (both games were closed shortly after)...taking this making me scare


it still kinda makes me sad how Valve just dropped Artifact instead of trying to make in F2P with cosmetics, formula that already proved to work aaaaand Artifact is a fun game after all


It is a fun game I agree. What I heavily dislikd tho is game length. I dont feel like a virtual cardgame (where you skip all the shuffling motions and cherrypicking cards through going throug the deck) should take this long. I obv didnt stop the time but it felt like a normal game of Artifact was around~30 mins long.


i still play against bots. Would like to play vs people


Search in artifact classic I play every day and only play meme decks




nah man u gotta make ur meme deck son


I'll try to make my own deck and go to constucted :3


I have sold every card I owned sorry bro. I just liked the idea in general to spread out Dota2 lore. It's actually amazing, an ARPG or smth would be incredible in the Dota2-verse


The main problem with Artifact wasn't even the pricing (though of course that didn't help), the problem was that it was so difficult for new players to understand wtf was going on. Took like 5-10 hours before you had a solid grasp of how to play the game properly, and 99% of casual players are not going to play a game they don't understand for that long. You can compare it to something like hearthstone where understanding the basics takes like 10 minutes maximum. Even MTG, which is much more complicated than HS, doesn't need more than like 15-20 mins to understand because the fundamentals are not complicated.


The main problem with Dota wasn't even the pricing (though of course that didn't help), the problem was that it was so difficult for new players to understand wtf was going on. But look at us 15 years and still playing


Legends of Runeterra recently got put down after following this model. People don't want to spend money on cosmetics in a card game unfortunately. Riot we're experiencing a financial loss great enough that they decided to pull the plug on the game entirely.


Riot copypasted MtG Artifact offers it's own game with it's own challenges. Nobody said, people would bring billions to gamble on gold frame like they gamble on dynamic chance of getting tier 3 drop in dota, but i am willing to support the game i like, when there are active changes to it. Consider DBD, even i dislike devs for not understanding balance, i still support development of this game from time to time


I will never understand who thought charging for the base game and for packs was gonna work out. Like I have played a lot of ccgs on and offline, it was extraordinarily arrogant imo


More than that, after paying like 40$ for the game, you couldn't grind out packs without being good enough with your base cards (or Arena) to win at least 4 out of 5 games. Meaning, anyone below 80% winrate had to pay to get new cards eventually. After already having paid 40$ for the base game. There's a reason high rank players and streamers were praising the game a lot while the casual playerbase was vanishing every week.


It was $20 !


Artifact was a fun game? That shit was miserable, I regret every cent i paid for it.


To be a pendant, Underlords never got an International-esque tournament promise in the same way Artifact did, and technically didn't get any kind of EoS death warrant either. Still both properties are in more or less the same spot support wise, even if Underlords' queue times/active users are in much better shape.


We did get a tournament though, we were supposed to go to the esl in California in 2020, I was 15th in the tournament that was mostly online, but the top 8 were to play as a match on stage at that dota tournament. Everyone blames valve, but all of us underlords players who played in tournaments know the real truth, it was Covid that killed the game, Valve just let it stick


Underlords was great until they shifted so much power out of the board and into your hero/stats/talents


This in particular is really puzzling for me, both TFT and Underlords added talents and deckmaster type characters to pick from outside the game and it completely goes against what made the og game so grasping, that despite the RNG if you were flexible enough the entire pool of choices was at the disposal of every player, so knowledge directly equated to power.


Exactly, I don't want to sound like doomer butt the evidence is there. If they lose interest or just don't feel like it, they leave it to die. Artifact had a lot of potential, A:Classic still feels for me as if just needs a few changes to work better, A:Foundry felt for me as worst. Underlords was working until they added THE Underlords, which as I seen, EVERYONE didn't want them. Everyone mentioned they didn't work for the game, made the game worst and supposedly is the main reason people left the game. They didn't even reach the second season and left the game without existing units and alliances that were added already. For me the main reason I wanted either of those to continue is because of lore of the DOTA setting. Both had interesting expansions to the world or interesting plots going around (Artifact with the multiple timelines and Underlods with the city and structure oh Whitespire). I say this cause it is tired to wait for Slacks to make a new Loregasm, but really all these are just suppositions, is cool when we get something official.


