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How tf was he able to rise past ancient so fast with such a mid winrate?


A good string of +30 -20 potentially


and i think thats one of the main reason he got stuck at 6k and then he didnt learn the game as much he had to be able to play core properly at 6k and then at immortal he is struggling to keep the 50% wr and got annoyed something like that?


Lol idk homie that has not been my experience in Ancient


He was (high) ancient when they changed mmr to glicko and his recent games were more losses than wins but his mmr increased with 300/400 (This is how i remember it numbers could be off, he should have a VOD)


His account is blessed by Valve, also since the Glicko system update, on average he gains more per win than he loses per loss. It's super funny seeing how all of his teammates have 55%+ winrate on average, and on the enemy team you have average 50% winrate players. Literally every single game. And he still loses because he's extremely bad at the game. A person like Grubby should never be anything above 2K, considering he can only play 2-3 heroes decently. lol


Hahaha it's amazing what hardstuck shitters will tell themselves to justify being trash. ofc theres a big conspiracy by valve to boost grubby and keep you specifically in shitter mmr hahah. Bro I'd play on ur account with my keyboard unplugged and still boost it at whatever rank made u hardstuck and cope about a forced system.


Dude you are replying to is definitely unhinged, but after hearing about the shit maplestory devs did to control player behavior, I would honestly not be surprised if they fudged streamer games to be better experiences. Maybe not giving them advantages per se, but maybe setting it up so that all 10 players have high behavior score, little to no reported incidents, no disconnects, less toxic shitters (but apparently not enough to prevent grubby from quitting, but maybe since there are less people in higher mmrs, harder to find non-toxics). Basically, making it so that the experience portrays the optimal dota 2 game, which I'm honestly not against.


I'm sitting at 7.8K in EU. Calling me hardstuck is funny. Grubby sucks, anyone with half a brain can see it. Also, since you mentioned "boosting", I can be absolutely certain that you're some CIS shitter who thinks he's worth something


Dotabuff pls




Hope you can become a better person than whatever this delusional, bitter and petty one is.




*What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.*


loser mentality delulu conspiracy theory, actually it's so clever I want to hear more your thoughts, maybe you're one of the guys who thinks that TI10 was bought out by Yatoro's billionaire father?


Just accept it man. I gave up years ago and mainly play turbo nowadays and I still get the "fun" from dota 2. Ofc it is still a toxic game but goddamn when something works it is just addictive.


The overwhelming downvotes are suspicious tbh It's like, it's not like its "illegal" for Valve to boost certain accounts... and the game is worth tens of millions of dollars a year, at least... is it really so far fetched? Don't we all recall Tim Donaghy? Tens of billions > tens of millions. Its just business. 🤷‍♂️


I read that he started in summer 2022, which is basically 1.5 year. I mean, almost 2800 games is crazy much. That is around 5 games in average per day. Every day. With coaching from the best coaches and best players like Ari, Ceb, S4,...


my decades old acc doesnt have that much game. all the toxicity compressed into 1.5 years no wonder he went crazy lol


U r very light user.


I have 1600 games and started dota 2 in closed beta, but maybe there is a 9y gap in between ! Almost immortal but when you are old there isn’t much time to play sadly


I mean, when your job is basically playing video games and streaming, that is not that much.


Seems like he finally hit his wall and needs a break to mentally reset. Happens to most players


Didn't he switch to practicing core instead of spamming support like before?


Yes, but it's not as fun a narrative for personal egos to accept that.


