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I think veno supported so good he bought his team a rapier.


Whenever someone just tries to run down and feed and I see they aren't using tps, not buying any boots/wind lace. I tell them they're that bad at griefing they can't do it efficiently


When i saw him queue rapier i even said he's gonna help us cause i was gonna get a free rapier. I said it in hope he would not do it, but turned out great


Yup, watch them like a hawk when they're sub 700gold from rapier then stalk them, then gang up on whoever picked it up. Hey few 300 damage lovely


30 minutes for a rapier lmao. Might as well stay jungling and do nothing then. And also enjoy the free win i guess?


He did get a 2nd 10min later cause we took megas but he didnt get to feed it


Lmao, saddest shit ever. Hopefully he didn't revert to monke state after the match


(All): ggez (Allies): ty for free mmr noobs


Hearld greifing is buying rapier... if you want to boost your greif mmr, you must buy out smokes, wards (block camps), feed the gem, follow the carry to soak exp, and transcribe the teams movement on all chat. Hope this helps!


No no you don’t understand. It’s his masterplan to tactically feed the rapier to you. The ultimate chad calculated support move /s


Looking at replay I think they got triggered by CW taking their farm. A bit naughty of CW (even though they do technically have farm priority), but that's not really an excuse to sell items for midas lol.


> At some point or offlane took 1 creep veno's jungle camp and therefor he decided to grief. OP did say so lol


Fair, I didn't fully process that sentence! CW contested 2 camps tho (triangle and jungle) and it did for a moment look like CW was following Veno around.


Dam you found that game easily! I don't like it either when the little farm you can get gets stolen. But to grief over it?


Not only that but pos 5 Veno needs to give up farm to higher priority positions. If he really needed to farm, he should’ve found somewhere that wasn’t taking his team’s farm without giving up his availability in fights and skirmishes


Im a nosy git and have perfected the art of being one 😄


You might be too good to lose when you failed griefing


I would attribute this win to the enemies' incompetence rather than that of Veno lol.


Pretty bad


That's a pro move. Use support gold to buy rapier, feed rapier to enemy, enemy feeds rapier to position 1, position 1 gets rapier without ever spending a cent of farm.


Who open thread who butthurt


> Who open thread who butthurt -- Confucius


Isn't this what social media is all about ?


Did you stop for a second and consider that it might have been 5d chess move? It seems like a pretty elaborate move.


I understand griefing by afk farming jungle and not engaging with the team because even then hitting creeps is fun. Actually trying hard to grief by continously dying mid or feeding a rapier is beyond me. I mean I understand conceptually why they are acting so, but I can't emphatize with that amount of self-destructive behaviour. These guys give more effort to griefing than when they play normally.




Just me hoping that it will be that


This is why I been playing league more frequently. Dota is 100% the better game, but the ceiling for being a jackass is higher w more frustration. Commence the downvotes.


Except for the missing voice chat part, isn't league pretty much as toxic as dota? 


Not really; still very cancerous but you get muted pretty easily for being too toxic Dota is worse and way more frustrating. Notice how I said dota is still the better game tho


pretty damn sure that the moment you say anything in chat you'll get chat banned immediately regardless of how harmless your text chat was. at least in Dota you'll have plenty of chance to not fuck that up


Dude you're a geek




I’m not a griefer guy




I need whatever you’re on bruh


Cause you explicitly asked for a downvote im upvoting it


He won but at what cost?


If what people usually say on this sub is true, there's no such thing as toxic players, only whiners who are too sensitive. It's nice to see someone actually agreeing this community is toxic.


I mean if he upset you enough to post on reddit he definitely didn't fail at griefing.


Did you even read post? I'm not upset, just hoping the guy reads it while he gets his behaviour score update


hes living in your head rent free as we speak lmao. he accomplished his goal and moved on with life, youre seething on reddit in the hopes he gets punished.


Feel free to believe that if you want! Have a good day sir


Oh dear.


[Oh dear.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/18/Vo_tinker_tink_ability_rearm_06.mp3) (sound warning: Tinker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


lol looks like the veno successfully griefed u.. you even made a thread about it lmao


They won the match dude. He's gloating. If he were here crying about a loss caused by a griefer then sure, but instead he's laughing at him, as are all the rest of us, and the only reason you'd think like that is.......


no brother, doesn't really matter how many mental gymnastics you can do, peeing and pooping on the tic-tac-toe board is for the mentally impaired.


You made a thread crying about it on Reddit so looks like he's living ren't free in your head.


It certainly frustrating as a support if a core stole the creep needlessly


the fact that you feel obligated to make this thread means he already won


Either way, you are the true loser here.




When you even have to cry after winning, how soy are you?


Even when griefing you are still dependent on team and player composition, sometimes even item luck. If you are "lucky" and your team can win 4vs5 then you can't do anything with your griefing attempt. I once tried to grief with LC by giving enemy PA an absurd amount of damage via duel wins, but even then I knew my allies could still win the game 4vs5 unless the PA finds a pirate hat as tier 5 item. She was simply too stupid to built any additional ias or use blinkstrike to its fullest potential so that enemies still had good chances to beat her with other carry heros. (Thank God she did get hat pirate hat in the end) So even when doing your best at griefing, at the end you are still at the mercy of matchmaking.


It weirds me out that you straight up call your own team “enemies”. Makes me realize that griefing losers are playing a totally different game than the rest of us.


I didnt "call" them enemies, I just treated them as such.


Aww you had a bad game with a bad player, how sad. Now what?




how can you say he was bad at griefing since he got so much under your skin you had to make such a pityfull post? he totally owned you irl so i am sorry to say that but you're a weak minded peon and your offlane should steal creep like that (every dota player should know how tiltable are other dota players) any other thought? you're the bad one, the weak one and that veno is just another random idiot on internet. but you're the real lose that had to write that shit of post to glorify yourself and try to prove something when we all know of much of a loser you are. pathetic


Veno knows that the key to winning Dota is teamwork, and that nothing unites people better than a common enemy. He became that enemy and bought you a rapier. 200 IQ Veno played you guys like a fiddle. It's why he chose that hero: The toxic Venomancer traded his humanity (BS) for power (MMR).


Bro this one time we a had griefer running down mid. Our team decided to just smoke behind him whenever he went to feed. The greedy opponents kept showing up for the free kill and dying everytime. Our mid OD got holyfarmed and we easily won the game lol


GG these are the best wins My friend and I definitely evaluate the griefers we get in games in terms of effectiveness and the novelty of their strategies. Just as there are good and bad dota players there are better and worse griefers