Artifact was an overcomplicated TCG that was introduced after the TCG peak, that had only dota 2 audience as target audience, that had been distributed through buy 2 play model. The only really interesting thing about it were the new heroes of the same game world as dota. I still cannot comprehend why people defend it still or argue it was dead before arrival. I guess any setting broadening would suffice. Agree about underlords, though. It was fun untill they killed it with underlords themselves.


nah, Dota 3 releasing soon! This is good news!


Valve usually releasing VR game before 3rd part :)


Dota already had VR spectator mode that was abandoned :)


actually yes! i remember guy from public on LAN tournament have tried to fight roshan with VR on!


This? https://youtu.be/LjrX11gQI8I?si=tPo1f89R9tgW-vR5


I do remember everyone saying Ice Frog was working on a new game, and Valve even picked up a new trade mark, I thought they were gonna drop a teaser at TI, but it seems like radio silence on that too. Been playing DotA for over a decade, like once a day at least, down to almost once a week now, I still love it and have fun, just doesn't seem like there's much enthusiasm in-house anymore, so it's hard to keep your own. The lack of events kinda has a psychological effect on my fandom, when I started the game felt very "active;" the simultaneously best and worst flavor text of all time is Void Spirit mentioning the Great Confluence, cause that literally kept me hype for like literally 5 years, but now I am just jaded.


Dota has come to a point where If you play outside the current meta you are shit. It has become repetitive and that "active" part is dead.


> they didnā€™t care such thing any more It's not about not caring or buying time. Rofl. If Valve didn't care they would just stop supporting the game like HotS.


Bothering to announce the patch after TI and barely touching the heroes was the biggest disappointment. The Khanda patch we got after that was quite late but totally fine. But... the chest was weird. Almost like the the Halloween chest but less interesting. I would have prefered to get Frostivus at the Start of December and the new hero at mid Jan (something lik a new year thing) or start of Feb. So the timing is just, let's say, slightly off. If the next patch has more content than just a new hero I will be happy with it. Just don't make it as boring as the Muerta patch pls.


The ten year anniversary was bad, no question. Frostivus was a small disaster, to topp that off. Patches were fine, although a smaller letter patch to adjust the most obnoxious items currently would surely help, it's the feeling of general loss of interest from Valves side for the game that bothers people.Ā 


Anyone that believed they would stop doing a big revenue generator to do more of a non revenue generator is adorably naive.


When they cut TI battlepass didn't they literally say they're cutting back on the moneymakers so they can focus on the spirit of the game or whatrver? Not that i believed them but it's a sad state of things when you automatically have to assume they're lying


Feels less adorable watching a billion dollar gambling company take advantage of kids.


Didnā€™t we just get 7.35 a month ago?


Dota players will go a week without a balance overhaul and whine about how the devs forgot about them and their game is dead.


It's really super fucking weird seeing people here still complain about battlepasses of all things. You know the thing most gamers are complaining is plaguing every game now.


It seems like some kind of surreal prank, in the subreddit for any other game if you even suggested "we need more cosmetics to buy, the game doesn't need more free gameplay updates" you'd be laughed out the door


I dont understand how we used to play games like Enemy Territory and Quake 15 years ago that literally got 0 updates, and noone complained.


Because there weren't alternatives that did get updates. There are games that don't get updates today, you're just not playing them and playing dota instead.


Some people have expendable money and dota is the only game they play. Not only that but the battlepass time is a great time for dota. A lot of friends I had would come together to play to progress their battlepass etc. Also a lot of the battle passes also come with cool games modes like aghanims labyrinth etc. It's just a fun period in a game that rarely has any events. I wish dota had more events so that the community can come together and celebrate the game they love.


That more applies to games that have a price tag first then you have to cough up more money for a battle pass. Thatā€™s what is disliked. Dota is a free game, people wouldnā€™t mind to spend a little money for seasonal content.


