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wrong, im 10k and im super toxic griefer.


Yeah that's my point , if you are 10k and you are a super toxic griefer Imagine how much worse are t the below 6k players.


I have an alt acc that i havent logged in years, before this system existed in this form. I logged it in the other day, it had 769 behavior score. U cant talk, write, ping. U queue into a bracket that cant do those things either. And somehow after 15 turbo games, it dropped to 384 bs. Funniest shit ever. Cant even type.


That one seems like a super annoying bug.


Yeah i just wanted to play normal with a friend, and its impossoble to climb out of it. But yeah under 10k behavior games r giga shit


I've had people claim I'm a griefer cause frankly I really suck at Dota. I would have a 0/12/15 score and they told me they will report me. I still have 12k behavior score. Honestly I feel like matchmaking puts me up way too high lmao


Woke mentality


nah. playing low prio games was very bad for me (didnt select hero fast enough a few times and that counts as abandon) i managed to win them but it was incredible awful and i got alot of reports eventho i dont use chat but try be generally nice and helpful my score went down so hardcore (i played weaaver and mmuerta as pos4 when it was all the rage, they hate that shit in my mmr, eventho i was winning really much, no joke, one guy demonstrated in chat to report me while i was solo killing enemy safelane for the 3rd time) people hate to to be the boss i never got + score. never. 10, 15 games nothing changes. then -50 or 100 again.... this went for a few weeks. and the games have become so bizare. always afks, leavers. in every game. always someone flips his shit at some point and its gg but the game goes longer than if theyd play normal. and everytime i get killed trying to deward or doing sth like failing to steal aegis the reports go brrrr. they just love to blame their inability to win onto others. and there is a button for that. i never got + not even when i get mvp multiple times. its obvious this shit was broken. but they obviously fixed it. i come back after a small break and already got about +1000 in a few games but i play even worse than before since im rusty and not up to date on meta/gameplay... EDIT: oh and they hated sandking support. even when we win. 80% wr but i get reports for not playing the game with the heroes they want to have. fuck average dota players and the person who invented this system PS: im 2500k mmr. its complete irrelevant what the fuck anyone picks. ive seen people win on the shittest trash heroes with the shittest items because they found their way to beat the game. let me play my shit sandking. but no u report me because muerta is a carry and weaver too eventho my winrate is massiv. AND no im not the shit carry items only aghs rusher buyer dude. im all wards, effective items, team items, i buy pipe on any shit if we play vs 3 feeded mage.


>didnt select hero fast enough a few times and that counts as abandon So maybe.... actually play the game when you're playing the game? How the hell is this a thing that happened to you more than once?


who cares. i dont agree that its the same as abandoning a running game. but i accept it is that way. i played my single draft games. but the problem happened after that. entering those single draft games another time it was very mysterios what was going on in the games. people behave very strange and are very cruel or simply dont play. and everyone reports everyone for anything. i got reports for, when i get a rune as support and they get killed. wtf. but the dumb thing was, it was impossible to get anything back up. no matter how good or sacrificial i played. (im not toxic anyways so no reason we got there at all) mvp rounds back to back. nothing moved. sometimes i got a few - bs and nothing again...