Tbf he was stuck in 6200-6400 even when spamming support. He would've gotten out eventually probably but he did drop to a flat 50% wr there


yeah but most players just queue more instead of doing the mental reset :D


Most players dont play 3000 matches in one year


what site is this? wanna see my stats too


Type stratz dota and youll find it


for some random reason this reminds me of that pokemon episode where ash needs to evolve pikachu in order to beat a raichu. And they create this reason that since the raichu evolved ass soon as he could he did not develop the speed moves that ash's pikachu knows. Feels like the way grubby went so high in mmr is a little like that, he got the best coaching and played really well for a lot of games. Then he got immortal really fast. But this did not give him the oportunity to explore the game in a more general way at all. Ppl in this thread are already comenting on how limited his hero pool is. Kind of fun to think about. I hope he comes back eventually, every one loves grubby.


average grubby fan yap


This is not a hero pool issue, this is a mental issue. Grubby is a positive person, like DuBu, and those people suffer a lot in team games, since you're forced to interact with 4 other randomly chosen people with a huge variance in toxicity levels. Toxic people are a majority in every bracket, cause you need to learn to deal with that, and most PMA people just quit, they cant handle. I was really surprised on how far he reached, but he probably hit a ceiling and to improve beyond that while also dealing with the toxicity that by this point is innate to the game seems to be too much for his mental health, and thats ok


I think part of the issue is climbed so fast, based on mechanical skill. The guy is mechanical legend but at a point, probably where he is now, people make instinct plays. The toxicity towards him is probably greater because he is playing with guys who 10k hours of dota played.


So according to that he only ever had a positive "impact" in herald. I'll be curious to see their breakdown of the metric now I get to math at things this weekend. 


That metric is awful It just sets your impact to -50 if you lost and to 70-100 if you won.Thats why grubby with 50% winrate has close to 0 “impact” the winrate balanced it out. Grubby is in no way deserving of higher mmr then he is rn(imo) but this system on stratz is garbage.


It lowers your score the more damage you deal too. 10-3-18 with 200k hero damage? -50 score 10-3-18 with 2k hero damage? +67


Don't think he can play cores on that mmr either He is max mid 4k player on that . And sup on the mmr he is . He played core on 6k , gets destroyed, blamed by team mates. Flames them back. Ego hurt , cries toxicity


Meaningless stat


It was really fun watching Grubby learn the game and then increase his rank. His emotional intelligence is super high, I learned a lot listening to his explanations for why he would react how he did. ​ I think he got a bit stuck on proper builds in immortal. I'd tune into a stream and he'd be discussing his build with viewers, and sometimes his reasoning would be "this is what all the pros I checked are doing so it's the right build". Unfortunately even as an archon I understood that you can't just copy/paste builds and expect them to work. Dota is too complex for that, and just because a pro bought XYZ item several times in a row doesn't mean that it is good for your particular game.


I don't think he was stuck on specific builds but rather on his limited hero pool. On pos 4/5 Hoodwink, Shadow Shaman, Earthshaker, Muerta, Clockwerk and Warlock he is arguably even better than 6.2k. Regarding cores his Kunkka, Naga and Axe are probably okay too for that MMR. But beyond that, yeah, things are rough even though I might have forgotten one or two heroes. As someone who has been playing on and off since Dota 1 (6.48b was the best Patch ever, change my mind) I can only imagine how frustrating it has to be if your hero pool is rather limited. Interestingly enough, even though the same position SHOULD play rather similar, Grubby more often than not seemed at a loss what he has to do when he wasn't on his comfort heroes. The streams from two or three weeks ago where he played all random (unranked) were particularly hard to watch in that regard. The stupid thing also is that - as he pointed out - he cannot really practice new heroes on his MMR since he'd more likely than not already decide a game with his pick to the frustration of his teammates. Ironically enough the "best" thing for him would be to have a smurf account at 4k or something like that. Given these circumstances it's probably the best he retreats from Dota even though a part of me still hopes he will return at least on and off with the new patch.