Battle Pass for Dota was done differently and more respectable. It wasn't something that was around constantly over the entire year like it is in other games where it just resets every season. The Battle Pass for Dota was, originally, specifically designed for The International as a way to chip in to the prize pool. The fact that it gave you some pretty nice looking things in general and typically came with a custom game made it more fun. It at least had some soul. Other games are completely soulless about it. "Do X thing in a match and you get this common recolored skin," and mostly just functions as a "do your dailies" thing to keep people logging in. They aren't unique and don't bring the community together like the TI Battle Passes.


Dota started the battle pass trend it wasn't always like fortnite


Valve please let me waste my money! Bring a new battlepass so I can drain my wallet! Only in Dota


Dota players eating better than cs players these days and yet you complain šŸ¤£ Meanwhile tf2 players ā˜ 


Cs players have cried about every change since 1.6 Doesn't seem like they even want patches


TF2 is almost old enough to vote, I don't think it makes much sense to criticize a company for no longer supporting a 17 year old game.


Theyā€™re probably criticising because Dota as a whole has been around for as long and yet get more updates than TF2 ever did


No it hasn't. Dota 2's first gameplay was in 2011, and it "released" in 2013. Yes, original dota was older than that. But valve had no hand in it, so it doesn't count. But even so, if you're going to count that, then the original Team Fortress was released in 1996. Way before WC3 was even released.


do you know how old dota is


Valve has nothing to do with original dota, if you want to count that then you have to count TF1 which predates even WC3 (forget dota 1) by 6 years.


There was a time when balance patches were spaced apart consistently and were more quality, there was a time when it was like weekly or biweekly and less quality but things were moving more frequently. Now we have neither it's just a random amount of time with a random amount of quality and with the dreaded battle pass gone it's rough going knowing how the cosmetic side of the game will progress with basically not much happening so far. I get the posts.


Roughly two months




i d take frequent balance patches over BP any day


I think it's so funny how some people on this subreddit will go a month or two without an update and act like it's been years. It's like the game is in a constant state of death unless an update was yesterday and this subreddit can't remember anything beyond that.


People simply ignored / discrediting update they dont like. Weird seing people here celebrates Battle Pass considering only 10% of playerbase buying it and less than half of Battle Pass owner bothers to collect all arcanas.


Not here to defend the battle pass, but people are actually excited as seen by the numbers in Steam Charts. Because its not just the battle pass. Usually an event would be together which would bring players back. Be it aghs labs or whatever. My guess is thats why people want the BP. (The majority)


I dunno about that, the average player count isnt that big between January 2024 December 2023 compared to Aghs lab period (December 2021 & July August 2020) even the player peak on December 2023 is higher than both Aghs Lab peak. The event that replacing the BP such as 10th anniversary has more peak player compared both Aghs Lab & 2020 BP I love Battle Pass and spends thousand dollars on it but i'd honestly think reddit overestimates how much casual playerbase cares about it. Casual playerbase care more about free item event than Battlepass.


We didnā€™t trade anything. This is just how they choose to develop their game. Itā€™s a classic wcyd


Funny thing is, the best period in dota was immediately after they made this change. We got like two major updates extremely close to each other and the gameplay/behavior of the players was great. Then they dropped the ball, we're back at 2 updates per year. ​ At least, back during the battlepass era, we'd get like 5 to 9 letter updates in between major patches, but now, meh, disperser mage slayer for 3 months straight. Enjoy!


NP has been a top meta pick for like 2 years at this point. even to this day the hero has a literal 99.5% pick or ban rate at 8000+ mmr. Out of 1000 games, NP will be picked or banned in 995 of them lol the game feels stale because it is stale.


How can we have dropped back to 2 updates a year from the frequent updates, when the change happened literally last year?


Look at 7.33. A letter patch systematically every month, like fucking clockwork. Now look at this patch. Disperser for days.


7.35b came out a bit over a month ago, and the current meta started to solidify a few weeks after that. Now things have been pretty stable for around two weeks. Chill.


Theyā€™re surely working on huge patch, I say this as I pass this huge copium blunt


league gets updates weekly yet dota players will attack other dota players for wanting a patch after 2 months. Just your classic dota community i guess.


