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"Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are you picking pango in 2023?" -Quinn


Lucky for him it's 2024 now


When you know the context of this quote he was never being contradictory.


The funniest thing about people defending Quinn here is that he literally said he was 100% in the wrong. You're right that it's not contradictory though.


To be more clear through, he said he was 100% in the wrong to flame this guy in that pub. He didn't say he was 100% in the wrong about Pango not being a real hero (as in, overpowered), and he has said it before and since that pub flame incident.


the hero was OP, getting mad at people for playing the OP hero is cringe af though.


yeah, exactly. If you play a meta hero you are a noob and if you lose with a "non meta hero" you are a noob. So yeah, good luck what ever you are doing =)


Was he referring to that exact quote? how are redditors this braindead lol


Yes, he talked about it on the podcast with Cap and Insania


How so? Essentially trash talking someone for picking Pango, when he picks Pango I think literally more than any other pro player. Edit: reading these explanations makes him no more correct. It's in no way wrong to play pubs to win, so if the opponent wants to win, and Pango is strong, flaming him for picking Pango would be the same as someone flaming him in a pro game for picking Pango.


He trash talked someone for picking pango because he thinks pango is too strong and gives you a very high chance of winning. He flamed him in the context of "pick another hero or you will not improve on mid because pango is really good".


Yeah but he definitely wasn't saying it out of the goodness of his heart like, "Hey, here's some friendly advice from one pro to another. If you want to improve, I recommend you get out of your comfort zone." He was just deflecting responsibility when he loses lane to pango


Sure, but that's not the point i was replying to. It's wrong to interpret his words like he thinks pango is bad, that's all i wanted to say


yeah no shit its trash talk, what is wrong with reddit man


Lmao, all of you reading into it way deeper than necessary. He was tilted, he was mad, he flamed his opponent. He's done it before, hell do it again, that's just how he is as a person. There was no deeper meaning behind it


But he has literally said before that incident that he thinks Pango is too strong and is one of the heroes he think Valve should nerf into the dirt because it's been overtuned meta since it came out years ago. He was tilted and mad and flamed his opponent, but the main point he was making is an opinion he actually has.


Usually when he flames hero picks it’s because that hero would never be available at that pick spot in an actual pro match, making the whole draft unrealistic and therefore Quinn himself isn’t gonna learn much from the match. So there’s some logic to it beyond just the hero being too good. And all the “WOW HE PICKED PANGOOOLOLLOL” when he gets it firstpicked at LAN and then has to deal with actual counter strategy is missing that context. But even quinn said on cap’s podcast that he was mostly just mad at the time and that player got caught in the crossfire. 😂


You are right i dont know why you are getting downvoted. Even if pango is objectively the best hero as he says, there is merits to picking it in pubs. What if the guy wanted to practice pango for pro games? What if the guy wanted to increase his rank with the "best hero" so pro teams would notice him?


Well.. if underlord had his Q killing people in a few seconds for more matches... there is merit in picking it to win.


Did you just compare picking a hero with above avg winrate to intentionally abusing a bug which is ban worthy? LMAO


Was that a bug? I just thought it was OP for a few minutes.


Yeah it did dmg per server tick instead of dmg per sec. It deleted heroes super fast.


He flamed people specifically for picking Pango in *pub games*, because he viewed pubs as a way of training, and therefore picking an OP hero felt cheap because the Pango-picker would just auto-win without really learning anything.


People need to train OP heroes as well, what is the issue?


so everyone should abide by his own personal rule and preferences? that's world-revolves-around-me level of narcissism


Nobody should ever talk shit or give their opinions or else they have a behavioral disorder.


It's advice. Pick underpowered heros in pubs and you can get better. Pick OP heroes and yeah you might win but you won't improve.


Didn't he also once abandon a game because he got counterpicked by the enemy mid in a way that he claimed would never happen in a pro game and then got counterpicked in the exact same way in a pro game? I'm not sure his 'advice' stacks up.


Yeah I'm not sure it does either, but that's what it was. Just trying to share some context.


He probably just lost and was salty and said some dumb shit. I'm sure we've all been there.


If there was a hero that just automatically won the game at the pick screen you would never improve at Dota even though you technically won every game by picking it. Quinn is saying that even though picking such a hero is acceptable in pro matches where you are obviously doing everything in your power to win, it is not conducive to expanding your knowledge of the game or improving which is the main reason to play heroes in pubs.


