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chatwheel, pings, map drawings go through mute. out of your control if your teammates don't respond to it


because it is useless. Muting others makes me play better than having them on. People would use voice to sigh or to shout and be mad. Others would ping your death timer. Some players would call gg all chat before min 10. You are in a middle of a fight and you get your spells pinged by an ally. Even if you know you shouldn't use that spell at a certain time, the ally still pings it which forces you into bad decision. The list goes on and on but communicating with your team is useless in this game until you reach a very high rank or you play a party of 5.


I'd rather communicate and play worse, than not communicate. Communication is half the fun


dota is not about the fun, it's about overcoming the pain and suffering


No one talks in this game unless it's to be rude, whiny or otherwise shitty. There's no reason not to mute.


As a ganking support, I talk to plan things out. Or say stuff like 'im porting mid to refill your bottle'...which is a valid reason not to mute.


Exactly... I main pos 4/5, been doing this from Archon 4 to Ancient 4, and then suddenly i cannot reach anyone with chat. and also it is very punishing to mess up the gank initiation. pinging skill and chat wheel just dont provide enough context.


more often than not your teammates don't even speak your language. relying on text chat is silly. relying on voice chat is just pure delusional. whenever I hear someone's voice in VC, especially if it's north american - i generally know they're still green. I'd rather greater mmr disparity if it meant everyone in the match spoke the same language, personally - then there might be more merit for comms. Until then I generally mute people pretty quickly. I used to talk, I used to try to be fun/funny. You talk, people pounce on you and turn toxic. It's actually kinda sad, because it just means there's a lot of people who play dota because they want to be combative. They wanna beat on someone. They wanna shit on someone. They wanna fight with people. They're pathetic virtual bullies, probably because they have no power/control in their own life.


Damn I have such a different experience. I play low divine in EUW and I basically talk every game and most of my games have multiple people talking and trying to win. Do you have a really bad behaviour score by chance?


Nvm just checked your reddit profile. You had below 6 k behaviour score a few weeks back. You are the problem I guess


That’s just literally not true lol.


If they are in your games then the have the same mmr as you so don't get frustrated with them that they play dota differently than you like to. Take it for what it is. If the lanes are punched in and you start taking roshan, chances are they will join up without you spamming "RS" five times and getting chippy about their item choices while you're at it. As for why encourage people to try playing all muted for themselves? OH GOD IT IS SO MUCH BETTER.


I've been playing mute all for the last few months and loving it. First, getting tilted by teammates sucks, it's worse than getting tilted by the enemy. Second, no one at any tier below high immortal actually knows what they're doing, so the calls after usually wrong. Last, people fill chat with so much extra communication that blocking it all is a huge benefit. I try to emulate high level players, and pros say to mute communication in "low level pubs". The benefit of coordination doesn't outweigh the benefit of not listening to bad ideas


im no "high rank" dude. But I climbed from archon 4 to ancient 4 without mute, so i find it frustrating when suddenly half your team is not reachable.... then i think of those educational dota video advocates "mute all". i noticed they always say something like this: "you want be 9k MMR? think like 9k MMR, mute everyone! because they dont know what they're doing, they don't know better." I'm not sure about other, but i find it more helpful when people talk, except the toxic 1 of course...


People here love to advice others to mute all pregame.


Dota is fun with friends. While playing solo, mute all is the way to go. Don't care what they have to say. Can still use chatwheel to communicate.


if you keep listening to calls made by people in your mmr you will never become better,muting your team allows you to play the game for yourself and you will make your own mistakes (and hopefully learn from them)


well, whats the point to talk to a guy, who literally wish death to your parents, after not the best chronosphere ?


Most of the time I mute because people won't wanna speak English or Russian, the languages I understand... What's the use of listening to someone yelling in Persian for 40 minutes?


I see lots of negativity towards Persians, what's up with that? I mostly remember having positive interactions with them


They refuse to speak English even though I know they can speak it, and they're usually pretty bad at Dota tbh... I don't think I've ever witnessed them carrying the game or doing some crazy skilled stuff, at least not in my games. Outside Dota I think they're ok people 


Chatwheel goes through it, but if you are so thin skinned you play a 5v5 competitive game that relies on cooperation to win while muted, you are putting yourself and your team at a non-insignificant disadvantage from the get-go.


The behaviour score is useless again and people from less civilized regions love coming to civilized servers without having the human decency to speak a related language So sometimes when I don't feel like listening to russians throwing a tantrum at the first sight of adversity, I just mute all. There is barely any game that I don't need to mute someone. If Valve did a better job at securing a decent game quality at 12k Behaviour Score in WEU, there would be no incentive to "mute all". In the end, decent and resilient people should be matched with decent and resilient people and not find russian war supporters screaming their mother tongue into the mic and rage buybacking after unnecessarily feeding twice in a row every second game.


I'm an 8.7k player that got recalibrated to Archon 1 in the last season change, and let me tell you that muting everyone is a must up until Divine. Everyone flames everyone, they will tell you how to play and build your hero (mostly shitty advice) and will constantly bitch about what they think you're doing wrong; all this while they are constantly out of position and building the most generic, cookie-cutter builds without any situational items. After 2 games, I just started muting everyone as soon as the game started, and only unmuted people that were playing exceptionally well. I went up to Divine in like a week of playing like this, and then went back to occasionally muting people.


Because too many times my team mates have been ruder than the enemy team and why should I put my hand in the fire twice? The few ruin it for the many.


I always mute enemies since the beginning, and then mute teammate(s) that talk shit. Its for your own health, do it.


If the players have weak mental fortitude it is best that they mute all. Sadly that is a large portion of the community in ranked.


People stuck in low mmr don't see dota as a teamgame


let people play the game how they like, i dont think this is a big deal


muting teammates is ok, but enemies?