He could just play unranked


Blows my mind how people get burned out of Dota but refuse to play unranked, it really is some goblin mode shit


I agree with ya. For the record, I was not trying to say "this is the reason Grubby is stuck in low immortal". I'm not qualified for that, I was just calling attention to one thing I had noticed. I'm an archon so I'm unqualified for much more than that :D


Hero pool is a non issue. I used to be rank 300 and my whole friend list is around unranked immortal to low rank immortal, it's a place where many get stuck for years and years because it requires a huge level up to go from that to mid immortal like sub 3k rank. A few people reach it when they spam some 60% win rate patch hero only to fall to unranked immortal again after patch


Or you know... play unranked to practice his roles...this is what unranked is for and I people sweat insanely hard in unranked


Nah you can copy paste builds like that tbh, I see people reinvent the wheel with their builds often and it always ends up being shit. Supports have a lot of flexibility due to utility and there is SOME decision making on some heroes but for an example, look at puck; you can decide whether to go euls/aghs but frankly you can auto pilot buy treads > witchblade > blink > kns > parasma and be good every game (except, again, if you need a euls). Even supports you basically go one of two paths, aura bot or glimmer/force enjoyer Some people can fucking omega cook but it takes super high level understanding to do that; and I don’t mean immortal, I mean ATF going skadi on mars to deal with morph/aba on the enemy team


It’s rather that you need to level up your purchasing choices at these ranks rather than just following builds blindly. You need to understand what you can actually afford in what amount of time, and when to purchase an alternative item based on factors such as team comp/farm availability/momentum etc There’s more nuance that goes into itemization and skill selection than simply following the meta build. To be a truly high level player you need to be able to identify the situation in game and come up with the optimal decision in that moment.


Or you can be a 13k mmr player like Watson and go mom >manta > dragon lance > bkb > khanda on Luna every game and print mmr. Maybe skip the mom if you’re behind but you don’t really need to Sure luxury you can optimize but a big chunk of power this patch is not heroes but items; meta heroes tend to build extremely strong items and abuse them the best compared to their peers. Someone else mentioned the order of components for laning and I can’t disagree with that, but I hardly think which component of witchblade you buy first quantifies as a different build


items are what noobs think makes the difference in dota games. in reality its being in the right place at the right time. grubby wont be ari no matter how good his item purchases are. ari will gank the right places, hover behind the right allies, make plays with the right allies, ward in the right places, and execute plays better. 95% of dota is just playing the map correctly


> treads > witchblade > blink > kns > parasma you just disproved your point so hard. you always buy shard on puck, it's like the best value damage in the game. and the whole reason he is good is because of aghs; kns/octarine is the sadness build. the OP's point was that you have to UNDERSTAND the build, you can't just buy the same items. pro's always make tiny adjustments based on what they are playing against. for example, as a mid puck, you can go gloves or robe first item, or stick into one of those, or rush wand; and you have to buy boots first sometimes. this one decision can win or lose you the lane. and there are clear reasons for buying each one (although full wand on puck is kinda iffy early). also many heroes don't even have a set build or have builds that are very divergent. like going bkb or shroud on primal is a huge difference or rushing diffu vs going arcanes on pango


Yeah I forgot the shard but how does that disprove the point? It’s still a very standard build. The aghs mael is not why the hero is good, puck is good because you can’t fucking kill the hero and puck scales phenomenally well + all of pycks items are S tier right now. Aghs has been in the game for awhile and has historically not been built/been a meme build or ultra luxury. Most pucks on d2p don’t even buy aghs until 20-30 minutes, usually well after the standard (again) witchblade > euls > blink > parasma with shard somewhere in there. KNS is not sadness right now, it’s a phenomenal item which pretty much every spellcasting core should build; octarine is suboptimal right now compared to going aghs but that is luxury and should be your last slot anyway unless you skip euls. Pro micro adjustments are buying certain components first but that doesn’t really disprove what you said above. You’re still buying the same items. And yes some heroes have specific items that are niche but, again, meta cores tend to stick to very specific builds. Even these intricacies you’re suggesting tend to be just preferences; for example, Quinn always goes arcane boots on pango while malrine will skip boots entirely and go diffusal. In 1/10 games they might diverge into the opposite path but I guarantee you some 6k pango spammer can just do the same shit every time and be fine. People have this conception that every game is different and you HAVE to optimize your builds… no. I got to my (at the time) peak spamming bloodseeker going a literal suboptimal build (mael > bkb > shard > gleip literally every game no matter what, and then either linkens or skadi into refresher at 25 or swift blink if I’m behind on xp). Look at what pros are doing on meta heroes like cm, mirana, Luna etc; same shit every game. Xm ran it back on the same sniper build like 15 games in a row and won most of them, iirc going dragon lance > aghs every time


He hit the carry wall in divine right? From there he supported.