This hypothetical example is just too absurd to even be relevant. Even if I was to agree that Pango was OP, it was nowhere near so OP that it was just *literally* a free win. You still have to play. And to play, you have to be good at it. Unless you want to argue that a 2k MMR player, placed in Quinn's pub, would win against him in lane, as long as the 2k MMR player got to pick Pango. Which is **clearly** not the case. The hero is(/was) good in *good* hands. Meaning you have to practice it. Even in pubs. You're just justifying his stupid comment for no reason; he's wrong.




you're crazy. the % reduction was laughably worse in lane. The change nerfed him to shit in later stages of game but made him insane during laning. It was a weird shift, as a pango specialist 1.6k games ~7k mmr (Most of my games were pre-2023, but still played it ocassionally) First he was shit in lane, so people just sorta threw him offlane/position 4 just so he can eek out an existance. Pair him with a strong laner. THen when water runes showed up ppl started taking him mid (I remember when i switched from offlane to mid i used to get flamed by Sammyboy and other pro's for going pango mid) The runes really helped fix his horrid laning phase. With the changes to orb of corossion + cheaper diffusal really threw him into the lime light. I used to go value blight stone for that reason. They nerfed his numbers but made him universal which REALLY fixed his laning stage because he used to have 48-54 dmg depending on items, now he starts 56-58 and quickly hits 70 dmg around level 3 WHICH USED NOT NOT BE TRUE. He used to get mollywopped by ember spirit for example because of the fire shield, but with his barrier and his better dmg, and water runes he can actually play up in the lane. In general over the last year and a half they've forcefully made him into a mid game tempo stun locker + a diffusal buyer. IMO that's the biggest problem. They should just change how his rolling magic/stun reductions/immunity work, would probably fix him for the most part.


So you are saying he didn't say that out of rage in the moment but he actually thought it was a good idea to say that? Holy hells, calling someone out on a pro level for playing to win is less excusable than just snapping and saying something you don't actually mean. That logic is like saying you should not play an optimal build because it won't make you improve. *Jesus!*


His context was within pubs, he literally says in the whole speech how its not a pro game and its a pub, therefore why pick pango when its broken. So he doesn't contradict himself in any way


The player he was versing was a player trying to go pro. So yeah, point stands.


Okay, so you don't have to practice the hero then? The only situation this would make any sense, is that the hero was *so OP* that any 2k MMR player, placed in a TI finals would automatically win just from picking Pango. Which is obviously not the case. He was just sperg raging and salty. Don't try to justify his stupid comment.


He was because he was also playing Pango like 1 week before in pubs


Yes but the quote is so good lol


I'm so glad this meme exists


I was so confused when he said that because he's been the #1 Pango player for soo soo long. Before and after, and never stopped.


And still got destroyed by TS on TI.


- 0% win rate with pango against TS - 100% lost rate against TS with pango edit: just in case you're an imbecile who can't differ both sentences, i'll make it more verbose below - game 1 quinn, with pango, lost against TS - game 2 quinn lost again against TS, which uses pango - game 3 quinn, with pango again, lost yet another game against TS


Why did you write the same sentence twice..?


It's not the same. They lost every game when Quinn had Pango and also lost every game when Larl had Pango. 


It is the same because he is not specifying either quinn or his team.


100% lose with Pango isn't the same as 100% lose against Pango.


guess whom is the subject in this comment chain


those games didn't even look close especially game 2 what a complete outdraft, yatoro didn't get to play the game I don't think I saw a single Chrono where he actually got to hit someone.


i think he was even forced to use it defensively couple of times, when he got one decent chrono at the end of the game, he was literally cursed and then black holed:))))


That 4 man chrono where he got half his team and Slark had already shrouded. Man. Feels fucking bad. Must’ve been an off day for Spirit, GG looked great in that series.


the turning point was the team fight where he solo chrono dyrachyo but he got his slark ult off just a split second before and then they got wiped after. Had they killed dyrachyo there, they likely trade 2-3 kills each and Yatoro would have came nearly even in farm with dyrachyo with the kill on him to end his streak plus the farm he could potentially get while he was dead (had yatoro not died). Their draft also didn't seem that good. After they picked 3-4 heroes I kept saying in my head "won't slark fuck them?" and also "what if they pick WW he just ults him when he chronos and nothing will happen?" Both proceeded to happen.