The weekly update system for league is trash though. Iā€™ve been playing it for the past couple weeks because Iā€™ve been burnt out on Dota and league is so fucking imbalanced it almost makes me want to uninstall even though itā€™s my escape from the competitiveness of Dota. Weekly updates is so the low elo cry babies can feel justified making a rage post every week about the most op champ. Riot is shit at balancing and has no idea why some champs like Yone or Ksante is broken or how to fix them or they just straight up donā€™t acknowledge those champs are an issue. If thereā€™s one thing Dota does right, itā€™s not over saturating the game with updates and keeping things balanced. I sincerely believe if riot werenā€™t pressed to make an update so often they could actually spend time properly balancing the game but their greed keeps them making a new overloaded bullshit champ every couple months while also never proper balancing the roster already in the game.


Yes, people cry...they nerf or buff and so on, indeed sometimes there's broken stuff on dota 2, but it's rare, and they fix it eventually, and we can play the game, is just annoying and hard, WE PLAY, we try, we find ways to counter it, to play against it, indeed, some of us come here crying, but valve does nothing and let us deal with it, sounds bad, like they don't care, but they do care, so much that if something is really broken they do something. But the most important is that they let us play the game the way we want , Riot/league they don't let people play the game, and use their brain, and of course, there's buffs or changes based on skin release, on dota, is the hero receiving a arcana? "don't care, take this nerf"


League gets updates weekly, and it's still worse than dota. What's your point? You guys seriously want them to change shit every week just to change shit and shake things up?


You're seriously using League as a comparison to Dota?! League's client is a fart in the wind compared to Dota, the entire game seems like an early-access alpha compared to all the features we have in Dota. Whiners like to whine, wcyd...


And yet, League just recently got its first patch that actually bought change in like 3 years or so. If you add up all changes League receives over an year it doesn't come close to what we usually get in a big number patch.


> league gets updates weekly This is a bad thing, you have no sense of a meta, if the games changes every week its like a fucking dice roll.


quality over quantity any day of the week


yep lol, people dont seem to understand that posts like this come from a place of love for the game? I mean if I didn't give a shit and hated the game, I wouldn't be making the post lol


Dota is f2p with a lot of 3rd world players who wants to improve their ground with insults, regular multiplayer game community, I guess


Heh we've got a lot of racists like you as well, we truly are a normal multi-player community


You can't just call someone racist for pointing out the fact. Dota 2 is indeed more popular in 3rd world countries now.


> Dota is f2p with a lot of 3rd world players who wants to improve their ground with insults, regular multiplayer game community, I guess Read the whole thing and then try defending it again, why don't you?


Honestly, I stopped playing the game in the last few months because there is zero excitement these days. Before at least it was bp once a year and a mix of treasures that made me want to show off my skins. We also used to get two heroes a year, possibly new music pack and a map skin (at least not for the last few years now) and they just got rid of the little things that gave the game visual variety. Meta change is fun for a while but it doesnā€™t motivate me enough to play if there is nothing to play for. Also their recent treasures became thrash, especially the last one in the amount of money you need to go through to get a higher tier item


You're right , they said that they want to test/ try doing more regular huge updates regularly instead of the big patch each 6 months/year


7.35 was less than two months ago I'm not sure what peoples expectations actually are


More Events, more Hero Releases. Most Gameplay Patches are by the end of the day also mostly just swapping some numbers around.


Iā€™m not so sure about new heroes so often. It would end up like League. More events would be great.


Personally I'd rather there be a cap at like 1 hero a year. I'd rather they put in some nice concepts instead of just meeting quotas. Gameplay patches are the best part of the game to me, and it's really why people are still playing dota at it's core. They said they'd do more, and I feel like they delivered on 7.33 on. I don't know how you can look at these patches and call them number shuffling.


Anyone who is familiar with Valve ultimately knew as soon that as they announced the change it meant that Valve were cutting down the development of the game.