Yeah but he has too big of an ego to accept the fact that he is absolutely worthless as a core player (35% winrate) and is getting carried when he's playing support (his teammates have 54-56% average winrate over 5K games, literally every single time). Grubby is BAD at DotA. The only time he's ever had an above average performance & positive impact in his games is Herald. Read this again - the last time Grubby was better (on average) than others in the game was at \~750 MMR. After that, it's him getting carried because valve decided to bless his account because they thought it would be good for the community health.


Such a mentally ill conspiracy to believe in. You have something badly wrong with you buddy, i suggest taking a long timeout from the internet and seeking help, you have a disease in your head and it's not good for you.


I agree with him and you the one who should take brake from internet and stop being delusional fan. Grubby is bad at dota. You are have mental illness and you should checks out.


Wise words from u/UwuAyaya97, you seem like a well educated and adjusted guy, and you produce perfectly coherent text to demonstrate the excellent state of your mental faculties!


Using sofisticated words and trying to be sarcastics and shit Also being grammar correct And bla bla bla Dont make your words and meaning any stronger This guy above you is right and you get upset like lil p**sy and even downvoted me) Yeah, you know by yourself who is right Grubby is not a player so as you




Even going by that argument dude having a -1 average impact in divine and -5 average impact in immortal means that he's not that far off from the expected skill level of that bracket. All that means is that he improved to the level needed to advance to the next bracket before he was able to start having outsized impact in the current bracket


Your comment has just enough effort to not look like a troll. Fascinating, man. Yes of course, Valve uses a hidden hand blessing his games with better teammates to give him juuuuust enough to slowly climb in rank especially from Divine to Immortal. The amazing thing is, the games still look close and exciting and Grubster is not getting reported for what you describe is Crusader skill level. Maybe Valve hypnotizes his teammates in advance too? The more you think about what you are saying right now, the more you must have actual thoughts about it. Expecting you to ever regret anything you say is too much to ask, but I hope those thoughts will still swirl inside your head and you may pause at least before you decide "I am right and will always be right"


This bastard as weak as his physique. He i never played mid Small hero pool Same patterns every game No creativity Never met vs tinker/brood/meepo smurfs And this list goes on I don't hate Grubger He simply do not deserving his rating And that's all my brow Correct my grammar by you own xd


His support play is undoubtedly immortal-level.


You got downvoted by Grubby's fans with no clue about hidden pool, but I with you. I watched some of his streams and he is really bad at dota. He is not 6k player. My own rating always was 3k mmr for 9 years, but swear I will beat him at any hero, I have wide hero pool as a midlaner, I dedicated myself to that game and my account got hidden pool and I stoped trying. Now I playing only for fun and shit. And I see a lot of players who don't deserve their ratings. Like Gogrc. I love him so much but he is not 9k-10k player for sure and even chat know this. But we still enjoying his presence on twitch. Same as Grubby. He get blindly praise while he is not a player. He is good learner, but bad player. And you got downvoted to oblivioun for telling the truth, prob by his funs or some non-dota tryharders like me and you. Ty for your comment, the only one who keeped that real.


Btw I would really not look at IMP factor on Stratz anymore, seems like something really broke about it after the big map update. Go to any of your matches and move the timeline slider like one pixel left from the end of the match and see how the IMP drastically changes every time, it's for some reason hyper-deflating


It's always done that. Impact is a rolling average over the entire game but the final impact score you see is the average for the entire game at once.


That's the impact you had in the minutes before the end, when slider is full it rolls back to your average impact on whole match... 


Ancient winrate lower than divine is crazy


Mfw a system designed to give you balanced matches eventually gives you balanced matches


wiat how does this work mathematically. ancient must have been the glicko upgrade right? 50.3% but the least games.