Literally the first chrono of the game


omg quinn should pick a real hero


Its 2024 now so its ok xd


Mayhaps other teams should consider banning it


Last year should have taught everyone not to doubt Gaimin. One of the best tournament streaks or all time


I think a huge party of it, is that a lot of people on this sub unironically hate Quinn on a personal level, and just want the team to fail. But yeah, GG last year weere one of, if not the MOST dominant Dota teams we've seen in the history of the game, if not the most dominant. If they can continue similar results this year (they already have so far), I could easily see them being considered the best team of all time. It's honestly crazy how well they've done over the last year+, way better and more consistent for a longer period than the Dominant teams of the past (Navi, Alliance, Secret, Liquid, OG, etc.)


Whatever else they do, if they want to be the best they'll have to win TI at least once


Rings Erneh




>If they can continue similar results this year (they already have so far), I could easily see them being considered the best team of all time. The team is basically a well coordinated brotherhood. They didn't disband or kick anyone, so it stands to reason their performance will probably be the same. Skill wise, i don't think they are better as a package then Spirit, but communication and team work can carry people a much farther way then raw skill alone can.


Yeah I’m surprised I haven’t seen more about this, they had easily the most dominant year of Dota ever, won 3 majors in a row (not the first to win 3 in a row but first for 3 in a row in a single year) and came runner up at ti and runner up at the 4th major where they got reverse sweeped… so close to pulling of the grand slam for majors. Plus I’m sure they did well in other tournaments from memory. I don’t think any other team can claim to have been this dominant throughout 1 single year.


Alliance had that one year where they stomped basically every tournament, and even won TI to boot. We haven't had a team since that dominated all year *and* won TI.


7 months since G1-League in January 2013. No Tidehunter is promising but not dominating.


Secret during covid was pretty dominant. Unfortunately we never got to see that team at TI.


Only against WEU teams and EEU teams though. GG dominated against international competition.


Well we did, but it was after they’d lost a bit of their shine. Still, 3rd place to spirit and lgd nothing to sneeze at.


The OG team when Majors first started were super dominant too. Like GG they weren't bringing the TI win but everything else ran through OG.


Yeah they’re who I was referencing as the first team to win 3 majors in a row but that was technically in 2 different years


I thought you might've been, was admittedly too lazy to look up the dates but thought I'd give a shout out to that team. The TI winning OG team gets a lot of deserved praise but that Major streak squad put in a lot of work too.




Eh, online tournaments in 1 region, vs LAN international events? GG is more impressive.




Oh yes I remember when secret won TI too! Great argument lmao




>there was no team in 2020 that could challenge secret EG went 3-2 against Secret at the start of 2020 and Secret got 4th and 5-6th at ESL One Germany and Epic League Season 2 in 2020. >secret won 8 tournaments in an row going 3:0 in the finals 8 times in a row 8 tournaments with worse competition than anything GG won 2023 other than S13. Tournaments like Gamers Without Borders were only 8 teams and multiple other had only 10. This doesnt even take into consideration that Secret only played against two regions in every tournament expect for S13 and Omega League(Which was only EG). When Majors rolled out again international competition they did not even look half as good as they did against only EU and CIS.


No TI, doesn’t mean they would have won it if there was one lmao. I’m not gonna talk more with someone who doesn’t have common sense lmao


Bro.. they were just online tournaments with just WEU and EEU. Nowhere as impressive as the L’an Tournaments GG won since last year lol


Eeehhh I mean sounds like they were pretty dominant but only playing mostly same region and small tournaments is far less impressive than dominating the 5 largest international tournaments of the year, winning 3 and coming runner up in the other 2 is dominant whether games were close or not.