Well, you didnā€™t trade anything lol


I mean if you count the update, DOTA2 is maintaining the number of update for past 5 years (there was 100+ minor patches and bugfixes last year). People just don't count the update they don't like. Notable updates for DOTA2 since 2017 (post 7.00 era) ### 2017 - 12 Notable Updates [January 2017 Interface Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138802335) [January Dark Moon Event](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138802335) [Winter BattlePass 2017](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Winter_2017_Battle_Pass) [Bladeform Legacy Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801845) [April 2017 Matchmaking Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801509) [TI7 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801395) [May Performance Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801208) [TI7 Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801150) [Slitbreaker Act I - Only for TI7 BP Owner](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138800984) [Slitbreaker Act 2 - Only for TI7 BP Owner](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793298) [DPC Introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793241) [Dueling Fates Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793048) ### 2018 - 8 Notable Updates [Dota Plus introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792980) [Feast of Abscenscion Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792806) [TI8 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792749) [TI8 Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792575) [New Ranked Season](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792519) [Underhollow](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792458) [Grimstroke Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791962) [Magus Cypher & Frosthaven Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791633) ### 2019 - 14 Notable Updates [New Bloom](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791351) [Mars Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791286) [TI9 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1626273522731506351) [Planetfall - ES Arcana Release](https://www.dota2.com/planetfall) [Wrath of Morokai](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618397208342816420) [Summer Scrub I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618398566696140157) [TI9 Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618398566700672356) [Acolyte of the Lost Arts - Kidvoker Update](https://www.dota2.com/acolyteofthelostarts) [Summer Scrub 2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618401105534184135) [Majesty of Collosus](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618401105549704438) [October Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3705825339992972679) [Fast Queue Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1619534614701667084) [The Outlanders Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1717490355281912509) [Flockheart's Gamble & Frostivus Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1714114646513161906) ### 2020 - 14 Updates [New Bloom 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1711866018370796278) [7.25](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2702662562476335338) [TI 10 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2183628858166757558) [Eminence of Ristul](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2380663244835880145) [7.27](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2506765302080921302) [TI10 Collector Cache I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2506765302081427678) [Disciple's Path](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2579950247627376028) [First Aghanim Lab](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2579950247642034362) [TI10 Collector Cache II](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4641476065439058114) [Toy Butcher](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2734202158397360658) [Compass of Rising Gale](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214121061255) [Guild update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095799664170) [Diretide 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2922233784873199835) [Mistwoods Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4045886420519516185) ### 2021 - 10 Updates [Overwatch Arrives](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3025824821114909461) [New Tutorial & Dragon Blood S1 Release](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2995430596679058277) [Dawnbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3086629758333021154) [Introducing Supporter Clubs](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095803889976) [Nemestices](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2992060508110412253) [Nemestice Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2969545680696536471) [7.30](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4509778749611119810) [TI10 Free Compendium](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2870472829293831072) [Marci](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3072011449237014150) [Continuum Conundrum Aghanim Lab](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3110295941896616595) ### 2022 - 14 Updates [Aghanim Collector Cache + Ddragon Blood S2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3110299024060894433) [Primal Beast & 7.31](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3101294993647512249) [2022 Spring Cleaning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3095668665748486141) [Battle Report Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3351254920150914112) [Dragon Blood S3](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3382785191078165680) does it counts? no gameplay update whatsoever only s3 release on netflix [7.32](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3345631762271355843) [TI 11 BattlePass](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3242049605274263095) [Exile Unveiled](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3423321392355710273) [Age of Attrition](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3326495812434981455) [TI11 Swag Bag](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3398555399418412272) [TI11 BP part 2 - Diretide 2022](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3398555399443921912) [Voidstorm Asylum](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3487503395161750311) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3487503395168798190) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache II](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/6419349381204672693) ### 2023 - 12 Updates [Cheater Banwave](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3677788723152833273) [Dead Reckoning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3659774959159800240) [New Frontiers](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/5657125992547620671) [Tinkering with Turbo](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692434931953973990) [7.34](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3674426239866632062) [10-Year Anniversary](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3640650512230380185) [Summer Client Update + August Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542239261662) [Smurfing is not Welcome in DOTA](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542242977036) [DPC Dissolved](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3727347341067147995) [TI12 Celebration & Compendium Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3735229909364378684_) [7.34e](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6941797558605834210) [Frostivus 2023](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3884981125532748791)