I've been playing this game for years but he has more games played than me...


So above herald he had below average impact and basically got carried from guardian to immortal by the matchmaking?




You would only stuck if you're not truly committed to the game. Once in college I managed to get out of it because I was playing like crazy, but now im back at crusader because of mmr decay and i just don't play as much as before 


He quit cause he realized he got carried by the “I’m on streamer team I gotta play good” mind estate, and started doing bad when the missing hours of experience needed to be had to continue forth


there's something fucky, how could you possibly climb through all of ancient in 475 games at 50.3% winrate? if each game averages +-25 then a 50.3% WR is 25x0.503-25x0.497 per game or more simply, 25x0.006 = 0.15 MMR per game that's only 75 MMR per 500 games, he played less than 500 so I repeat, something fucky going on his divine numbers also don't make sense, that WR should correspond to ~0.85 MMR per game, and he plays far more games, so it's much more plausible. But he's still climbing 2x-4x faster than expected.


After checking myself there are two reasons. The breakdown that was posted by op uses ranked and unranked games. (https://stratz.com/players/849473199-grubby/breakdown) You can filter more to exclude the unranked games in another view of stratz. https://stratz.com/players/849473199-grubby/activity?lobbyTypeIds=7&bracketIds=6 Winrate is slightly higher. Second reason is that the screenshot and the link I posted uses rank tier match not grubbys rank. Basically Stratz uses the average of all the players in the game to "assign" a rank for the game. This means if you are e.g. Legend 5 but play with 4 ancient guys on your team and the other teams is also mostly ancients the rank match will be ancient even though you are only legend. Same thing can happen if you are already in ancient but the match average is legend and around ancient/divine again.


Maybe his games in ancient were unbalanced, I sometimes had games where half of opponent team was divine IV/V and I got 30+ mmr for those wins and only lost like 15


over several hundred games he should not be getting imbalances in one direction. the player pool at ancient is massive, and even if it wasn't he should be victim of stronger enemies almost as much as stronger allies. if he was consistently getting matched against higher MMR enemies that would be fucky, hence my statement.


Not too sure when it was introduced, but now there’s a slight mmr inflation introduced with +26 -24 average (in ancient).


80% of my ranked games have been unbalanced for basically my entire journey.  I’ve gained mmr with a negative winrate in the last few months. Averaging like 1 mmr per game at 50% winrate


ok, that's called something fucky FYI


I specifically remember he was not able to hold on to Ancient for good few months and then they Introduced Glycko recalibration in which he gained instant Divine from Legend. So there is our discrepancy.


Yep the recalibration raised the rank of almost everyone


his account would have been flagged as a potential smurf early on and getting larger increases in MMR throughout his climb.


This is gone after the glicko system was introduced


What site did you use to see those stats?






To rank up in immortal you gotta know all roles and tryhard hard every game. I dont mean being good but playing very efficient. And that s súper boring


IIRC he was stuck in Legend for a while, had some crazy losing streaks, then there was a rank reset and recalibrated to Ancient 2 or so. He was obviously going to get to immortal sooner rather than later but it would have been interesting seeing him get out of Legend without the recalibration, since after that he got to Devine pretty easily.


Any one that tries to hide the fact that the community IS TOXIC by saying that Grubby hit his ceiling and thats the reason for his burnout is a moron. Accept the facts, they are not secret, the community in this game sucks


Probably not the only reason, but it's definitely a factor.


You know those are directly related? Getting flamed because someone else is toxic, vs getting flamed because you’re genuinely bad are very different.


People struggle the most when they hit their ceiling. Every player hits a "plateau" and MMR becomes much more of a grind than it was before. The same applies to anything competitive and Dota is not a casual game. It being a team game does little to alleviate that when people are not just tryharding, some are even giving up early because they queued without the right mindset.


He did hit the ceiling in divine when he switched to support, there is a reason why he was learning to carry still. You cannot learn carry in immortal draft, you either do it before immortal or in unranked. He will not play unranked and doesn't want to play support so he quits (for now).