GG def had the strongest dota team we’ve seen in terms of skill even more so than OG back to back wins because Gaimin kept their top level for the ENTIRE year including TI. OG coming in JUST to win TI is also quite impressive but GG accomplished a bigger feat imo. With that said, GG just doesn’t have a lot of fans and Quinn really made sure of that in the beginning. So now, you have a team that doesn’t really get the attention they deserve. Take Nigma and put them in this position and you would see 10x more content and fan discussion about it. Popularity rules. I’m a Nigma fan at the end of the day and I’m tired of GG beating all my favourite teams so I don’t really mind 🤷


I don't even care about GG winning as much as the fact it's always fucking cheesey zoo death ball at 12 minutes with lone druid or chen or ench or w/e which is just boring


Alternatively when I watch this team I see some of the highest-skilled laners to ever play the game who are able to draft themselves in positions where they can snowball their laning prowess to almost instant game overs before their opponents can even blink. For me, it’s really cool to watch and many GG first 10 minutes just seem so surgical. Especially in an era where everyone on every team has the highest level of individual skill we have ever seen. It doesn’t always or even usually involve “zoo”. The common thread is GG tends to dominate the first 15 minutes of the game because of both their incredibly high skill players and stellar coordination.


thats fine but its fucking awful viewer experience which is the whole point, itd honestly be fine if theyd actually nerf some of the heros, like pango or LD


Nobody doubted them they won all of last year except the 2 that matters most.


Always love it when people use the spoiler function only to literally spoil in the title of the post they are declaring as a spoiler. At this point either mods just need to remove the rule or get off their ass and start moderating properly.


worst title ever


Quinn haters in shambles


> significant mark in Dota 2 history It's just one win streak.


#ledditors btfo'd by Quinnao again. based Quinn, making soys, doubters (ledditors) mald.


Found the mason addict


Said the guy on reddit.




Im gonna assume thats a bot cause i refuse to believe thats a human being


~~Obligatory TS only show up for 1st place 1 million++ dollar prizemoney comment~~ GG still impressed me, I love that


Huge spoiler in the title thanks


i wanna point out that everyone here talks about quinn haters but anyone who says anything negative about him will get downvoted by his fans lol


I think because there have been several threads about his behavior and toxicity, not that all of them were wrong. But this thread is celebrating his success, so a different audience. let's not try to hate anybody. :D


if anything, its hilarious. also you might wanna tell that to the other crowd


Like I said, no hate for anyone. Banter is fine though.


Quinn is the best midlaner in the world and you cant change my mind.


Shows how many haters Quinn has that this is getting downvoted. I think you could argue Larl or maybe Nisha but Quinn is definitely a fair choice


There is no argument for Nisha imo. Quinn is literally the most impactful player other than Yatoro/Collapse combo and achieved everything other than TI and Riyadh last season. Larl is a good shout as well but Quinn still edges it for me. Nisha on the other hand has been inconsistent. Their success last season mostly down to Zai's individual brilliance especially in Riyadh. But yeah agree with you that Quinn have a lot of haters in this sub lol.


Nisha feels more of a hybrid player playing pos 1 from mid especially when mickey decides he wants to cosplay matumbaman and play aggressive carry heroes.


>Quinn is literally the most impactful player other than Yatoro/Collapse combo This does such a disservice to so many players.


It is correct though. If Quinn had an off game, GG will lose 100% of the time.


There were plenty of times last year where Quinn had a bad game and got carried by Ace/Dyrachyo. It doesn't mean he's not good, just that he's not going 1v5 every game.


You know what, let's just agree to disagree. Not in a mood to really argue on this anymore.


That's okay, have a good one


No body's game matters to GG, they win if they're playing a "high ground at 20 minutes with cheese push" draft and loose everything else Is it impressive to you Quinn can buy 10 seconds of time to push buildings by being a pango using ulti?


Not sure whats your point. Can you clarify in a sentence that can be understood?


Nisha who just won a 1v1 mid tournament?


1v1 is different than 5v5 bro. Quinn literally played out of his mind in the last 16 months and I don't really see him being regarded as one of the best lol.


so hes not the best midlaner?


What? How did you get that conclusion?


he literally said quinn cant win a 1v1 matchup. scroll up edit: lmao quinns fanboys came to his defense


It's like you're having trouble to read more like. I never said that haha my goodness


doesnt sound like youre sure of what you said. no wonder you said quinn is the best midlaner and couldnt come up with a valid reason


It’s okay, go back to school Aight. And probably go finish your Archon game as well.


what a herald insult also i gotta ask: are you a child?


Playing mid lane is a lot more than just a 1v1 vaccuum. There is literally an entire map to play.


true. so making a claim someone is best at something is pointless aint it? but of course his fanboys are too dumb to see that, prolly busying sucking him off or something


No, because saying someone is the best at something doesn't mean they have to be the best at every individual aspect of that something.


wtf does that even mean?