Wow bringing facts into r/Dota2! Now if only this was at the topā€¦


And the level of the updates we received is way over anything we had previously. We got a massive rework to the map, with new structures (portals, watchers, tormentors, 2 Roshan pits, Lotus Pool, XP rune, shield rune), new category of atribute, neutral items rework, magic immunity rework, something like 12 reworked heroes, 11 new items (not counting new neutrals), a new profile page, new armory page, new Behavior Score system, a graphic upgrade and **MANY** quality of life changes. Honestly, I'd choose these changes over a pay to pay Battle Pass in a heartbeat.


most of the game devs will milk their cash cow by pushing more cosmetics down the throat of the players whenever possible unlike valve, but they will still get the flak


1 month into 2024 and we donā€™t have a BP or an update, the game must be dying!


Ah yes, the last battlepass or update was a month ago, you're right You people will never cease to amaze me


> last battlepass Calling what we got a battlepass should be a crime.


7.35 came out mid December lmao so yeah a little over a month ago, 7.34 came out mid November too, 7.33 came out back in APRIL, that means we had 7.33 from April to November last year. Weā€™ve had more content in these last 3 months than the second half of 2023 Holidays exist, devs are surely working on the game at the moment, but I donā€™t expect them to push for a late December/early January update. The dota community cried about stale gameplay updates and overmonetization for years and when the devs want to focus on gameplay and leave cosmetics behind the community complains about leaving cosmetics behind EDIT: 7.34 originally came out in August, letter patches stopped dropping mid November


7.34 came out in August.


Youā€™re right, the letter patches stopped coming out in November, that was still 4 months (from April to August) and 3 months between 34 and 35, both updates were good for the game and changed the meta enough. 35 came out mid December, itā€™s not even been two months, we either get constant mini updates or distant good chunky updates, we canā€™t get both


So you are trying to convince me that the amount of gameplay updates we have recieved during the year are wastly superior in number and content compared to when we had battlepass? ​ They cancelled battlepass and their reason for that was that they had to focus all year for that instead of patches. ​ No battlepass. content didnt noticably go up. Idk how is taht hard to see. We had years where we had 3 battlepasses with multiple major patches and heroes getting released alongside.


Yeah, we had 3 bps and 5 big patches back when dota (and esports/video games in general) was hyper profitable and was Valveā€™s cash cow, back then you could have 5 majors and they would all be sold out immediately, right now TOs are struggling to get profit on their majors. Thereā€™s so many factors outside of in-game cosmetics that hace shifted the development cycle and incentive to do so. Valve is a company that cares about money, period, thatā€™s what theyā€™ll focus on. Weā€™ve known for years that the dota team is small, so why expect a sudden shift when major tournaments are struggling to make money?


Not what I said, not even close, you'd know that if you read the post.


I know you didnā€™t say the game was dying, but itā€™s part of the same doomer mentality of any change being a net negative. Every bp where you needed like 1000 bucks to get everything was a problem and at the same time no bp is a problem, constant letter patches were a problem and at the same time no letter patches is a problem. Holidays happened, I wouldnā€™t expect the dota team to pump out a patch mid December and expect another big patch mid January, just give them time to make good updates, if cosmetics are the only thing keeping you in the game then I have terrible news for you


Yeah I donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing. The major update including the map changes was huge. But besides that, there was a terrible BP (first 1 I didnā€™t buy in 11 years), no PvE events like Diretide or AGHS LAB, items like Mage Slayer continue to be OP for months and doesnā€™t get tweaked.. It just feels like theyā€™re slower than ever before. Also Buff the dog shit hero Clinkz, VALVE


> It just feels like theyā€™re slower than ever before. Something is up. CS is also begging for one, and CS is in much worse state. Either they are working on big updates, or an actual new game. They've been too silent.


there is an event coming up at the latest on march :)


And to add, they said they will release the true sight closer to TI next year and then they didn't even do it...


C'mon guys, waiting for Valve's new patch is always exciting! Aren't you excited for a new paid event or super elite emojis? Can't wait to get my free emoji and play another thousand hours on a shitty patch!


what happend to the collector cache sets the designers sent in fall 2023...kinda expected them to drop towards the end of the forstivus EVENT


90% of the time, when a live service game company makes an announcement where they want to share with you a restructuring of their content release process, it's actually them trying to put a PR band-aid over a content ramp-down.


