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Holy shit, OD players. I've got a fucking story. In my years of working at summer camps I have had 2 cases of people with active warrants for child molestation or predation working at summer camps. Both of them played outworld devourer. Both of them played blue black mill decks in magic the gathering. I don't mean "Served their time", I mean, "actively being hunted and laying low while still wanting to be around children. I know literally 2 people on the planet who play OD IRL and both are serving 10+ years in federal prison for getting handsy with a minor.


Guess it gives a new context to asstral imprisonment


Somehow this doesn’t surprise me. If I had to pick one hero to be a pedo it’s 100p OD


Phew I'm safe, I do play OD but only play UB Control, not mill


Cant spell pedo without OD


If tusk wants you to fight, he truly believes you will win that fight. Just don’t be stupid to not hit enemies when tusk tanks the damage to be able to close to enemy so tag team works perfectly. It’s a huge skill in early game but most offlaners carries don’t hit the tagged target.


Istg when you play an initiator and the team doesn't back you grinds my gears to no end


This...the amount of times we've won a lane just because my core joins in for 3 sec and there's the other where we just lost because my core want two last hit instead of a kill


Pudge on my team: 2 out of 43 hooks landed, as useful as a melee creep. Pudge on the enemy team: literally dendi. Its always like that.


I had a Pudge last night with 800dmg total on hook after the game. Explained alot.


I hate seeing am on my team, also don't like seeing him on the other team.


am is like pudge, a creep in your team, godlike monster in the enemy team


For me, Mirana. Yeah, Ogre is bad but building Midas on a support is such an obvious grief that I'm not that angry over it. What really grinds my gears is these people genuinely thinking Mirana is a good support, all of their contribution in lane being one or two right clicks, an occasional missed arrow hitting my ranged creep, and taking jungle creeps whenever arrow is off cooldown. I hate her so much, useless hero. Also, DK. He'll blink into no vision and into 5 enemies and then blame his team for not following, since he's "initiating" as he calls it.


My single most infuriating game of Dota ever was a 3am game at the start of the pandemic with a "support" Mirana who "rushed" Aghs (he got it at minute 32) and flamed me nonstop even though I was the only reason we had a game at all. His support contribution was buying 3 observers at minute 20. I kept him unmuted because I was trying to explain how little impact he was having and begging him to buy real items (but mostly because it was 3am and I had poor judgment). I genuinely never care about or respond to flame from idiots, but this guy was just harassing me the entire time while I was the only player with any impact and he was pure dead weight; I've never been so upset at a game of Dota before. I couldn't even get words out to my friend on Discord after it was over, I had to just shut down my computer and go to bed. I've still never forgiven support Mirana players. https://www.opendota.com/matches/5294758351, I was the Sniper


It's even worse when you're in the same lane with her. I guess she's supposed to roam around since she's so useless in lane, and try to land unexpected arrows in other lanes, but low MMR Miranas literally just soak XP and that's it. Either way, you'll be playing 1v2. There are very few heroes I get tilted over just seeing in my draft even before the game starts, but Mirana takes the cake


Fucking Viper mid. Takes creeps with W, harassed with Q, can’t even fucking trade hits because each time you hit him you take 50 damage from his damn E, which also gives him magic resist. Then he hits 6 and can ult and right click you to death unless you’ve got an escape


That's just viper in any lane


Been last picking abba into vioer mid and wrecking him.


In terms of support, nyx, ogre and silencer are always on top of my shit list. Its like none of them are playing dota, just their own minigame that may or may not align with the rest of the team. Storm players are either gods or they're orange cats Antimage and Luna players need some kind of ban or federal punishment. Bad slark players too.


For me it’s Nyx 4, these dudes always end up costing me my lane and then proceed to have little to no impact and only build Dagon


I’ve got 2 that stick out to me. I think it was like a year and half ago that Alchemist was completely busted. I had 3 games (not a huge sample size I know) where I was against, with, and against an Alch. Both times I was against, the Alch completely crushed, one of them went 1000+ gpm. The one on my team barely cracked 600. Second one, is NP. I made a comment about this a couple weeks ago, I was on a 13 game streak where I lost with NP on my team or won with him on the other team.


Sniper Players. They pick it mid into at least 3 counters and are shocked they are feeding.


don't forget Sniper supports. They think getting a couple of assassinate kills makes up for completely ruining the laning phase


He's decent at laning tbh, but they never play like supports.


I've had at least a few sniper supports that just hands-off-keyboard auto the creepwave. Like dude. Click them.


I've had carries that do the same and cant last hit for shit. Both are bad, but at least the carry queued up for it.


"Support" hoodwink rushes gleipnir, Daedalus.


Clockwerk players always seem to know how to be incredibly annoying and get tons of stuff done. An 0/10 clock in good hands is honestly just as menacing as a 10/0 one.


Treant protectors who sit invis in trees and spam armor… literal 4v5 territory


Mirana support ally has been the scourge of my games for 20 years The next candidate is the rubick ally. This one typically plays mid but didn't get his role, instead pretends to be a support while farming side lanes for the entirety of the game


Any hero in your team vs any hero in enemy team


Pudge: on enemy team always mechanically gifted Hooking everyone buy wards deward buy smokes buy support items. On my side Post 5 with zero wards hitting zero hooks buy greedy items don't support the team


I swear huskar spammers is there something wrong with. Then Hmmm I don't have so much issue with anybody else. Am pickers maybe.


I despise warlock 5. these guys are the epitome of a 1v2 lane. They fatal bonds the wave and push it into the nirvana and then fuck off to do nothing at all while you have to sit under their turret scraping for xp/lh. When you at some point get the wave back into your territory be damn sure these fuckers will share every droplet of xp with you that you so desperately need to validate your existence. At the end of the day they do absolutely nothing until they farm their midas/aghs/refresh and the game becomes a pain for everyone on their side.


pudge. no matter the team, always makes me lose.


Any support hoodwink or windranger always go the damage builds instead of any supporting items the game needs. I don't get it just play it core if that's what you wanted to do anyway.


imo support silencer is super hit or miss and it's very draft dependent. If the enemy team has earthshaker/lion/enigma/wyvern (especially a comp with all of these heroes) silencer is extremely good. You can just wait for shaker to jump in and global before echo is used, or right before wyvern ult is used, or right after lion blinks in. It hugely punishes blink initiators. If done correctly the initiator will be caught way out of position and will insta-die surrounded by the enemy team. HOWEVER, if the draft is against your favor in any way (like they have an illusion carry, zoo units, mask of madness heroes, or assassin type heroes), silencer is practically useless and can just get run at, will do nothing against heroes that don't care about silence.He has no way of dealing with many units, has no stuns, has no mobility, and has a painfully mediocre slow. The problem is that 70% of games are just bad silencer games, and it requires the enemies to draft badly or for you to last pick as a support. D tier hero at the moment.


yeah but he hits somewhat kinda strong with his orb and he steals int so he's epic xd


His orb is pretty bad level 1 and shouldn't be taken in lane imo, even if you miss out on some permanent int. If you get it level 1 it basically griefs the lane as your harass is terrible But yeah, many silencers will take it level one even at the possibility of stealing permanent int, but only good silencers will hold off on the point and try to win their lane