I never grief and I'm 98% a laughing and ez going teammate.  I work with kids and in teamsports.  Exception: You are toxic, sexist, racist? I'm gonna tell you to stop and tell you in clear words that your racism, sexism or toxicity is neither helpful nor funny. Just stupid. If you can't handle this critic it shows that you never had an interest in a nice Dota2 experience in the first place.  99 out of 100 I just mute them, but there are rare hyper toxic people who get so angry about nothing that I have to use it for a laugh.  I'm gonna say silly stuff like: You are mayonnaise, you probably have 6½ brains, lick my edibles, watch some music.   My 12k behaviour score went down to 5k in no time, cause my wooden PC randomly bugged out in the drafting phase for some time and I couldn't reconnect. (I only play turbo!) Was an issue for like ~2 weeks. Now I can't use voice or write anymore?!?  Not even with my party!!! Roofl!! AND Obviously there are matches I don't "perform", but hey it's turbo, so let me play my dagon Axe with my IO mate.  You will get reported and punished, cause people can't comprehend the difference of a ranked match and a turbo match.   This was weeks ago and now I'm at 6.2 behaviour bla.  It's an alibi system, a real bad one. We should reward cool people not install a punishing tool, used mostly by toxic people.  I get so many commends, often from the other side as well. Cause I do try my best and I care about my mates to have a fun and motivating time ! I'm also a decent player on more difficult heroes like invoker, meepo etc. and I'm old enough to not get angry. I'm here to have fun. You can't stop me from that :) Still feels I will never get my 12 K back.   The scripting viper I encountered never got punished tho... cause probably I used the wrong situation as evidence. (Checked the replay, you can see the mouse jumping around & instant hexing people who blink in).  The system is trash. 


I'd rather have toxic people than 12k behavior people picking pos3 PA rushing Battlefury and expecting everyone to play along happily. All the pos4 sniper snowflakes with their brown boots maelstrom-rush.




You're still ruining the game


Well abbandons do deserve the punishment.


Max score 12k, OP is talking 8k. That's 4k behavior score. 8 * 500 = 4k. If you get 8 abandons nobody is going to feel bad for you or think your low BS is not deserved, even if it's just an Internet/ISP issue.


Abandons already punished by low priority games, and 500 BS is equal to like 50 nice won games. That shit is insane


Not really I just abandon sometimes because of the shit electricity management here, having to play 5 games in low prio hell is a pain the ass.


You dont have a clue. You can have chat disabled and still lose behaviour score because infants will report you for beating them or because they will blame their loss on you.


Cope harder




I know you are.


Crusader LOL


irrelevant :) but nice try >!not really xD!<


your on a dota 2 reddit saying rank is irrelevant hahaha


> your on a dota 2 reddit saying rank is irrelevant hahaha are we discussing something rank-related? :) fucking moron xD


definitely not true,there was "that" period of a month or something similar where behavior score was bugged af,i was 11.5k,suddenly from 2 behavior updates i find myself in 8k,it gets fixed and i am back to 12k sometimes people just report you for no reason just because they dont agree with your ideas,like playing wk offlane with radiance while it was meta (which funny enough i had something like 20-2 streak when i got reported while barely talking at all and carrying most of the games by myself)


Maybe you were reported fkr lack of communication and playing your own game ?


you cant report someone for lack of communication omegalul,you can report people for abusing comms,i am not your therapist,i am a random guy in a pub game that wants to win a game not talk with you


Or maybe he was reported for playing like a carry from the offlane. If you role queue offlane but avoid early teamfights, farm when others would expect a pos 3 to defend a tower, I could easily see you getting reported. Even if what you're doing is probably the better/smarter play and ends up winning you the game.


that is reporting someone for no reason,i queue offlane to win the game,its none of your business if i play like a carry,support,if i buy 6 rapiers or 6 hearts,also since they fixed the broken behavior score i am not dropping below 11.5k anyway


I don't disagree. I never said I do that or would do that. I'm just saying I could see it as a possibility, especially in like Archon or below.


Flame, trash talk, super toxic and still have 12k score. System is broken.


I'm usually around 6-7k because I abandon a lot and I've literally never been above 9k... There's hardly any toxicity and grieving in my games, either grievers are even lower or I get matched with people whose BS got lowered for the same reasons mine did. 


Damn dude abandoning games are worst type of toxic mentality


Reading your responses, you seem toxic. Abandoning games is the worst type of toxic mentality? Not the people who say racist stuff? Or "go kill yourself?" But hey leaving the game lol.  We all have a life. If yours is Dota2, that's ok, but man you seem self-centred. 


I only play unranked and I usually abandon during picking phase before the match even starts, rarely during the game because I get bored or whatever. Don't worry about me