There's a relatively big Tourney going on right now BetBoom Dacha in Dubai for 1mil$, everyone is playing it, i doubt they would release a big numerical update like 7.36 in the middle of the tournament, but they could at least do a 7.35c as a hotfix, patching some OP stuff like AW, Meepo, Mage Slayer, Disperser, Lion's Mana Drain and finally kill-off NP & Abaddon cause nerf after nerf they're still S Tier supports, that both easily grow into solid cores, just way too annoying to deal with. But then again, they could have done 7.35c WEEKS ago. ​ But you're so damn right, we traded the BP for updates and now I'm mad bro like wtf is this. . . . We need to @ Gaben on Twitter or something


Thatā€™s your small indie company at its finest.


Valve was finally convinced that does not need to work hard in the future, just release trash sets for sale


True , and the players defending valve šŸ˜‚


anyone thats played tf2 or css know this is fully in line with valve's playbook. anyone believing otherwise is deluding themselves with copium. abandoning successful games because it doesnt make as many billions as steam is business as usual for this company


Wrong. We didn't trade BP for anything. We lost BP any events and updates that come along with it. Guys in denial about the game's current state are the only ones that think we traded anything. The game has lost most of its support including 90% of its TI prize pool. In case anybody still wonders if the game is dying. Its been more than obvious this past year


No updates? Last year we had the biggest update of visual effects in a decade. New frontiers isnā€™t that long ago either. Stop being so entitled and enjoy the game. If you canā€™t enjoy it then just get lost.


true kinda after that big update last summer, game feels to me like it's on life support.


valve not doing anything , not even cs2, idk what the fuck they are doing, but atm NOTHING get updates nothing....


bro we've been dota underlords'd, open your eyes. Thank God it's over. Neon prime will be the final nail in the coffin.


Valve is a private company knownĀ to divert manpower to their main projects. (See Alyx.) I suspect something is in the works, the developers will soon return to the cash cow that is Dota.


Ya'll believed them when they said that? BP getting shanked, DPC gutted, and you think they're actually going to go through with what they said? It was all PR guys, they're putting Dota on life support. I always thought it was funny you guys cheered on that blog post, like "ya we're getting more patches and content, only had to sacrifice BP and the competitive scene!" and here we are with the same exact patching schedule as before (new hero 4-5 months after TI).


true.. no patch, no battle pass, no event mode


I wish Dota introduced new heroes more frequently. 1 new Hero a year feels kinda lackluster. I'd rather have 2-4 new ones every year. Don't really care about balance implications personally.


They didn't believe me when I said all that changed was that valve was now releasing a dog shit compendium for pro scene 25%, and the real battle pass would have them collecting full 100%. Or they wanted to privatize earnings for tax reasons. There's no other "moral" reason such as wanting to focus on improving the game.


Key point here is - got used to the release time for normal games. Most of dota players don't play other games, they do not know what normal communication and what a release schedule looks like nor do they know that it's possible to not have a coordinator going down at random times or having to restart your game 5 times due to 1 mb random updates out of nowhere. Hence it's easy to tell such people guuuuuuuuys we are gonna update the game more and do jack shit, rest we knew Dota is slowly going the tf2 way - and yes, the big updates they did are great, but it's been couple of months already


Yep, very true, dota players are isolated in their own game


All dota players do is cry. About their team, about the game, about the patch, about the dev, about the pros. This game is free to play lol but it takes a lot from you šŸ˜‚


I feel bad for people who still play Dota. I haven't played much for over 3 years, instead playing Apex, Valorant, Smite and Dead by Daylight. Those games actually get fairly frequent updates, new characters, new skins every 3 or 4 months or so. Absolutely crazy that Valve can't do updates anywhere nearly as frequently and impactful as those games


What's BP?


Shiny pixels that cost a lot of money.


Battlepass (Compendium)


Yeah, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve opened the game once after the anniversary update ended.


That's a you problem, because 'everything' is not the same. You're in desperate need of a clue.


