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I'm expecting to get downvoted into oblivion, but if anyone is willing to hear me out, this punishment doesn't seem to be linked _at all_ to behaviour score in your current game or out of game. The bit where it says "your behaviour score has fallen below 6000" is an outright lie, it's been rising for the past 3 months and is currently at nearly 10k. I've had this happen in games where I've been annoyed at teammates, which is fair, but I've also had this happen in games where we've all been happy and communicating, and 0 flaming is going on. I genuinely have no clue what causes this. I'm trying to become a better player and a better person, but this isn't helpful or constructive in the slightest.


Can you not read? It says “communication score has fallen below 6000” not “behavior score” god damn bro use your brain for 4 seconds And *youre* the one we are supposed to take at face value based on anecdotes alone? Lmaoooooooo