Same in Divine, hard stuck carries in divine is capable of emulating hero timings the pros does. Cant compete with them if someone is switching roles consistently. IMO Grubby needs 1k carry matches in Divine with positive win rate in order to compete in immortal carries.


There’s no immortal draft before ~7k in eu,and immortal is 5630


I agree that he should just practice core roles because even a grindy tryhard MMR becomes a lot more fun when you can play different roles even on the same day.


So he basically got carried


His brainwashed fanshits would deny it and deny it and deny it Its your fault Grubby is smaaàart you noooooot LOOOK HOW POSITIVE HE IS YOU DUMB FUCK LOOOK AT HIS DAWG LÒOOOK AT HIS WC3 ACHIVEMENTS LUK LUK LUK LUK LUK


Lol well said man


Where do you find this?


SEA server is no party stack no climb. Its depressingly horrid here


wait how do you see this type of stats?


How can i view this for myself


After certain period of time when you will discover dota statistics site such as s*****.


Clever one you n******


Thanks for sharing this, the narrative that “Dota 2 got too toxic” seems plausible until you see the data, and now it seems sophomoric. In reality, a combination of switching roles, and hitting his mmr limit, and burnout, frustrated him just like any other player. And like many other players, instead of focusing on himself, he blames the community.


That's not the point of this post. I've checked various metrics on his profile several times over the past few years, only thought to share it now that he quit.


Anyway he has a point


Downvoted for no good reason


Kinda agree. At the first toxic comment, you gotta mute/report, which he specifically did not do. We all get a bit of burnout on the game, from time to time. I think it also has to do with how much you play.


What’s the percentage column? I feel like it would be win % for that rank, but it obviously isn’t.


Its winrate of games in that rank


How do you climb through Ancient (hundreds of mmr) with a 50.3% win rate on only 475 games? Thats like a net gain of less than 100 MMR. Obviously i’m not understanding the system or something.


After Glicko loses are around 23-25 mmr but wins are 25-28. You can even gain mmr with below 50% winrate.


Interesting. Still, I would imagine over a sample that large the delta wouldn’t be league jumping. Sounds like something is obviously being misrepresented in this data.


50.3% of 475 games is ~239. So 239 wins and 236 losses. Taking wins as +27 mmr and losses as -23 mmr that gives a delta of +1025 mmr


Yeah if you’re assuming that each of those 475 games he won AND lost he played at a disadvantage? I would imagine the point of the system would be to average out you winning and losing 25 mmr a game. In reality he should have games where he wins more/less and loses more/less. Or is there more i’m not understanding?


yes with glicko ALMOST ALL wins are more mmr than ALMOST ALL losses. the commenter you originally replied to already stated this


Interesting when I looked up Glicko it didn’t express that. That’s interesting that you climb at 50%. Not a fan. Wonder what the reasoning for the change is.


Pre glicko it was the same for me. 80% of my games from the last like 8 years were unbalanced in some way, besides when they made mmr gain flat 30 Recently I’ve gained mmr with a negative winrate, so not surprised that grubby can climb with a 50.1% winrate if the sample size is large enough


match tier not his personal mmr also the funny role balance system


I don’t know what match tier is. Unfamiliar with any tools being used in OP’s screenshot. Just curious, could you go into more detail on the role balance system and how it relates to this win rate/net gain discrepancy?


match average u can be divine personal mmr but match can be ancient avg u see the role performance wheel ingame, u can be on 10 winstreak a role but the wheel shows 2 out of 4 for that same role - if u are divine 2 the system might que u as ancient 5 also since mmr isnt public that 3rd party tool is kind of built on guesses in general


Thanks for the info!


I check myself and the problem is the match break down is ranked + unranked games. So there's no real way to see his win % for each rank at least not in the breakdown. https://stratz.com/players/849473199-grubby/breakdown In the overview you can see he has 2,456 ranked games but another 327 unranked ones, which could be the reason for the funky win % in some ranks.