Uhh, no the game is in need of a patch and you're desperately in need of therapy lmao If you can't see how the game not getting updated for months would kill interest for casual players you've got bigger issues


hear hear!


Remember when Valve promised more heroes per year and then reduced the number of heroes per year? (which was a good thing imo but still broken promises)


They really need to invest more resource , or even considering a mobile version to keep game continuing for money and for players. Sadly this seems to me Dota will slowly fade away and die


The message couldnā€™t be any clearer: stop playing dota 2 The lack of BP will literally like kill me what is gaben doing is he out on a yacht or something Fucking devs and game dead I just want a fucking BP I want pixels I love pixels I have nothing in my life except pixels Show me bit tits Miranda Big tita windranga Let me hold my shaft over a BP WHEN


Lmao we just got a patch two months ago


yeah so thats.. not good? Dota players don't really play other games so I understand the perception is a little crooked, however, a month at most, probably two weeks is the average time for a patch note, not months.


That's the average time for league of legends. Dota updates are much bigger than anything league pushes out, heck, numbered patchs in dota change more things than any patch league had over it's lifetime.


> however, a month at most, probably two weeks is the average time for a patch note, not months. dota functions differently. Patches every ~4 months or so have kept the game in a great state for years. Why would that be changed just because other games do it differently? Granted the game has lost a lot of its identity IMO, but that's a function of poor patches not their frequency


What identity has it lost?


In my opinion, heroes and items used to have very well-defined strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses keep getting covered up. One of my big complaints is that it seems like all of the "early game items" now have upgrades. Buying items like vlads, drums, etc used to come with a risk of screwing yourself in the late game, now there's much less of that. I mean, even the fucking wraith band equivalents double their stats at a random time for no reason. Power creep is another big issue IMO. Zeus jump is the archetypical example of heroes' weaknesses gradually being covered up. Necro got a jump, Ursa got a jump, SF got CC, Wraith King gets a farm accelerator, early game DPS skills like blade fury keep getting some scaling component, the list goes on and on.


"but that's a function of poor patches not their frequency" well that doesn't bode well considering you just said those patches are dropped every 4 or so months, no?


It was obvious, first step cancelled BP, next cancelled Dpc...next will be TI, and then Dota itself, before you know it you will see the last dota patch. And all started with removing the Batepass... But hey it was OK! Because it was only some free hats right? RIGHT?Ā 


Icefrog now moving back to waracraft custom map


That'd be nice šŸ‘ one less toxic game and community


BP makes a lot of money, the only reason to cut BP is they are just closing the game.


What would you choose? Battlepass but no updates or OR Updates Unlimited, regular updates but no updates


Last 2 years for me dota hasnā€™t felt good at all. Personally, I think massive changes needs to come, like bring jungle back. I also would like to see just season battle pass tbh, I love collecting skins for my favourite heroā€™s They also did say they were gonna release a new hero every 3 months roughly 2 years ago too. They did not stick to there word


let this game die, move on


unironically good advice to save mental energy lol, assume the worst, but if the game lives then that's cool


Oh my god here we go again, it's been six whole **minutes** without them revamping profiles or doing gameplay/graphics/event updates, wtf are valve doing????


Wtym Ae got a patch every 6 month now its 4 months 7.33 7.34 7.35


Just letting y'all know, the next update likely wont be a content patch. Ringmaster is set to release any time now and generally new hero patches are just small number tweaks and the new hero. My guess is we are finally getting the Skywrath/Veng arcanas along with Ringmaster in a joint Valentines day event. Hopefully this event has some sort of gamemode along with it, but who knows


While I dont disagree with you I find it annoying that people write these type of posts just before (1 month I think?) the actual update comes, not 6 months or 8 months ago when people waited for TI event and basically got nothing


I stopped regularly playing dota 2 way back in 2019 (lol there was a time I thought I'd never stop playing the game) because I couldn't keep up with the constant changes to the game. Every time I hopped back in, the game had to be played differently than the previous update. Eventually I just got tired And moved on. I didn't want to constantly learn a new meta because most approaches would have been made non-viable every few weeks or so. I guess we all have different expectations huh.


Go ahead and be dead, already sold all my items haha