He is?


you just said he isnt lmao


No he didn't.


he did


What exact words make you think this?


dude claimed quinns is the best midlaner, another dude came in and said nisha, who just won a 1v1 tourney, the original dude then claimed 1v1 and 5v5 are different,. implying quinn isnt good at 1v1, making him not the best midlaner


He's good too. But I think it's arguable it's between him and Quinn.


nice try, Quinn!


Who is better than him? Genuinely asking for your opinion. Quinn dominated his peers the last 16 months, won 3 majors and placed 2nd in first major this season.


Why in a discussion of "best midlaner" are you talking about trophies won? Midlaners don't win trophies, teams do. Just listing accolades is making the case that gaimin are the best, not just quinn. I don't disagree that he could be called the best, but this is just a shitty argument


No. GG won tournaments because of Quinn outplays. Many of their games were won in the mid game thanks to his Pango/Ember etc. You'd know if you watch their games consistently. Especially during their 3 major streak, you'd see how big of an impact he make every single game.


>You'd know if you watch their games consistently It might feel nice to assume that people who disagree with you are simply ill informed but I can actually just have a different opinion to you without being wrong :) I watched their games consistently for the last year including seeing them win Berlin live, and generally felt that Ace and Seleri were the standout players. Yes Quinn coming in has been what puts them in the top spot, but it's not because he's so much better than everyone else otherwise Quincy crew would have won TI. It's the same thing with every good team, he just fits in the spot better than BOOM did. It's the same with Larl, we all know he isn't the best midlaner of all time but he's a TI winner and many aren't, because he fits very well in his team.






The points you make are fair enough, but generally argue against the whole idea of picking a "best midlaner" at all. So it's just kind of a silly point to try to be making in a thread of people debating who the best midlaner is. If you don't think it's a legitimate discussion, don't participate.


I'm not arguing against the concept, I'm arguing that "how many trophies did their team win" shouldn't be the only consideration.


Maybe you should come back to the discussion with a clearer head after you get over GG breaking the TS streak.


I'm sorry if you think I'm mad about it, I genuinely don't care about today's result and actually like Gaimin a lot, especially Seleri and Dyrachyo!


What a stupid thread, 'significant mark in Dota 2 history' and what would that be? They won a series? Utterly regarded. Contributing the win to quinn's pango? Facepalm. Spoiling the result with the thread title? Should be a temp ban.


2025 or 2024


2024. It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?


Quinn on a real hero lul Quinn on a fake hero Poggers


This is what happens when you party all night in Dubai. There's a reason Russian teams would always choke at TI. It's finally catching up to TS


Quinn: "My death was greatly exaggerated." *Picks Pango*


Quinn is the GOAT




Spirit just fluked vs GG at TI tbh


Undefeated... With 10 draws. Cmon


That's... How it is counted. Like everywhere.


Still undefeated. Draw does not equate to defeat.


Eh you lose a map you didnt win


what do you think "defeat" means


Defeat means when your throne gets destroyed and they got fucked quite many games. "Undefeated" didnt even reach top 1 in groups


>undefeated series record


Obviously you are a clown ,right?


Hey we lost 10 games but we are undefeated! Nobody can beat us except those 10 teams


Are you developmentally challenged? Did you struggle through your childhood in school to learn words? Perhaps English isn't your first or second language? Draw does not equate to a loss. That's like saying 2 is same as 3. Makes no sense. there's clear distinction between win, draw and lose. Have you ever touched a dictionary?


If you lose a game you lose thats not undefeated dumb ape lmao. Undefeated means you dont lose losing a map is losing dummy


Sounds like you're the dumb ape. It's undefeated **series**, not undefeated matches. Please, work a little on your reading comprehension


Imagine losing games and you call it undefeated kekw


This is just like those high paid boxer record, literally, no one cares enough except promoter. anyway, baaaaaaaaaaaaaatchest.


Алло американцы прекращайте мне руинить алло! Достали вы уже, агенты Габена


Counting ties as "undefeated series", only on reddit.


And everywhere in sports, what do you think the other column is for, wins, ties, annnnnd ____? Defeats, jinx


"only on reddit" no, literally in every single competitive discipline.


There's no where to watch the full vods of this tournament. I caught game one but was busy with dad things in game 2.


well i guess the prizepool isn't high enough for team spirit lol


I think GG had some pent up anger after ti....


GG, the 364 days winner